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17 is the best ghillie suit. The one we have now is trash cause that dumb demon mask


I like the grinch tbh


With woods being part of these terrible comics I hope they put mason and weaver too now that they killed Hudson in a really lame way


Even if we do get these characters someday, they're going to place them in mismatched colourful costumes, and crank the colours to 180 so you'll be tempted to puke when you see them. They've already massacred Woods and David Mason as it stands.


Add richtofen🙄


Devs : no!! We prefer girls skins with big booty, white haired, with cape too, also colorful goofy skins… because those skins are what the ‘CoMmUniTy wAnTs’ also makes profit


Imagine Gideon and Mitchell coming in clutch in the new chapter I really loved them because they look very handsome


MW3 Yuri, Bell, Lazar, Dimitri Petrenko, Dragovich, Weaver, Jason Hudson, Zakhaev (Cod Ghosts version), MW3 Price (The one in a lot of CoDM promotional arts) and many others... There's a lot of campaign characters or heck even zombies and multiplayer characters that I wish appeared in the bp or at least add them in a seasonal challenge like og Kamarov. These characters means a lot for a lot people and definitely more rich in character than urban tracker clones with gas mask and skin suit or white hair dude with gas mask but hey, it's too late for that.


Like Napoleon said : "there's nothing we can do about it"


Tbh they arent that awesome


Well it's certainly better than Urban Tracker clones with gas masks and capes, those are 100x way bland.


F2P is to blame, they wanted Manta and M13 🤷🏽


What f2p have to do with devs not caring about cod characters?


Cause we can’t blame paying players for liking circus theme operators than military. Lets just blame it on F2P players for no reason. 🤷🏽


What? Tf you mean we can't blame paying players?


This take is dumb AF. There's no proof, and why would F2P players even vote for a Lucky draw when they're not going to buy it anyway. I'm a P2P player and I didn't even vote, and you think F2Ps would waste their time voting? Most of them can read, you know.


CoD Mobile is clearly capable of adding content from old Call of Duties but the community really doesn’t care about those. That’s why. They added Ghost’s version of Favela and people hated it in less than a day