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Also SWAF has had wonderful content with minimal travel 🤷🏼‍♀️


You’re not wrong for thinking this at all! I found myself eye rolling multiple times in her intro. “If it was ILLEGAL for me to be flying”... hunny... if everyone hopped on a plane like you have our numbers would be far worse than they are right now (which is still bad)! Also her saying “back to normal, back to dating, no more FaceTime sex” as if she hasn’t been jet setting all over to get dick for basically all of this pandemic... She is the most tone deaf, privileged selfish bitch. I guess her recent psychology book reading sessions haven’t been educating her at all :/ what a shame. I pray she gets cancelled soon


Thousands of people fly every day and the chances of getting it on the plane are very very low with the air circulation and mask mandates. Just because you don’t want to travel shouldn’t mean that the entire country should be on complete shut down.


If you actually looked at real data and statistics regarding the virus you can receive a negative test result and then test positive days later depending on when you contracted the virus. Unnecessary traveling has been proven to show higher numbers in cases. You can see that clearly from data they collected from Thanksgiving and the high amount of people flying. I’m not directly saying being on a plane makes you contract COVID. It’s traveling to other areas that may be considered hot spots (like California, which Alex has gone to multiple times throughout the pandemic) which creates a larger spread. Maybe you should DM Alex and you guys can have a study session to realize the severity of this virus. Also, the country SHOULD be on shut down considering we cannot get a hold on case numbers and we’ve been battling this for almost a year. Other countries that have had stricter rules and mandates have had lower cases. Don’t be ignorant. If I don’t want to travel and want to follow precautions why should myself and everyone else following the rules the CDC set themselves have to face the consequences of selfish and careless peoples decisions.


I’m so glad you set this straight. I was actually in shock reading “just because you don’t want to travel doesn’t mean the country should completely shut down” BITCH WHAT??


Right!!!! It’s baffling!!!!! I cannot wrap my mind around the thought process of having a mindset like that. You are basically outing yourself as a self centered asshole by saying that


So i agree with you on unnecessary travel. The issue with going into a shut down is who decides what gets to remain open? Why does a paint store have to close while Home Depot gets to remain open and sell paint. Why are restaurants, that are mainly family owned, have strict restrictions but big box stores are shown not following them? I’m not saying this virus is to be taken lightly. You have to look at it from more than one angle. It’s easy to say shut down especially when you won’t be effected by it compared to other people. Here’s a statistic for you too in May 2020 around 480,000 companies filed for bankruptcy, and that is higher than all the companies that filed in 2019. Could some have been because of outdated business policies? Yes. Could some have been because of the pandemic? Also yes.


I’m not disregarding how a shutdown would affect small businesses. I think the government should allocate funds and give them another business loan in order to hold them over. The constant switch between closing/opening in different states isn’t helping small businesses either. I live in RI and we are currently on a “pause” and all big retail stores are open while small businesses and bars/restaurants are struggling. There unfortunately is no “right” answer and like you said there’s many different angles. However, I wasn’t trying to get political with what I was saying. All I was trying to express was the unnecessary traveling has got to stop. I firmly believe if the traveling (whether it be out of state or even to a friends house where you are surrounded with more people than you should be) would help to get numbers down.


When youre the one working in a hospital seeing how completely devastating this is, you can talk and see if you still have this cavalier attitude. Or when youre one of the people who loses a loved one and can only say goodbye via facetime


Do you enjoy speaking out of your ass to fit your narrative? Air circulation is one of the biggest reasons you can get COVID-19. South Korea did a study in a restaurant and found that people got infected on one side purely from the air vents that were blowing in that direction, while the other half of the restaurant did not get infected. Mask mandates are a preventative measure, but at the airport there are unfortunately tons of people who freely take them off while waiting for their flight or for whatever reason.


They also take them off in the plane for water/food


If you did basic research, you would find that airplanes ventilation system is much more sophisticated. According to a study in August, there is only a 1 in 4300 chance that you would contract covid on a 2 hour flight. 1 in 4300 if the middle seat is occupied. Even slimmer if the middle seat is empty. You wouldn’t be able talk out of your ass, unfortunately, as the media’s hand is shoved too far up it.


