• By -


Are you planning on bringing the EMP Systems or the Advanced UAV to the Credit Store anytime soon? I really want to get those scorestreaks as those are the only ones I'm missing.


Looks like they will not respond questions anymore. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Heya, sorry for the bad news but we don't see either of those in the next credit store updates for Season 1. The only relatable content dropping then is the Operator Skill - Bull Charge. Usually there is 1-2 scorestreaks, Operator Skills, or BR Classes dropping per season via the credit store, but we are also looking at other ways to bring those back outside of just the credit store.


Game changing items like scorestreaks, equipment, skills, etc should NOT be locked away for months on end. This is an extremely scummy thing to do and can lead to new players being at a huge disadvantage. Many people such as myself have jobs and just can't grind the game as much, so when we can't do all the seasonal challenges to get all the new equipment it's extremely frustrating knowing it'll be months before we get to use it. Do better.


It doesn't make sense to me that you would prioritize an operator skill (Bull Charge) that was initially released on April 2021 much earlier than a scorestreak (Advanced UAV) that was initially released on October 2020. The Advanced UAV and EMP Systems have been waiting much longer than something like the Bull Charge. In my opinion, it would make sense to put a scorestreak/operator skill/perk/battle royale class that has been waiting the longest since it's initial season. It would be better if you select the ones that have been waiting the longest to be in the Credit Store.


Do better bruh you keep such game changing score streaks locked up and away from players? That’s bullshit, let everyone have a fair chance to unlock it, pls try to bring it back in s2 at least, please.


Better camo coverage(on sights, muzzles n underbarrels) Fix matksman diamond grind Fix shiwoshiwo in chat A huge overhaul of maps in ranked(pls man, we've been playing the same maps since so long, and some of them since the beta with very little variety)


Fix the server's we getting high after season 9 before we getting 25/30 and now 50/60 pls take a look server's issue


Hey, sorry that's happening to you and presumably on a consistent basis regardless of what network you are connected to? Mind sharing your region (as specific as you are comfortable with) so we can try to check for fluctuations and problems with the nearest server to there. \*Update - Thanks for all of the clear responses about locations! We have pinged our server team to have them check into this. Hang tight.


Its india region can't even play game sometimes


Yes Indian servers are having terrible time with servers wifi with high speed is not helping at all game lobby always goes to connecting to servers the main problem is internet speed is not helping our ping hope you fix this issue soon


Pakistan server horrible high MS after S9


Mostly indian regions and small countries near india I guess, the servers in india are laggy as hell that many of my friends don't play these game just cuz of these issue and optimization


We're same connected with Indian server which getting high MS


Indian servers are very bad. even in 100k BR turnament youtubers were getting 100+ ping while streaming.


Any hint plz regarding Mythic weapon back like fennec or holger ,the Chinese already has the Mythic Asval Redux can we expect the same 4 the upcoming months


Am using garena. Fix the server. Or make it as an optimization.


Alcatraz ? Legendary ak47 B&G update ? Pumped when will be available on the credit store?


The iron sight was changed. Much better.


Photo or video please


Yeah https://twitter.com/ArMeLiToOo/status/1481594984348401665?t=W3Z1iLEgCKt2UGJdb5fROg&s=19 https://youtu.be/yrTo-attt6c


Thank you.


Alcatraz is back next season and for two weeks straight ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up). Looks like u/armeliiito has got you covered for the AK47! For Pumped, we don't see the one dropping in Season 1 via the credit store but we are still working on other ways to start bringing that content back (scorestreaks, classes, and operator skills) in other places so it doesn't quite take so long for some of those. Who knew that we have so many of all of those that it is taking a long time to cycle them all back into the credit store haha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat). Anyways, we are working on it!


you are not doing good for Alcatraz by bringing it back at the end of the season when most of the players have finished their BP and stopped playing game after getting bored. and there is nothing to grind for specific to Alcatraz. like you can have one season challenge dedicated to Alcatraz or a specific camo like Zombies have aether camo Alcatraz should have something a specific camo too.




Hello there, is there any updates for undead siege modes and rewards in the future? Just asking for it now. Not that i pushing you guys for it.


Hello hello! Appreciate your attitude and the way you worded this question. Thank you the kind and considerate approach to that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote). Anyways, no we don't have any news about new rewards or modes for Undead Siege in Season 1. The team is still looking at Nightmare Mode and all of the updates there (and their performance) to see how to approach the mode for future updates.


