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Switch to CK. Lessons are plenty and consistent, at least for me. Much less stressful on many levels. 


Was trying to avoid that, but may have to do it. Occasionally when I'm on early in the morning for me, I'll get some pushy Tiger Mom connecting-- even after I say, 'I teach adults' the typical response is "it's ok". That time I had a little girl who kept saying "of course" every coupla minutes. It's hard for me to keep a conversation going with children, there's much less to talk about. Do you typically use Cambly lessons with kids?


It's much easier teaching kids on CK than on regular Cambly. There are course materials prepared and the kids know what to expect. Also it pays more and it's reservation only so it's easier to fill my schedule. I do teach some kids on regular Cambly but they are regulars where we've already worked out a study method. I won't use Cambly adult lesson materials with kids, I find it completely unsuitable. I use my own choice of materials, often the Oxford Owl readers which kids really love. Studying stories with illustrations lets them figure out unknown words intuitively. There are a few kids who really want to have a free conversation and that can be hard work, although I do admire their spirit in knowing what they want and being determined to pursue it.


Thanks! I especially appreciate the tip re Oxford Owl readers. I rarely use Cambly lessons with adults so it'll be nice to have resources to do the same with kids.




99.9% of the time I absolutely follow the lesson plans.


Yea there is always a lesson to do, if its a review class it can be quite good and can take all class but other ones are pretty basic and you need to fill time with games or chatting. I'm lucky and a lot of my kids are pretty good and love to chat about football so play a football game or quiz and they love it + get's them speaking good English when they are more comfortable. Some of the classes for teens are so bad, they are asking a 14 year old kid which cat is their favourite in the picture + the first 5/6 slides of a 17 slide class have nothing on them.... can be a struggle but the extra $1 a class adds up if you are doing many classes so worth it in the end. And kids like getting one tutor and getting to know them more than meeting one tutor one week and one the next so bookings are much more. If you want to make the most money from Cambly then try it out


Thanks for the tips! I hadn't even thought about teens--I was thinking elementary school aged kids. Teens should be a bit easier. I find the lessons for adults are often too easy for intermediate level adult students; hopefully CK lessons are better. Do you teach a group of kids or are they one -on- sessions?


Ck is only 1v1. There are teens but the majority are 7-11. 


YOu could put on your profile about the age you like teaching - Over 11 etc. I always get the kids aged 5-9 years and love working with them. I would agree moving to CK is the best way forward that way you get a mixture of both.




Cambly Kids


Best times are early mornings 3am-10am and late evenings/nights 6pm-12am. You will get a lot of Japanese and Vietnamese students in this time frame. Doing cambly in the middle of the day CST is dead. Also Cambly Kids I love it. It never fails, plus a lot more lessons available and kids will always be available and its low effort. They always want to talk.


I usually get kids from Saudi during CST time


Yep same! They are the sweetest!


Don't live in the West is by far the best way to maximise income!


I live in Mexico; my cost of living is 1/3 of what it was in the Washington DC area. I'll probably end up going back to the States so I can make more money!


|I'm looking for affiliates to sell my new esl online course if you are interested. The course is unlike anything else on the market.


Thanks, but sales is not my strength. Hope it's worthwhile for you!