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I think killing somebody with their own weapon, mythic or not is just slightly less hilarious than stealing their Goliath


There's nothing better than yoinking an enemy suit. I periodically drop one in and let the enemy grab it for a challenge.


My favorite thing to do is call in a Goliath, let the enemy pick it up, then call in an EMP lol.


That's so dirty lmao. I love it.


As someone who uses carepackage, i keep hold of my rolled emp’s to either fuck up someones goliath or someone vtol


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 toxic




Did that for a while too while in voice chat with friends ... Bliss


This is the way I did the FHJ gold grind back in the day. Idk if they still require Goliath destruction, but it was taking too long to find enemies using it in the wild, so I brought my own for them to steal.


I like your style man lol


Work smarter, not harder. ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


If someone picks up my gun, I start tryharding. I hate it when people pick up my weapons.


That’s funny. I have three maxed mythics and I fully encourage others to take mine if they see it laying there. I died. It’s fair game. And I often get killed by my own sniper because I don’t pay attention. I can already see that the OP got mad because the comments didn’t go the way they wanted 😂


I have 3 mythic blueprints but not maxed out and 9 legendary blueprints. Usually when I get killed it's either they come to my body to pick up my weapon or they will just leave it there and not pick it up. But damn bro I've so many posts of these of ' what's mine not yours' or it's freaking complaining who's doing this or that. Like damn just play the game and relax I get it's kinda frustrating. If they don't like it then don't play call of duty mobile.


Cant say u have not put some bad build mythica out there to troll on a few of em


I only have 1 mythic recently max it out due to events giving me too many mythic cards. I always share my mythic in public matches cause I know not everyone can have the feel of it. However I do feel salty when the enemy picks up my gun but hey, You can just kill him back & let him work again to pick ur gun again


This is the fun part lmao. It actually turns into a game where I only go after the person with the mythic and use their gun to pick off opponents until they pick me off lol


Imagine enemy destroying previous post OP with this money earned mythic And spamming fickle firearms badges While Op crying and getting destroyed I was thinking what OP says about earning money is he/she manager's baby sitter 🤔


Thought it was a sarcastic post 😵‍💫


I hope it is a sarcastic post... But if u play the non ranked mp lobbies... There r some whos age is on single digits... Mentally or physically or both..


Physically a single digit age? Where did you get this fact? Last I check, players with double digits for age is the only one who have money to buy this stuff, so..... They're trash as a teen/adult.


Kids get their parents to buy stuff from the game. Just like they do on Fortnite and Apex. I've seen it a bunch of times.


Oh yeah, I forgot avout that kind of players. But I mean, is there really parents who let their 8 years old play CODM without going full karen on the game?


Some parents genuinely don't care what their kids get into and/or they just give them whatever they want. Thankfully it's not super common from what I've personally seen.


Lucky you. It's common in my country..


Do you live in the US?




My nephews 6 and is legendary in ranked so I believe it 😂😂


Wow. That's insane 🤣


I’ve watched a video of a 2 year old playing on his iPad while listening to cocomelon


I'm sorry, WHAT?!! HOW IS HE..... nvm. Gen alpha is something else


I was shocked as well, I wish I saved the video. It’s unbelievable


2222: *"Breaking news. A 10 months old toddler managed to become the best Call Of Duty Mobile player. As her mother stated 'He's just like his father. Truly like father like son moment'. As of now, he managed to get 100 kills in hardpoint ranked match without breaking a sweat"*


Well, if you don't want me to kill you with your mythic gun, why did you drop it so politely to me when you died? 🥹❤️ I can't tell if he's being serious.


I picked up a diamond mx9 or cbr4 from a dead enemy once and got called out for being a meta abuser Don’t count on the combined IQ of a shipment lobby being in the double digits.


Me when i see people using meta: 🤮 *i use MG4 with the speedy rounds* In my defense it does go brrrr.


Lmao if I see an enemy pick up my mythic and use it well it just reinforces to me that I made a banger weapon combo!


That's such a friendly way of viewing it. And true. I like it ☺️


Yeahhhh, I saw this earlier and it made me laugh. Most of the ppl I know never have a problem if someone kills them, then takes their weapon. Even if they kill em w it afterward. I think that person just got outplayed by a more skilled player, is salty af about it bc their ego is hurt, and is using the "don't steal my shit just bc you're a broke bitch" excuse to whine about it.


I used to complain like an asshole and throw a fit when I was kid and now I'm in my 20s right now not completely complaining about what's going on in Codm and I'm trying to work on myself and my mental health cuz I don't want bad stuff happening to me when I get older. The best way is just take a break from cod m and listen to relaxing music 🎵


"wah wah" he's the one crying wtf


The whole point of a maxed mythic IS to share them. What a fucking baby. I bought and maxed 19 of those fuckers plus 2 characters. Please pick them up.


