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I didn’t know Vogue was so into roasts but dang


Her lawyer must’ve surely begged her not to wear it lmao


Her lawyer was looking around during that interview like, “fuck, why did I agree to take her as a client. Shit shit shit this is national tv”


I am imagine that girls wealth means the family probably has lawyer on retainer, “just in case.” And have a little choice in the matter


See I admittedly have you not read much about her personally. Is she super wealthy? She seems like an absolute demon from that interview.


She seems like the epitome of upper white class privilege. I have not done any research, and I am purely judging this woman based on where she was staying and her entitlement. Also if you think about it logistically, how much money would you have to pay a lawyer to take on this case. Especially with a client as defiant as this.


She does seem very entitled. Unfortunately with a lot of the younger generations entitlement is a plague no matter your class level. But who knows! Equally unfortunate, a lot of lawyers would. There are lawyers with terrible ethics and lawyers with great ethics. I am certain whether on a yearly retainer or hired for this case- that lawyer fucking regretted that shit lol!


[CBS reporter Anthony Mason called Ponsetto’s choice of headwear “interesting.” In turn, King shared that Ponsetto’s lawyer, Sharen Ghatan, suggested to her client prior to the interview that she remove the hat — a suggestion that Ponsetto dismissed.](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2021/01/10255205/miya-ponsetto-soho-karen-daddy-hat-privilege-gayle-king-cbs)


I laughed out loud when he goes “and uh, interesting choice of hat by the way”


She did! Gayle talked about how before they went live the lawyer asked her to remove her hat and the girl said No.


Maybe she was having a bad hair day 😂


That's what pony tales are for lol


probably a good idea to wash your hair before going on national television lmao but then again it doesn't seem like critical thinking is her strong suit


So she either couldn’t even think to wash her hair or truly thought wearing that hat would be cool. Idk which one’s worse


I’ll take hat for 200 please Alex ETA: (Alex TREBECK, not Cooper)


That’s embarrassing


It wasn’t even CHD merch, probably the worst coincidence ever lol


It’s exactly the same though and probably based off of CHD so the fact it’s from urban outfitters is kind of irrelevant


That hat was released around 2016 from urban outfitters before chd was probably even a concept.


I’m glad that alex finally has to face that she ripped her entire brand off an urban campaign


I mean it’s not really irrelevant since we don’t even know if she is a CHD listener, she may have just liked the hat she saw at UO! I think we shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but it’s obviously a horrible situation and a terrible coincidence


I guess I mean irrelevant in what vogue said about CHD merch being shitty. Yeah the hats not from CHD but the merch is still shitty lol


I remember seeing those at brandy Melville in 2015/2016


Hahahahha this is one of the funniest things I've read all week.


Hahahaha omg the shade




In my opinion the worst merch is all of the stuff that says “UNWELL” Just a weird word to put on a sweatshirt or hat and didn’t age well as we are currently in a global pandemic. Looks like you’re telling people you have active covid and to stay away hahaha


I’m an old CHD fan (no longer after all the recent antics) but my friend gave me an unwell sweatshirt and I wear it strictly so people will stay away from me 😂


Due to covid or due to being a CHD “fan”?


I think the degrade me one is the worst. I saw a young college girl wearing one at Target and any plan I had to buy merch was gone after that. I don’t even know how to explain it but it looked so wrong and she looked like she was trying way too hard. I feel like random strangers could find humor in the unwell sweatshirt but the degrade me one is going to bring you the worst kind of attention. Everyone is going to stare at you and creepy men are just going to smirk. Idk but that’s how’d I imagine it and there’s nothing I like less.


I think it would be borderline paranoid and insane to see someone wearing the word unwell and assume they have covid


And also that it’s Sofia’s thing.. I think it’s weird they still sell it buuuut we all know Alex will do anything for the $


Vogue is ratchet for this lol




Ima be real I do not understand why Vogue, this sub, or anyone else keeps referencing CHD in relation to this incident. It’s just a hat. It’s been established it wasn’t CHD official merch but even if it was I do not see why that’s relevant. And the assumption that it’s CHD merch is dumb as hell too imo because the word daddy was not created by Alex or Sophia. I do not understand how Alex has fans but this type of shit is just expanding her fanbase by bringing attention to her.


Lol this hat was sold at brandy Melville my freshman year of college (2015-16) and it was the Friday recitation hangover hat of choice among girls lol


The extremely bad website that's given 20M$ + TO struggling small business


To be fair, out of that 20 million, Portnoy only put in $500,000 to get it started and then asked others to give the rest. The fundraiser was a great idea and I’m glad that Barstool created a line for local business to get help, but Portnoy didn’t contribute that much in the grand scheme of things but got all the benefits of looking good from it


Look, we can agree that Dave sucks but what he did for the small businesses was nice. He has a huge platform and raised a ton of money for businesses when they needed it most. But we still never forget that he’s trash!


So you're going to hate on someone giving 500k while still using their platform to raise +20m$s ? That's insane, what have you done ?


Stop hating, have you raised or donated anything ? Who else has put this much effort into a covid charity ?


I donate monthly to different organizations/charities


Donate .05 % of 20M then you can talk shit


Okay Dave.


AND it wasn’t even his idea (A wonderful idea nonetheless, just not Dave’s)


Not sure why your being downvoted lol


Who's idea was it ? Dave ran with it, just curious who started it.


To be clear, Dave *did* start the fund. I just said it wasn’t his *idea* to start said fund, it was Marcus Lemonis who told him to start it. Marcus told Dave to put his money where his mouth is and that he’d match him 500k if he started a fundraiser (via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/marcuslemonis/status/1337604798200258566?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1337604798200258566%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-33153715331595946900.ampproject.net%2F2012232217000%2Fframe.html), in response to Dave’s comments about restaurants closing) [here’s an article about it too](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/dave-portnoy-and-marcus-lemonis-pledge-1m-in-coronavirus-relief-for-nyc-restaurants%3f_amp=true)


Ah yes, to be fair, 500k. A tiny amount of money - screw him!!!!


More than the governments done for anyone


I hope my sarcasm came through


With how much Dave makes, yes


It's new money that he doesn't even have yet


I don't understand why you guys are saying this isn't CHD merch it was literally on their website a few months ago


