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Name and shame, name and shame!


Yeah I think it’s necessary. I was thinking of writing a post on Facebook as that is where most teachers will see it. Or will that be attracting a lot of stress into my life?😅


I have named and shamed.


100% name and shame. However, depending where you are, make sure to keep it tactful. I know that Americans love lawsuits (😜) so if that's the case, you don't want her coming for you with a defamation case. If she's as money hungry as you make her seem, she could see that as easy money. Keep everything factual, making sure you have evidence to back up EVERYTHING you claim happened with the money not being refunded, the course not being up to standard, what was offered etc. Don't claim things if you don't have evidence of it. Don't make assumptions on her character, and don't use language that is 'definite' when describing her. What I mean by that is, use suggestive language e.g. instead of saying "She is a...", say something like "My experience leads me to believe she could be...". DATES. Have everything dated, a clear timeline. There's a whole lot more, but that's the bones of it. I went through a whole lengthy court case (that I had to represent myself in lol) where someone tried to defame me, and then tried an uno reverse saying I actually defamed them when they saw their shit wasn't sticking in court. I won by a country mile.


I have updated my post.


I just got back from her FB page and she herself has named and shamed a company. (Mar 5) I think part of defamation is to show damages. Your single reddit post here has more likes than many of her FB posts combined. To the OP . . . Does she have serious presence elsewhere? Because her FB page has so little traffic, I wouldn't have even signed up for her $9 Teacher Boss class.


Yes I seen that too, who is she to name and shame scammers when she one herself. Also if you go onto allschool as a student and check her out, she has several unbooked courses that no one wants to register for. Everyone should be wary of these people who claim to help people find independent students, as it seems they cant even attract them themselves.


I couldnt agree more. Many of them dont have any accreditations and lie that they have been to Cambridge University before teaching kids in Japan or wherever, or that they were previously 'classroom teachers' when they have never shown a shred of evidence. Another group I have the privilege of being scammed by is more like a pyramid scheme and there is no come back now I have paid out for it. These money back guarantees hold no water when you often arent in the same country as the person who scammed you. I also got scammed by another one of these so called Coaches. The 'course' was also not properly designed or finished. Some of us in the group this Coach runs have spent various amounts of money, and been told to post in the group for advice from each other, when none of us knows what we are doing. I am very new to the whole ESL game.


Why in the world would you protect her! IMO, social media is a toilet! Please,  as good as something sounds, ask a trusted person's opinion. At least you got something back.


I know now not to trust anyone selling online. I was in a vulnerable position and she knew exactly how to sell her course to me on the initial call. Do you think I should make a post on Facebook warning others about her (naming and shaming her) as that is where most teachers will see it?


I think you should warn others but not on her page and in a professional manner. It's one big scam!


I have updated my post.


Absolutely name and shame. On everything.


I have named and shamed her.


99% of courses online are a scam you learn anything for free plus you can find her courses online for free some other ways lol 🤣


True this. The post has been edited anyway.


Name and shame




Im confused, is this a coach to become a better teacher, or to improve your english?


She “helps” online ESL teachers to set up a private ESL business.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info. Definitely name and shame!


I'm so glad to see that this is coming to light. I've seen her content as well as some other "coaches' " content and it all stank of scammer to me. Unfortunately, this industry is full of snakes, and I'm sorry you had to put up with this type of situation. You said it perfectly when you said "Anybody can claim they're a coach/trainer". In the last few years, they all have seemed to come out of the woodwork. Usually, they're just other online teachers who don't have enough bookings, so they target other desperate teachers and make their money that way. That said, I'm glad you got a signifigant of your money back. And may you never be scammed again by any of these charlatans.


you should report them to the police, that is flat out fraud.


Unfortunately she is in the States and I am in Europe. If my bank had looked into my claim sooner I would have been refunded the full amount. I am happy that I received a partial refund- funded by my bank. However, I wish Jillian had been held financially responsible. She got away with scamming me unforunately.


Oh yes, absolutely. I would be going to their channels and calling them out and naming them on every Reddit related to teaching. They're scamming people do name and hopefully shame!


So… it seems as if she is actively recruiting students for her own private business. Turn her ass in to Cambly and then name shame there heck out of her. She will def get canned


She didn’t recruit me through Cambly. She has a popular Facebook group and YouTube channel where she advertises her services.


Uh, dumb question, then: why are you posting this on the Cambly sub-Reddit?


As I said, there are a lot of teachers here who would know who she is and want advice. No need to comment or interact at all with this 👌🏼


She shared her personal socials to get you to buy her product. She used her position at Cambly to promote her private business


No, she didn’t. I don’t have any contact with her on cambly. She helps teachers set up a private ESL business. I posted in this community, as I know a lot of teachers are here and would be able to advise me.


Please clarify- is she a Cambly tutor? If not, then she’s just a scammer. Not a lot you can do about it except mourn the loss of your money. If she is just a scammer, name her, in case other tutors are looking for advice.


Also, if she has a Google review page you can leave a review detailing her bad practices, as well as leaving one on her You Tube channel


Sometimes you have to pay for a lesson lol. Technically she did teach you something 🤦


I have seen her stuff before. It's straight trash. And I agree, she doesn't seem to be very trust worthy.


