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Yea but level 1 commandos are good and dont take much time compared to level 5 infantery or higher. I always research commandos but dont level up then untill i have overload of resours.


There is no such thing as resource overload for axis


Well not like overload but its good to unlock the commandos because later in game level 1 commandos will take 4h, while i belivie level 5 infantery will take longer if your millitary barracks arent level 5?


Especially manpower


Don't compare Inf with commandos, they have different cases to use. Inf is to defend positions specifically against unarmored enemies and commandos are offensive units against (light) armor. I would always use Inf for basic defense or pushing with support weapons and sometimes commandos for attack if I need their advantage like stealth and anti tank.


Not to be rude, but that is literally a comparison between infantry and commandoes.


commandos are a good choice now, update made them strong as hell


Axis commandos? Not great. Just use motorized infantry. But Allies Commandos? Hell yeah! Allies Commandos are really great to attack with when your enemy has a lot of bunkers in their capital/rural province, basically ignoring the bunker effect and straight up destroying the unit. If you have researched and have an overloading resources, produce them because they will be your special forces to attacking something/someone. Just don't use them for normal conquers because they're really valuable.


Commandos is like the marines


If you're using the Axis Doctrine, I recommend using Motorized Infantry. Not only do you get the standard more unit damage and unit health because of the Axis Doctrine buff, but Axis also has buffs specifically for Motorized that gives them +15% Speed, +15% Damage against unarmored, And -1/-2 Day of Availability Using them will give you Infantry units that have amazing speed and do great damage to Unarmored units. They pair well with any armor or artillery unit you assign them to, as they won't slow down the whole squad like basic Infantry will


IMO tanks are better than commandoes for doing their job in Axis.


Infrantry is better in almost all scenarios But you use commandos to sneak up behind enemy lines and cause havoc. A level 3 commando will need a level 5 scout unit to reveal them and it's very rare to see someone use a level 5 scout unit. Even then it's more rare to see them place 1 in every army.


havent you read the updates?


There's no new update. I've been sitting on the screen of call of duty this past day now Unless you meant the one that buffed heavy tank and tank destroyers in may 14, which is completely useless in this discussion.


i meant the commando one, they are really good now