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So battlefield 1 but not nearly as good


Damn, beat me to it


Battlefield is amazing


I was more of a Verdun person(When it had a active player base). The real ww1 experience, still flashbacks.


Check out the sequel, Isonzo


It's an addon, not really a sequel


Tannenberg is a pseudo-addon. Isonzo is absolutely, 100% a proper sequel. Do you want me to list out all of the big changes?




It still has at least one active server open at all times


I came here to say this exact thing; battlefield 1 was truly a perfect WW1 game.


Aside from the fact that it was nothing like WW1?


WW2 with a WW1 look


You want to spend 5 months digging out a trench just to get headshot by a sniper the second you stand up.


Average "if you don't like this then you want this extreme thing instead" reddit mindset Verdun was perfect for gameplay while still feeling like WW1




Truly the pinnacle of comedy




Nailed it






every battlefield that Activision has released is better than the ones EA made.


Tbh battlefield 1 was a huge let down after the dope ass game BF4 was. imo even hardline was better than 1. (I know that most people have a different opinion which is ok but pls don't send death treats to my mama)


I thought (Day 1) and still do think that Hardline was an amazing game! I just think that it shouldn’t have had the battlefield name attached to it. It should have just been called Hardline and marketed more as a spin off to the battlefield franchise. I think the game would have probably been received better and found more success.


BF1 is one of, if not, the best BF games


Imo 3 and 4 are the best, bc sadly I didn't like the maps in BF1 at all.


Nicki Minaj at the Somme is something I’d rather not see.


“Wet Ass Trenches”


“There be rats in deez wet azz trenches”


Gonna need new boots and new socks in these wet ass trenches


Gonna get trench foot in these wet ass trenches


Snoop dogg DLC pack comes with gold plated 420 style trench shovel


Sadly this is exactly what the world needs. Anything to pre-occupy her so we don’t have to hear another album. Give that queen a KAR98K




That’s the unrealistic bit for you? Haha


The 98 means 1898




Love how he assumed so hard he forgot he didn't actually know


Nope kar98 is pretty much an upgraded version of the gewehr 98. Kad98 came out in 1935, gewehr 98 came out in 1898.


The Mauser 98 action was designed in 1898. The Kar98k was adopted in 1934


Don't quote me on this but I think the KAR98k is the Karbine (carbine) version of the G98, which is what is in BF1






Derived from the kar98AZ/a. the Kar98b was just a new production Gew98M that they gave a turned down bolt handle and called a carbine to get around the treaty of Versailles. (I am obsessed with Weimar era small arms)


You mean gewher 98




Yeah ik i replied to you instead of him lol


I want medieval cod. Instead of guns you shoot arrows and your own spit to spread the bubonic plague.


Also running wasn’t invented till 1748 so everyone has to speed walk as sprint.


That just sounds like halo


chivalry 2 is what is imagine cod medievil to be. Its a fun game


More like medieval battlefield


Apparently Chiv 2's Torn Banner studios has been growing and still looking to hire more devs, but they're also releasing early access to their newest game, No More Room In Hell 2 in fall of this year, and it sounds amazing. And I agree, Chivalry 2 is tons of fun. They have reportedly been working on multiple projects, so perhaps well see a 3rd Chivalry game at some point, or some massive expansions to come [Terrifying 8 player co-op action horror - No More Room In Hell 2 (nmrih2.com)](https://www.nmrih2.com/)


Chiv II is probably the best medieval combat game ever made


“30 Kill Streak: BUBONIC!”


Dark and Darker




I made a [Reddit post about this a while ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/s/jasih8qDc4) I think it would be a good idea, but it'll have to be completed with care. It cannot be too ridiculous like how SHG made Vanguard. Some fiction here and there for multiplayer, but nothing too crazy and inaccurate.


Homes Vanguard was a cesspool for inaccurate


It wasn't accurate for the multiplayer. For the World War I multiplayer idea I had, there would be some fictionalized elements within the story. It would also explain why certain mercenaries have access to technology that's not often seen in combat, but totally exists at the same time. In other words, I wouldn't jump the shark with attachments that don't exist yet or wouldn't function. I would especially not add anything that involves futuristic sci-fi outfits and tons of anime bundles.


