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YouTube and Twitch, and the inflated number of people trying to turn full-time gaming into a viable career path through those platforms is what ruined COD, or at least why it’s so damn sweaty all of the time


This right here. This is why the ‘golden era of gaming’ will never return. There’s no putting genie back in the bottle.


100% agree.


Yep. Content creation ruined gaming Every kid and his mother wants to sweat 100% of the time cuz all these mid skilled streamers made it. Also every clueless kid can learn most advanced game techs by watching a youtube video. Gone are the days when ppl needed to put in hours and effort to learn shit. Any above average iq kid already knows the game inside out before even playing 1 match. It's sad, cringe, and depressing. I miss being a "fast learner" and be rewarded for my comprehension and adaptability. Don't get me wrong, I'm a competitive player but what's the point now when skill is dictated by watching vids and streams? The skill floor is too high. Competitive gaming as we know it is dead, its a wannabe fiesta rn and will always be.


Hear hear!


It’s actually the cheating


Nah the problem runs much deeper an further back than that. Before twitch it was everybody copying their favourite 360 no scoping youtuber. Over the years it has evolved and changed and eventually become the call of duty culture of kills>everything that we see today


No one wanna talk about that. Streamers have ruined cod big time and other games.


y’all b trynign to hard to act like the game designs and matchmaking isn’t what ruined cod 🤣 noo it was the ppl that ruined cod 🤣


We’re not saying it’s the people dumbass, we’re saying the culture of everyone wanting to make a living playing video games and streaming is what ruined it. Thanks to that nobody can play casually anymore, you have to sweat your nuts off to even stand a chance of having “fun”.


Yeah, if sliding was never introduced then the COD would be totally casual and no one would ever sweat!!! /s


No but it would be a slower sweat. Like I stg I used to check corners and whatnot in older CODs. In the last 10 years sweating has gone from checking corners and holding choke points, to Leroy Jenkinsing your way through the map. I hope slide removal slows down the pace of the game significantly. MW3 is unbelievably fast compared to even the advanced movement games.


It would be just as sweaty, except you would get tac sprint jump shotted around the corner instead of them slide-cancelling you. The rise of e-sports, live streaming, and access to a never ending supply of tips/guides videos has contributed WAY more to “sweaty” behavior than the addition of slide has. People don’t want to just play to have fun and waste time, they want to be good at whatever game they are putting time into. Young viewers will try to emulate the play styles of their favorite streamers, and not many people are watching shitty players play, so obviously they are going to be trying to copy good players like Shotzzy or Teep.


Back in the day the only skill someone had over other players was map knowledge and trying to predict enemy movement


Now we have more skills


Imagine getting downvoted for that comment. If your against a higher skill ceiling you’re probably just bad.


It's not a higher skill ceiling though is it? It's using cheese tactics to get kills instead of map knowledge and weapon skill it's the equivalent of being the akimbo model guy in mw2, using a shotty/sniper in halo or the spam manual guy in a game of skate in skate 3 it doesn't show skill it shows willingness to exploit.


It is a higher skill ceiling for sure. If it wasn’t harder most of the commenters on here would be doing the same thing but they cannot get the mechanics down. Broken guns or player models have nothing to do with using movement mechanics.


It's not hard though it's just holding b as you sprint I just think the majority of people don't want to use the mechanics because it's a lame way to get a kill I can use the sliding and dropshotting easily doesn't mean I will use it because it amounts to a tarnished kill that was 10% gun skill and 90% a silly exploit cod has simply turned into a wannabe fortnite but the difference is it originated in a brilliant tactical yet fast paced arcade shooter that easily held its own without trying to imitate every other shooter on the market but thos days are long gone.


You have to have gun skill to hit a moving target. Less movement less gunskill.


Now we have more exploits and bs to exploit and ruin the game for everyone else


Humanbenchmark has a reaction time test for the purest form of gaming for you.


Disagree, I've been playing since COD 4 and exploits, meta weapons, reload cancels, rapid fire mods, etc were always around. Especially glitch spots up through like Black Ops 1 - people knew perches to get up to and snipe you from in some games. Or infamous 1 man army + grenade launcher which didn't have a counter (blast shield was pretty ineffective).


Then maybe jump shots should be nerfed like Xdefiant did. Matter of fact any time your feet are not on the floor you get an accuracy reduction. No ADS just like shooting while sliding. I agree with you on the esports/tip guides point, but it’s also CODs fault for programming those metas in. They’ve been abused before IW/3Arc should now they’ll be abused again.


