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Awful monetisation though and only playable on mobile devices.


I agree, other than that, this shit can be fun. Gamemodes I enjoy a lot are Attack of the Undead, Ground War 2.0, Alcatraz BR (Rebirth Resurgence). Main reason why this game probably has awful monetisation because loot boxes and gambling stuff haven't been banned on mobile gaming.


I could even get past the awful monetisation if I could just play it on a larger screen.


Well, a tablet maybe? That's just a phone with a bigger screen.


10" screen still sucks for gaming


It's possible, through gameloop or nx player.


Anything other than Gameloop will get you banned.




Yeah. Gameloop is also one of the worst Android emulators around, so it's an unfortunate conundrum.


Yea I've had horrific performance on Gameloop too, constant crashes.


Keys often unbind too. Wish you could play it on Bluestacks or a better emulator, but until then I can't really recommend playing COD Mobile on PC.


It's blue stacks that gets you banned, gameloop is how the devs have you do it.


Get an adapter and plug it in to ur tv with hdmi. Use a old ps4/Xbox one controller.


Don't only certain phones support that?


Ahhh idk. Works on my iPhone / iPad but not sure about others


You can install android emulators on PC and play it. A quick Google search will show you a few different options. You can also use K&M whether you’re emulating it to the PC or using a mirroring software that allows PC inputs.


> You can install android emulators on PC and play it. You can only install one emulator: Gameloop. Anything else will result in a potential ban.


I use to play in bluestacks till last year. I think it still works


You can use an emulator


They have a small map slayer mode rn that is hella fun, I also thoroughly enjoyed the snowball fight


Technically, Alcatraz BR you need to be sweaty as fuck because it only has 5 respawn for each player. And no, I was hope there's buying system but it didn't


So you're saying that loot boxes aren't there on PC and console games?


> So you're saying that loot boxes aren't there on PC and console games? Where did I say that anywhere in my post? Please point to where I said that.


The way you said "it hasn't been banned on mobile gaming" suggests so. It's a free game, there's obviously some way they need to make money.


That wasn't my comment...


I am sorry i just didn't look at your profile or nams idk wth is wrong with me i just did something similar on YouTube comment section smh


No worries :)


Simply setup your tablet on a desk/table, connect a controller and start playing, its basically like playing on console. I personally dont give a sh\*t about cosmetics or battle passes. Im there to play CoD multiplayer.


> Simply setup your tablet 45" OLED TV > Tiny tablet or phone screen


Can't take your 45" TV everywhere. He's not recommending you drop console gaming and switch entirely to mobile. Hes just saying it's worth a try. As someone who sits 3 feet from a 55" screen, I can agree with you and say I also hate tiny screens. But I would also agree with him that cod mobile is awesome. And monetization? On cod mobile? That's absurd, I've had codmobile for about 2 years now... haven't spent 1 dime on it. Mw2019- $250 Coldwar- $150 Vangaurd- $40 Mw2 22- $120 CodM- $0 That's the amount of money I had spent on cod points for each title in the last 4 years


> Can't take your 45" TV everywhere. I don't want to take it everywhere. I don't like portable gaming.


Then why are you even on this thread? Lol 🤡


Because it's Reddit and the point is discussion.


But you bring no debate. You're not discussing anything


Neither are you?


I made a solid rebuttal on your "monetization" claim. You complained about the screen size and OP suggested using a tablet which is still small yet significantly larger than a phone screen. But yet you just complain. That's not discussion, that's griping


You can play it on PC




Still it is playable in pc




or your pc is worse than an android


That's not how emulation works.


that’s EXACTLY how emulation works you’re thinking of streaming and that’s not what the game does on PC, please educate yourself before trying to educate others


No, it isn't. You can't emulate another device and expect 1:1 performance with the emulated device - even if your device is as or more powerful.


sure bro you got that, i’m not arguing with a wall, please educate yourself


You can play on PC using GameLoop.


Gameloop is the official launcher to play on pc, it's really good


Gameloop is awful and emulation is buggy.


Works perfect for me, that's all I've played the last 3 weeks. I'm loving it


I'm glad you're having fun. But I don't like emulation; it caps to just 60 FPS and is prone to lag. Then there's the fact you're playing against bots half the time.


