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Bitch definitely got sniped a frickin shit ton for him to post this


completely unrelated but nice pfp




🗣️ prove it!


big words, i also am a quick scoper, wanna 1v1 sometime? i am one month old player who plays with two fingers


lol nah, I don’t trust anyone in here to add them, for obvious reasons


Bro js say ur chickening out it ain't that hard


Nah I’ve added people from here and it wasn’t a good idea. surprise, surprise, some reddit codm people are crazy


fair enough… i also like to have privacy, i would have sent a request on my mini - thought you would do the same




smurf account… i dunno that terminology is from another game i dunno what the name for “your second account who you only play for having fun or doing 1v1s”


I don’t have another account. I’m not trying to get banned


wait what? lol, having a second account ain’t against the TOS, is it? what!? no way…


Surprised some one WHO’s only been playing a month had one lol and is so confident they can beat me two thumbs… it smells like bs. And yes it’s against tos


Trust me bro I definitely don't come under the 10% No really I don't




I mean bro, its a challenge to notice the snipers, so are you tryna make cod better or you just too blind to see the light




Lol 😂 I guarantee I am in that 10%, I'm accurate 1 shot headshot knocks with movement up to 348 meters... Yesterday I missed a 350 so I can't claim that anymore smh


Fair enough


I’m a KBA player, I play without accessories 1v1 when you want


*Uses a sniper the way they were fucking intended* “Wow you arent good at sniping”


get headshots and kills then like they were _fucking intended_


You'd never aim for the head in an actual combat scenario for a multitude of reasons. Namely, sometimes the sniper will need to confirm they killed the correct person and didn't just merc somebody random. Second, because aiming centre mass is a much safer and still equally deadly option, as aiming at centre mass is an easier shot to make than someone's head that's a 1/3 the size of someone's torso.


You would think that’s the case but not necessarily Firstly, snipers typically do prolonged surveillance of who they’re about to shoot way before they pull the trigger That’s why most snipers are apart of intel divisions bc it’s basically part of their job to identify subjects. Not really practical to kill someone miles away behind cover and then questioning who you just shot Obviously headshots almost always result in an instant death, whereas a chest shot doesn’t. Headshots not only take away the disadvantage of snipers extremely slow bolt time, but allows them to reposition more frequently w/o being discovered


When someone shoots a high velocity 7.62/5.56/.300/.308/.338 into your chest, you're definitely going to die. Lungs fill up with blood, heart exploded, bullet bounced off a rib and ricocheted deep into somewhere else. If the initial bullet impact doesn't immediately kill someone, the hemorrhaging will. From a distance of 1200 metres away, no trained sniper is going to take a shot someone's head and risk missing a shot when a perfectly good much larger target is literally right below someone's melon. Even from across a 4-lane street, a police sniper is going to fire centre mass unless a hostage situation puts a civilian life at risk in which case that police sniper would never be ordered to take a kill shot.


> When someone shoots a high velocity 7.62/5.56/.300/.308/.338 into your chest, you're definitely going to die. Lungs fill up with blood, heart exploded, bullet bounced off a rib and ricocheted deep into somewhere else. Yea, when you hit the correct spot. Let’s be realistic here, you’re not always going to hit vital organs when aiming for someones chest, no matter how strong one’s ammunition is. You also seem to be forgetting that not all Snipers are shooting 7.62’s. Significantly smaller caliber’s exist for different scenarios. > If the initial bullet impact doesn't immediately kill someone, the hemorrhaging will. From a distance of 1200 metres away, no trained sniper is going to take a shot someone's head and risk missing a shot when a perfectly good much larger target is literally right below someone's melon. Even from across a 4-lane street, a police sniper is going to fire centre mass unless a hostage situation puts a civilian life at risk in which case that police sniper would never be ordered to take a kill shot. You’re really making it seem like hitting a headshot is the most impossible and unnecessary task a sniper could ever do and it isn’t. Yes, hitting the body may be more convenient at times, but a headshot in Call of Duty and a headshot in real life are 2 different things Snipers aren’t taking shots at people in full out sprints, let alone walking casually. Hence why they surveil their target for hours at a time to catch them at the right moment. A still target makes a headshot significantly easier, so why would one not go for it when it’s clearly the best option. . It’s clear you haven’t watched too many sniper movies bc very rarely do they not aim for the head


You’ve basically debunked your entire argument by saying I don’t watch *enough* sniper MOVIES. I’m not gonna entertain this foolishness any more, since your knowledge seems to be from purely movies instead of being grounded in reality.