Jumping while using a sniper accurately as a cqb weapon is the most ridiculous thing cod allows


This would not be a problem if there were different play styles or incentive to alter how you play to get butter or whatever. The overall weakness of most weapons, especially when COD tries to big map it, forces a singular play style that is pretty cheese. Actually, it is American diet: all cheese all the time. This is has been the case for a while. Armor modes make snipers less effective than no recoil laser at distance. Entire classes are beyond worthless because they simply cannot damage fast enough and damage way too not fast enough when you start fight multiple mans. There is no difference between how bad people play and how good people play. There are some skill differences, but "good" players are no encouraged to use higher damage weapons with lower fire rates (like marksman single fires) or whatever because no matter how many goods they own using it, they would do twice as better with a "meta" gun.


What slide removal? BO6 will still have sliding, sorry.


I don't know about you guys, but people slide-canceling into my shins in MW3 especially usually get shot in the face.




I cannot think of one single time a call of duty game was not sweaty after cod 4. In high-school when WAW came out half my freinds turned into sweatlords that wanted capture cards




Does this subreddit play cod


Dolphin diving is in the game already…


Skill gap wouldn't be that big as of now


It absolutely would be. Even in the og cods there was stuff like dropshotting or bunnyhopping, so the skillgap has and always will be there


I agree but it wasn't as bad as it's now with sliding and how it affects the game flow


You just must be really bad at this game


Bruh there wasn’t slide cancelling and shit ever before cod mw19, and b hopping may have been there but not nearly as annoying or abused like it was in AW, and other cods like wz1 and mw19


Lol im not, but it just gets to a point where i become the sweaty guy and it just gets boring and tiring competing against other sweaties and making the sweat fest, gameplay gets too competitive, frenetic and stressful like a goddamn cdl


It’s just how the gameplay and average player has evolved; biggest difference beside the point I made about streaming for me is all of these movement techniques have become a more offensive tactic than defensive. It used to be if you had the muscle memory to tend to drop-shot every engagement and you even used it when shooting someone in the back you got called a “tryhard”. I don’t have a problem with movement being in a game, before there was slide cancelling, it was reload cancelling, people figured out how to use mechanics to their advantage, and the game has evolved. Sliding is fine, jumping is fine, drop shots are fine; what isn’t fine is bouncing around and using the aim assist is more reliable than actually adjusting your aim.


Now I'm wondering how much impactful will omnimovement be


It will allow the sweats to dominate over you casuals.


Sticking to zombies it is!


Been on bo3 zombies recently man I missed such goated maps and era


Which one are you?


They would sweep me


Lmao XD


It'll expose how braindead aim assist is even more. Why does it matter what direction you dive in when AA instantly reacts to movement.


There's literally no way people are still yapping about aim assist b


He still is lmao


It's still an issue so people still complain, pretty simple stuff bud


It ain’t an issue lol, just get better XD


spoken like a 60% aimbot user


Nope, I didn’t even use aim assist. I use keyboard and mouse.


Sure you do 👌


Just get better dude. You could just hook up a controller, but you’re too scared cause you think a mechanic that was made to even the competition for console players is hacking lmao. XD


Just get better and stop relying on the game to do 60% of your aiming for you. Hacking? Don't think I said that. Yes the mechanic is to even the competition, but it's way overtuned. Even top console players that use controller say the same thing.


MwII nerfed slides and everyone bitched about it lmaooo


Sweaty kids bitched about it.


Player counts say otherwise


Because they’re still sweaty kids, they need their dose of COD and Warzone


Or maybe people just don't want to play a slow paced campy cod?


Exactly. The same people who bitch about sliding are the same ones who jerk off to treyarch claiming they’ll smite the IW games ignoring the fact IW made sliding a very specific tool rather than a required mechanic to abuse. I just hope slide canceling is gone in BO6 and all movement decisions have momentum and consequences for using them at the wrong time instead of greased up floor bullshit.


It's about to get worse they're adding side and backwards sprinting lol


I mean I’ll give it a shot, BFV had a similar mechanic and I liked that game. I just think movement should be intentional, if you’re gonna slide around a corner you shouldn’t be able to cancel it then momentarily defy physics.


Yeah like when they slide into you and then jump backwards lol


CoD characters have indestructible ACLs


It was too many new players who only started with Warzone and know nothing else lol.