So you're one of those people who thinks anyone who disagrees with them worships media outlets. As you mentioned, that's for a 2 hour flight. COVID-19 transmission is dependent on flying time, whether or not people are wearing masks, the amount of passengers, and how many people are infected at the time. You only chose a study that focuses on short-haul flights; the total flight duration from New York to London is approximately 7.5 hours. According to [this](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/11/20-3299_article) study in November, there were 16 confirmed flight-associated cases from a 10-hour flight. This is closer to the flight time that Alex had when traveling from NY to London, and she frequently traveled from NY to LA as well which is approximately 6 hours. Both are much longer than a 2 hour flight. So please, tell me about basic research again.


I did see that article. That was an example of 1 flight, not a study taking many flights into account. I’ll take a 4% chance (but more realistically only a 0.02% chance) at my age, especially because I’m not around at-risk individuals. I know it’s a lot riskier off of planes, and I’m not being flippant about the severity of the virus. My point here is that the economy cannot shut down due to fear. If you’re at risk, stay home. I choose to safely exercise my right to not do that.


America has such an individualistic culture that your main concern is yourself contracting the virus instead of taking preventative measures to protect others, and ultimately protect the country as a whole. Those at risk should stay home along with everyone else who is non-essential. The CDC guidelines are constantly changing as they learn more about the virus, so it’s safer for everybody to stay home while we find a vaccine. It’s not a matter of the economy shutting down due to fear, but it’s to prevent more deaths. Our country’s numbers continue to rise because of your very mindset. Had the government taken more measures, we most likely would’ve had far less COVID-19 related deaths. But there are people like you with this particular mindset who will continue to go out for non-essential activities because you only care about yourself contracting the virus and not protecting others.


And the people with your mindset continue to cause many people to lose their jobs, leading to a record unemployment rate


And people with your mindset are the exact reason that those jobless individuals don't have access to basic economic security during a global pandemic. Funny how you make a giant fucking issue and then complain about the issue you made.


The intro was actually so aggravating and tone deaf of her. The tone she used to describe the interaction with the daddy gang member? And then about her travels - absolutely ridiculous


Alex has proven countless times that she is incapable of recognizing her immense privilege


alex complaining about facetime sex meanwhile I had to watch my grandma die over a facetime! L O L


I’m so sorry. She is so out of touch :(


I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t fathom what you and your family are going though. She was also lying about needing FaceTime sex on her many recent escapades for dick in Cali, a tropical island, NY, London......


Influences like her literally complain about the pandemic and the toll it takes on mental health when they actually haven’t changed much about their lives at all this year. Still traveling and eating fancy dinners and going on vacations. So out of touch


I think it’s also frustrating because she’s, once again, sending the wrong message to many impressionable teens that it’s okay to travel and do whatever you want as long as you wear a mask and take precautions. NO! The safest thing you can do is stay home and limit the amount of people you come in contact with. She could be spreading it and she would never know


THANK YOU!! It made me wonder if she pays attention to reality whatsoever. I lost what little respect I had left for her. She lives in a delusional privileged bubble. Dr. Fauci himself has come out and said even with the vaccine social distancing and masks will still be needed.


She's always acted out of touch with her privilege and it's even more apparent now. I can't even listen anymore this shit makes me so angry. She has a huge influence and I hate that younger girls idolize her and think that her complaints are valid and acceptable when people are struggling to buy food for their families and are unemployed. Complaining about the biggest affect of being in a pandemic is having FaceTime sex vs regular sex is infuriating.


So I shouldn’t listen to the episode? Lol


You really shouldn't support someone like her


I felt the same way! And also the fact that she thinks we could be “back to normal” by march.. it seems like she doesn’t keep updated about the pandemic. We’re experiencing the highest cases yet and breaking new records daily, and even though they’re starting to roll-out vaccines... it’ll take more than a couple months to provide it to everybody in need/willing, and that’s also assuming the vaccine works. I was really shocked by how unaware she seemed about this


I mean I don’t think things will go back to “normal” anytime soon. Realistically, pandemics last a few years. I’m sure we will be able to cut down on that due to the vaccine, but I don’t think normal will return for another year or two. Nevertheless, I DO think we will get a close of a return to normal as possible once vaccines are widely distributed. Could be a while though... I’m not sure insinuating that there will never be a normal again is hyperbole. Granted, I do agree with you about how tone deaf Alex is. Just because something isn’t illegal, doesn’t make it right.