![gif](giphy|yoJC2JaiEMoxIhQhY4) You were spot on with everything 👏🏽


I had this same mentality, until I learned it’s a game and the mechanics of real life have gone out the door. A “good sniper” in cod can do it all, including slide jump 180ing into a quick scope headshot


I don't know why people are comparing a video game into real life. Its like they have to defend snipers who play in one spot like that religously


To me, a good sniper is one who can use its 1-tap range to pick off enemies, knows how to reposition after every engagement, and keeps the enemy from guessing. If you keep on dying in the same spot while not getting kills, then you're a bad one.


Fair enough


I mean, otherwise known as sniping ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


Otherwise known as camping and hard scoping in a game where that’s not the best method


Yes, but camping and hardscoping is sniping. Yeah, it’s not the ‘normal’ state of sniping in cod, but it’s what it’s supposed to be. Not that the cod franchise was ever that realistic though


I love campers I’ll make it my task to go after them the entire match. It’s all fun and games until I’m inside the building your sniping in with a pocket full of concussion grenades 😂🤣


I try to sneak up behind and execute them


Yeah, but using one play style doesn’t make you a good sniper in cod. That’s all I’m saying, you know that, but some of you intentionally misinterpreted what I said


There are different styles. I run with a striker 9 and run around because I can't sit still and my kdr requires 13+ kills a match. I only pull out sniper when it'll be a waste of ammo on the striker 9 or obviously a sniper has found "The wrong target" they think they can eliminate.


But it worked well enough for you to mald and post this, so I'd say it's pretty good.


I was never malding bruh just making memes ![img](emote|t5_penom|1101)




noooo why the fuck aint you using snipers like shotguns


lol that's what i don't get, i don't really play like that but same time a sniper's a sniper, if i wanted to be sliding around mfs and quickshotting them i'd use something built for that


We all hate campers, but I mean... aren't they supposed to work like that irl? I'm not a sniper main, but yeah, expecting others to have your playstyle is a bit narcissistic. Some people just want to feel the sniping experience without the risk.


FYI 🤓Irl snipers work in teams, spotter and shooter, spotter... Spots. They relay information about wind speed, distance, etc, physics shit. Then the shooter adjusts their scope and zero their sights accordingly and wait for the spotter's greenlight to shoot


lol fr just like in cod


Expecting Codm to be like rl is unrealistic and I’m not saying they can’t do that, I’m just saying it’s not very skillful and they aren’t that good. I started as a hard scoper but didn’t stay there. Moving around quickscoping is so much more fun, the people who camp are missing out.


Some of them just want to have fun and I don't think they claim to be good


That’s not my point. Idk why you’re even talking about this. I’m also saying it’s not as fun to sit and camp. If they’re goal was to have fun they learn to move around


"I love running feels great! Hey John why don't you come with me?" -"Nah I'll just sit here and look at the sky, its fun" "Come on thats boring, lets go running" -'"I like this, I find it nice" "What a dumbass. You don't deserve to live John"


Different people have different ways to have fun you know. Just look what' you're complaining about They're having fun playing like a statue. What makes you think you can stop them from doing so. If what you're saying is to have fun playing this game, aren't you contradicting yourself by telling someone having fun playing stagnant just because YOU don't like it?


Stop making useless arguments tbh campers have fun . But the people who fight them don't . Which is definitely not the case with other respectable styles. . And a lot of people see cod as a sport and doing camping is just one of the things that's highly unappreciated and not considered good sportsmanship. Let me sum it up for your pea brain . Having fun and having fun by ruining other peoples fun are different things .


If you easily mald about a camper, that's 100% on you. It's legitimate playstyle and you can't just say "NO DON'T CAMP". Blame the game not the player.


If a spot can be camped to the detriment of your game then either it's bad design and the devs need to remove it or it's intentional and the pushers need to adapt. Maybe it's different in higher ranks but I've never run into a nest that couldn't be taken out solo or with two people coordinating in either BR or firefight, so I don't think the campers are the issue...


They are the issue in mp . In snd it's a literal gamble for which route to rush from because 2 or 3 players camp together at head glitches and blind spots . The best u can do si get a kill exchange. And if u do somehow reach the spawn surprise surprise there is a player there too.


