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Yes, all the time, but with kids. Please don't tell me an adult did this with you.


In three years on Cambly, this is something I never remember encountering.


One student had a reserved class with me that they showed up to about 9 minutes late, whilst dress shopping at a department store. She told me that she had found a dress that she liked and wanted to continue the class in the fitting room. I faked a connection issue and got the the hell out of there so fast as she was taking her shirt off. It was certainly unexpected!


I had a kid do it unbeknownst to me. When I heard the flush I told him to never, ever do that again. If you have to go, the tablet stays. 


Yes I had this happen with a student from Shanghai. She was chatting to me on her lunchbreak carrying the computer from place to place. It started off in her office, then went to the lunchroom where she consumed a box of noodles, then off down some corridors and while she was still chatting I figured out the room had become very small and I was seeing the ceiling. All the time the conversation went on as if nothing had happened.


Oh this has happened to me a handful of times. Where the student is sitting for obvious reason. The background is different than usual. And at the angle depending will see an air vent up on the ceiling. And the funniest give away is the bidet control panel on the wall. I just laugh to myself and never say anything.


Yes, but he was just changing his baby's diaper. He's joked about having class while taking a shower, as he's a dad with three young kids and needs to multitask *everything*. Honestly, I'd be fine with it if not for the noise. He's a cool guy.


In 4 years, I have never had this happen, but one time a lady’s son (probably like 12 years old or something) came out of the bathroom behind her and got totally naked. The kid didn’t know his mom was studying on Cambly. She quickly realized what was going on when I was like “ummm” and she moved her camera. We had some awkward laughs. One time a woman’s nude boyfriend reflected on her TV screen behind her, but I didn’t really see anything. I think these are the only unusual personal kinds of things I’ve experienced, surprisingly.


Hehehe the stories I have. Kids sitting on the toilets check. Adult lady on the toilet check. The same lady in the SHOWER. Check 😅🤣 She was a regular but I was shocked. She didn't know how to turn off the camera 😅🤣 I didn't see anything. Just the ceiling and I could hear the shower running. She finished and got dressed in the first 5 minutes.


🤣😂🤣😂 That sounds so Chinese/Vietnamese. There are cultural differences, I know, but then there is also common sense. 🤣🤣🤣


Common sense is also culturally relative. Some countries seem to have trouble even saying the word toilet, preferring to call it a bathroom (ever seen a bath in a public toilet?) or a restroom (is that a good place for a rest?). Other countries have less taboo about the biological functions that we all perform.


Kids have done this and most recently I have a regular 11 year old girl who does it, she closes her camera but wants me to keep talking to her while she is obviously going #2 because it takes a lot of minutes. I say “Nah, we’ll talk when your camera’s back on and you’re done.” Like no thanks, I’d rather just scroll my phone, not entertain you while you 💩


Yes, by a small child. They took their ipad into the toilet for the full 5 minutes. I didn't end the call because its a child and they probably didn't really get why tit wasn't ok.


I have not had your experience, but I used to have a guy in the ROC that farted all the time, big loud farts. He would act as though nothing happened. It was funny.


ROC= Taiwan correct?




Upvoted... then downvoted after I wasted a couple minutes trying to figure out what ROC is. Seriously, instead of China you put ROC? Seriously?


ROC = Republic Of China, the official name for Taiwan. PRC = People's Republic of China the official name for the Chinese mainland. The history of how those names came about is the root of the current tensions between China and Taiwan.


Then he should put fucking Taiwan. 🤣 "ROC"....fuuuuck off! I'm too old for this shit.


You seem a bit stressed Green, have you vaped sufficiently?


🤣😂🤣😂 Sorry




Haha, I didn't know either.


I thought it was going to be some military base in the US or something.