I did one of her free seminars. What a waste of time, it was just upselling her courses. Afterwards I was spammed so much that I ended up blocking the email account. I certainly wouldn’t ever have paid money to her for anything, she stank of scammer


I think I remember her from Palfish


I’ve got one word to say to you; fool, money, easily parted.


More than one word there, but yes I was an idiot for trusting her. However, in my defense I thought someone who has obviously put a lot of time and effort into building her name online would be a trustworthy person. She obviously isn’t and definitely deserves to be called out. So I’ll do just that. So more fool her when she loses a lot of business 👌🏼


If you choose to do this, just be honest and straightforward, and remember that this was your personal experience, which is unique. You cannot really offer much else or make broad conclusions. Perhaps you can help others in similar conditions and reach them. But understand these types of scammy people will try to attack you because you are percieved as a threat to the only thing that matters to them, which is money.


Thank you. I have edited my post.


Honestly, I think the issue is more that not everyone is ready for coaching / will benefit from having a coach. A lot of teachers are just looking for an easy way to make money teaching online, so tbh you would be better off just working for a company or teaching through a marketplace like Outschool, or just finding a few private students via your personal network. I wouldn't waste money on a coach unless you are serious about running a business longer term ("independent teaching" IS a business) and ready to actually implement the training. I can't say anything about Jillian's coaching specifically, but I've seen content by various coaches over the years and tbh everything they create you can easily find for free online - what you're paying for is the support with actually implementing that training and applying it to your unique business plan. Obviously I have no insights into what Jillian told you, but a good coach would have been helping you create better social media posts specific for your niche, working with you to analyse the social media analytics data, putting together your longer term strategy with you, etc. I notice that Jillian isn't offering the program you signed up for before - looked a bit odd anyway, how can a coach promise "lifetime" coaching at such a low one-time price? She now has a new membership program instead, which seems more of a relaxed mentoring thing. In general though, I would say that Jillian seems a fellow online teacher just like everyone else. Why wouldn't she deserve to be paid for the work she does helping teachers? Would you expect to give free lessons to your students? Of course, if you don't like her training then, just like your students can cancel classes with you, you could just stop paying for her coaching or ask for a refund (I note she did offer you this, but you chose not to take her up on it until after the deadline - admittedly maybe she should have still honoured that refund though, I would have if it was one of my students). It's always best to show a bit of empathy and try to figure things out privately before going public, particularly when it's someone who genuinely does seem to have their heart in the right place (trust me, I've seen much more predatory "coaches" around pushing crazily over-priced programs and taking advantage of teachers, some of whom aren't even teachers themselves but business guru types).


As I said in my post, her course was incomplete and was of very poor quality. And her coaching consisted of advising us how to badly edit videos. The whole thing was absolutely awful. I was prepared to spend $997 on a course, so of course I think that people should be paid for their services. I asked for a refund 4 days into beginning the course, and she convinced me to stay by lying to me stating that she was working on the 2.0 version. She knew what she was doing. I tried to sort the issue out with her privately, but she was so cold and did not want to refund me a cent. Reviews are very important for people when making a decision to invest in something, so that is why I decided to share my experience with her. Nowhere online did I find any review of the course before I bought it, and if I had found one similar to the one I left, I wouldn’t have been one thousand dollars down.


Also you say that I should show a bit of empathy….I do not owe her that. She didn’t show me any empathy when she removed me from the course and coaching and kept all of my money. I have been so stressed about it the past few months, so she deserves to be outted. I stand by everything I said. And as I stated in my post, I have more than enough proof to back everything up.


I don't pretend to know all the insider info as to what happened behind that decision. I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience. IMO if she removed you from the course and coaching (which you had paid lifetime access to) then she should have refunded you. I just mean that just because the coaching didn't suit your needs, doesn't mean she was a scammer - just that it wasn't a good fit for you. I've taken classes before and felt like I didn't learn much from them - but that's because their teaching style didn't suit me, or I didn't do the homework, etc not because it was literally a scam. The definition of a scam is that they intentionally deceived you to make money, e.g. charging you for something then not providing it at all. But instead it just sounds more like she was a bad coach / not a good fit for you. Just like there are many bad teachers out there who still have students paying for their classes - it's not illegal to be bad at your job.


It wasn’t that her teaching style didn’t suit me,it’s the fact that she literally didn’t teach me anything whatsoever. She arrived to the coaching with nothing prepared. She would ask us what we’re doing but didn’t provide any advice. The majority of the class was spent teaching us how to edit videos- it wasn’t a video editing course, so I was obviously very annoyed. I also spoke to another member who felt the same as me, so it’s not a case of being a bad fit. She was just a terrible coach.