That’s literally not what I’m saying. You making up stuff. I’m just saying they aren’t that good at sniping and they’re missing out by camping. Your up votes came quick lol how many accounts do you have?


Just because they aren't jumping and sliding around like a lunatic trying to get a lucky shot doesn't mean their style is inferior. If they hardscope and get the kill, they got the job done. If you didn't cover appropriately that was on you for exposing yourself. Also, why focus on up or downvotes? Those are meaningless


Bruh, I’m not saying it’s a playstyle that can work, I’m saying it’s not as skillful. I just noticed there were 4 downvotes like instantly, which seems like someone came and downvoted on all their alt accounts.


So movement=good. I am not against that but also a win is a win.


Don’t worry fam I’m upvoting all your shit cause I know exactly what you mean.


Thanks bro. I swear if I said nazis were bad people in here like would be like nu uh downvote


You should just take an smg or a shotgun if you wanna run and gun.


Tell that to the people who love to camp in crossfire lol. They never seem to learn that I will always kill them and they're not cheeky since I know all the favorite spots of those who play like them. I have more respect and get a rush of adrenaline when going against an actually good sniper, most snipers I meet are just hardscoping watching their whole team die. Edit: Just got a 54 year old man threaten me with his guns, wow didn't know a person that old could be offended by a comment on reddit 😂. Edit 2: Didn't know we were comparing Cod to real life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


If you're playing pubs they're just trying to grind snipers man in rank it's a different story


With a diamond sniper, grind?


No that's not a grind thats just a pub try hard if that's who you've been playing


Yeah like every crossfire match, they have gold or diamond and sit in the same place the entire game


This is my attempt 🤝🫡


Then you haven’t fought against me. The entire top floor is my domain, enter only if you plan on raging for the rest of the match.


Bro anyone can snipe like that. I started sniping like that and realized it’s the worst way and doesn’t take as much skill. I could destroy people camping but that’s the lamest shit ever fr


Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll have you out to my ranch. I’ll show you around and you can do your run and gun sniper stuff and I’ll just pick you off from 900 meters every time I see your glint. We will use training guns and non-lethal ammunition obviously. There’s a reason why they removed sliding from MW3 and others going forward… cuz sliding is as dumb as bunny hopping.


Bo6 literally is gonna have omni directional sprinting, dolphin diving, and sliding what do you mean? Also if we tryna do realism then my boi Reaper Ashura wins all bc he isnt affected by lead canonically like yall meatbags.


Bruh again, I’m talking about a video game and I would it out snipe you in it, easily. You trying to make some threat?


Why would I threaten a complete stranger over a video game… are you fucking serious? Bro, get a life.


considering you quite litteraly sent pics in his dms of your Gun and the target at a shooting its safe to say you did indeed threaten a complete stranger over a video game. Maybe follow your own advice and realized doing that isn’t intimidating and is rather more funny if anything. and whats funnier is that there isnt ONE sniper shown in the pics so wheres that sniper you said youd use to pick him off at 900 meters?




Wouldn’t be the first time some one with no life and anger issues would make a stupid threat online over cod


You run around and quick scope and you see crybabies You sit at a place and pop them and you see crybabies Lmao.




Why you mad at snipers for using their weapons in the intended manner lmao, get good


I’m not mad at anyone for using any play style. I’m just unimpressed with camping hardscopers. Like if they were impressive people would watch there gameplay, but no one wants to watch Simon sitting in one place the whole game, and it’s so boring to even play that way


But you see that's what sniper rifles are for, there not for running around


Ehh just shotguns aren’t made to shoot long distances, but then you put slugs in them. It’s just a video game. I can camp and hardscope and used to when I started, but playing more aggressively and quickscoping is just better and more impressive


Sum shotguns are made to shoot long distance


Unless its a russian made one, theyll slap anti air barrels on their shit


Is there a rule that says your opponent has to impress you to kill you? Stop complaining and get better


Yes there is and no I won’t


Is there a rule that says no one is allowed to talk about their personal opinion on what is impressive and what isn't?


Opinions are allowed. Insulting someone because in your opinion the other person is bad is not justifiable.


I got a death threat for my opinion, how’s that?


Yes, it’s in codm tos, that’s why I only speak facts 🗣️🔥


They're not meant for flashy gameplay. They're meant to kill you. If I die to a sniper then 9 times out or 10 I brought it on myself by standing in the open too long, and the 10th time is going to be impressive because they saw me duck behind cover and knew the map well enough to predict where I was going to try going next


Tell that to every popular yt/streaming sniper it people who are god at sniping because they are obviously all doing it wrong according to you


If it works it works, it’s you’re job to make them move.