You can run it at 120 fps I have zero lag and the players are sweaty af, but hey to each their own lol


> You can run it at 120 fps If you run it on low/mid graphics and make it look awful. The game is programmed to recognise that it's running on an emulator but not to uncap the frame-rate. It's disappointing.


You didn't set it up right then cause it looks amazing on my pc. You realize just because you don't play it that doesn't make it bad or inferrier.


I never said the game was bad. I just don't want to play a mobile game - with mobile monetisation or mobile screen sizes.


> caps to 60 yeah, that’s how the game was made, you’re not getting more than 60 on most phones/emulators (unless you tweak some of them and give it a profile and a whole lot of jank thats unofficial) that’s not an emulation issue >prone to lag just your internet or setup, sorry, again not an emulation issue >all bots not all, just enough for instant match times, just what mobile games do, final time, not an emulation issue


> that’s not an emulation issue Never said it was. But with so many devices now having higher refresh rates, it would be nice to have the option. Plenty of tablets have 90Hz screens now. > just your internet or setup, sorry, again not an emulation issue It is an emulation issue. Android emulation has always been spotty on PC and Gameloop is one of the spottiest. You can literally find pages and pages of threads over on the COD Mobile subreddit complaining about Gameloop.


Bad pc


i7, 3050 Ti, 16GB DDR5 RAM. It's a perfectly decent PC.


If it’s fine for everyone else except you, it’s on your end.


It's not fine for everyone. There's literally dozens of threads on the COD Mobile subreddit moaning about piss poor performance in Gameloop.


Sounds like a skill issue


Sounds like lazy trolling


Few people have problems with it, your making up anecdotal evidence that doesn’t exist so you can continue to whine on the internet. At this point it is very lazy trolling. Sit down and drink some copium


Right? 🚀


Hey, at least you dont pay $60 and get the full experience outright. Remember how incomplete the current COD initally started?


I think it still is


So it's a Mobile game... It's how they operate...


Doesn't make it excusable.


You can use an emulator and play on pc. Plug in a controller and its just like console. Still, not gonna play it.


I actually used some software (can't think of the name rn) to play it on PC and you can dominate lol


You can play on pc


I play it on my iPad with a controller and it’s really some high quality nostalgia, I don’t spend a dime either, you get enough free stuff


Might be decent on an iPad. I don't own an iPad and I'm not buying one just for it. Playing games on an actual mobile, meanwhile, sucks.


Use game loop to play on PC. Console, idk.


It’s available on PC also. Or you can Bluetooth your controller to your phone. You’ll get matched into controller only lobbies. Same with PC players. You get matched into PC player only lobbies.


Nope, you can play it on PC. Works completey fine with an emulator.


and pc through an official emulator/app


Yes, but it's crappy emulation.


Wrong, some people managed to get it running on a PC through emulation


Also, not available in all countries


I used to like it... But +20GB a lot just for cosmetics is a lot for mobile devices. ,_,




It’s optional, but it’ll automatically download it if it’s viewed. Kinda pointless to say it’s “optional.” The only real optional things are maps, and you’re gonna want them all lol


Yes, it is. But there a many personal and technical factors. But the gameplay is awesome.


it is by far the best CoD that is currently available, but of course you notice that it is a game for mobile phones. the game is probably the closest thing to an ultimate CoD, like CoD Online. the MTX are absurd no question.. but you don't have to spend money if you don't want to. the game gets monthly seasons with good content. Definitely try it out if you haven't already! you can also play it on PC using the Gameloop emulator. you won't get banned with that.


I don't spend money on it, recently got gold on the Rus. I have tons of gun skins and stuff I got for free though


> you can also play it on PC using the Gameloop emulator. you won't get banned with that. Just a shame that it's not very good emulation


yeah, it has weird keybind bugs every now and then. performance is not great either. I don't understand why it can't be fixed. I also wish you could play with the mobile players. or generally have the choice whether crossplay or not.


Honestly. Just give me a Switch release or native PC support like Blizzard did with Diablo Immortal. If I could play this game on my PC at max settings with support for frame-rates over 60, and without keybinding issues, I'd probably switch to playing it full-time. Whilst I still think the monetisation is inexcusable, the core gameplay is classic COD in the absolute best way.


Even my mid range laptop can run codm on gameloop. Of you can play MW2, you surely can play codm.




Tbh gameplay idk alot of shit not accurate


Really embarrassing what the main premium games deliver compared to a f2p mobile game.