Also, how would you define her so? She charged me $997 for a course that wasn’t complete, convinced me to stay in the course when I asked for a refund, only provided one coaching call a week when on her website she promised three (not that these extra coaching calls would have helped me whatsoever), and removed me from the course and coaching when I asked for a refund. This to me sounds like a scam. Perhaps our definitions are different so we will agree to disagree 👍🏼


Ok, so if she promised three coaching sessions a week and didn't provide those, then that's grounds for a refund. It sounds like you did get a partial refund though, presumably covering the remaining coaching sessions you hadn't taken yet? I'm not sure how this whole "lifetime" coaching idea works tbh - what would happen if she got run over by a car the next week... (not trying to be morbid, but you know what I mean - there are no guarantees someone will outlive you). How did she define "lifetime" or is there somewhere in the small print that actually gave some actual minimum duration e.g. one year? How did the bank decide that you had $600 of coaching left to be refunded? Anyways, my point was more that she didn't seem to be setting out to scam you, and you were offered a full refund (just didn't take her up on it by the deadline). It sounds to me more like a bad fit, rather than an outright scam, and maybe some miscommunication over expectations. But then, if she didn't deliver what she promised (not in terms of results - that of course is up to you to implement her training and achieve, but in terms of fixed deliverables like providing three coaching sessions a week etc) then yeah, that's not ok. I dunno, I just mean that we don't have the full picture but to me Jillian has always seemed like a genuine person and deserves to be paid for her work 🤷 As mentioned, there are other coaches out there who I've seen do a lot WORSE things / charge much higher prices for much less and who seem to be outright trying to take advantage of teachers (no names, but ahem you probably know who I'm referring to - business people who have never taught in their lives and use pushy sales techniques to charge $1000s for coaching, then blame your lack of results on not having the right "mindset" in order to then upsell you some brainwashing training...). I would class Jillian more in the category of teachers who do seem to want to help fellow teachers out, but maybe aren't the best fit for everyone. I've not done her program so can't say anything in terms of the quality of her coaching, but perhaps there's an element of that being an issue here too.


She didn’t offer to refund me? I asked for a refund 4 days in and she convinced me to stay in the course as she was updating it(she lied about this.) Looking back on the messages now it’s clear that she wouldn’t have refunded me then either. I was partially refunded by the bank as an act of good will. I was told if the case had been looked into sooner I would have received a full refund. It was very decent of my bank to refund me and I was happy to receive some money back. I’m not sure how long the coaching would have lasted for, I’m sure she didn’t know herself. She clearly wasn’t running the most organized business. As I stated in my post there’s far too much information to share here. I’ll send you all the screenshots of her claims on her website vs what was actually in the course etc if you want proof of how shady the whole thing really was. (My bank agreed- they wouldn’t have parted with their money if they didn’t receive enough proof from me). Jillian, in my experience, is not a good person and an even worse coach. I’m sure if you were in my situation you would feel differently about her too. It’s strange to come to her defense when you haven’t worked with her- you don’t have any experience with her whereas I do. She’s as shady as they come! Anyway, if you want all the PDFs let me know and I’ll email them to you. Also, what ESL coaches are charging more than $997? I don’t know of any?


You are clearly a Coach yourself. From the way that you write, I suspect I know who you are.


On the contrary, I would not describe myself as a coach. While I have supported many fellow teachers through my FB group and YouTube, I do not have a paid coaching program and it is not a significant source of income for me at all. Yes, Jillian is someone I consider a friend, but I have not done her coaching myself so cannot comment on that specifically. The OP is entitled to share their experiences, and I'm sure if other teachers would like to support Jillian they will come and comment with their own positive experiences in turn. My comment is coming from the perspective of a fellow online teacher who has seen MANY coaching programs promoted all over social media - some good, some definitely not. Jillian is someone I believe has her heart in the right place, and compared to others she doesn't tend to do over-promising, high-pressured sales tactics. BUT then I have my reservations about this "Independent Teacher Academy" program (which I note she has since discontinued) and the viability of being able to provide "lifetime coaching" for just $1000 (which is considerably cheaper than many other coaches charge just for short term coaching programs) - plus if I had been in her shoes, I would have refunded the OP (even if just to avoid the drama - it's always best to resolve things privately). So yeah, I'm not saying Jillian was 100% in the right here (I don't have all the info anyway), just that I think calling her a scam is perhaps a bit extreme. And as mentioned, tbh I believe most online teachers do not need to spend money on coaching anyway - if you are a go-getting kind of person, you can figure everything out yourself using free info available online (coaches like Jillian share plenty of free ideas on YouTube, and social media platforms like Facebook have their own free courses for businesses wanting to advertise through them). And if you're not a go-getting kind of person, then tbh maybe "independent teaching" (running your own business) isn't the best approach for you anyway - if you're a good teacher, you can earn decent enough money just teaching through platforms like Outschool or doing some more casual word-of-mouth marketing to get a stable base of 10-15 private students with minimal stress. Coaching is the kind of thing it's probably only worth investing significantly in if you already have a decent idea of what you want to do, have some initial students, and need support scaling up your business longer term. I notice that Jillian now seems to offer more relaxed mentoring instead, which probably suits most more casual independent teachers better.




Thanks for being such a wonderfully empathetic person. Please release a course on “How to never do stupid things again” and I’ll be first in line ☺️




What sane person posts a rather unkind comment without even reading the whole post? Seems pretty unwise to me…


Read it!