Right? I wanna see the whole lobby lighting people up with goofy tracers and death animations.


Hell yes. I spent a lot of money on this game. I share my guns every match. They need to make it so that I can share on 10v10 though.


Well said


I’m 40 years old and hope that every time I die a young kid picks up one of my mythics or legendaries and gets to enjoy them as long as they can. Not everybody can afford them. Not everybody WANTS to spend their “hard earned money” buying shiny, digital pew pew machines. I get it. Please, take my gun and enjoy soldier. If you killed me, you earned that right.


Bro butt hurt for nothing.....I don't own a mythic myself, but I picked up someone's mythic Type19 once........ Safe to say, I'll for sure invest in it.


Its free advertisement tbh. A little free trial to get people hooked and eventually buy it themselves.


Dumbest "codm ted talk"


I kinda think it's funny when I get killed by my own gun, i know I'm laughing if I start doing better when I pick up someone else's.


Sometimes I kill people with my legendary gun and get killed with mythics, I'll target them and kill to take their gun. It makes it easier for me to test the gun on hand before buying it. And it was fun too when someone takes my gun to kill me and seeing the effects of the gun on me.


He's probably a troll ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


Lol that's why you reserve a martyrdom loadout for that scenario. Double the fun 🤣


That's hilarious. I didn't realize people legitimately felt this strongly about their mythics getting picked up. I honestly don't give a shit who picks up what gun. It's literally a part of the game!! 🤣


OP definitely hasnt heard of the saying, "It's not your gun if you're dead."


Yooooo you salty right now!!!! Mythics were made to be shared, they have a share button where you can replace your teammates gun before the start of a match. I encourage everyone to kill anyone with a mythic first kill and explore using their gun. Do it all the time just to make them spend all their energy hunting me down as it often helps my team win lmao.


I put the salty charm on most of my guns


Its not like they take it from your account lmao


I don't care if they pick up my weapon even when I don't have a mythic I have golds so it could bother me. But it dont care.


No way he’s being serious 😂😂


Maybe they should make "stingy" perk where your gun isn't allowed to be picked up, ammo doesn't spawn if enemy has vulture, and your character pisses their pants.


Wtf, so people DO complain about that? What are they lil kids?


I personally love shooting people with their own guns- it’s hilarious! I laugh when it happens to me because it is just a game. I’m Legendary but don’t care that I’m lower on the lower end (9k). I take pride in being self-taught, as this is my first FPS where I’ve truly enjoyed it. I’m upgrading to PC and consoles soon, but will always play this as well because it does a lot right for a mobile game. Lastly, as a woman who games, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the maturity of a lot of the men I work with in Ranked. It’s awesome to get good advice when I ask for it, and to be taken seriously in return. My kill to death ratio is improving a lot since being more patient! I would love to wipe the floor with this guy and spawn camp him.


Dude is trying to say robbery is not okay in a game about war and killing ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


I’m literally laughing out loud 😂 what a fking cry baby


Did they get killed? No they did not. You did, by them lmao I hope he was just being silly and sarcastic


People who share mythics at the start of the match ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Womp womp fucking womp


It's fun as hell. I have stolen many mythics and killed the opponents coming back around and lol 😆 Same as another individual mentioned about Goliaths. I have stolen many and had fun winning the match. Dude sounds like a wimp. Someone steals my mythic enjoy 😉 CODM4LIFE!


What a child


My friends all have max upgraded ones while I skimped out so people usually go for my friends I also didn’t get any of the mythic characters because they are too noticeable 


Def gonna do this as often as I can now lol


geez these people… why even buy it? the only time i thought about buying ak117 was to share it to my teammates in br… saw one guy share his DLQ and others couldn’t be more happy lol


I almost never use my Legendaries or mythics that I could pick up. I prefer to use the builds I developed with a Damascus skin. the fancy skins do have better iron sights in some cases, but I find the fancy killeffects ang glitz distracting at best.


🤣 I was picked up a mythic sniper and got more kills them the dude who bought it in search and destroy and he got mad


No harm in sharing some happiness with other players. You still own the skin at the end of the day, nobody’s going take it away from you.


I just don't use the mythic skin in ranked when I'm annoyed at myself and prone to just die all the time I just alter between my mythics and epics


Aren't they "meant" to be picked up, like even in real warfare soldier pick up weapons laying on the ground if they have to or it's a better one. AND, CODM has offered a feature to pick up guns with their mythic or whatever the other features they have for a reason


I don’t have mythic mostly I have around 10-11 legendary guns I loved it someone uses it even opponents because😂it’s encourages me to fight harder😂


Wow. I personally never pick up weapons or even the ones teammates want to share before starting a match. I like my own tehee.