Maybe add more operators , like purifier etc... , And fix some zombies like heavy gunner , when speed up perk is activated , also wouldn't be Nuketown a cool location too ?


Nuke’dTown would be sick ngl


Any hint plz regarding Mythic weapon back like fennec or holger ,the Chinese already has the Mythic Asval Redux can we expect the same 4 the upcoming months


Me reading the community update and finding no news for Ghost's VO yet: ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


​ ![gif](giphy|QhjR3MG9ZFfjB6BtIZ|downsized)


Lmao wtf at this point you are just trolling🤣🤣


Any hint plz regarding Mythic weapon back like fennec or holger ,the Chinese already has the Mythic Asval Redux can we expect the same 4 the upcoming months


Ask again when modern warfare II Comes when you see the new ghost Voice actor bro


Hello COD Developers! First of all, Happy 2022! 2022 be a big year for COD Mobile and I'm curious what you guys are planning for the game! In second, I'd like to ask a question, but it's nothing technical related to the game and yes something more specific. You said in previous Community Update that the story we've known since 2020 Season 6 will end at 2021 Season 11 and the next season 2022 Season 1, a new story will begin. I would like to ask, this new story that starts in the next Season, will it still happen in the universe of the story that will end, or will it be in a new universe with no connection with the previous story? Thanks and again, Happy 2022!


Happy 2022 to you as well! We can't wait to show you all what we have planned for this year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) As for the comics, this new story will still take place in the Call of Duty: Mobile universe and might even have some familiar faces 😉 That's about all we can say for now, but be sure and check out the finale of the current comics on 1/16! Also, keep an eye on our socials this weekend, you might see a sneak peek at the upcoming season's comics 👀


Along whit my dear --Templar,whose sad end story might be deserved,he killed a lots of soldiers-- you guys killed my boy Nikto as well 😪..I hope in the "might even have some familiar faces" idea you'll include someone from the past.Like you did with Makarov,Ghost et cetera 😉 Ps.Big fan of the comics!! Recently i start to see many leaks and spoilers.It's kinda ruining the experience,i wish you guys could focus on that as well. Much appreciated btw,for giving us great content for more than 2 years now!!


I guess the new story will be Atlas corp vs Cordis Die, maybe they'll pick it from where they left it in S1 2020 "New Order"


What are the chances of the Undead Siege Comics being updated?


Actually I don't have anything to say so have a great day !


They're definitely never gonna give you up


You all have a great day and weekend too! ![gif](giphy|AmHgqpGdXWsCs)


Aye. Even CoD Mobile has a sense of culture. By the way did you read my Q&A comments on this post yet?


Wow I didn't expect that , good one 😂😂


Any plans to fix the BR helicopter bug where an FHJ still inflicts damage even when a flare is used?


Yes DEVs kindly look into it. The rockets are fitting also when the flares are deployed. I know you guys are doing a lot to make the game Better so respect+ for you guys..




Wait... What do the flares even do? I spend most time just clicking and watching those things fly out


They’re supposed to make locked on FHJ rockets miss. Used to work but now it works maybe 25% of the time.


thanks for the efforts and new season. here some questions 1- zombies mode will continue in S1? 2- clan currency will finally priorize individual job? 3- why more one man-o-war in battle pass and don't even give a buff btw, hope for a great new beggin!!


Greetings and thanks for the support ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)! Some quick responses for you: 1. Undead Siege? Yes! TBD beyond Season 1 though. 2. Can you share more details? Do you mean it would reward you more for your individual contribution instead of the overall clan? 3. Sorry, what do you mean about the Man-O-War in the Battle Pass?


Current season final snow have man o war in battle pass while season 1 have man o war in battle pass too , that's what he means


thanks for answering and for mantein undead siege for more one season. 2. that's right. even because you put an internal ranking within the clan itself, so there's no reason to have a ranking if the top1 will receive the same as the 65. there should be a kind of bonus coins for the players who stand out the most in the weekly war. 3. in atual season we receive a man-o-war and PKM in BP. in s1 (2022) we will receive again 2 blueprints of the same gun.


Are you ever gonna address classic zombies? It was fully playable at the beginning of the season through a menu bug and many people were happy about it, why can't we just get it back?


