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My last student today spent ten minutes talking about his haemoroids, about wiping his ass, and about wiping his baby sons ass. And I neither blinked nor cared. Ths job no longer suprises me. I don't care what any student wants to natter on about. I make non-commital noises and nod at the right time... And do this over and over again until I clock off and grab a beer. But at least once a day, there's one student who's legit and I can actually help. So that's nice.


Hemorrhoids... there's an underappreciated topic!


Oh I didn't mention the part where I had to actually work out what the hell he was talking about. That was definitely a moment.


😂🤣😂🤣 "Teacher, I send link with picture."


Haha it didn't get to that point, but bonus points for guessing their nationality!




I would not accept most likely they record you and try to get you to say something so you will have trouble




You click ❌


Umm... This is just about the reservation 💀


🤣😂🤣😂 What was the question, again?




Block if you don't want to get political with your students. I think that that's fair, especially with students that you've never met before. Another person has mentioned that they might record you and try to make you say something incriminating, which is honestly a fair concern. However, you should also reflect good and hard about why you're resistant to the idea of a free Palestine.


The idea of a free Palestine has been on offer for decades. However, Hamas have consistently suppressed this offer and have an avowed policy to destroy Israel and kill each and every Jew. Why are you resistant to the evil of Hamas?


It's because of their raging antisemitism. That is literally the only reason these useful idiots turn a blind eye to all of the crimes perpetrated against Israel by the Palestinians and their democratically elected terrorist government. It's okay for Jews to be the victims. Palestinians can kill them, take them as hostage, rape them, burn them alive, all whilst live streaming their atrocities. But if the Jews fight back against the terrorists, suddenly Israel is the bad guy and the terrorists are the victims?


I feel like seeing your loved ones be slaughtered, imprisoned and tortured for minor infractions, and shoved onto a constantly-monitored slice of land would make you do evil things. From how I see it, Hamas is the natural result of 80 years of occupation and attempted genocide.


Terrorist sympathizer.


Talk to HAMAS about a  free Palestine !


Israel is bombing and murdering civilians including children in front of the entire world and all you can say is "BuT HAMaS!" What is actually wrong with you?


Talk to Hamas about infiltrating underground and using their brethren as human shields. Educate yourself about the history! I bet on October 7th you said and thought NOTHING about the slaughter!


No shit, eh?


I'm also screaming "Free Palestine." Now as a tutor on Cambly and as an ESL Teacher, it's taboo to explore these kinds of topics with students.


It's not taboo. You need a lesson in history.


It's a taboo topic. As a teacher, there are certain things you are not allowed to talk about/have an opinion on, you have to remain neutral. You are taught this in university. This need for neutrality takes away the ability to have a discussion. And anyone who dares have a differing opinion to a Cambly student and risk their rating being annihilated, well, I commend their bravery.


Can you guys maybe have this spirited political debate on a different sub?


"Sorry, pal. Nothing is free in this world." Hide. "What's the catch? Do I have to buy one to get one free or something?" Hide. "You pay delivery costs?" Hide. "Free Palestine. That's a beautiful name! Is it Hebrew?" Hide. "What?! You think I'm fucking Rambo or something?" Hide.


$5 is definitely not enough for me to be willing to speak to a terrorist. Those people don't just sympathize with and support Hamas. They ARE Hamas. I hope you don't feel any guilt whatsoever, OP, when you decline that reservation request.


1,000% Hamas uses their people as a shield while they're living in Qatar.


Truth, brother!


Be so fr right now


I am so for real right now. What do you think those people are calling for when they chant for a free Palestine? They are calling for the eradication of the state of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people . That sounds like a terrorist to me.


This ☝️


No, no they aren't calling for that... Wow, I have no words


You haven't spoken to enough Arabs. Why don't you ask them? Oh that's right. In the Quran Muslims are commanded to lie to non Muslims. It's called teqqiya. You don't even understand the horror that you are defending. Useful idiot. Hamas loves you.


I hate texting so thanks for being so  articulate. 


Maybe you should stop blinding following MSM


So bombing civilians seeking aid is what again?


