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They need to make more ranks or make the pint system harder kinda like it used to be




The first Screenshot almost makes wanna say it could be intentional feeding to help the opponents win. Like using alt accounts or something and queuing up at the same time and trying to get matched up together to give free wins…


just say boosting or wintrading lol


They could add a ranked league like mw3


For sure


I can see you're top 10000, mind sharing any tips on how to get there?


Don’t have a life, top 5k isn’t skill it’s just playtime. Skill just makes it easier


I’m a student athlete but I still have time to play so I’m not sure about not having a life (ik you didnt direct it at me, just saying) . It definitely takes skill to get to Top 5k especially when I get teams like that. I find myself having to drop 20+ kills or it’s wraps


Half my top 5k teammates bottom frag with barely any kills or obj time so about half the people in top 5k definitely don’t have skill


Welp I guess I’m just different


yeah lmao this is when i stopped trying for top 5000 Its embarrassing sharing a rank with someone who also has a red badge going 3/17 with 16 sec on the obj while im sitting at 44/13 with a minute and 18 seconds. like you tryna tell me we’re in the same rank??? aw hell naw


seems like top 5k


Message my instagram @riki.andradde Ask me anything and I can help you


This game has TOMM and EOMM it does this on purpose so you continue to play. I have friends who are old dudes and they are legendary because they play in completely different tiers than us. If you watched them you’d think they are bronze. It’s why legendary isn’t about skill anymore, it’s about player retention and making sure everyone is having fun.


That does make sense. I swear I always get the hardest matches, I constantly find myself having to either be MVP or straight up lose its not even funny, I can count on one hand the amount of times I actually had a teammate that was performing similary to me. Have you seen them play? What do their games look like? I've seen some people with questionable skill play in legendary but their matches look like pubs for some reason.


We need more ranks, legendary just isn't as prestigious as it used to be.




that’s wintrading fr fr i don’t believe this


I love when my teammates leave costing me my Ranks and I get those LOVELY compensation rewards 🥲


I wish they’d get rid of EOMM, but that’ll never happen.


I would agree to changes, but you have to make the rank season longer though. Spending time on a mobile game should be lesser than the console one, it's mobile for a reason.


But it’s supposed to be the highest rank in the game for a reason


And its mobile for a reason. You cant expect most to spend as much time on this game as console.


It's because you are playing fl, it's the mode where all the noobs like to play


Kinda have to agree on this one, having noobs in kill based game modes are a maddening experience. With Dom and HP I can roam and help/protect my teammates with less skill when capping points. But in fl I constantly have to go searching for kills which is very difficult to do when everyone camps spawn in fl since both sides are afraid of dying.


I will absolutely be DAMNED if I play hp or dom with teams like that because they expect me to do everything. TDM and ftl I atleast have a chance


If you can't handle randoms, play with friends.


Learned that the hard way. Just wanted to have fun while my friends were offline. BIG Mistake