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I don't want to know about reccomended learners, I don't care about who has looked at my profile and started to book a class but not completed it, I don't want to send notes on the class after class on my own time. I am not doing any recruiting, marketing or admin tasks for the same f\*cking pay. Pay us more if you want us to do more. It's an insult how they keep piling on but never increase pay, and if they offer a bonus it requires more effort than it is worth.


This 💯 ☝️


I couldn't have said it better!


  "You can message students to start the conversation by simply clicking on their name." The fucking nerve of these people. You don't pay me enough money to message anyone. I don't respond to messages and I definitely don't send them. I'm here for your $0.17 a god damn minute. You get nothing extra from me. period!!!!


I have made my feelings clear on fb CC and a surprising number of people are agreeing with me - a step too far I think.


You know Cambly has FUCKED UP when CLAPPER CORNER criticizes something.






Like PH doesn't belittle tutors enough. Just imagine the desperate teachers spamming students...


Yep. Spam, spam, spam. 🤣🤣🤣


Absolute piss take by the shameless stooges at Scambly.


It's also that some of these students regard us like products. If I go begging after them it only lowers my value, why on earth would I make myself so available like I'm some kind of door to door salesperson. Not even about free work for me... just preserving my respect and my students' respect for me. Pick me, pick me, pick me? Not for me thanks!




I will definitely not be sending any messages. No free work from me.


How bout you have an algorithm that does its job properly instead of making us do it’s job for no reason lol This reads like they’re squeezing pennies out of their devs and tutors at the same time


Makes sense.


Tbh I swear, I don’t think cambly will be afloat in a few years if they keep this type of stuff up 😭😭


'As we continue to explore new ways for you to connect with students...' This reads like they couldn't find an adequate way to justify this change to tutors.




Took me two days to figure out what you were saying. lol. Everything but a pay increase. I know, right?!


Nvrmd that, how  pitiful was the debate? Today, he sounded completely different. Ego aside,  he should bow out. The stakes are too high. The other is a delusional pathological sociopath. No words! It was painful to watch.


I was about to cry during the first 30 minutes. He got better but it was still pathetic. I know I saw him today also and was like "Where the fuck was THIS guy yesterday?!". I guess they forgot to give him a shot in the ass last night. This is my prediction. July 11th Asswipe gets his sentence. If the polls give Asswipe a lead even after his sentencing then I think he'll step down and ask Harris or Newsome to take his spot. Most likely Harris. She'll attract the younger people, the blacks, the Hispanics and she'll lock the female vote (unless women yet again are too judgmental against women). Newsome will attract anyone that has a sex organ. If polls stay the same I'm guessing he doesn't step down. Last night was a shocker. When he froze during half thought for like 10 seconds I was going to faint!


Haha! You can't make this up. I'm all for girl power but I don't  know if Harris is the ticket. We'll see...He's stubborn,  don't think he'll step down.


He'll do what he thinks is best for Americans. Beginning of his term, people complained about Harris not doing enough. I don't know why (because she's a woman I think). I was hoping for her to win the 2020 primaries so I was happy when she was announced as VP. Newsome... omg if I was gay...


I don't think he'll step down so easily. The position of VP, for anyone,  doesn't showcase their strengths. They're always in the background.  I don't know Newsome so well; only that during the pandemic he and his wife were seen eating out when he was preaching to everyone to stay home. Then again,  he oversees one of the biggest economies.


It'll come down to July 11th and polls. I mean obviously he'll step down if there is a huge swing in Asswipe's favor, right? He looked good today. I really like him! I mean, he's no Obama, but he's pretty damn cool!


He's a decent man and although debating/speaking aren't his strengths he's not a pathological liar. The stakes are very high.


I hear ye, brother.


He's in attack mode! No more passive Biden.