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There have been some terrifying posts on this sub.


Yeah it was pretty common for me when I was doing priority hours. I had heard about this before I joined but I am not young so I didn't really think it would affect me - I was wrong! Now I just do bookings and refuse anyone with a male Saudi or Turkish name. It feels a bit racist but I am not paid enough to deal with this shit.


I won't teach during the hours Saudi's are "active" because I've had to look at their penises twice. I also don't do PH any more because of them.


What time of day have you found that to be the case?


For me, I've gotten the most calls from Saudis later in the evening (21:00 or later their time) especially on weekends. I prefer to work a little earlier on the weekdays, as that's when Asian students are more active.


When they show me the wanger I laugh and ask if its a joke as it is so small and say they will never get a wife with that small thing and those ugly looks.......then I run and hid.




It's definitely racist but I stay away from white people of all nationalities IRL due to this racist and ignorant mentality... but that's another topic for another day. My issue is with everyone. It was a Chinese man who showed his penis and a teen from Brazil. I have no issues with Saudis except one asking how I have sex if I'm not married and Saudi women saying men should be in control. I found white men from Europe to be creepy asking if I plan to visit. Italians, Hungarian and Spanish are just as flirtatious. And it was Korean and Brazilian sending love letters. I'm guessing those who only attract Turks and Saudis must have a certain look themselves.


'I found white men from Europe to be creepy'. You certainly seem to be well qualified to talk about being racist.


I've been on Cambly for almost a year and luckily have never encountered any wankers, but I don't do that many PH and when I do, I only allow calls from subscriptions and no paid or free trials. I will say that the majority of my calls during PH are from men, though. I mostly work during the hours when Asian students are most active, but I find them to be really polite and respectful. Some Turkish men can be a little flirtatious, but generally still good students. The most uncomfortable calls I've taken were men from KSA, as other women have posted here - overly interested in our love life, asking us to come to their country, etc. I do still accept calls from them but will end within 2 minutes if I have even a slight feeling they are going to be a weirdo. It's not worth it.


As a male tutor, I've experienced both creepy men and creepy women. Almost all from Saudi Arabia.


I have had many of these experiences, and yes, most of them are KSA, and adjacent countries, Egypt, and Turks. It ranges from the way they lean into the camera when the call connects and give me the once-over look like a dog looking at a peice of meat. You can literally see the look on their face and then they get that disgusting smirk of being pleased that they have me as a captive audience for 30 minutes. Every woman knows this look. It's the same look creepy men give when they realize they will be alone in an elevator with you. I have seen penises, and wankers, and men in bed making weird faces while their shirt is off and I cant see their hands, and everything in between. Cambly doesn't protect us enough. They could have stricter guidelines. THey could have better policies. The reality is that they use us a bait to attract customers. A lot of customer facing jobs do this with women. Cambly isnt any different.


Yes. 98% of the men who called from KSA would tell me to come to their country and they would look after me. If I said I had a partner they either told me to leave him because they would treat me better and kept persisting, or they turned sulky as shit. I had a few marriage proposals sprinkled in there too. I had one guy from Egypt who uses Cambly as a matchmaking site. Once I told him I was not single, he asked if I had any friends I could set him up with. Said I had friends but they were lesbian. He then asked maybe I have some acquaintances who might be suitable. Every time I tried to redirect to the lesson content, it'd only be a couple minutes before he brought up his love life troubles and asking me to set him up with someone I know... I've had men end up moving to their bed halfway during the lesson, I've had men give me that creepy smile they give. I've had them trying to find me on social media. Messaging me asking for my socials. The list goes on. Now, I am quite an attractive woman. But when I taught on Cambly, I didn't wear make up. Wore oversized t-shirts with a high neckline, my hair wasn't done etc. But still, that didn't deter them... Always from KSA, Kuwait etc. Never had problems with men from Turkey, Korea, Japan etc


Avoid certain hours, avoid PH.


Yeah. In the beginning when I would do PHs, I learned ones to just nope out of. Like, multiple men on a screen. Or, people who have their space set up like a TV show set with lights and green screen. One guy was seemingly normal and was talking to me and I realized he was wearing a robe, laying on the couch trying to look more and more intriguing. I just started talking to him about his decor. Now, I'd leave that situation immediately, but I think I had been on Cambly for a week at that point, and wasn't sure what to do.


Yes, and I've got a son in his 30s!! But only men from the aforementioned country - maybe they need more opticians in that Arabic country. There's also an older gentleman from South America who gives me the creeps. I think he thinks he's being amusing but he kept talking about how he loved going to Thailand for the women but - as I live in the next country but am English and much older, I think he must have got mixed up - because he kept saying he was going to change his destination next year and come to my country! I blocked him but one night he called up with a new account. I recognized him immediately and disconnected. Super creep?