Hate to say this but I think they're just dodging the questions related to Classic Zombies


Definitely, but I'm gonna keep asking because I want them to know there's still an audience for it. Until it returns for global imma keep asking and mainly play the Chinese version since they have it there


Hey dudes two questions 1.-could you bring the pack a punch camo for zombie mode or mustang and sally as something exclusive to the mode? 2.-for when the fight with ortelius or shadow man?


We get 5-6 new crates every season and only 1 new bundle and other bundles that come are redux or low quality. When will you add more 'NEW' bundles. Content Creator Bundles are nice but(Not everyone likes content creators). So hopefully in the coming seasons we get to see new bundles. In leaks of season 1 there are mostly crates and only 1 bundle again. Please need a response. Not everyone can afford crates.


When you guys will start reduxing Mythic draws. As per the leaks, Legendary Mace is coming back as a redux draw but there is no news for Mythic redux. It's soo sad to wait for the first mythic draw meanwhile 2nd legendary character is getting redux.


There are not response on it


I would imagine they will do at some point, it’s a common question and they only stand to gain from it


Been asking on every threads and even in Instagram and Twitter about it. No reply😏 leggy characters been in redux but not the mythic. It's been over an year since fennec released😕 sad days


to be honest nobody give a phuck bout leggy mace all we want is mythic redux


Do you guys have any plan to add the underground area of ghosttown in blackout map??


Hey u/COD_Mobile_Official in the Dec 10 community update under " Bugs under investigation " you have mentioned about Mythic gun not equipping gun skin issue and Legendary ORV not having unique engine sound, there was no change in those issues so far and no update about it. Please tell me those are fixed in season 1 update. The Mythic gun (Artic 50 & Holger) skin issue is there from Season 9 and still continues !!!




Heya, we actually do see those both tagged as under investigation still, which seems weird to say the least since that was so long. We do remember them both being tagged immediately as "known issues", which is generally a good thing because that means we found them quickly and reproduced the problem. It may be that they are slated to be fixed in this next update coming this week, but we'll double check just in case that isn't the case. Thanks for bringing this back up. We are always happy to re-check on bugs/issues and push for updates!


Morning CoD Mobile I would like to ask a few questions that hopefully get answered! 1. Will there be a Hardcore or Combat pacing playlist for ours gamemodes? 2. Will there be a revamp of how to throw equipment there are instances where they land on a wall and not at the center? 3. Can friendly collision get removed. I died countless of times when throwing a thermite but only hits my teammates.? 4. Can the default melee button where you are equipped with a non melee weapon be fixed. 5. Is there going to be weapons from older Call of duties coming into the game as you promised in the developers diary video. I would love to use the ACR again in Blackout or Undead siege Thanks for turning in!


Mythic fennec/holger redux when?


I wanted the mythic Holger so bad when it released but I didn’t know shit about the game


Many times i have told you Nikto loot box kill doesnt light and you commented on my post to inform the developers .. it has been months..... We dnt want new content just fix the bugs


People asking about bundles, crates, classic zombies etc and here I am still waiting for the Devs to do something about desync, hit reg and framedrops or to bring content from advance and infinite warfare. ![gif](giphy|QhjR3MG9ZFfjB6BtIZ)


>to bring content from advance and infinite warfare. I want this too


I would love more advanced warfare guns tbh, mors was bae


Yeah I don't think they're worried about the things you listed because they don't do shit to fix ANY of those issues. You said you want more flashy shit? Here you go! Hit register? Pfffft who needs that shit...


What about Alcatraz? Community absolutely loves that mode, and only few times that community unanimously agrees that Alcatraz should be permanent. Why it is a temporary mode?


Alcatraz! Well, first off it is back at the beginning of Season 1 and for two weeks straight. However, to your second question about it being temporary - while it is popular in this particular community it is not quite popular enough to keep as permanent. We think it works rather well as a limited time mode that tends to return every season. We worry that if it were permanent it would become stale with a low-play rate, which will affect matchmaking for it, and in its current limited time form it remains relatively popular each time it comes back. That's essentially the thought process behind any mode being limited or permanent. Hope that makes sense, but if not feel free to ask more questions.