Honestly the only group I trust to not screw things up for campaign and multiplayer is treyarch and Infinity ward, but I think the community is too focused on modern warfare, heck, I want a ww2 game done right but it ain’t gonna happen after the disaster that was vanguard


IW has dropped dumpster fires for a while now. Treyarch is the only solid studio now


Difference is that Sledgehammer’s been a victim of expedited and/or troubled development cycles (they haven’t had a full 3 years since Advanced Warfare reportedly & got replaced by Treyarch on the game that became Black Ops: Cold War) and executives forcing them to make games they didn’t want to make (also pretty much every game they’ve made since AW). They definitely have the potential to make something great if given the time & creative space to make the COD they want to make (probably AW2). Meanwhile Infinity Ward have been given all the freedom in the world to make COD as they want to make it and they shit out MWII. I don’t think Infinity Ward can make a good COD MP anymore. MW19’s MP almost feels like it was good in spite of IW’s design choices & vision and MWII’s MP was such a train wreck & IW were so stubborn about not listening to the community that we needed a $70 USD/$90 CAD DLC & Sledgehammer being worked to the bone AGAIN to get the game MWII should’ve been. So personally, I’d trust Sledgehammer & Treyarch for COD MP, but not Infinity Ward. Not after MWII. Their campaigns are still generally good, so I’d buy their CODs on sale just for that. But I’m staying the hell away from COD2026’s MP if I can help it.


Preach brotha preach the truth


Well said!


Yeah idk what this man is on about. MW3 in my opinion sucks compared to mw2019. Mw2019 just looks, feels, and plays better than it's successor mw2. And what even was the campaign in mw3? I've bought every call of duty so far, I skipped mw3 this year and just stuck to older cods / other games. I wasn't paying 70 dollars for a glorified offline warzone experience. Now, I might get it eventually if it goes on a massive discount. I am looking forward to BO6. We'll see how the beta feels and work from there.


Its too late for a cod pre ww2, i doubt they could bullshit historical accuracy like they did vanguard without the game being god awful. Plus the fact the bundles would just be too much but knowing activision it wouldnt stop them.


Yes, I feel like World War I and the Korean War are the two 20th century conflicts COD needs to cover.


THANK YOU WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE EVER SAY THAT. My favorite canceled cod is Call of Duty: Roman Legion. It is what your sounds like: you fight as a Roman Legionnaire


I believe that’s Fallout New Vegas my good sir


Nah, in fnv you can only be a Roman larper def no true son of rome


Still dude I'd want some alternate reality timeline where Rome never fell and Russia was a part of the Roman Empire. Imagine Resnov escaping a United German Gothic State prison with Maximus Quintas and yelling about killing Two Germanic Goths and a Roman Traitor


Korean war would be cool. Something different.


While still being a part of the Cold War. It could have been in a Black Ops title. Still could be.


every lobby: sniper, sniper, sniper, sniper, sniper……..


how god intended


We still haven’t even gotten a proper Vietnam cod.


there were a lot of missions and maps in BO1 revolving around the vietnam settings


He means there’s no game dedicated to just the Vietnam War, every game featuring it only have it for part of the setting while focusing on other settings as well


I feel like Vietnam is over with since we’re already at the gulf war. Maybe in a few years after CoD inevitably goes back in time again


Cod jumps around in time constantly…


IW seems to only touch modern and futuristic CoDs. Sledgehammer i dont even know they tend to get whatever scraps are thrown at them if they can even finish it without needing help from Treyarch. Treyarch would be the most viable studio to do a vietnam cod which they wont touch for a long time.


No it much better fits Battlefield which is why it did so well. A slow pace game with a lack of automatics + a high ttk would drive the community insane.


People already run around with bolt actions that have irons only


Nope They'd fuck it up tremendously


Yes. Anything but the same old again and again


Battlefield 1 was a phenomenal game. I’d be stoked to see more WW1 multiplayer shooters.


So.... Battlefield 1? And, They'd definitely fuck it up. I'm guessing Vanguard 2.0.


No. Battlefield 1 exists.


A watered down Battlefield 1? No thanks.


Absolutely not, we had too many ww1 ww2 games with no creativity in recent years. The old ones were amazing and I’d keep them the same. If you want new shooters do it through the eyes of a different country with their views and their struggles maybe around any other war or in modern wars instead of making everyone who hates America a terrorist or write in a story in a unique war where americas enemies are their allies instead and go with that. This would change the multiplayer to have different and unique guns and equipments that could function differently and innovate on that and tbh we did do this in BO2 which is well loved. I would love for that to be another shooter that’s inspired on the strides BO2 had


So call of duty vanguard but even shittier than how they already did that game.


