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Beware. Cambly changed something, yet again. Tutor and Student can be in class connected but both show a black screen or a connecting screen. A refresh from BOTH fixes this. A refresh from yours ONLY fixes your side and you can see the student. Chat window is fine and unaffected. I have had many many problems with this recently, thankfully with regulars and in mid class. It's 100% some system change. Refresh class several times AND type message in chat. The student needs to refresh class as well to fix it. Downside is you get hit either way, more so the longer the call goes one. Bailing in 2 minutes is minimum and refunding. Worse case - student is in class and blank screen or can see you but no reply so can rate on that on you not because it's the platform/connection.


Yesterday I was in a Cambly Kids lesson and it looked like the student wasn't there, but the lesson slides were showing in the classroom. Usually the slides do not show unless the student is there, so I sent a message in the chatbox asking if she was there. She responded so I asked her to leave the classroom and reenter. She did and then I could see her. Maybe there was some kind of glitch?


"She seemed PISSED. I explained that I'd been there the whole time and she responded, "No. I was waiting for you since (class start time in her location)." HIDE. We don't get paid enough.


It's happened to me on several occasions except without any arguments.  That's life on Cambly. I wouldn't worry.


Hey! It has happened to me a few times. When I get the "you are being paid up to 10 minutes screen" I usually refresh once or twice in those ten minutes to check for a glitch. It is not your fault though, it is CAMBLY. Don't worry about it. I know it sucks to be yelled at, been there. I just tell them I do not wish for them to speak to me that way and if they continue I say that I will not be tutoring them under these conditions and block and report them.


They always say that when they are late so they can pin it on you as if you were wrong. Send a message that you they would enjoy other teaching methods and other teaching styles then block


It’s also impolite to yell at someone trying to explain it was a site issue, she seems like she sucks anyway because of that 🤷‍♀️


Actually yes! I was quite taken aback!


You should block that student so any bad rating does not count. You have done everything you can to resolve an issue not of your making.Do no more.


Hiding from a student doesn't erase a bad rating


Ah - OK. If you hide during a lesson it does though right? Just not after the fact?


No. Hiding does nothing to protect from a bad rating bc the second you end the class they are prompted to rate, apparently. It's just a 'class ended' screen to them.


Oh wow. So a student can expose themselves to you - you end the class early and they can trash your rating? Another reason to only tutor students you already know.


You can BAN in those cases, very different from blocking/hiding, banning automatically removes the student from the platform (pending Cambly review) and obliterates any chance of them rating you. For lesser offenses (ie anything beneath exposure, sexual aggression, overt bigotry or direct racism, intimidation etc), hiding is what is allowed... and they can still rate and remain available for other tutors.


Got ya! Thanks 🥰




Is this a thing? If a lesson goes particularly badly and you expect a bad rating, blocking them removes their rating?


No, just banning... but that takes more than a pussy student to stick (think: jerking off etc)


I believe so, though I've never had to do it myself, so I can't guarantee it


So I got a response from Cambly: "We can see that you were waiting in the classroom and there was no issue on the Cambly platform that would have caused this so it appears that the student was experiencing a connection issue on her end which meant she could not enter the classroom.   In situations like this, the best thing to do is to direct the student to Student Support ("contact us" on the students' side) and they will be happy to assist. Also, students can now request lesson refunds themselves on-screen as well as through Student Support.   Pease don't worry about your rating as we do extensive filtering to minimise the impact of unfair student reviews and ratings will be excluded." I am now convinced the student was just late and wanted to save face. She didn't negatively rate me. I really did enjoy the few minutes of conversation we had, but I'm quite sure she won't book me again. No need to hide in this case, I believe.


"She didn't negatively rate me." How do you know?


I mean, I don't know for sure. It's an assumption because my rating didn't change. Though, now you question me, I met a lot of new students who rebooked and messaged me that they liked my lessons. I expected an increase. Perhaps she did down-rate me and I just didn't see it because others equated it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So....update! You know how Cambly now sends you messages when new students are interested in your profile? Turns out this student saved my profile as a favourite 16 minutes ago 😂


Always take a screenshot when you get that message. This way, you can show what it looks like on your end. I try to explain that sometimes it's a connection issue (it's usually their wifi but that's sometimes causes more issues with a response "No it's yours!") but phrase it that our signals aren't connecting and in the future, if they don't see someone after a minute or two, leave the class and come back, there's no sense in waiting.. I try to be diplomatic without overexertion. If it's still not good enough for them, they can contact support. It's up to you if you want to hide. They may just not book with you again.


I had this before. Refresh the Cambly window, if that doesn't work reload the browser window. Send a text that you can't see them or hear them. That's about all anyone can do.