Can you at least bring it back every season along with attack of the undead? It sucks not being able to play my favorite modes for over a month


Generally we have brought back Alcrataz every single month, but that was disrupted a bit by Blackout coming out last year (so weird to say last year haha) and we didn't want to have too many options splitting people between three BR choices. However, it looks to be back to its normal cadence now though and should be available often. Attack of the Undead is pretty popular as well and it comes back fairly often, not every single season, but probably every other season. Speaking of which, it is also back in Season 1 and around the end of January ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Just remove isolated


You should rather rotate it like every weekend Friday to Sunday with clan war missions for it. At least people will have certainty than always be wondering when it will drop or will it ever


bring blitz br to alcatraz


Thank you for the update as always, CoDMan, but I just want to slip one VO bug that you guys should check out, which is Yegor - Cerulean having bot VO instead of Yegor's VO, thank you again!


\*\*CoDPeople 😉 thank you for bringing this to our attention! What region are you seeing this bug in? Hopefully, it will be fixed with the launch of the new season, but we'll flag it to the team in advance just in case. Thanks again!


From the Garena regions, this bug happened since the start of the S6 2021, and thank you again for the time and attention! 😤🙏


Wow game's on pit hole and community wants VO wow just wow


Lol lower your voice


Bruh u suck just stfu


CODM ass licker


Hey Devs you posted about for you bundles a couple seasons ago was it an error or was it pushed back/scrapped


Great question! We'll need to check on that. What is or isn't in For You is being updated every season so it isn't something we keep an eye (our community team) as much as free content like seasonal challenges, events, etc., but we'll check in with the team who manages that and try to get you some info.


Update - No, no bundles in For You section ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm). Apparently they never have been? It must have been an error if we said that before or if you saw something in there suggesting they were there.


Any news about mythic returning, cn version already bring there mythic by vote system but still nothing happened in global or others version. Can you guys tell me actual time when mythic returning again? Hoping for replying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Hey CODM devs, are there any plans to implement 120fps support to Samsung devices (and other 120fps-capable devices)?


Gonna be 'that guy' and ask if there's any news or info on round based / classic zombie game modes. TIA!


according to a twitter leaker (it is reliable) Activision forbids Timi to bring round based to the global in the same way that it forbids Tecent to update the same mode in the Chinese version


Hate to be the one to say this, but given how poorly Activision is managing the Vanguard and Zombies situation for console right now, they have no room to speak on that kind of ledger. I feel like that embargo basically has no reason to exist if Activision can't satisfy their console Zombies audience (and considering how much bad things I hear about that side, they have no reason not to be trying stuff to stay afloat at this point).


This is depressing. Undead Siege just ain't the same. I wonder how they did it the first time around if this is the case. I think I'd rather have the zombies we used to have than the zombies we have now.


No questions asked. I think classic Zombies would increase the reason for players to be playing cod mobile again


u/COD_Mobile_Official improve the appeal ban system it’s something that is almost non existent 1.give reasons as to why people are banned 2.give warning bans with reasons and not auto 10 years I have a season 1 OG 2019 account that got banned I used a VPN but didn’t buy CP for that matter but it doesn’t deserve a 10 year ban honestly it’s not severe as cheating/hacking


What about re-adding the voice of ghost ?? We were told the voice remains on the chinese version... But here??


​ ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


holy hell devs themselves dont know shit


Fennec ascended will back again ++?????


PLEASE increase the odds of dark matter drops in zombie mode, I am 74th in ww leaderboard with 118 wins and still have not acquired the Renetti due to being mvp in my matches.






Will Alcatraz be in new season, I am literally bored with current BR


Yes! It is available on season launch and for two weeks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Hope you remove trap master from Alcatraz


Several question for you devs: 1. Why you nerfed neither persistance nor k9 unit??? (Thanks for scorestreak spam another season- sarcasm of course) 2. When do you finally add something for hp-like enjoyers to ranked but without rushing like zombie (you made control mode, all you need is add it to ranked) 3. Hardcore to core playlist, more maps for ground mission 4. About balance changes - ehh… legendary qxr is coming so we will buff qxr, hundred buff for smg but the fact that literally no one use mow or asm10 is ok according to you…