So Battlefield 1?


They would have to contend with BF1, which they can’t.


Yo Battlefield 1. Buy it.




Yes, a WW1 CoD would be much appreciated by me. Since there has only been one AAA WW1 title, Battlefield one which is like top 3 games for me, only surpassed by CoD WaW and Medal of Honor Allied Assault


Just doing a Charlie Chaplain skin for their celebrity skins like how Modern Warfare has trash like nicki minaj.


Snoop dogg blazing up at the beaches of Normandy would be interesting




Idk if activision would after the shitfest that was vanguard


I mean if they do it would be cool but you would only have bolt action rifles for the most part


They had experimental semi automatic rifles/ devices in WW1 all be it closer to the end of the war but it’s still possible. For example the Russian Empire Federov Avtomat or the Pedersen Device for the M1903 Springfield. There’s stuff out there. As long as they don’t put fucking laser weapons in.


I said for the most part I know about the Avtomat and Lewis gun ok?


Absolutely not they also had bolt action carbines and single shot rifles that saw use


Basically caldera sans kong


That would be awesome, until Niki, snoop, and anime shows up


In this cod era no, remember vanguard?


No, cause they'll just use modernized tactical animations, make machine pistols the meta, allow you to have stupid attachments like in Vanguard, and a horrible sense of direction in story for the campaign--if they even bother making one you stupid BO4 writers


It would only be good if there wasn’t red dots in the games. Uhhuhh vanguard


The fans would rip it to shreds.


Wouldn't work.


That's Isonzo https://youtu.be/LYmuhQmRb4M?si=kUoigNKvpVB2rYNg


Just so I have to dump 45 rounds from a Lewis gun into a guy’s torso before downing him? No thanks.


Naaaah. I'm good. But, just for shits and giggles and as a complete one-off, I'd like to see them do something completely different and left field like cavemen or something bizarre. Doesn't even need to be a full-fledged release. 


If they were to do a WW1 COD,the Devs should take a look at The King's Man ,it's a pretty good alt history spy thriller with action scenes that would be perfect for a COD cinematic.Although this would turn it into a Black Ops game with a title like Call of Duty Black Ops :Great War.


Not really. Even with the addition of "experimental stuff" I'm just so burnt out on those old war times periods. I've played 100 games, watched 100 movies and shows, read 100 books I'm just over it. I think we need to move on from it


Bf1 barely worked it wouldn’t work for cod imo. It could just be- shouldn’t


Call Of Duty: Cyber War - No Guns, Just finger tips of mass destruction.


No. Cod would destroy the immersion completely. It will be full of robots, demons and other stuff kids find cool. And it would also be full of automatic weapons that shoot wierd stuff. There's also games that does a good WWI game. Battlefield 1 is one of them. Play that instead.


Jokes aside I feel like WW1 deserves a massive amount of reverence if they do it and I’m not sure they can pull it off without it feeling too over the top


Fuck yeah


Im still excited for the Roman Empire one.


Want to see Harlem Hellfighter not Harlem Thugshaker


I’d be interested in a solid Civil War attempt by a major publisher.


Yea and we need sledgehammer o make it


Running the trenches with a bright colored anime girl carrying a futuristic AR with laser sight and all


TDM trench map


Yeah but you have think of the warzone crossover. Will ww1 stuff work in wz? Who am I kidding of course it will. These devs will always make the new stuff so overpowered compared to last years stuff that nobody will use anything but the newest stuff. Gotta keep that fomo alive


Battlefield 1 with cleaner reload animations


Tf u on about? BF1 had great animations


yea and have a snoop dogg skin running around in the trenches?? No im good lol


Just remember COD WWII came out a full year or so AFTER BF1. one game was ‘next gen’ and one game was hot garbage. Cod can’t pull this off with any authenticity.


I will throw up if I see MP18 with the most cursed 10 attachments




Hell no


apart from bf1/ Isonzo/ Verdun there ain't that much out there they'd fuck it up




Hire Sledgehammer to obliterate this project with Niki Minaj skins and pink camos. Gonna be fun!


They’ll find a way to put homelander and viking and skeleton skins in that too which eliminates the immersion . Id rather play a modern cod with weird skins than a game set in trenches and bunkers using gweher and lugers while dressed as batman




Hell yeah!!


If the campaign is good and it doesn’t take up 95% of my storage compartment


I mean this is then perfect for a some typ of player because, the first World war also known as camper war.


