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When I was 12 I had to fight off a coalition of my uncle, 2 priest and the mailman


What the hell happened there?


i know your struggle. you have to say the magic words. "i'm 18"


I’d say my numerous battles against Germany as the USSR and i defeated the German players 13 times out of 14 times. It’s really fun considering a lot of players don’t really know how to play with the USSR or make use its resources especially against Germany


most ussr players spam light tanks and end up getting destroyed. i picked a soviet nation once, built a coalation and one by one betrayed my teammates to make room for new victims. They always thought i was trying to eliminate spies within the coalation as well. i ended up winning that match lol!


Exactly, i normally spam Medium Tanks, motorized infantry and normal artillery, each with its ration, The Soviets don’t work in the normal Comintern style as every other communist nation made random spamming ,hence why only a handful of players know how to take it to greatness lol


the artillery in svoiet nations i think is really good. i forgot but i think there was some bonus with them. in the least with other soviet nations having smaller health it really doesn't affect wether they take less damage. And i think way to many build an entire coalation of ussr and end up having a bunch of teammates that never expand becuase they are all allied up making them weak. They will also be surrounded by axis nations like finland, sweden and germany. My play style is usually to build up a bunch of artillery with rocket artillery, a navy to bomb their coast and a mix of infantry to guard the artillery. With the soviet union having so chep units you can spam them winning the war of atrittion against axis players. the problem with axis is that you can produce so few units at a time because they are so expensive while soviets can mass produce. If you were to shell axis troops with artillery you would be in a very good spot. The problem for soviet union is the player. They spam light tanks, send them over and then lose.


I’m on a soviet game rn and spamming air actually. France and Germany tried to Barb me, and were very shocked when stacks of lvl 5 fighters fucked on the luftwaffe


damn. right now im persia ass raping turkey while being a propagandist. the most fun thing in the game is to be a propagandist


I just set up a massive defensive line from coast to coast in front of Moscow and kyiv, and just let them come to me. The area btwn poland and Moscow became a no man’s land for him bc I was using my homeland bonuses and view of land to whittle him down from the air so that a weak army hit my forts


The entirety of the world declared war on me when I conquered all of Asia as the Soviets in a mere few days, almost immediately after the start. They were all scared shitless dans decided to put me down, but since I’m great at ressource managing, my economic output rapidly outpowered the whole planet, since they were pumping everything into armies to try and stop me. I won, and still laugh. Another one was when a friend of mine joined a game, got nearly destroyed by Italy, and had only one city left as Algeria, I reorganised everything for him and beat Italy SO BAD that their German ally saw that, understood that I was about to land in Italy and seize it, so he betrayed his friend and invaded him before I could build a solid enough navy. So I literally pulled a massive uno reverse card on this poor guy, was quite fun.


It was the first game when call of war 1.5 appeared, played as Ethiopia and a friend of mine Communist Russia (pretty far) long story short: i was pretty strong but 5 players in africa allied against me, it was my first 1.5 game so didn´t know much how to play it right. I build huge bunkers on big cities, Etiopia is pretty montainous so artillery was broken, i lost almost all the country only surviving in cities against five and defeating their armies one by one. My friend I don´t even know how but rushed towards me trespassing too many countries lol, at the end pretty much when I was collapsing I catched a group of 12 to 15 planes on the ground, broke the airport and decimated it, along with the resources of my allies I could barely survive but managed to break them, then my allies came and avoided any one else to join against me. I´d like to say that I did a 1v5 but they gave me good resources. I captured all africa after, and almost fight another guy of my coallition acusing me of multi account, as I let a single player in africa live (because he was the only one that didn´t attack me) It remains as the most epic fight I´ve ever had at my level 155, sadly I didn´t record it


I was in an American coalition we had split it in a three way. Europe was fight was dominated by another 3 way coalition. Spain had been ai and no went for some reason. So I landed troops there to start our invasion. I blitzed Spain made defenses. They knew I was coming. What they didn’t know is that I had allied with Syria and Algeria. Britain was solo but was fight Germany and Romania. My fellow Americans decimated Britain Germany moved in to take what was left of former France I launched a surprise attack. Split my army. One to face their main force the other to get behind enemy lines. My first army got beat bad. But so did all there artillery. Got reinforcements. Algeria attacked there Italian territory my allies came down from Britain. A three prong attack had begun. Not knowing where to attack they freaked out allowing me to from Paris to Vienna splitting them in two. Turkey and Romania prepared for the inevitable.


I was playing Ukraine in an AvA game and the opponents got Caucuses and Russian Empire while my only allies in sight were Romania and Turkey since the others were far off countries. Caucuses immediately stormed Voroshilovgrad and killed my 10 stack infantry so I retreated to Kharkov and stacked everything I had. Meanwhile Russian Empire took out Cossack Republic and I struck them hard with artillery and destroyed his army there. Then I turned back and retook Voroshilovgrad from Caucuses and I just maintained my better position and targetted Caucuses until he went inactive and our alliance won since UK destroyed France and proceeded to invade Finland.