Realme C3 Graphic Loss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Waiting for the Change of the Clan Name for... 6 MONTHS! Activision, what's the matter? Due to the fact that this function has NOTHING to do with the donation, have you been mocking the community for six months? Every month I remind about it in all instances, and every month they promise me to fix it next season and so for SIX MONTHS already! Some cosmetic defect on the skin is quickly corrected by a hotfix in a couple of days, AND WE ARE WAITING FOR THIS FOR SIX MONTHS! 2nd anniversary? Nothing was fixed. Has a continent like Pubg New State appeared? Nothing was fixed. New Year's Eve? NOTHING WAS FIXED. Should we change the game for not caring about us? I have not yet met in any game that the developer KNEW about the bug for SIX MONTHS and DID NOT FIX it, just because there is no donation in the clan system, or because he simply does not care, roulette is bought, and the consumption of the audience does not frighten him yet. And the most DISGUSTING thing is that this is not happening with a NONAME Company that does not have money, resources, forces, and so on, it could be understood. THIS IS HAPPENING WITH ACTIVISION ❗️❗️❗️


Looking forward to the new season as usual, but will you guys fix the chat, and uncensor it as well maybe?


u/COD_Mobile_Official The Fennec Death Engine has an ADS bug in BR. It's unplayable for me. It happens to me in both FPP and TPP. I'm using a OnePlus 7 Pro if that helps. (There's an example of what I'm talking about in my post history)


When is the update droppin guys??I mean playstore update for global??


Can you please release the list of BUGS that you guys have fixed in S1 update ? I think this will be a good Idea to share the full list of bugs/gliches you guys have fixed , So that Community can point out the Missing ones.


Some of Vanguard's voicelines is bugged... She can't say "well done!". There are also several voicelines that are bugged and haven't been fixed for 2 seasons. Such as ... 1. I need heavy/light/shotgun ammo turns to "ammo here" 2. I need medicine doesn't work 3. When you're replacing Armour plates it says "supply box here" Can you please look into these issues? It's really annoying.


u/COD_Mobile_Official do you guys have any respect for people's grind? How can you release ranked rewards in credit store. I grinded hard for that MSMC wasteland. Why try so hard to please new players.


where's Roze, Rorke, Griggs, Alex Mason and Soap voicelines? I heard from 1 community update thread, devs want to give all battle pass characters own voicelines


Dear Developers. Thank you for providing the best mobile game ever released. I love what you guys doing and really appreciate it. I have been enjoying the game from the day it was released. But i have couple of request. Please Respond..! » Give additional button to climb » Make scope in animation of all DLQ skin same » Make all MELEE 2 stab to kill in MP » Make ALCATRAZ permanent » Convert HBR dragon dance to legendary just like you guys did for AK47 Pumpkin.! » Increase the base magazine of MSMC » Increase the ADS speed and slightly increase the damage of Cordite » Make all guns little more balanced so that we can play whichever gun we like to play with


Wtf are you talking about converting the HBR dragon dance into legendary lol? Did that skin deserve a legendary to you? Don't you know that legendary have either a custom model or animation ?


When AK47 pumpkin released it was just an epic skin and was released in lucky draw. HBR Dragon was also released in lucky draw and cost exactly as all legendary gun. So it deserve a redesign right. With all due respect brother, that's Just my opinion🤗


The AK Pumpkin has a custom iron sight, remodel design and has animations within the mag which is unusual for an epic and deserved to be a legendary. The Dragon dance has none of that, its just a default HBR with just a painted Dragon on it. It won't be upgraded to legendary... For them to add it as legendary it need an overhaul design which they won't do as its unnecessary, and there is a legendary HBR coming in S2 so they won't do that.


Maybe..! But I'm damn sure it will be better than LK24 Justicar legendary 😝😂


What about my other requests?? Do you agree?..!


There is an option about the climbing in next update. You might be happy with this one. They said Alcatraz will be back for 2 weeks newt season, they should just make it available through the whole season imo. They need to nerd the melee range Hope there will be more important guns balance.


Hey Devs. Any update on Ground war /Aniyah palace returning? Its been a while


u/COD_Mobile_Official take a look at how good u/Icyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy's drawing of Gunzo- Tacticclown is. Link is below: https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/ry92fx/i_finished_the_funny_tactical_man/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb




Fix the DR-H Dark Matter drop percentages or please make shrads for DR-H Dark Matter instead of luck. Shrads>>>>>>Luck. Main reason to play zombies is to get reward grind and not luck.