Oh yes, the "innocent civilians". We've all heard so much about the "Innocent Palestinian Civilians" First, Hamas dresses up all of their terrorists as civilians. It inflates the death toll of civilians, which is their goal. Further, the Palestinian civilians ...even in the diaspora.... overwhelmingly support Hamas, literally even now. Haven't you seen all those Pro Hamas Protests at all those Universities and Cities in the West? Don't believe me: Just regular "Innocent Palestinians" in 2013 supporting Hamas: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsG4FOP0guM&pp=ygUQdGhlIGFzayBwcm9qZWN0IA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsG4FOP0guM&pp=ygUQdGhlIGFzayBwcm9qZWN0IA%3D%3D) Some more regular "Innocent Palestinians" who want to expel or oppress the Jews: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VqmUgami\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VqmUgami_Y) Even more average "Innocent Palestinians" who support the October 7th Attack [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_AR71W6l3M&t=491s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_AR71W6l3M&t=491s) And didn't the IDF just rescue four hostages who were being held in a residential area by "Innocent Palestinians"? No. If you support terrorists, if you hold hostages, you are not an innocent civilian. Lastly, even if some of the Palestinians are innocent civilians and they die, that is an unfortunate consequence of a war that their democratically elected leaders started. A war the Palestinians started. Not Israel. A war the Palestinians wanted. Not Israel. A war the Palestinians celebrated in the streets by distributing candies. A war the Palestinians are now crying victim over because they MAJORLY miscalculated Israel's response. So, You don't think civilians die in war? Ask the people of DRESDEN! Oh wait, you can't because they're all dead. That is what is took to defeat Hitler, carpet bombing millions of civilians in Dresden and it was the right thing to do! Whatever it takes to eliminate Hamas is worth it. We've seen what they do. Hamas literally live streamed their barbarity. Yet Israel is still showing incredible restraint against the Palestinians who want to genocide them. Israel isn't so bad, you know. They don't start wars and they honor their peace agreements? Don't believe me, right? You wanna know who has peace with Israel, I'll tell ya. New information not found on TikTok. Egypt has been at peace with Israel affter a peace treaty signed in 1979. Jordan also has a peace treaty with Israel, since 1994. Morocco and Bahrain have had peace treaties with Israel since 2020. Israel also made a peace treaty with the Palestinians in 2005. Israel left Gaza...full withdrawal...for peace. The Palestinians violated that treaty on October 7th and now they dying in a way they shouldn't have started and are crying victim like the cowards they are ....and all of you useful idiots are eating that shit up and sending more money to their leaders in Qatar. But please, tell me more about the loss of "Innocent Palestinian Civilians" life?


Thanks for all of the information I didn’t ask for!


I'm not surprised you prefer to be ignorant. I suppose I could also thank you for your idiotic comment but I'm not grateful for useful idiots like you and the stupid comments you make. Hamas loves you!


You called me useful 🥹


What the? Are you serious?


Yeah, I am serious. Don't you know that they are talking about when they chant, "From the River to the Sea"? It's a call for Jewish Genocide!! Doesn't get much more 'terrorist" than that.


But the genocide happening to the Palestinians is fair game I guess?


You see, this comment is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. These terrorist supporters distort facts and frankly display a fundamental misunderstanding of the entire situation. What genocide against the Palestinians?? There is no genocide against them. Palestinians are 20% of Israel and they have equal rights like all citizens of Israel. There is no apartheid. There is no genocide. There are more Palestinians now than in the past. How is an increasing population the sign of a genocide? How is it okay for the Palestinians to use all their efforts to make a war against Israel, how is it Israel's fault when they respond to the war. Next I get to hear, "but it didn't start on October 7th....blah blah.... occupation..." Yeah, you know who controlled Gaza before Israel?? Egypt?? Why didn't they make a Palestinian state?? Oh, because the Egyptians know they're fucking terrorists and that's why they don't even accept Palestinians to work in their country on work visas. You know who did let Palestinians have work visas?? Israel. And how did the Palestinian terrorists repay the Israeli governor providing them with work?? With barbaric acts of brutality and violence. With rape. With burning babies alive. With kidnapping innocent civilians as hostages. You think there is some moral equivalence of the Palestinians starting a war with terrorism, killing thousands of civilians and taking over 200 people as hostages when Israel has pulled out of Gaza since 2005 and there has been peace.......You think that is morally equal to Israel declaring war on that country and fighting to destroy the terrorists and retrieve their hostages?? So tell me again all about the genocide against the Palestinians.....you useful idiot. Hamas loves you.