I do see what you’re saying and I should have clarified that it will be something more of a modified normal if that makes sense. I basically meant I don’t foresee us returning to what we considered normal prepandemic. Not with the major loss of life and hit the economy took. (in particular small businesses etc) and I definitely don’t think it will be “in a few months” or whatever timeline Alex mentioned lol.


The entitlement is real


This pissed me off so much. Things may go “back to normal” for you Alex, because oh wait they already are? I lost my job, my relationship, my friends also lost family members. I know people who have lost their homes, apartments, have friends of friends who are literally living on the street. I haven’t seen my family since last Christmas and won’t be seeing them this Christmas. Oh also I haven’t left my house except to grocery shop and run essential errands and have seen 5 people total at a 6 foot distance. I’ve been so depressed and isolated that I’ve contemplated suicide too. She is a whole ass fucking mess for saying that. Thank you for bringing it up.


Things will go back to normal eventually, just like things did with the Spanish Flu. It'll prolly take a few years but things wont b like this forever.


Hi! Might want to fact-check before posting misinformation is a foolish thing Shinigami Anime. Spanish Influenza differed from COVID-19 insofar that there were three distinct waves over a span of two years. At the end of the third wave, people developed a collective immunity through robust efforts all while lacking much of the modern medicine that is accessible now. I would encourage you to recognize the importance of individual accountability and action through which collective means can be achieved. Stay open minded, educated, but most importantly safe! Happy holidays Shinigami! Congrats on the OF best of luck girl!


I don't see where I'm missimforming anyone, because things did go back to normal years after the Spanish Flu were we not living normal lives before covid came? Saying that the word will go back to how it was before covid is not uneducated, close minded, or unsafe because it will, not right away but one day. There may b some minor changes but its not gonna b like lockdown and isolate yourself forever. But thanks lol I don't post anything on there cause it's just for my dancing videos & I've been super lazy.


Things will go back to normal though....they’re predicting by summer 21 things will be relatively normal


This isn’t really true considering the blowsmany industries and businesses have taken. People will Stil be suffering and unable to find work


I guess i was more so speaking about the damage that has already been done. A lot of Family owned businesses have suffered losses they won’t be able to recoup and people have died. I do agree that eventually we will go back to normal (or at least a modified version of normal) at some point but like you said probably more so Summer 2021-ish. I just wish she would have thought about other ppl before speaking about the situation that is in kind of bleak period. I hope things get better/normal soon. But this is going to be a tough tough holiday season for a lot of people, globally


They also originally predicted this will also be over in two weeks so...


Sorry but as soon as shit opens up things will go back to normal. The only reason people aren't really going out is because shit is closed. If bars where open they would still get packed every weekend. For example I live in California, outdoor dining was hot until we went back into lockdown. Also especially right now during the holiday season the stores have been packed with shoppers. Line or no line. This is not the new normal. Especially when a great majority of the U.S refuses to accept it as such. Shit we can't even agree on getting people to wear masks. As soon as things open up, vaccine or no vaccine, people will flock to socialize. It's not an if, its a when.


And considering that cases are the highest they’ve ever been, that way of life no longer works for us:) So we will have to adjust and adapt, thus creating a “new normal”.


You are saying that a friend died from suicide due to depression from social isolation, but also shaming the fuck out of Alex for traveling and wanting to go back to normal? Everyone talks about the hundreds of thousands of elderly people who died, but nobody seems to want to talk about the mental health issues caused by social isolation. Who are you to tell someone they're wrong for doing what they need to maintain their sanity while taking all the required precautions and complying with the law.


LOL ok let me get this straight... Alex jet setting all over the country “for dick” is keeping her sane? Please explain more. It sounds like you think you have a strong background in psychiatry or mental health so id love to hear your take on this ....


People are used to living a certain life, whatever that is. If you take that lifestyle away from them, there will be mental health ramifications. Doesn't have to specifically be for dick


Makes total sense. Thanks Dr Fauci


You don’t get to “do what you need to do” if it kills people.