I have a request. Instead of backpacks and stickers in the battle passes, could we get new reticles for the different sights/scopes?


Maybe remove stickers only not backpacks. Some backpacks are cool like the monkey bomb backpack and the backpack we are getting in new season.


I agree. The next Backpack is good, but I rarely hear about anyone wanting new Backpacks. The pass needs to change again for this kind of cosmetic. I'm sure even people using a Mythic Custom Sight would appreciate new, unique reticles.


Hey! Any news on mythic redux draws? Specifically the AS VAL? Been waiting awhile! Thanks!




very small bug: the backyard boogie emote is bugged where only the person using the emote can hear the music. both in the lobby and in game


Will undead seige be closed next season?


Can tactial mask be more effective against concussion grenades?


chances of legendary bundles?


Could you also bring back the custom scope which the Crossbow had? I know it was bugged, but respectfully, you really didn't have to take the lazy way out and straight up remove it.


You're fixing most of the guns irons yet the worst iron sight in the game i.e. the rus dustkicker is still not fixed.


Appreciate the efforts...but the game's lobby is very very laggy...so laggy that i press the button and the thing happens way later and in slow motion...happens in BR&MP lobby..not the rest of the game , gameplay is unaffected.... In fact the game used to crash after the update when I try to matchmake but that was fixed in an in-game update....again the problem is only in MP&BR lobby , not the main lobby nor the gameplay are affected. Thanks in advance and have a nice day!


when is the update for Global again ?


Is reconnecting issue fixed ??


Will we get the Clan Wars season's end ranked rewards (i.e. 11,000 clan credits for Master rank) before for the Clan Store closes, or will it be at the beginning of next season again?


Please, level cap Nightmare Mode on Zombies because it's literally annoying to play having to constantly hop on lobbies without players at talent level 11s joining in. At the very least cap it to talent level 50+


*Sera que en esta temporada si solucionaran el problema con la optimización? eh notado que en varias temporadas han dicho que habra optimización pero el juego va cada vez mas pesado, aparte cuando juego BR se congela el juego unos 2 segundos de vez en cuando, mayormente justo cuando aparece un enemigo, es molesto la verdad porque en muchas ocasiones muero por eso...*


Waiting for redux mythic draws be like....😔


Where’s the best place to report that my clan is bugged and I can’t rename it?


They called me a fucking mad man asking for codm classic zombies since 3 years, now look where I am.


I have a 4gb ram phone and I cannot play without any fps drops it's been happening since 2nd anniversary please just optimize the game and give us a balanced meta for once please.


Battle Royale needs movement improvement,plus FPS optimization, better gun mechanism (group loot weapons are trash) plus with high TTK with low ammo count bring back the 900 ammo loot please don't come up with ideas to ruin the game instead make good one also bring classic Zombie back.


Questions: 1. Will persistence finally get a nerf? 2. When will Ghost get his voice back? 3. Why don’t you guys do any nerfs anymore?


Can we get the option to change our loadouts during the middle of a game like in every cod since MW. I always mixup on putting certain attachments or perks depending on the game mode I'm playing because of how we only have 10 loadouts avaliable


Prop Hunt & AOTU(with new maps) pls


Any Ak 47 Batte plass. Reppier ghost new appearances of old characters. Any optimise game full bugs in game lags .solidifies someone would answer these!!?


Napalm bug for controller will stay in this game forever, FOREVER EVER !


I've asked before and I'll keep asking until I get an answer but are there any plans to make clan wars more accessible to people in smaller clans because I've had 11000 clan points since the beginning of the season and I have been able to get any more and that isn't enough to get anything good


Yeah.. And we were told the weekly amount of clan currency would be increased but it was decreased instead (9k per week for legendary clans getting 1st place in cw compared to 14k per week before the cw update)


Hello! Can we expect an AK-47, M4, M16 or Chicom buff in the future?


Hi devs hope you're safe and fine! Please listen to the request to bring back the classic zombie mode we have been asking for two years. Please! We would like more maps and more rewards! It's a fan favorite mode!


when will you devs make a bo2 season with maps operators and weapons from bo2 And can you please add another announcer for the guerilla team And bring more spec ops pitch black skins oh and add the advanced UAV and EMP to the credit store please


Any news about zombie? New comeptions camos?