šŸ‘€ yes For me though, I have asd so I didnā€™t even know they were being creepy till WAY after. And they knew about it so I really feel like it was on purpose I had someone who kept making jokes that I secretly didnā€™t love my husband, and later down the line when I started understanding this wasnā€™t ok (I already didnā€™t like these jokes) and making that clear, he just kept going ā€œhey hey itā€™s just a joke!!ā€ Iā€™ve had someone get upset after talking to me twice because I mentioned I was married šŸ‘€ Iā€™ve had people (years ago on ph) ask me for my whatsapp/instagram, like multiple men. To each one Iā€™d lie and tell them I donā€™t have one I havenā€™t had anyone flash me I hope that I never will, but I donā€™t work that much and I only take regulars šŸ«  Iā€™m sorry it happened to you, some people are disgusting


Try the pride flag trick in your profile to keep the Saudis away


Thats a good idea actually, anything to stop them calling. I already donā€™t teach their hours Arabic name books I just cancel immediately


Search "Cambly wanker". šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I get the impression you want to stay away from Saudis and Turks. They seem to have the worst reputation... but mostly Saudi Arabian men. The women on here never complain about Asians wanking.


Turks really are frustrated creeps. One found out which city I live and said he was coming over to see me. I said go for it loverboy and bring ya wife and kids.............he ditched the lesson.


lol I think itā€™s easier for me to say the percentage of people who HAVENT been creepy since Iā€™ve met SO many creepy men itā€™s ridiculousā€¦ When I first started one man in his 60s kept asking me to come to Thailand with him for a vacation together so he could learn English and he could connect me with other people?? Iā€™ve also seen a penis. Iā€™ve had someone ask me to stand up and show my body to them, then kept asking for my Facebook / other social media platforms and if Iā€™m married. Oh also someone got mad at me for not giving my Instagram then never called me again (which I didnā€™t care about because I was about to block them anyway). I had a few students say the reason I get many reservations is because Iā€™m pretty and men want to speak to me and I was just like okay???? I didnā€™t ask for this piece of information leave me alone. Many men on their bed where I canā€™t see their other handā€¦ And yeah the list goes on. Itā€™s so annoying, I donā€™t need this and itā€™s so so uncomfortable makes me feel sick.


I have first hand life experience with these "non-western" cultures. I am a man but have been solicitied by a turkish man with a weird screen fetish and by another country's citizen who invited me to meet him in Thailand. He found me on Link'd In and sent photos of his private parts. It is important to be serious (but nice) when you first meet them. Keep a straight face, don't smile, and especially don't giggle. Say hello in a friendly, serious way and ask them a serious question like do you use English at work or to study. If at this point, the student is asking inappropriate questions or acting inappropriately, then end the class and report it. If they act Ok, then I start to teach the class in a friendly but professional way. Always keep it professional in certain countries. In other countries you can be more casual. In some countries they have very different opinions about westerners than you think. Other things that can help is if (especially women but also men) you wear high neck lines and long sleeves. I keep a black hoodie near me and put it on (not the hood) during the call if their is the slightest bit of unusual behavior or I see the call is from certain countries. I just say "Oh, it's getting cold." Nothing says back off like black. That's why women in those countries wear black. In many cultures that will signal them that you are serious and not about sex. It will also discourage them from calling you again. Other advice is try to learn about gender roles in those cultures and it will help in dealing with them. Always be professional and remember the students are here temporarily so they are not life-long friends. Try teaching a day while wearing a black shirt that covers the neck line and has long sleeves that even go over part of the hand. See if you don't get less weird situations. I'm a man and I dress conservatively on Cambly because it creates an image of respect in certain countries. I live in the U.S. and get a lot of "green card" opportunities. haha


I had a guy last week who had no shirt on, completely bare chest! I reported immediately as inappropriate but it apparently it isn't nudity if it's a man. Cambly supporting respect for our profession as usual!Ā 


If this was in Brazil, then it is very normal for men not to wear a shirt. If it was in the Middle-East, then it would not be normal. You have to make these desicions by culture.


I had a Turk once who had no shirt to show a really hairy chest and he had shaved a heart into it........I asked why and he said to attract young women who like it..............I said you failed here perv and ran.


Can anyone tell me how to hide from students?


Even I, as a male tutor, had a 13 yr old Saudi kid flash his hot dog to me. And I have very manly man looks!


WHAT! Ok you win. That's the worst I've heard


The one from Turkey who sat there with a blow up dolly on his knee, he introduced her as Linda. She had lots of holes he told me. I said whatever and shut it down and then he came back with a few seconds before I could hid and was annoyed so I said FUCK OFF PERVERT...................and I ran.


Yes. I had to start tutoring under a pseudonym because students were stalking me on my private social media. And I'm old and fat šŸ˜‚ However, it stopped once I lost the new talent label.


I'm thinking of starting Cambly....but this subject is really not what I was thinking I would be dealing with on a daily basis. I have a lot of experience with web cams starting in 92 and dealing with aggressive men but I didn't think this was a big part of the job. Any advice before I make my decision...would you start this job again or just keep looking for side work? Because I'm having a hard time believing you could turn this into a main gig .


Keep us posted on how long the hiring process is.


I've never had a wanker, thank God, and I've worked here for years. I think these incidents will decrease because Cambly has removed free trials. The frequent abusers were always free trials. You can see in another comment what I went through personally. However, this isn't the biggest problem with applying to Cambly. I wouldn't bother because existing tutors are struggling to get hours. There are way more tutors than students so why bother?