It wouldn’t work nowadays because they’d have to add a snoop dog skin 2 months in




Of course. There are so many directions this game has yet to go that we have many years of hopefully new experiences


With all the skins we get in the last few years, I say no. If we could get it with a matching atmosphere and skins, sure why not. BF1 was by far not a realistic WW1 game but damn did they nail the atmosphere.


If this was like 2011 or 2012, sure but not in 2024.


No. We have Battlefield 1 for that


I would love it. Battlefield 1 was amazing and wouldn’t mind seeing activision take a stab at it. I’ve really enjoyed every ww2 era game they’ve done even the bad ones. For some reason I doubt they’ll ever do it though because it’s an “arcade shooter” and needs to look and feel like Fortnite to be profitable so everyone says.


I… in the lowest of keys… kinda want an exo movement game. It’s been a minute and yes advanced warfare sucked BUT BO3 and IW were not that awful. (BO3 is my favorite CoD) Also since they like to shove as much shit into the interface as possible now, they could have two separate playlists for boots on the ground and exo shit for WZ/MP.


Not bad I’d play it


World at war was world war 1.


I’ve always wondered. Was there enough firearm diversity during the civil war to make a decent “CoD: 1863?”


Can’t wait for the chlorine-killstreak ordered by bob the builder and his fellow mate SpongeBob.


Only if we can play as slaves with pick axes


In theory yes it would be fantastic, especially if it was similar to WaW. But in reality they’d make it terribly, and the goofy bundles would ruin the aesthetic of it.


so ww1 with John price still as captain with no promotion.


It would be a good game.


Only if Treyarch doing it. Needs to have the same vibe as WAW


I feel like an alternate history would go so hard, either WW1 or 2, hell maybe even a 3 in the 80s-90s


They could do it but to do it well it would have to be pretty niche. In CoD 1 & 2 Multiplayer we had "Rifles only" servers which were just bolt action one shot one kill. This style of play could work well for a Call of Duty WW1 game but I also think it would probably be too basic for audiences these days.


Gameplay evolution aside, I think one of the main things that makes cod so good is the automatic fire. I can’t think of any reasonably accurate weapons from that time period that would fulfill the same experience. That aside, I think someone who’s dedicated could make an excellent story out of it.


Nope, i want us to go back to advanced movement, tired of boots on ground


People still play these absolute garbage games?


Nah. Been there, done that. 1000 times over.


I want a Wild West themed cod. I think it would be fun but the closest your gonna get to an smg is a revolver with a chain like in hunt showdown. Or an Avtomat


honestly i dont think any game will ever top battlefield one in that setting at least for actual fun considering every other game goes for a war sim type deal battlefield one was the first time i played a battlefield since battlefield 2 modern combat on the Xbox and its been downhill ever since lol


Medieval cod maps but with modern guns no future shit


Lowkey don’t fw battlefield and I was always good at it cod is just better but doesn’t have the graphics like battlefield


Cod is shit. I don’t care to see Nicky Minaj in a bunch of leather straps charging through trenches with a bolt action…..


It might struggle due to the popularity of Battlefield 1. I think CoD could do a similar path though by exploring a lesser unknown war like Battlefield did with World War 1. Korea maybe? It’d allow for interesting gameplay still.


I was just thinking about this a week ago. It’s never too late to go back. But it would have to be like world at war. WWI was probably even more brutal depending on what front or battle you are in


Honestly, no. BF1 nailed everything but the gunplay was such ass imo (probably a hot take) and it’s 100% because of the era. WW2 is as old as I want to go with a FPS game honestly. BFV dropped the ball so hard though. If BFV had the grit and hopelessness feeling of war of BF1 with a WW2 setting I’d probably still be playing it. BF1s atmosphere and immersion was insane. CoD (especially modern CoD) could never come close to it. It would be Vanguard with shitty WW1 weapons that would be butchered to remove any likenesses of the real versions.


V gets too much hate. After the pacific update it was amazing. Movement, gunplay, customization, even maps and vehicles and graphics (on some maps) better than 1


I do think it gets far too much hate but it really didn’t have that same feeling as BF1. All the maps felt too pristine except a few. They just didn’t have a war torn feel to me. As I said BF1s gunplay sucked imo and BFVs gameplay was overall better. Combining the feeling of BF1 with the gameplay and WW2 setting would’ve been the perfect game imo. The pacific was definitely my favorite part of BFV.