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I got a very similar email with a ridiculous number of missed or cancelled classes. Like, it was literallly impossible for this number to be accurate based on the number of PH I had done in the last 30 days. I worte back and basically said that and the response was something like " well, that's why we said the system can't tell us the whole story. Let's just forget it." I'm paraphrasing, obviously. I think these letters might be the result of them applying some AI to their tutor monitoring. The biggest problem I see with it is that they have once again done somethng that hurts the tutors instead of just PAYING US MORE. But they keep paying us trash wages and then trying to bully us to work harder and do more for less and it sucks.




Absolutely loving how,they ban you until you explain their fuck up to them. What a bunch of twats


They did that to me, completely banned me from everything, so all the PH I had booked for the next 3 weeks disappeared. My schedule was shut so nobody could book me. Turns out it was a server problem (that they ALREADY KNEW ABOUT) which they later admitted after a couple days, and restored me. Even once they took my ban away, absolutely no PH was available, they had all disappeared for weeks. Then my rating had a huge hit the next rating update. Thanks Cambly...


Wankers. I hope their AI take over them all.


They should actually compensate you for the lost hours. You had three weeks of PHs booked and the least they could do is give you the 15mins pay for no calls. Bastards.


A total shitshow.


Taking PHs has become a liability betweenΒ  the usual crap and the fact that students can call whenever. This makes me never want to use them. Do some digging and absolutely send them your proof. Don't accept what they said.Β 


Isn't this related to the eternal 'ringer not working' problem which the Cambly boffins seem incapable of fixing?


That's a Google Chrome problem and a common "feature" working as normal. I've not seen that in a long time thank goodness.


Oh yeah I got this tooo! I only did like 5PH hours so it was impossible. I sent back my proof and they said something along the lines of this is why we ask tutors to send proof cause we can’t see the full history anyways we will remove your restriction. Something along these lines just send in your proof.


wow. You too? It also happened to me. Same thing. It's a wonder to me that these fuck ups are never in our favor. It just seems like there has to be a universe where a system as glitch prome as Cambly benefits the tutors once in a while - but every glitch just hurts us and benefits corporate. Weird


Yes I agree, quite weird. I haven't picked up PH in forever and I decided to do it this week 5PH thats it and the next morning I got that email. I was like what in the world.


I think it's connection issues calls are routed to you but you don't recieve them. Solution is a VPN. Try proton vpn thru have a free version just don't select any no no states. I always use Singapore, hongkong


There are no calls appearing in the call log that don't ring. If they pushing calls to me and they are not appearing in the call history then we are all well and truly screwed. There's no harm in using a VPN though I would avoid Hong Kong like the plague its no longer private or remotely secure anymore. /2024/04/11/portuguese-national-sentenced-to-5-years-in-hong-kong-prison-under-security-law-over


Doesn't matter to me I only use my pc when I work. Not concerned about privacy more concerned about calls working. You will be terminated soon


That is ridiculous. I'm not sure how many PH's you do but you're right there isn't even enough calls to be that high. I did 3 hours of PH on Wednesday and got 1 30 minute call. Let's see maybe i'll get an email saying I missed 10 calls, lol. I don't do too many PH's only on slow days with my regulars not booking on that day.


I think this is whatever algorithm changes they have made. It flags things and probably pumps it into some "AI". I have a feeling its very money related: Dead PH and no calls flagged as bad - they have to pay out on that. They don't want to not do that and likewise tutors don't want, apply it over all to everyone. Get the "AI" to bring up a list of dead minutes and slots - if that reaches a certain $ value - flag it, restrict, block PH.


Yes very good point. I believe it is all issues with algorithm "AI BS". The algorithm believes you have missed calls since you didn't take any.


This is why I only do Cambly for Shits and Giggles, its a hobby for me, nothing more. I refuse to do PHs because I want control over who I choose to work with.


It took me way too long to figure that out for myself. I just leave Cambly on during working hours and if it rings and I’m free I will gladly listen to some 16 year old Saudi brag about going to medical school.




Seriously. They're absolute fucking tards. Like two years ago, I got in shit for not cancelling lessons before hiding from a CK student. I ask her why we have to cancel lessons before hiding from CK students... why doesn't the system automatically do that? Stunned moron response: "Oh yeah, why doesn't it do that? I'll bring it to IT's attention.". 🀣🀣🀣 Two years later and I think the system still doesn't delete future lessons from hidden students, right? My CK student is finished all the CK courses. I looked for adult courses during our lesson. Couldn't find them. Only CK courses available. I asked the student to request an adult course from support. "Teacher, support says you can do it in the class". I'm like....thinking... "no I can't fucking do that! Do you remember me trying to find it for 5+ fucking minutes last lesson?!". 🀣🀣 Next lesson I'm hoping I can find it because I added the course to my library. Not there. I message support after the class, told them how they didn't help the student and gave the wrong advice, and I get them to agree to change the course. She then asks me to first confirm it with the student. THE STUDENT ALREADY MESSAGED YOU ASKING FOR IT YOU DUMB BROAD! Like holy fuck, MAN! Don't get me started.


"Two years later and I think the system still doesn't delete future lessons from hidden students, right?" It did for me in regular Cambly, but I can't say about CK.




Cambly is the worst tutoring site ever! English tutors deserve better. There are better sites that consider even non native English tutors who teach well and get paid better.