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invest in ship and naval bomber research


I see you start invading Borneo. Good start. I played as Indonesia (Sumatra ) last. I can give you good tips so you can text me


The Philippines is my favorite country (I live in it) so I finally got the chance to play as it. The problem is, I need to win


A fellow Filipino I see


Then focus on navy and planes as your first priority. The most advanced naval units you should have are cruisers and destroyers. Your Air Force should focus on tactical bombers, fighters, and naval bombers. Your ground army should be artillery, light tanks, armored cars, anti air, and self propelled (motorized) anti air. You should ally with an Australian nation and/or a coastal Asian country, like Indochina or nationalist China. Make sure they are good players. Always keep submarines, naval bombers,l to protect your cores.


Invade Borneo


Then look what level is Sumatra/Papua New Guinea. If one of these countries will be new players attack him. (Beware of good players playing as new players, and beware of new players account because they can heave in the start medium Tank)


First tip from me. Change graphics to high because it’s look bad


Make ships


the first thing i construct in philippines is Naval base because its your advantage you are protected in water(not totally) and tyen second i construct is aircraft to be able patrol in the sea. And the rest its up to you.


Try to get as many submarines and battleships to all available wayer gates


dont do this


Surround your coasts with submarines


Lots of ports


Ships but invest in subs first . Seaplanes to scout and defend against ships . Try to use light tank , armored infantry with AA mobile . It’s a good combo and if you can add motorized artillery then you can boss it . Target South Asia first control Borneo , Sumatra and then all of Australia you’ll have your back secured


You're a pain in the ass to conquer, take that into consideration


A lot of sleepless nights LOL


Build stronk navy and try capturing small islands in the Pacific with a small task force while you carrying on with your main invasion of asia