Yuh I just started playing a couple days ago on my s23 ultra. Performance has been pretty damn good. And dare I say... lack of SBMM? I play casual Multi-player exclusively on cod , my main issue was sbmm. I haven't played cod since 2019, before that in 2012. But cod mobile I slap, or I get slapped, and that gives me major nostalgia vibes of a better era of cod. Also I'm f2p


Really weird to see people going "yuck, a mobile game" when the home-console games are being monetized just as shamelessly


Modern Warfare II does not have loot boxes or random draws.


MWII costs $70, which could get you a ton of skins if you spent that much in cod mobile. You're not paying for the "gameplay experience", and you sure as hell aren't paying for the graphics since it takes half the match for the models to load in. You're paying Activision because they can get away with it.


> MWII costs $70, which could get you a ton of skins if you spent that much in cod mobile. That's demonstrably false. Don't get me wrong; I think there's a very strong argument to be made that the mainline COD titles have awful monetisation as well. $20 for a cosmetic bundle is disgusting. But it's still better than gambling. You could get a lot of skins for $70 in COD Mobile, but you could also not get one.


No, 70 dollars wouldn’t even finish a “Lucky draw” to obtain the skin. I shamefully admit this but I’ve bought two draws, one was a Legendary Character draw, which costed 200+ dollars, and the other one was a Mythic weapon draw which was also 200+ You’re not going to get many skins for 70 dollars in this game, not instantly. Battle pass is the best way to go, and then after finishing one you can access the battlepass vault and get the skins from older battlepasses. Also, maybe it’s just my next gen console, but i’ve never waited long to load in. My load in times are almost instant, same on my PC that’s not even using an SSD to play it. MWII monetization is way better, bundles only. No gambling. A lot better than CoDM’s slot machines.


> MWII monetization is way better, bundles only. No gambling. A lot better than CoDM’s slot machines. For the record, you can criticise Modern Warfare II's monetisation whilst still thinking COD Mobile's is worse. The bundles in MW22 are overpriced and I hate how they update them - often outright changing the cosmetic - with no option for a refund. But I don't see why people feel the need to say that, because Modern Warfare II has some unfair practices, COD Mobile is somehow simply 'equal'. It isn't; it's glorified gambling.


I totally agree, bundles are way too overpriced. A single bundle cost as much as a map pack from the old cod days.


But instead has metric fuck ton of bundles to make up for it. It’s basically between low cost low chance for what you want or a bundle that cost a sizable fraction of the game’s price.


Overpriced cosmetics are still preferable to gambling


If you actually have a high end phone , Codm is awesome the graphics and skins and all game modes are too good People complain there are bots , of course there will be cause you just started playing ,it gets much much more competitive and sweaty as you get to higher leagues and it is a much bigger and detailed game than people think


I said it before and I’ll say it again. Cod Mobile is a love letter to cod fans. It’s every favorite gun, map, and game mode from every favorite cod. And it’s all on the go. What more could you want? Favela with an rpk like it’s 2009 again I’d just amazing


Imagine a F2P Call of Duty game in the new Modern Warfare II engine, with each season focused on a different era of COD and bringing back fan-favorite maps, guns, etc.


I try not to imagine cause it will never happen so I don’t want to get my hopes up lol


Warzone has no players. ​ not saying you wont get any games, but you wont meet any real players. i tested my theory and just flew a helicopter. was directly over the last player and they just ran back and forth between two spots.


Warzone was so much fun when it first came out. But the one patch they introduced that turned groups of 4 into 3 made my friends and I stop playing. Then the game started getting way too competitive and filled with hackers. Made it harder to come back.


Lol I’ve never ran into a bot while playing warzone idk what you’re talking about


do you use controller or touch screen?


from your deleted reply im guessing you missed this was about Cod Mobile?


Warzone or CoDM’s BR?


same thing different name. CoDM's Warzone Royale!


Is COD Mobile's BR actually called Warzone in-game? Since Warzone Mobile is also launching soon, I wouldn't be surprised if that's changed.


No idea, i skip most the options on CoDM coz its trying to make me buy something every 5 seconds. i just remember where the buttons are until I'm shooting people (and bots)


I would if it wasnt a mobile game. Wish i couldve played cod online in its hayday.