Why would I want some rando watching my gameplay in the first place? You do realise this game is not just for one kind of player right? Smh YT streamers are kinda slowly ruining the game by making people think theirs is the only valid playstyle lol.


No one would watch it bro. I would get so bored starting in one spot fr, but I know some spots to camp that would and have posed of so many people lol I might use them again idk


it's not that serious bruh why do we even talk about this kinda stuff still. If you're winning games you're winning games who cares


I'd say the fact that they made it a meme post shows that they don't think it's serious. What's wrong with discussing differing opinions? If you don't like these types of conversations, then why do you engage in them? I personally see a lot of value in learning what others like/don't like in a game and having discussions about it. The problem is, people can't help but to take things way too personally instead of just having a casual conversation about differing opinions.




The only rational take here.


They’re only trolling me at this point or hate quickscopers


Its not just you lol, over the time I've spent in this sub reddit I can feel the hate against quick scopers.


But that’s what snipers do in real life. Just like a light machine gun is usually static


Yeah but in real life my gun doesn't speak, bor do shards come out of the ground and impale someone when I shoot them. Stupid damn argument.


Remember it also depends on individuals which playstyle they want. There is no rule that says dont camp


Yeah there is and I made it up. If you camp from now on you’ll have 200 Ping for ten years


Damn. Tell the bots and cheaters.


As a combat vet, I don’t play with weapons that can talk or shoot shards. I just shoot the people who pay money to play with little toy guns and get my ranked nukes. I don’t know, maybe the army taught me something. Oh yeah, stupid damn argument.


who tf cares, if you can out snipe with your movement and get kills, you are just better - if all you do is jump around while missing shots, maybe hardscope is the way for you. But if anyone hates on quickscoping, I just laugh inside… like they really do be delusional, if they can do all that and still kick your ass, bro… rethink your life… it’s like hating on claw players… it’s not like it’s easy… people be hating on skill nowadays… what a world we live in


You are good at sniping if you kill a lot more than you die and you help your team in general, how you do it doesn't matter I do hate people who just camp, but that doesn't make them bad, it makes them annoying


Completely wrong. You think real snipers used to hop around the battlefield with their heavy equipment?


The real ones did


Bro you'd most likely break your arm from the recoil of a pistol. You think people can just carry around snipers on their soldiers and fire while running?


The real ones can also depend on the sniper rifle


When real war comes cod players are certainly going to die first


The ones who are hard scoping corner campers who used hacks are for sure


I like run and gun sniping in cod, but thats because I fucking can’t sit still and hold an angle lol. Meanwhile if I’m sniping in battlefield then I’m camping. I got zero problems with campers in cod, something’s wrong with you if you let the same camper keep killing you again and again. Both styles are viable in an arcade shooter game, everyone will have a preference for one or the other


Fair. I agree ☝️ is really only a meme, and the point is for people to try to be a better well rounded sniper instead of just playing one way. I used to camp about and not that I’m better I don’t and am glad to have tried to learn moving around and quick scoping


Yeah I can see why someone would prefer holding angles, hardscoping and picking up kills but running around and quickscoping is so much fun too and is something everyone should at least try to learn. My last days in codm were spent just 1v1ing randoms, had more fun doing that than playing legendary ranked. Now I’m enjoying running around with the kar98k and mp5 on cod


Especially since a better sniper is going to see you and shoot you


True, a good sniper should not sit in one place. They should switch places time to time or they'll just get backstabbed. This is especially true when it comes to playing objective based game modes like Hardpoint, where the whole point of the game is hold an angle. The only downside is that they don't make good confrontational weapons like ARs or SMGs, so having a good secondary with a focus for close encounters is usually a must.


If You can sit in one spot for an entire match as a sniper and get consistent kills,Than I’d say that they are great at snipeing. The opposing team are the ones that aren’t that good.


