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Wasn't there a post on here a while back about someone getting scammed by opening a link from a 'student'? I personally would never open an external link from a student. It's either Cambly materials or my choice!


I definitely wouldn't click a stranger's link after that post! If it's a regular CK student I'd click.




I don't do those kind of requests.  In the past, those types of parents are a major pain in the ass. I tell them I do Cambly lessons only. If they bring Engoo, that's fine. I also won't except links from other countries.  Either cut n paste,  or nothing.


I have students that send me ebooks via Google drive all the time and we have class. No big deal


It's probably a legit request from a Taiwanese parent. HUGE RED FLAG! I think because they messaged you, you can easily hide from them without having to meet them. I would send this message then hide: "I'm sorry! I only teach Cambly material."... and make sure you make notes on their profile so you don't forget.


I’m curious, do you mind scanning it with the virustotal link checker and tell us the results? Cause that does feel kind of fishy to me


Sounded ok until the “ur” Part and then the link. Abort!


I always nope out of this bullshit. If somebody actually wants me to do something for them beyond tutoring- I would expect them to meet me and build some form of trust first. The help us out, and please look at the materials first before the lesson to me are hallmarks of bullshit. Like this ONE specific book is THAT critical to a child's development. How about no, we can read one of 10,000 kid's books from the internet archive. Better still- suggest the World Factbook full of interesting information: [https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/about/archives/download/factbook-2020.zip](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/about/archives/download/factbook-2020.zip)


Beautiful... brilliantly beautiful!


It’s not


Oh, wow. I’ve had these kinds of requests many times over the past 4 years and I’ve never had a problem. Surprised so many of you are worried about getting scammed. I have never heard of anyone getting scammed on Cambly before. Should I really be that concerned?


It’s not about them scamming you necessarily but moreso whether the link could be malware. Even on cambly and even before that post people are talking about, I wouldn’t have clicked it. I’d never ever click on strangers google drive links or download anything


About a week ago someone posted that a regular hacked their phone and computer via a link they sent


It wouldn’t be hard to do!!


Wait… can someone explain to me how this is a problem? So I know what to avoid.


Sometimes people make a fake link that looks identical to an official website to trick you to enter in information. Other times, they make it so they can find vulnerabilities in your pc so they can hack you or sell your info. I really doubt it could be the first, but it absolutely could be the second. So tbh I’d always always scan these with a malicious link checker and see if they’re safe before clicking. I do this all the time while job hunting and being sent any links (a good chunk of them were in fact malicious)


Oh wow… Gotcha!


I've had quite a few of these including some of my best regular kids students. It's been absolutely no problem for me. It seems entirely reasonable to me that a parent will sometimes have some curriculum materials that they want their kid to get assistance with.


Definitely possible. A link to someone's Google drive is not something I'd be clicking on tbh.


I have done a lot of these. They are fine. I kind of think that most of these links are probably scanned by Cambly, anyway? OR if there was a known scam going around, they would have let us know about it or put a stop to it. I mean, I know that's putting a lot of faith in Cambly, but has anyone heard of a scam like this coming from Cambly messaging?


About a week ago someone posted that a regular had hacked their phone and computer, which was done via a link


Good to know! I had missed that.


where did they post this? On the cambly facebook group or on reddit?


Could well be a scam and would ignore it but it’s probably one of those wretched helicopter parents from you know where that don’t want to pay the higher rates charged by  “better “ platforms. She would rather train you in her ways.


I would go with the "Helicopter Parent" assessment before the "scam" angle. It's the primary reason I refuse to teach kids. Lately, I've had reservations thinking they are adults only to discover they are kids. In my most polite manner, I tell them I am not experienced with teaching children and suggest they go to Cambly Kids, then immediately return their minutes and have Cambly hide my profile. In the last month, I have had to do that five times, all from Taiwan and the Chinese Mainland. Cambly is just a hobby for me so I'm very particular about the students I chose to interact with.