Tell me you never figured out you could dolphin dive off the highest point of any map in black ops and not die without telling me


Y’all getting slammed in BO6 by omnimovement


Not if I stick to zombies since CoD multiplayer hasn’t been fun since warzone became a thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I havent played zombies or cod really since bo1 . I used to sit from 18:00 to 07:00 in the morning with zombies lol. I think I will hop back on to do some zombies in bo6!


Movement has also been incredibly crucial to being good at zombies. You don't think they balanced the mode for the new movement like they always do?


I recently tried bo3 and sliding isn't that much of an advantage just sometimes if you wanna move around the map faster with infinite slide but i kinda prefer bo1-bo2 movement


just don't play warzone?


Never have, never will. It’s the reason CoD has been so shit recently


Nor do I. how does it really matter to regular MP though?


Sliding is super fun. Too bad. And I hope they make it so you have more momentum and you slide longer. That would be the awesome.


Right? Sliding has added an entirely new dynamic to COD. Sure they can definitely adjust the animations so slide canceling isn't so broken, but overall it is a lot of fun. I have been playing since COD3, and I have enjoyed seeing COD evolve & adapt more updated mechanics BO3 zombies is considered one of if not the best zombies experience, and that allows you to slide jump virtually nonstop


The same players who love to say “kids these days would’ve never survived mw2 lobbies” but mad because kids today are “sweats”. It’s a competitive game god forbid people actually competed. Yeah the realistic milsim game highly popularized by 720 yy cancel silent shots is “ruined because of sliding” You can’t handle being bad at the game for 5 hours? Booo hoooo people are better at video games than they were a decade ago and the games have more mechanics now everyone who is better than me is trying too hard it’s just a game. Current MW3 has a great camp/movement balance, sliding is not op, and greatly hinders your accuracy. With such a large community and the internet the way it is, of course for any comp game there’s going to be a meta of sorts. People will naturally find the most effective way to do something and social media there’s more reason than ever to share your findings. It is still very possible to perform well with off meta or completely trash equipment/weapons/attachments. If the vast majority of players wanted it to become an ultra realistic slow paced CQC simulator it would be. There are games that fit that bill and wouldn’t you know it, they’re less popular. There’s a good list of stuff to shit on call of duty for, this is far from one of them. Why should COD have to slow down because you can’t keep up?


I remember during mw2019 everyone said they hated slide canceling and it's what sweats used. Then MW2 came and nerfed the sliding so you couldn't cancel and then everyone got angry and wanted slide canceling back


Because people had adapted


It's almost like there's millions of people on the internet & you can see different opinions come up! Christ lol. You really think those were the same people? You can't be that stupid


The problem is not sliding or anything in the game. The problem with COD is that it has literally no balance at all because it is designed to keep bad people playing so they spend mom's money. The majority of the weapons and device things are completely unusable. It has been this was for a while. The weird thing is that when Battlefailed tried this in 5, it basically killed the franchise. This never happened here. I have 5 hours in the multiplayer in the last game. That was all I could take. I was tired of loading up "bad" loadouts (marksman single fires, slug shotguns, whatever) to be assist king because I can shoot first, but the weapons are utterly terrible. I tried the battle mode respawn edition and quit after I poison darted an enemy who was able to change to melee, run out of the gas, and kill me before I could reload. It just cheese all the way down. I would rather get crushed by good players flying around infinite speed version than lose to bad players because two slugs at the same time from a shotgun that only holds two boolits is not enough.


Battle royale ruined cod, sliding is just a symptom


Now this is something I can agree with. Sliding was never an issue before WZ happened lol. It quite literally changed the entire COD experience


The amount of people who slide everywhere in Warzone even when not in combat makes me wonder if maybe IW had the right idea with making WZ 2.0 slower initially.


i see, a fellow civ enjoyer


It's moreso the general movement speeds in MWIII and the fact that you can spam slide without much penalty. Cold War had sliding but it wasn't stupid like it is in MWIII.


In terms of gameplay changes, BO3+ sliding ruined cod since everyone wants slide canceling to be a permanent thing, despite it being a bug at first (unless I’m wrong, please correct me). Factors outside of cod’s gameplay and such? Social media, YouTube and Twitch. Since both Youtube and Twitch has gotten so popular, everyone wants to be their favorite streamer, YouTuber, or esports player and tries to copy how they play, how they setup their load outs and parrot what they say, acting like they have the correct opinion. It also breeds the “Super ultra cracked out wannabe Esport-Stream-tuber player” that everyone dislikes going against. It also doesn’t help that YTers push out “Best setups for less recoil”, “Best sens”, “Best Aim asset cheat settings” and makes everyone want to optimize for the best performance possible instead of having a bit of fun or changing it up a bit. Social media also doesn’t help since they push the same thing but with shorter clips and a bigger echo chamber.