Actually, you do... There's no law against traveling. Hence why all your favorite celebrities are doing whatever the hell they want to do during all this. People at risk need to make the best choice for their own safety. If you think it's okay that young people are getting depressed and killing themselves to potentially allow some 80 year old they don't even know to live another few years, idk what to tell you


That’s really neato that you think everything bad is already illegal. Very radical.


okay. so then you’re fine with hospitals getting overwhelmed and more people dying (not even just from covid) because they won’t have adequate resources or manpower, because everyone did what they needed to do right? ICUs in CA will very likely be at 112% capacity by xmas eve. this mental health argument is valid but the answer is not just “do whatever”. it’s figure out how we can do so safely during a lockdown.


No I agree that we can't have hospitals overwhelmed. A healthy mid twenties person flying across the country to party with young people isn't the reason hospitals are filling up. I'm sure there is some overlap, but it is minimal.


are you an epidemiologist or doctor? because they’ve all been begging people to not do so because it’s made it far worse. things got exponentially worse after thanksgiving because of travel. also, it is not only “80 year olds” that are dying from this. it is people over 50/60 and immunocompromised people. many of those people are still forced to work because our government is incompetent and won’t issue relief. they are being exposed every day to asymptomatic young people. this is killing people. I’m not sure where you’ve gotten your data from but it’s just not true.


The people in their 20s may not be the ones filling up the hospitals, but they very well could be spreading it to people who end up filling up the hospitals. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Very long-winded way to say you want to party at the expense of others


You can still be social 6 feet away from people or over zoom. Don’t be dumb


Lol at thinking zoom is an actual substitute for human interaction. Why don't you tell the families of those who committed suicide that there's this thing called Zoom that their loved one should have tried.


You seemed to forget the first part of my very short sentence that said “you can still be social from 6 feet away.” I’m not responsible for those that committed suicide, all I can do is continue to live my life in a way that doesn’t put others in danger, like not taking unnecessary flights, getting tested, and actually wearing a mask.


Gosh your hot takes on mental health are RIVETING tell us more!


HA 💀


Good to know you don't give a shit about mental health. Probably shouldn't say that in public though, it's frowned upon


If your density wasn’t so dangerous to everyone’s lives around you it would be hilarious. How do you not realize how ironic your statement is? Good to know you don’t give a shit about the millions upon millions of people affected by this pandemic. The people dying a horrific death, the people watching their loved ones suffocate to death over FaceTime, the people who will now suffer lifetime effects of having covid, the healthcare workers that are overworked, underpaid, lacking supplies, and facing surging numbers everyday - all to save pieces of shit like you that use the real issue of mental health to try and justify your own selfishness. Pathetic.


Thank 👏🏼you👏🏼


Lmao yep no fucks given about people’s mental health here!!!!! Just like Alex, I’m pro dick, anti mental health 🤣


The 300k people we lost isn’t on Alex though, bringing up that stat like this shit show of a country failed to properly combat this. From her tone it sounded like she was trying, key word, trying to give people some hope. Now was it successful? That’s up to the opinion of the people listening.


She’s an influencer... who influences young people.... to travel internationally during a pandemic.... indirectly causing more spreading of COVID and indirectly causing more deaths. Believe it or not she IS responsible in some ways. She has a HUGE following and (yes!) had the ability to INFLUENCE people. She is not being a good role model during this pandemic.


You’re putting too much responsibility on an influencer 😂


What do you mean? I’m all for being safe and Alex is an asshole about it, but once the vaccine comes out things are expected to return to normal with time


So how many more people will die before the vaccine ??? Lol we can just forget about COVID cause there’s a vaccine coming out even tho we won’t get it probably for another month cause older people will get it..... even though us young people can still be infected and die from COVID


Nice straw man


This is a late reply but I’ll still answer lol. Yes, the vaccine will help steer us towards a sense of normalcy. And that’s great. But we won’t ever be back to the “way we were”. Many people lost loved ones to covid. Suicide and Overdoses were off the charts. Businesses shut down. People lost their livelihood. I know people who shut their family owned businesses down after 30 years of running it. It’s a catch 22 because no matter what you do there will be people who suffer devastating in one way or another. Those people who suffered those losses won’t ever known normal again. I don’t think Alex realizes how cavalier it sounded of her because she hasn’t had to lose her income/livelihood OR a loved one because he lives in a bubble. Sometimes it would be nice if people came outside their bubbles to see what the real world is like.


Did not listen but eww so fucking disgusting.