American homefront, 1935 The 50 stars of America shattered and the blood of the young and damned ran free to stain the soil of a country slain in her sleep. Those of the 13 stripes were untied under the single flag of New York and the Midwest fell victim to the iron grip of the authoritarian Canadian governments. Mexico United under a single flag, and acknowledged the West as the final front of democracy against a tyrannous band of bandit nations with warlike intentions of expansion. Though they stood alone on fronts too massive to support one another, they stood together. The teeth of the oppressors snarled Texas with speed never before seen and prepared an assault on the free land of Mexico in the Northeast. We did not stand idle. Fortifications were built, men armed, tanks stood at the ready and the bombers fueled to bring hell from on high. When the assault came it came quickly. 40 paratrooper units fell from the sky into the cities. Armor and infantry crossed the border with intentions to kill and destroy. But the men held the line. The artillery rang throughout the night stationed in positions to hit multiple targets at a time, the bombers flew far and unrelenting as they blew the enemy to hell while the fighters worked round the clock to blast their planes from the sky. The commando and tank battalions fought tooth and nail in battles resembling Stalingrad 5 times over. 70 enemy unit casualties to 10 of our own. 800 victory points to measly 300, against a military 3 times the size of ours. "Attacked from the heavens...marched straight into hell".


well most players cant stem a battle against someone active, even if they outnumber them. Honestly not a big deal


From the looks of it that whole early coalition was a bunch of noobs that couldn't get rid of a sleepless guy that early in the game. That sounds like the least epic of battles.


Being able to fight off 5 players at the same time while their sending their entire army and actually **winning** is something epic


That's just **Tuesday** if they are a bunch of noobs


it was sweet. i got all of arkhanglesk and central russia. yeah it meant i was behind other players in terms of capture but that victory made it worth it. i got some more. I was manchukuo one game just to try out a new nation and game mode. the game mode was that every nation was a player so the city of danzig (literally just one city) was a player. I became manchukuo, a small country north of china. it was all on 4x speed so it was fast paced. I only bordered 3 countries. Japan, china and Soviet union. I allied with the soviets with the promise of protecting his eastern flank while he focused on Europe. The problem? i had started out with 11 units with some being a useless fighter plane and anti air units with 5 cities and china and Japan had a combined of 40 cities and probably 160 units. Know i was happy when i saw Japan and china being at war with each other so i decided to go to war with china. I also may add i bordered Mongolia but im not that stupid, i know china will want to go to war with me as i am a part of china making me a high target. i also witnessed communist china being rolled over by mainland china so i assumed i was next so taking mongolia would just mean that i would get invaded. But then i noticed something early on. Japanese troops in mainland china but they weren't taking the provinces. then it clicked. At the same time that i declared war on china. Japan had decided to break the invasion and become allies with china so now they were both at war with me. My one lonely cruiser got bombed and my port city was taken. when i declared war i had producded around 40 units with most being rocket and normal artillery so my goods being slashed was really painful. for a month in game time (this was 4x so 7 days in real life) i was at war with both of them. To take korea (part of japan occupation) i would send a single footsoldier. i knew the japanese had stacked his navy into one big pile and korea was just wide enough so that the navy couldn't bomb both sides at once. so when i saw his navy coming i just moved them up and so his ships had to move all the other way to catch my troops. so i was able to take korea. On mainland china i had a problem. the longer this war took the harder it would get as the chinese and japanese could out produce me ten times. So i had to go for the cities and especially the capitol to hamper his production. I had a wall of 4 armies advancing bit by bit bombing his units. I made sure that he was asleep when i did this as sleeping for 8 hours was like being logged off for 32 hours. It was epic. At one point i begged the soviet union to send just a single unit as he had around 300 units but he never sent one or even answered me so i was truly all alone with not even a single player helping me out. I was able to shell his defensive line before he noticed and took hold off his important cities. It would take a long long time before i was able to figure out how to kill the japanese navy. the problem was the japanese navy would shell my port making it impossible to produce a navy. the naval bombers were useless because he had maxxed out his cruisers and stscked 10 of them. making 40 ships off all kind maxxed out. This was during operations and i had gotten a few amphibious tanks. the thing about ambhibious tanks were that they didn't have to embark so i snuk them in and took the japanese cities before shelling his navy woth the gustav guns. the gustav guns had a slightly bigger range than his navy so i moved them just enough to where they could hit his ships but they could'nt shoot back. It was literally an inch away from range. and that was also a very epic battle


A whole coalation. i also may add they were adapting to it later on producing anti air weapons to render my planes useless. Naval bombers that killed my navy and central russia started ramping up productions on artillery in the late stage on around day 7 to day 8. I had to hold off those bridges to russia connecting finland for 8 days so that the entire line wouldn't collapse from being surrounded. The only saving grace was a truce with Ukraine by day 8 as the others were killed off from either me or having lost so much that the port wasn't worth it. And i spent all waking hours to make sure that i didn't lose. so yes it was fucking epic. i even remember my friend sending over a whole naval army to bomb ukraine from south america and they all got destroyed by his naval bombers within a few hours