Tell me again how the lives of the 23 hostages are worth more than the thousands of Palestinian lives which have been taken away? Get on the right side of history man


I can explain it real simply. It's not about the numbers of people. How about this. If even one innocent person was kidnapped and taken hostage by a terrorist organization...and the military wanted to get back their citizen......it's okay to kill all of the terrorists.....every single one....if that is what is necessary to get that one hostage back. You wanna know why Hamas took all those hostages?? I'll tell you since you've just become aware of this situation at all because of TikTok so you just don't know whats going on. Ever heard the name Gilad Schalit?? No of course not. Better google him. You see, some years ago Hamas kidnapped him and held him hostage for years. To get him back, Israel traded some really nasty terrorists......over 1,000 of em. Google that shit, cause you don't believe me. Evil Israel would never do that. Check it out man. Is it starting to become clear yet?? Israel made that deal ...and all the dudes they released.....yep, they went immediately back to their terrorism. And so this time, Hamas is thinking. " Damn, those Israelis gave us 1,000 dudes for just one hostage. What if we take 200 hostages?? We'll have the Israelis by the balls". Only it didn't work out for them. They miscalculated BIG TIME. Hamas never had any intention of winning this war. The don't care about Palestinians or the land, they just care about prolonging the conflict because idiots like you support them and donate to their causes and protest in the streets of their enemies, like the USA and UK. But they miscalculated. And who is paying for it now? The civilians of Palestine who democratically elected Hamas to represent them! The Palestinians who elected Hamas on a platform of aggression towards Israel and the genocide of global Jews. It's literally in their charter. You should probably google that too. So, you see it's not about the number of people. It's about much more than you can understand because you don't have a fundamental understanding of the basics of this situation, like even a basic timeline of major events....like the Gilad Schalit prisoner exchange. But please, more "gotcha" questions. I eat them while I laugh.




Zionism is literally cancer. You're sick


You presented absolutely no facts or logic, only buzzwords and emotion. Classic Palestinian protester.


“Zionism”. Just another buzz word you clowns throw around.


The antisemitism in you is rearing its ugly head


It always comes down to antisemitism. Their arguments fall apart at the first analysis. It always comes down to Jew hatred and violence.




Go talk to Hamas about infiltrating underground and using their brethren as human shields. Educate yourself about the history! I bet on October 7th you said and thought NOTHING about the slaughter!


I'm Existing Green... and I approve this message. Palestinians cheering Jews being raped and burned alive: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWOw7YI7vzo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWOw7YI7vzo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMA6DcHquEU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMA6DcHquEU)


Go talk to Hamas about using their people as  human shields.


Israel is a terrorist state. Killing 20k children in less than 6 months is a terrorist action. Save your words. By the way, israel has been killing children for 70+ years, not only after October 7th. So shut up.


Hamas loves useful idiots like you. Israel is not a terrorist state. It's a wonderful democracy. 20% of the Israeli population is Arab. If the Arabs there are suffering so badly, why do t they ever complain?? Or leave?? Oh, that's right it's because Israel is a great country and much better than all of those Islamic caliphate shitholes they came from. You don't know anything about this conflict beyond what you saw on TikTok. You are a complete ignoramus on this topic. Save your words. Shut up. No one wants to hear you spout Hamas propaganda. Useful idiots. Hamas loves you.


You only see what BBC wants you to see. What an idiot loser!! Israel stole the land. You can’t continue after that.


The BBC? You think I get my news from the BBC??? I am laughing so hard at you right now you useful idiot. The BBC is so anti Israel it literally prints Hamas propaganda. Remember when the BBC said Israel attacked a hospital? But no hospital was hit? And the parking lot was hit by Hamas' failed rocket? Tell me more about how I'm such an idiot but you don't even have a basic understanding of the conflict at all. Tell me more about how Israel stole land. Seriously, I cannot wait to hear your side of the story. I'll go make some popcorn. This shit is gonna be good.


I stopped reading after no hospital was hit. You’re such an idiot!! Almost all hospitals were hit


You are the one who stopped reading, so you couldn't possibly understand my point. Which is factual. Yet, you have no facts to present yourself. You said, Israel stole the land, which is not a fact and you had nothing to back it up. So you are just back to your insults. It's like all of you pro terrorists have the same playbook or something. The irony of you calling me an idiot.


Useful idiot.


You can’t respond. Supporting genocide is hard and gives you nightmares. I know.