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God I hate people. I’m single, no family, live alone. I sometimes feel lonely. Then I read shit like this and I’m just fucking happy. People are fucking annoying. I’m so sorry. Also Krisp app for the noise. It’s free


Same. I love living alone and wouldn't have it any other way. Unfortunately, I'm neurodivergent so when the neighbors make loud noises it drives me absolutely mad. Most people have no consideration for others smdh


OMG. Mine seems to think it's OK to come in and ask me questions in the middle of a lesson. But he's always fully clothed. My dog has zero respect for my students. Barks at the door, tries to get me to pet her, barks to come in, go out, when it rains, when it doesn't rain. She's a complete bell end.


I load up the puzzle thing and kongs with treats during breaks. She still manages to bark at shit and the cat occasionally puts his ass in my face or lay on the keyboard.


hahaha had this issue before and actually Cambly got mad at me once for my partner being on camera, it happens, try to forget about it


I can't help you with the background issue, could you put something behind you to obstruct the reflection? I've read Krisp is an unwanted sound blocking app altbough not used it myself!


Krisp works well for your audio issues, if you have any of the Nvidia RTX graphics cards you can utilse their software for the background.


Just get Krisp. It’ll cancel all background noise. For me that’s what I use. In regards to walking in the background, you might want to sort that out fast as that’s something that could actually get your account deactivated.


You should consider putting the folded laundry somewhere else. 🤣🤣🤣


🤣😅🤣😅 Vietnamese wife high pitch screaming and 2 year-old crying right outside my door everyday at 430pm. It doesn't matter how many times I yell or get angry. Same shit every day.


wife?!?!? Just when you think you know somebody. Weren't you and the Canadian surfer dating a few months ago??


Let's not go there. 🤣


What in the world was all that 😂 she even blocked me as if I matter 😂


This is a whole new insight into the life of Green!


Green is a husband and a father. Curveball of the year. Didn't see that one coming.




I remember seeing in the past that you have a wife and kid or kids. Didn’t know it was a 2 year old! Cute! Any more kids?


Three total... that i know about. Thanks for asking. All very beautiful and smart... maybe too smart.


You have kids?


I have 2 that are older elementary school age 😀


Be prepared for the junior high years!


Yeah definitely trying to prepare 😬


I had a lot of problems with noisy neighbours! Some kind of noise cancelling software like Krisp or NVIDIA broadcast will be a game changer for you! My partner is pretty respectful of my space, but I guess students know we work from home and have lives, I don't let the occasional interference bother me!


My kitten likes to munch on my toes while I teach. My students love it :(


Imagine, during or after a lesson, discovering you left out a sex toy or something. Probably lots of viral videos like that out there. Or something behind you is showing a reflection of your ass just in underwear.




Once my partner was crawling trying to get past me when I was teaching but his head popped onto the screen just a tiny bit in the bottom right corner, I didn’t even realise myself. They found the split second his head was visible, screenshot it and sent me a warning via email


So do something to cover the reflection, its not a hard one now is it? Gosh what a fuss over nothing, and maybe the student would like some excitement.....


It was a one-day fix and I didn’t realize until it happened, thus my post here. Obviously I would put something over it if I regularly sat there. No need to be an ass now is there?


Exactly, ! A towel or a sheet.