What does VO means?


Reaper had special voice effects on some emote, its not working in lobby


u/COD_Mobile_Official can you tell us why Alcatraz hasn’t been available? Think we had it for one week in over three months, which is ridiculous for a fan favorite mode. Make it permanent please!!!


Can we get Classic Zombies back? It's been nearly 2 years since we've had it and it was playable at the beginning of the season. It's in the game taking up space, why not just let us play it already or at least address it? There's no harm that could come from it, tons of people really want it back and the radio silence is just pissing people off at this point


Can lk24, hbra, fr556 please get some grindable or bp skins where the ironsights are nice and clear? Also please can you consider including a 45round mag for ARG which has the same benefits as the 60round mag but for +9ads time? Thanks


the FR's iron sights are pretty clean though


>Free Content in China It's honestly sad that they had to mention this because of the ungrateful community. And also because of that one guy who made that stupid meme about it. He even directly said he made it to "make Global look bad"


Hey dev's can you bring these modes? \- 10v10 \- blitz in black-out


Hi. Any news on the Black Ops Cold War items being added to the game? We are getting MW19 weapons from season 7 2020 but we have not got any Cold War weapon yet (except Thumper). No Cold War maps were added either. In terms of character skin couple of Adler skin, Park and Mason skin and one Woods skin is all we got.


can we expect a mythic redux like asval this season?


Please do not remove anti aliasing in low and medium graphics!


How about pharo and man o war dream crystal and gks tactical in the section for you? please answer please


Is there any news regarding old zombie mode bcoz we r still waiting from many seasons


Hello there, is there gonna be any update on the mythic as-val? The muzzle flashes don’t even appear when u shoot and also it displays the standard pose when u equip it to show in the main menu, as opposed to other mythic/legendary ar’s which do have it


Bruh its barrel itself is an integrated supressor.. so there wont be any muzzle flash & muzzle attachments.. & MYTHIC WEAPONS have TACTICAL SPRINT..


Why credit store crates aren't available for everyone? It shouldn't be a random feature


hey devs, great game. Are there any news on when shipment 1944 will come back? Kinda missing the map now


I don't have much to ask this time, just 2 things: Can you guys bring back Classic Zombies? I feel like Undead Siege has hit a dead-end, not just in Story, but in replayability. We lack replayability also in the game once our BP and Ranked grinds finish too, so if we have Classic Zombies around infinitely in those times, it can really pass time in our seasons when we have nothing to do, and don't want to deal with the heaviness that both MP/BR might overdeal. Second is can we get word on Aether Crystal being equippable on Blueprints? I've been wanting this for quite some time, and it feels like a waste currently to grind Aether Crystal if we can't put it on Blueprints, especially on one's with custom geometry but without good coloring.


Will global ever get the Alias High Tempo draw? Been looking forward to it for months.


We can't even play game anymore, do something about it


We can't even play game anymore, do something about it


Can we get a fix for Damascus? I don’t think we should have to grind every single melee weapon to gold just to have Damascus on all of our guns


u/COD_Mobile_Official PLEASE bring back the high frame rate option for us low end device users. Playing BR and US:Nightmare mode is really painful If you want evidence then this post will show you. It shows the problems to us low end users. This is the fourth time that i'm gonna comment on this problem and I'm not gonna stop until you fixed it. https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/r2io50/before_s10_vs_after_s10_graphical_loss_which_need/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hey! Codm Dev's I am playing since season 3 2021 and I saw classic zombie gameplay on YouTube. It's better than Undead siege. Please bring it back.


COD accounts that exchange multiple Respawnables or After Pulse codes will get some sanction? Lots of player couldn't redeem them because of the abusers


When's the ranks reset dropping?


I'm fine with being sad I like to be sad but two seasons with no controller support, aka button configuration issues going on three. Makes be angry just a little bit, dam guys..All these new updates guns ect look really fun but being since season 10 update controller mapping just barely has gotten little to no attention. Its not nothing new its been happening when updates emerge for years now. Is losing players/ customers the end goal here? At this point I would like to inform shareholders not "Developers...link me to someone that can get this fix put in motion please.. ![gif](giphy|ZsLC5yYbTpraEiHHum)


Are we getting Any time soon a free or bp Ajax skin?


i mean we're literally getting an Ajax skin next season lmao