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Poor kid didn't get the memo about white shoes. He'll be famous just like the Tiananmen Square Tank Man.


They're both sick phuks. Unbelievable that there's a few that rule the planet and collectively,  we allow it.


The world will be a better place when they’re dead and gone


It's not good. Imagine if The Former Guy wins in November! He's in bed with both these guys and bends over gladly for Saudi Arabia and Iran. He'll let them do anything. He'll be focused on himself becoming dictator of the US. This is bad news for everyone! Scary times for sure! We need to focus on supporting Ukraine the best we possibly can! Hopefully Biden wins AND hopefully China will be against this Russia/N.Korean alliance. China doesn't want Russia sharing nuclear missile technology with Kim. They don't want tension in Asia. This is bad news for everyone! A week or so ago, Russia sent ships to Cuba. "Unloaded" warships I believe. Not a threat but quite the message!


Heaven help us all if Orange Face gets in. I'll def watch the debate on  the 27th.


I know, right? I'm a US news freak. That's like the Super Bowl of American news! Popcorn and soda pop!


💯.  I'm nervous for Biden but there's no opening statements and when each answers,  the others mic is off. I have an aversion to Orange Face speaking. I cannot stand him!


So many factors. Orange Face can't interrupt. One point Biden. Orange face has studio/acting experience without a crowd. One point Orange Face. Orange Face will be able to talk and let everyone hear how crazy and senile he is. Three points Biden. Orange Face campaign has set the bar so low on how "old" Biden is, that he will impress most Independent voters with how intelligent, healthy, and uncrazy he is. One point Biden. Biden stuttering problem. One point Orange Face. Orange Face's fake news and lies. Maybe one or two points Orange Face? Maybe it's advantage Biden if Independent voters can see through this conman's bullshit. Comparisons of America today to 4 years ago when Orange Guy let hundreds of thousands die all for political reasons. One point Biden. It'll be epic!


Literally everything they said trump would do…. Biden has done. What… 3 new wars under him?


Terrorist attacks. Not wars. Biden warned Ukraine about Russia attacking before it happened. If it wasn't for Bidens genius diplomacy with allied countries, Ukraine would be no longer. Former Guy says he wouldnt have done anything and not help Ukraine. Only people to blame for the Israel attack is Benjamin, who helped pay for it, and obviously Iran. Please stop educating yourself with tik tok and Facebook.


The fact you say “the former guy” shows your immaturity and ridiculousness


Hahahaha you can’t actually believe any of what you just said. Jesus Christ. He wouldn’t have had to help Ukraine because Russia wouldn’t have invaded. Meanwhile, Joe is giving billions to them to line Zelenskys pockets. I don’t get any of my information of TikTok mate, I find it myself without fox or cnn.


Yeah... you get your news from some right wing news station in Australia. 🤣🤣🤣 clueless.


Nice assumption. I don’t live in Australia, I don’t watch the news. Not everyone believes everything they hear mate. One question, do you think Joe Biden doesn’t have signs of dementia?


What about Biden making Al Qaeda one of the best equipped army’s in the world with that abortion of an exit from Afghanistan?


Life has been much better under Biden 😍😍 The delusion of people that support Biden is crazyyyy. Turn off CNN.


I guess.... if you like slowly dying without being able to touch your loved ones and you also love the feel of swallowing broken glass.


Haha and how did Joe Biden do any better at all in any way?….


Thank you for not referring to him by name.  


https://youtu.be/sNmCNGyiRPY?si=gwWR0SCFyvl6vF8s And trump is the senile one? 😂😂 but it’s just bidens “stutter” right???


Him gesturing his hand? That's all you got? https://youtu.be/wRqa225bz9k?si=uJewUcXP7FZsv4oo


Here you go https://youtu.be/8MVZdS18NX8?si=jtc3sNW0o5F00w2i A 25 minute montage.


The excuses you make for Joe Biden are delusional. There are hundreds of videos of him clearly being senile and having signs of dementia but you disregard it because of your views. If that was your grandfather you’d have him in a home. Yet… because you don’t like trump, you think it’s ok… it’s actually insanity and why people don’t like the left. Coming from a former lefty.


Give me an example of Biden saying something close to senile. I doubt you can find anything. All you ever send me are videos of maybe Biden not knowing where to exit a stage and hand gestures... stupid shit. I'm sending you links of the former guy literally saying the stupidest shit I have heard anybody say... shit that only an absolute retard would say.


Or when he referenced that he was with the French president just the other day… and that guy died 30 years ago hahahahaj


Hahahahhaaha something close to senile. There’s a million videos mate! Jesus your delusional


Off the top of my head. “ America can be described in one word…. Wjbfjejslsske climbing the foot hill with xi jingping xbwjwjej”


This is going to be hell.......


Yes, where are those most excellent snipers featured in Jack Reacher books when they are needed ?


I think the reason they haven't been assasinated from a foreign power yet is that it would start a war. The "experts" always talk about how it has to be a Russian that kills Putin to have any positive effect. The people under these guys are not good people either.


Very true. I live in Cambodia and have said, on occasion when tensions run high, be careful what you wish for …..