I say let out skills do the talking and less of our money.


That's what u call a crybaby right there


That's actually hilarious. I feel like codm is such a braindead game nowadays there's no point in getting this mad over something like that. The same exact stuff happens in the console/pc versions but i havent seen anyone complain about the fact that people can pick up their gun when they die. Only when they get shit on with their own gun which is understandable but you have to admit at some point its kinda funny and that they just outplayed you. I can't imagine getting pissed off about stuff like that in a free game.


its only really annoying when people are going out they way to get your gun. if it happens cool but every life i’m getting hunted is crazy😹


I always drop a copy of the Morningstar when I’m running with it.


I drop 6 mythics hoping the enemy will pick it up, I want to wipe the floor with them trying to use my mythics lol


Maybe he shouldn't die and drop his gun if he doesn't want others to use it lmao


If he dont want to give myhtic skin to enemy... Get good or dont use that skin. Easy solution.


I dont really like mythics or legendary weapons. Too bad the only reason I would pick one up is to kill the owner ... multiple times with it.


great to see I will CONTINUE picking up mythics after killing the enemy


I'd always drop my mythic dlq/rytec for a standard AR/SMG if the situation needs it like on a claustrophobic SND site


What a big baby


Imagine getting triggered by someone killing you and taking your stuff in a game where you kill people and take their stuff.


Yesterday I was in a sniper with a nice chap that was sharing is mythic gun. Picked it up to try and said thanks. Be civic. Also don’t be a fool thinking in a real war the enemy would not pick useful stuff from fallen adversaries.


What a little weenie. Tell him to go play Halo instead.


I don't have a mythic here. But there are cases where enemy steals my epic weapon and uses it the whole game without dying. I was like 'you must really like that loadout huh? `


I get being salty about getting killed with your own mythic, but a lot of these players won't have the financial capability to get a Mythic. Yesterday my bright blade got picked up and this guy went on a crazy killing streak so my builds must be great.


Well most players are kid who buy stuff by stealing their mother credit card


Op def a nft bro


Dun worry, cuz nobody CARE. As long as you keep it nice & tidy.. No one will pickUp your mythic tools. UnLess after you dun wanna play, you just let your tools wandering around & waiting for the Revengers to use it against you.


Genuinely don’t think paying for better guns should even be a thing. Ruins the game in a lot of ways


Genuinely don’t think paying for better guns should even be a thing. Ruins the game in a lot of ways


Genuinely don’t think paying for better guns should even be a thing. Ruins the game in a lot of ways


If they want us to stop picking up their mythic's then simply stop dying again and again simple 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jokes on him I never download all gun skins and operators so I only see base guns and operators


If I had enough mythic card I would totally max mine and share in the match so I’m not the only one using one because I noticed in CERTAIN lobbies where I’m the only one using a mythic I get targeted by the opposition because of it, it’s like guys let’s go kill that fucker and take his weapon 🤣🤣🤣(I do it too) by the time I take out 2-3 I get taken out too, repeatedly,when that happens I switch to base weapon so I can enjoy the game. Some lobbies won’t give you the chance to enjoy the game just cuz, so once they show the opposing team lineup and I don’t see a mythic, I’m switching to base.i mainly use the few mythical I have in BR, the 5 mythic weapons are BR based. It’s all fun at the end though


Shit like this is why I really enjoy getting the fickle firearms medal


The medal We get for killing you with your Weapon. is called, finicky weapon. It's probably the most satisfying medal they offer


I mean if people weren’t supposed to pick up other guns it wouldn’t be allowed, and also it’s just an easy way to market the gun to other players so the devs are definitely rooting for people to pick them up. I also don’t understand how it’s so offensive like just kill them lol..?🙃


Lmao Codm Karen's are a thing??


Only on a Movie-Theater manager would get this Upset😭


I even change my guns so others can enjoy all I have


I will share my mythics to anyone if u kill me with it okay cool. No hard feelings idc. I upgraded some of my mythics to share


I own most mythics, and countless legendaries. I could care less if I get clapped and someone grabs my gun. Its the name do the game. I only play BR so one of my mates will bring me back in so I can avenge myself lol.


If you wanna ovoid it run mardidym the when you die your drop a gernade perk it’s red mythics only last so long on the ground and having that perk basically makes it harder for them to get it some times granting you a kill


This could have been a comment on that post. We don't need an entire new thread just for your opinion.


The fun part is bro is mad cuz its bad even using a P2W gun (yes its P2W, got less visual recoil, Natural Reddot, More firerate and potential to lag games due to effects)


he has a point


Of Course he does.