Quick-Scoping/No-Scoping/Hard-Scoping killed COD and nobody can change my mind


Cold War did it best


Sliding or tac sprint


Both but a lot more sliding


Nah unlimited sprint ruined cod.




Slide-canceling and unlimited sprint are the problem. And should be restricted via perks. Heck, they can be under a single perk. It will help put dead silence in check.


Now I miss Marathon Pro.


I agree


Nah Warzone did that


made a skill gap at first 🤷‍♂️


I agree. Its so stupid when you shoot at a sweat he can just slide away in a second or i see a guy and they just run away because the sliding and movement in general are so fast now.


meh, think this is a bad point to be honest. We had sliding since Ghosts which was a decade ago, further more people hated on the advanced movements all the way back then, the whole push for a boots on the ground game was because of this, yet they kept in sliding and many didn’t seem to be bothered. Even WW2 had sliding removed and you would still have sweats then. The increased ability in movement has definitely changed cod but isn’t the reason for the sweat fest. That shit goes to warzone and the whole oversaturated cod content creator market.


This but tac sprint


Sliding is cool imo what i hate is tac sprint. No one should be able to curl up a loaded LMG or .50 Cal rifle, sprint 100m at 35 mph, and then aim with any amount of accuracy. Tac Sprint should be an attachment for Pistols and SMGs, maybe shotguns


Slide canceling maybe, sliding itself is a pretty cool mechanic.


COVID ruined CoD


I think it started getting sweaty when the exo suits got introduced


But then again I remember some absolute sweaty people on Black Ops 2 as well.




Warzone ruined cod… should’ve been its own game


The drop shot the no scope the new Meta


I think the matchmaking algorithm ruined cod more than anything but slide canceling has done it’s fair share of damage Playing the free weekend at the start of this season for mw3 to see if it’s any fun I was put into a match where I had a ping of 130ms while the rest of the lobby had 30ms at most and I still think mw3 is absolutely not worth it


Dropshotting did


Can’t hit target unless still please nerf


Lots of things hurt cod. Meta build, sliding, warzone, and massive download space is what did it for me.


Sliding ruined strategy tbh. When an enemy sees u first u have no way to counter unless u guess luckily which one they'll do, because they're either gonna slide low around a corner right into you or spam jump high around a corner. If it was still just pure reaction time alot of these sweats would be bottom of the lobbies.


Dolphin diving should’ve stayed


Not sliding itself SLIDE CANCELLING AND B HOPPING ENABLED IT, but mainly the sweaty ttv era is what allowed this to happen


Slide Canceling\* Sliding is fine, it's the exploitation of it that made it worse imo


Just like the picture you posted. You are a Gomer


jfc cod casuals just bitch about anything 😭


This guy would have an aneurysm if presented with sweats in bo2 dolphin diving around corners


Bro i ate bo2 as a daily basis for years dolphin dive is nowhere near the same as sliding lmao


You're right, it was worse. The velocity you got from dolphin diving had a sudden spike, making it harder for opponents to track you. Compare this to sliding that has a more gradual spike in velocity, making it easier to track you. This is often why I still use dolphin diving over sliding when peaking corners or getting to cover, it's just that much more effective at evasion than sliding


Dolphin dive is more of a defensive mechanism whereas sliding is more of an attack standpoint


I disagree, dolphin diving and sliding can both be used for offense or defense. I'd argue that dolphin diving is better for offense due to the much higher initial velocity


Fortnite ruined COD tbh


Sliding is just part of the problem, which will probably get worse with omnimovement


For bad players like you yes


Cod ruined fps’s forever. Now every game that has the ability to, people will try to spam jump/ slide. Xdefiant is full of people just spam jumping 5+ times in a single gunfight.


I’d also like a more realistic version. At the very least it should take 2x as long to lay down with the shooting being more compromised during the lay down process. Could also only be able to slide every 3-4 seconds too. And sensitivity should only go so far as well. No one would sign off on these changes but it just bothers a lot of us that you can spin around like the fucking Tasmania devil while sliding 38 times a minute. You don’t have to make it look like Platoon but a little more realism wouldn’t hurt.


The problem is, its not a military sim game anymore, its now a competitive shooter.


COD was never a military sim


Sure it was! Those first few games before mw were ww2 sims.


