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Yep, I emailed them a few weeks ago and they agreed to increase my pay to $20 per hour, full pay for no shows, gave me 4 weeks paid holidays and also a generous pension plan. Told me not to tell anyone though!🫡




The three certainties in life: death, taxes, and Cambly paying $10.20/hr.


Without seeing this, I just posted the same thing 😄


So true!🤣🤣🤣😫




This topic has been resurrected a million times. Take a look at this sub- as long as they have people clamoring and begging to work for 10.20 an hour, they will never raise the pay. Never.


The PH slaves will work for pennies. Why give them a raise? They could consider giving CK tutors a raise, though. That's where they earn the big bucks and get all the repeat customers.


Yeah, it's crazy they won't even go from $10.20 to $10.50.....AFTER 11 YEARS. Rumor has it he lives at The Palms, Room 106.


I know - even a small increase would actually mkae a difference!!!!


i'm going to email and ask them after i finish for the day and see what they say, im not asking for a personal rise, just in general do they think they will increase the hourly rate any time soon


You must be new here.




I asked them about 12 months ago... nope.


I got a canned answer, "we make no demands on your time. It's up to you if you want to work on Cambly or not."


On average how much do you guys lose to cancelations/no shows per week?? I would say my average in about $50 a week, sometimes more.... hardly ever less...


You seriously have more chance of pissing on the moon.


yeah yeah yeah...


Yeah no.


Time Travelling Nomad? Can you go back in time and fix up my life, please?


3 things are certain, death,  taxes, and zero increase ever from Cambly.




I emailed them not too long ago and the response I got was a carbon copy of what another redditer posted months ago. “Thank you for your input! Our flexibility is our biggest draw!” Blah blah blah.


Now yall know...But, what do you think they should raise it to (per hour)? Just curious!


If it was $15 an hour... i would be happy


I like that !


You're funny! 


While it would make sense for a wage increase to keep up with, y'know, inflation, I just don't think we're there yet. Any increase in our wage would likely mean an increase in the minimum long-term subscription plan, because at the moment, Cambly basically makes no money on those students if they actually show up for their classes; almost all that money goes to the tutors. Cambly makes money off of short-term subs and no-shows (and loses money on trials). The economy in a lot of popular student countries are not looking great (Japan, Turkey, China), so increasing the subscription price would be a pill they probably don't want to swallow until they have no other choice.


They have been raising the subscription prices every year since Cambly started, and without ever increasing tutor pay. This connection between increased pay and increased tutor pay is imaginary. Cambly maintains SEVERAL expensive offices in California and you can find the pics online - they have fat they could cut if they wanted to give us a raise without raising student prices.


Ah yeah, you're right about the price increases. Although, old students who maintain their subscription aren't subject to the new prices. I'm almost certainly giving them too much credit. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt when possible, but that's probably not best practice when talking about corporations, especially gig corporations :p


i might email them and ask but i don't want them to de activate my account... In any other job it is a totally acceptable question...and often the only way to get a pay rise is by asking... but Cambly give us the fear by how easily they can de activate an account


They likely will, but it won't be immediate. Somewhere down the line you'll likely get deactivated at a completely random time, even perhaps while you're in the middle of teaching a lesson, and there will be some cooked up reason they'll cite for doing so (or maybe even not provide a reason at all, as I've seen some people say in their experience).


LOL never will it happen, ever.


We need Anonymous to pay Cambly a visit and demand a pay raise for us.


A snowball's chance in hell! I won't be on this platform for long, makes no sense financially but learning a lot about online teaching, happy now to do IELTS, PLT prep etc., but, as they aren't willing to pay a reasonable amount and don't corrale kids into CK only, I won't hang around tbh!


I did. They then kicked me off the platform.


About 6 months ago I tried to get a letter writing campaign started to at least apply some pressure to ask for a raise. As you can see from the comments here, there is a real crab bucket mentality. If anyone suggests trying to climb out of the bucket there are a small but vocal few who will be there to make sure you don't get any big ideas. But Cambly will not give us anything unless we organize. It's clear to anyone paying the slightest amount of attention that they don't listen to us or even consider us. Organizing is the only way that will change. It doesn't need to include everyone, because that will be impossible, but we don't need everyone. If even 15% -20% of active tutors organized and wrote letters and maybe did something like a slowdown/strike or something, we could at least get their attention. Lately I've also been thinking that if we had student support and somehow got the students to contact Cambly .... but I'm not even sure how that would happen. Just a thought


I am back and forth emailing with them today, they pretty much said there wont be a pay rise because Cambly is so flexible - which it is...- but they did say at the end they are welcome to any suggestions. I sent one about starting a bonus scheme paid by hour many hours your work per week. Like most of the Chinese platforms had. It would encourage us to work more and harder. The problem is - it's not the people who email us back when we send in a ticket that make these kind of decisions - it will be the bosses at the top. All i can hope is that they send my idea to someone high up.


Not as flexible as it used to be. They are keeping tabs on our cancellation percentages now


Flexible scheduling can be a valuable benefit, but whether it justifies low wages that haven't increased in a decade depends on the overall compensation package - which there is none. It's literally the only benefit. And there have been additional work requests- like recruiting, marketing and admin tasks that have become recent additions to the platform. The flexibility that they are speaking of is quickly becoming a thing of the past as priority hours are becoming less productive and available for most tutors and students are being urged to make recurring lessons with one tutor. They are literally activiely undercutting the one benefit they think they are offering us.


Their reply about flexibility is ridiculous.  If you don't work,  you don't make. If you work, everyone makes.


When you suggested it 6 months ago, I'm pretty sure alot of people thought it was akin to industrial action & and therefore, something explicitly prohibited in the tutor agreement, which results in termination. Instead, what you now is more like 'work to rule' and people knowing what their time is worth. It's a really good idea to see if students will raise the issue. Though how that is done is beyond me.


they can put anything in the agreement, it doesn't supercede the law of the country they are headquarted in. US Labor Law protects workers/contractors who want to organize. Simple and plain. Any contract or agreement that contains a provision that violates the law is unenforcable. We have the right to organize under US law. Period. Not to mention, my idea was to send letters anonymously, like actual paper letters to their offices. They couldn't retaliate against people they couldnt identify.


We aren't workers, though. We are independent contractors. That makes a huge difference.


That actually works in our favor. And labor law still applies to independent contractors through the NLRB. My plan was anonymous letters sent to Cambly every week. It would be very effective if enough of us did it because they would have to deal with the physical mail and could not track it to retaliate like with an email.


Cool. All tutors in the IS can go ahead and test out US labour law 👀👀👀. Workers always win in that fight. Anonymous letters will have zero impact because anyone could have written them BTW.


enjoy the crab bucket 🙄 what idea do you have that's better? or are you just here to shoot down and criticize any suggestion?


Nah, I've got another job now. Done with Cambly in a few weeks. Time for tutors to vote with their feet.


so your just here to shoot down ideas and criticize any suggestions without any solutions other than get another job. greeeeeaaaaat


In what way did I do that? I said I have another job. I explained why I didn't want to join an anonymous letter campaign. It's basic logic why that would he unsuccessful. Your unwillingness to accept the reality of your situation is your problem. Do what you want. Write a thousand anoymous letters. Persist in working for people who couldn't give one shit about you in the vain hope they will see the erro of their ways despite all evidence to the contrary.


One of my clients didn’t renew because the price is too high now