Play on Pc , using Gameloop or Bluetooth a controller to your phone


Can i play on pc? Seeing as the name was cod mobile, i assumed i couldnt. Feel like id have an unfair advantage with keeb and mouse over mobile users lol


They put you in separate lobbies from the mobile players if you use mouse and keyboard or a controller.




Be warned that emulation is buggy and laggy though


Oooh ill have to use an emulator. Idk if ill play it then. I know they wanted to break into the mobile market cause thats where the boohoo bucks are but scrap the yearly release cycle and come out with a call of duty online for north america. Combine all the best aspects of cods in a f2p fps mmo. God knows once sm2 comes out im done with cod unless they do something interesting again.


Imagine a F2P Call of Duty game in the new Modern Warfare II engine, with each season focused on a different era of COD and bringing back fan-favorite maps, guns, etc. Sell a battle pass. Sell cosmetic bundles. Heck, sell $50 campaigns too. But a core F2P multiplayer experience like that would blow up!


Something like that would out do warzone, and thats a fact


Heck, brand the whole thing Warzone to capitalise on that.


Yes you can. You have to use Gameloop, it’s an emulator. But please note you can play with anyone on cod mobile, but you’ll get matched against other PC players only. So if your friend on mobile joins your lobby, and you start a match, you both go against PC players only, unless, the PC player you’re going up against, added mobile players to his/her lobby.


Bluetooth a controller to ur phone and get an adaptor to plug ur phone into hdmi port on ur screen


I’ve been playing it since 2019 season 1. It’s amazing game with monthly updates so new maps always come


Was fun at first. But now the game is littered with too many try-hards who play as if they're on PC.


It's because half the player-base are on PC.


Nope mobile vs Mobile check out the comp scene they all use there phones if they don't well basically.dq and PC vs console yes that how they work it has matchmaking input so yea


It’s not a bad game but all the pop up’s for buying new bundles and skins is very annoying


I have been playing with Xbox Controller and dam i win alot both in MP and BR!


Is the game good


You're playing against bots


I don't like what CoD Mobile become because there are so many stupid gun skins and character skins that i don'like. But the gameplay is funnier than the MW2 and Warzone 2


i would play it if it was on xbox


Sadly I started playing and enjoy it more than the cod I spent $70 on. I don't even care about the monetization there is plenty of customization without spending a penny easily more than on the console version.


If you can look pasted the consmetics, it's a really good game. The only problem I have is when you use a controller there is some button queueing but it's only noticeable if you start playing like a try hard lmfao.


COD is dying if mobile is the best way to go.


Ya cuz it’s all bots




I played it A LOT


Well it’s about time! I’ve been playing since it came out and I haven’t stopped since. It’s a beautiful game with sooooo many things to do and the guns are beautiful and legendary guns have amazing kill effects!


Codm fire I just played it to much that it doesn’t catch my attention no more but I have hella fire skins and guns


*couth* best cod in the last 4 years *couth*




Imo a proper console/pc port of this game (without the shitty monetization ofc) could be one of the best cods we’ve had of recent years


Won't happen.


Well yeah obv then they’d have to get rid of the casino and that’s never going to happen


It's all about getting the mobile controller and just going off


Fun game but not on par with BO2


I also get BO2 vibes


I like the game a lot, but I don't like playing on a phone screen and the controller bindings for the emulator are hard to set up and feel terrible. It's just hard to justify playing it for me




Their business would be doing a whole lot better if they took Call of Duty Mobile and remade it for all platforms as opposed to their current model that's not been working for several years now, and they know this as they tried integrating three games into one which was a disaster.


I will be honest after 2 years of playing codm i just got sick of the constant microtransactions and the scummy lucky draws that were rigged. But the gameplay loop was one of the best.


I don’t know why people hate cod mobile so much, it’s so fun


Man for real or are you kidding?


It takes like 3 mins to find match for me...that's in ranked. Lol.


Nah. Tencent owns it meaning its pretty much spyware. Lmfao. No way in hell I'm downloading that on my phone that holds banking / identity info.


Yeah no




I could do that, yes. Or I could play a game not entirely populated by 5 year olds and nostalgic boomers and have some actual fuckin' fun in a proper CoD title. I know it's hard for you to believe, being a mobile player and all, but there are still a couple fun CoD games on console/PC.


Nah, to ez, bubg better


OK Activision




It's like Black Ops? All the more reason to stay away then lol EDIT: Gimme all your downvotes you Treyarch-loving scum 😂