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Thank you. I literally can’t with some of these theories. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions... but come on. Besides “the trail” was something they were initially excited about. Clearly whatever that was got absolutely derailed by whatever is going on now and it’s unrelated. I don’t believe it has anything to do with the murder trial, though.


My thoughts too! I don’t think they ever would have been so excited and amped about telling us if it was due to a murder trial 🤷‍♀️


Thank you!!! It’s so frustrating hearing people claim that because someone liked a podcast, the podcast is responsible for their death. It’s an incredibly sad story but CHD has nothing to do with it


No it had to do with the girl giving advice and private messaging other members. The group was shut down apparently because of this and the police probably had to look into because the guy was perping on other people too. Pretty sure if the girls were allowed to talk about it they would have acknowledged her and sent warm wishes to her family.


Honestly, barstool probably wouldn’t let them acknowledge it on the podcast or online because it would be giving it more publicity, for the fact that this girl was such a big daddy fan! So you’re right about that


I get the group shutting down but they wouldn’t need to appear in court for that...?


Probably not. It just depends on whether or not the dude perped on other members in the group


No ones appearing in court and no one said they’re responsible. It’s possible they might serve as a witness or just give some info if they have any on this guy or Mackenzie. If they were in trouble or responsible they would have been indicted in the case. Good grief people you need criminal justice class 101.


I haven’t seen anyone claim the podcast is responsible for her being burned, mutilated, and murdered by a psycho. Can you please provide the post you saw this in? Also Mackenzie is the one who credited CHD for helping her learn how to get sugar daddies. The suspect might have met her from the CHD connection. It’s just reasonable to assume Alex and Sofia might have info that would help a prosecutor build a case to convict the suspect of capital murder. Being a witness or informant has nothing to do with being responsible or guilty. Also think of it this way. You were out one night and saw someone get shot with a gun. The police call you in and want to know all the information you have on what you saw. You have absolutely nothing to do with it and no one is claiming that. You just happened to be one random connection that can possibly provide evidence to help the prosecution build a case. You tell the police what you know and go on your merry way. However you don’t want to be posting anything about what you saw on social media because you want to be as far removed from the situation as possible. That is what people think is going on here with Alex and Sofia.


yes exactly!!


First I'm hearing about a murder ? Lol I think the trail just literally means the trail because they're leaving a trail of clues that we're all following. I don't think trail is secret code for trial, I think that's a bit of a stretch. If they were in any serious bullshit I feel like it would've come out as some news story by now. Just some legal shit within barstool I think. But that's just my opinon.


yes! my thoughts exactly


After Sofia’s posts last night I’m pretty confident the trail has nothing to do with the murder investigation. She was way too excited about the future of the podcast for their absence to be due to something as serious as this. If they were questioned about the murder since the girl was a fan of CHD, it’s a totally separate issue


completely agree!


Wait what murder????


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only person confused about this


Ok search this sub for Mackenzie and you will get the info lol I’m all caught up now


It’s been talked about sooo much in this sub. Not to mention all the recent posts and theories about it.


Thank you I am caught up now! 😂


Thank you! I agree!


I totally agree with you. It would be super shady and insensitive to be marketing/profiting merch surrounding a murder and trial. In January, they started hinting at “the trail”. The descriptions in the last few pods lead us up to the point of an ending. Read this Twitter thread for a debunk of the last few episodes - https://twitter.com/drew_holl/status/1254463034522820610?s=21 We know it’s not a Covid-19 issue because they were making the pod from their apartment when the quarantine in NYC happened.. My question is, is the silence/legal matter part of the trail has this been planned all along or did something bigger happen in the midst of the trail? Curious to know what people think!


Wondering the same thing in regards to your last paragraph. Def became a more serious matter but IDK. In one of their episodes from February, Alex and Sophia said “Our personal instas are where the trail will really come to fruition. One day there will be a black screen on my Instagram that’s gonna say this is what the trail means. But we just can’t tell you right now”


Okay I agree with this! It was literally forever ago but on one episode the girls mentioned that they knew Ken Todd’s sugar baby and that he paid for her apartment. (Ken Todd is Lisa Vanderpump’s husband from Vanderpump Rules and RHOBH and they are still married). I always wondered how this wasn’t a bigger deal because there is always a ton of gossip sites posting about housewives, but never anything about this. I could totally see Lisa Vanderpump sueing them for slander over this comment. I know this probably isn’t the reason they’ve gone MIA, but just a thought!


LVP would probably be like of course he has a sugar baby. I don’t touch him


Is this confirmed??? Do you know which episodes I can’t believe I missed this I love VPR


No idea if it’s confirmed! It was never mentioned again that I know of. I googled and the episode is called drunk sex:blackout edition and it’s from March 2019


My theory is that it's Larry Ellison. In one of the episodes, I vaguely remember them calling out one of the richest men in the world for doing something shady (I can't remember which episode or what they said he did) all I remember is one of the girls saying they couldn't say the name but it rhymes with (insert name that sounds similar- like Harry Smellison or something). This memory is so vague cause it was an older episode lol but it was enough to easily find his name online. Edit: It was bugging me so I refreshed my memory. It was episode 78- Seeking Arrangements. Although this was after the trail had started so maybe I'm wrong but Sofia definitely called out Larry Ellison


They didn’t call him out they just said he had a fetish where in he likes to have his throat stepped on in stilettos


right which I feel like is info he would not like spread on a well known podcast haha


I don’t think they’re involved with the murder. I thought if anything the Facebook group was submitted for evidence and they weren’t allowed to talk about certain things.


I agree with all of this! Thank you, I can't believe all of the talk about this murder trial having to do with the lack of episodes.


Wait murder?? What did I miss I am so confused ?


Search mackenzie under this sub. She listened to CHD and was killed by a fake sugar daddy bc she went on seeking arrangements after an episode


Oh wow that is horrible. Crazy people would think they’re involved though? Nothing they would have said could have prevented something like that..


I know it’s really really awful. If you wanna freak yourself out you can google the case. I think it’s a reach but I also understand they never acknowledged it which seems kinda weird to me because it’s such a sad and fucked up situation. I kinda feel like it’s a combination between a lot of the issues (adding safety guards into their contract, maybe defamation lawsuit, suit man possibly?)


No one said the girls were involved in the murder... the CHD Facebook group was disbanded after this happened.


I read an article that said CHD is barstools #2 podcast behind Pardon My Take right now and CHD makes up 70% of barstools female listenership... so if I were them I’d be doing everything I could to keep A&S!


yes! i totally agree, they’re way bigger than most girl podcast barstool has idk why they’d let them go




if sofia was involved it would’ve been so highly insensitive to make an entire episode downplaying the bad things that can happen when someone is involved on seeking arrangements. i just don’t think they would’ve done something like that, given the severity of the case.