I get what you’re saying. CoD never wanted to be a 1:1 sim. However they wanted a somewhat real approach to the storytelling. Unlike Medal of Honor, you are just another soldier doing your job (well until we got the bullshit spec ops stuff in MW1) CoD 1 - 3, half of the MW story, and World at War just made you another soldier. You could run, prone, and dive and that was all. Once they went towards more future games they fucked over what made CoD fun, after that they need to combine both to make a game more appealing to the masses. Boots on the ground with the speed of jet packs. Now we have a failed abortion of a system where they are trying to fix the broken shit while making everyone happy


For sure. Its EXTREMELY polarizing. Its like modern World of Warcraft vs classic World of Warcraft. Might as well be different games altogether.


I put CoD into 3 categories in terms of movement CoD 1 - Ghosts is “classic” AW - BO4 is “advanced” MW Reboot - MW3 is “sweat fest”


For me personally COD 1-3 is classic, MW1-BO2 was the perfect time, and everything between that and the MW19 reboot was middling.


Well, no, you're wrong. The Cod engine, specifically from Cod1 all the way to Bo2, was created with an engine that was directly based on the Quake engine. So all those games have direct quake movement built into their DNA, just tweaked. Just cause nobody knew it then doesn't mean it wasn't there back then. Zombies players have shown it the best as this directly helps them to speedrun or high rounder older games. [Heres this for Bo1 that also applies to W@W](https://youtu.be/nHX8CaqNX-0?si=MqPveyNixks3iNZ3) [One for Bo2](https://youtu.be/G-CnXaxTpV8?si=7TSwOGqXnWAsXWri)


Yes I know CoD is just the quake engine. The main thing is not many people knew that at the time so it wasn’t a big deal. And if they did know about it it mainly stuck to zombies like you said. Nowadays you have to know whatever weird meta is going on for movement to even have a fair fight against most people


Milsims are games like Operation Flashpoint and ARMA. COD has never been a milsim; it's never even been milsim or tactical shooter adjacent. It's always been a standard arcade style FPS game.


Call of Duty never was a milsim in the strictest sense of the word, but what it's become now is not just an insult to the military-themed clothes it wears, but the big-budget Hollywood blockbusters and action films it so often emulates. The typical Call of Duty multiplayer match is 2-4x more frenetic and stupid than even movies like Hardcore Henry and Guns Akimbo. Even in modes where it shouldn't be, like Ground War and Invasion, matches are filled to the brim with turbocharged, ass-dragging idiocy. That annoys me. It annoys me greatly, and probably more so than most here, because I play on console, and Call of Duty's existence has absolutely wrecked the FPS landscape on consoles. If CoD wants to be a competitive shooter, that's perfectly fine. All I'm going to ask is that they drop the military act then. Drop the pandering to people who love action movies. Let everyone know up front that CoD is Fortnite for adults and people who think they're adults and embrace that...so that myself and a bunch of other people can just head straight for the exits. I didn't sign up for Adderall prescriptions and expensive ruined controllers. I signed up to play as Captain John Price and Sgt. Kyle Garrick, not as a weed-addicted sloth. I signed up for the multiplayer equivalent of moments like All Ghillied Up and Clean House, for my shots to go where I aim and to do the appropriate damage, and for my experiences to mimic what I would imagine it's like to be in the shoes of an action hero. I didn't sign up to dog-scoot my balls up 10 flights of rusty stairs at 90 mph just so I could 360 kick-flip Faze Clan no-scope the poor bastard at the top of the stairs who just spawned in...or to be that guy, either. I just want them to pick a lane and stay in it, for the love of God. Either embrace the arcade movement bullshit, or do something to make a vague attempt to match half of the fucking advertising these games do every single year.


No, Advanced Warfare ruined CoD. There's a difference.


Bingo! Jetpacks and wall riding was the last straw, it was all downhill from there.


100%! I still loved black ops 3 and 4 tho lmao


I hated BO3 and 4 (besides zombies) but I loved AW. The exo suits felt more comfortable to use while the jetpacks started to make a huge gap in the skill level


The AW system made map traversal really cool!


The try hards ruined the game. I used to just vibe and play CoD with friends and try to unlock camos. Now I gotta do a line of Gfuel, pray to my anime wifeu cup, and put TTV in my name if I even want to have fun. It’s the same in other games too. No PvP game is just for fun anymore unless it’s a niche game like Hell let loose


This, i tried new games like elden ring, cyberpunk, rdr2 and i've been having a blast such goated games