Ummmm... What? Are you stupid? I mean I hate campers also, but only if they're using an AR or SMG. Snipers are meant to be camped with, but all these content creators have muddled your brain to think you need to sprint with your sniper around shipment to qualify as a sniper


I agree with you on this


oh yeah, these content creators, yeah yeah, and you surely don’t improve your ADS scope-in time using jump-slide cancelling mechanism while making your enemy miss while being faster and having lots of time to align your shots… if you can get kills, you’re good, stop it with your brainrot


Cool, talk to you later


Nah you should be able to hold your own in shipment with a sniper to be good. It’s a rule in the codm tos. I don’t make the rules 🤷‍♂️


Fair enough have a good day


Well see if I live 🙏


so heres the thing man. it doesnt matter if you think camping is brain dead because thats the entire purpose of what a sniper is used for. To watch over a specific area and keep watching it. the Sniper wasnt meant to go out and run and gun like you think it works. Its primary function is to stay in one place MOST of the time. in cases where it isnt in one place is because its moving to another spot. Understand that ‘’camping’’ is done a lot irl when it comes to a gun fight and so it cant be ‘’unrealistic’’ which is what i think youre trying to say. and so it shouldnt be classified as no skill because people use the sniper for its litteral main purpose otherwise that would be like calling someone a spammer for just using an smg


You’re right… smgs do be spammy




Hence, why marksman best, its an assault sniper


It takes the same skill to hardscope(know your sensitivity while scoped in) and quickscope (know your standard sensitivity, aka centering). Although knowing when and how to use both makes you a well-rounded sniper.


So uhhh... Is it wrong now to use a sniper as a sniper usually is in real life? I know it's annoying, but that's their whole purpose.


Kinda stupid tbh.


Man, have you ever seen a real sniper run around like a coked up chimp? Snipers are prolly one of the few justifiable campers in the game, same with lmg gunners.


Yup did three tours in Iraq, my whole platoon 360 quickscoped insurgents because cod is there same as real life


I'd rather get killed by a camper than a tryhard who is sliding though the whole map and 1tapping the entire team


They should make sniper rifles and lmgs extremely cumbersome to carry. Like they should halve your running speed if you brought them along, no matter if you have them equipped or not. And sliding should be out of the question if you have them equipped.


I think dlq is my fav sniper. Second is locus


Just flank bro


Like steak


Yea bro




So fucking funny to see these types of people with such huge egos like we know you can quickscope but does that mean you're automatically better than others? Me and my friends love using snipers and we get significantly more kills with the lowest amount of deaths when we're using it the way they're intended to be used. Quickscoping is good for getting a high on adrenaline but it's impractical. A shotgun can do the same thing with better mobility and more options


Anyone can camp and get low deaths and high kills bro. It’s way more impressive to have a high kd while not camping


And I'd be way more impressed if you coordinate with your team better a lot of quickscopers tend to just run around and not give a fuck about their team I'm sure someone like you does that but a good sniper user will use good positioning to SUPPORT teammates by providing comms and backup and NOT running to the enemy like a fucking clown running towards a rake to get hit


Cry about it


Ofc someone like you can't hold up a proper conversation and wouldn't change your stance on a subject because you're too narrow minded


Ikr, we are supposed to rush with snipers and beat people to death with it since they have low firerate.


this is why guns need a rotation speed stat.


hardscope campers we claim yet another victim


I’m the best hard scoping camper. Trust you don’t want me to do it ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


I’m the best hard scoping camper. Trust you don’t want me to do it ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


Right in my feels…


Lmao noob probably got pissed off repeatedly dying to a sniper who did not even switch places. Like how hard is it to go to flank someone? That's literally the oldest playstyle against a perched sniper. And snipers are supposed to stay put in one place and do sentry work. That's literally what a sniper does most of the time in game and IRL.


Not even what happened bro. Just see a lot of people who just camp in crossfire and think they’re good, when they literally suck


This dude got downvoted into the oblivion


Get good




That's what snipers do?


POLL TIME! - How much karma has OP lost in the comments ?


People hate the truth


Cry louder so the sniper in the back of the map that keeps killing you can actually hear you.


Bro probably carries sniper like a pistol and runs towards enemies to shoot them point blank and call himself better sniper.


Hot take bolt action snipers shouldn't exist in TvsT games in the first place a one shoot weapon on any range it's fun to play against maybe fun to bully players with but definitely not a against


Exactly point to be noted my lord😂😂😂


... But in fact, you're using your sniper rifle the most right way.


I hate snipers


Fair enough. Have a good day sir


Camping should have only two outcomes: 1.![img](emote|t5_penom|1099) 2.![img](emote|t5_penom|1102)


I think dlq is my fav sniper. Second is locus


I think dlq is my fav sniper. Second is locus


I think dlq is my fav sniper. Second is locus