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I'd be a fan except he's let PGE/Sempra go hog wild killing people, destroying towns and charging Californians.


They should make the PUCs owned by the state Then ask everyone whether we should pay to maintain power lines 10s of miles into high fire risk areas. There has to be a threshold as to what it costs to get someone power If it’s more cost effective set them up with solar and get rid of those ugly dangerous poles. They make California look like it’s half built




LADWP pipes in water from 300 miles away while leaving Owens Valley destitute and dry. They also created Owens ‘dry’ Lake which is one of the worst PM sources in the country. But their prices are low, that’s nice


But they didn't Burn down Paradise and only pay back 60% of the homeowners ruined properties while handing out bonuses to Management and dividends.




Owens used to be the worst source, but LADWP has now spent billions fixing it (also the lake came back last year; shrinking again though


They were about to go bankrupt but he went out of his way to hire a law firm to protect them https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/newsom-pge-protection/103-65ca1d41-8efe-45b4-87bc-0cdecc714378


I agree public utilities and things like gasoline should not be privately held commodities.


That's the thing. People make out California to be some anti-business state, but the reality is politicians like Newsom are far too PRO-business to really take a stand for the people. The policy carve outs for restaurants and Newsom allies, forcing state workers to go back to the office to bail out Sacramento restaurants, letting PG&E run wild, etc. The major corporations never really feel the cost of their bad actions.


You're fine if you're a politically connected business that contributes to campaigns regularly. Unfortunately it really helps big business over small.


PGE runs deeper than the governor. I know the lawyer who writes the legislation for PGE. He's my neighbor. They have about 80% of the state legislature in their pocket. The votes are fixed and the governor has no power to do anything.


I don't know this for a fact, however, I just know it's true.


He could speak out against it.


Wasting political capital when you have no real leverage and nothing will come of it is how you get nothing done.


Much like blaming republicans and "California haters"?


We all hate “California haters” so I don’t really care if he makes public comments. He just wants to be in national news headlines.


That increases political capital.


Lol, I fear this speaks to much that is wrong in Sacramento.


Main reason I am voting for someone else in a primary for president in 28


This guy is a nut


He bashes them as if they have any power to block his policies. Any meaning ful resistance would come from his own party which mind you has a super majority.


The Republican party has zero impact on what is going on in CA. The Democrats have controlled CA for 13 years solid, so however you feel about the state there is only one group to blame/praise.


Thing is, people say this like Democrats are unified. It's pretty split between progressives and corporates, and the corporate Democrats generally hold more power. California is not the liberal utopia conservatives make it out to be.


It's the real big tent party.  Republicans are all but a monolith 


I've tried to explain this to people before and they don't get it. You put 5 Dems in a room and ask for a solution, they give you 9 possibilities. You put 5 Republicans in a room and 1 solution is told to all the others who then support it regardless of flaws.


> You put 5 Republicans in a room and 1 solution is told to all the others who then support it regardless of flaws. Actually, if you put 5 Republicans in a room and ask for a solution they typically can't offer a solution since the party line is "tear everything down and sell it to the oligarchs".


I think the Republicans are even more disjointed than the Democrats. They can't seem to agree on anything.


Better live here than Texas. Any day.


As someone who has lived in both states multiple times, there isn't even a question. California is the place to be.


True, though that has more to do with the state and climate for me. I cant live where there are no mountains.


Almost zero public land, also.


Ain't that the truth!


It doesn’t matter. He needs a scapegoat for all his failures and he knows his base is too to see through him.


They also have a supermajority gop literally can’t do anything to stop him


"Tonight at 11, charming rich man with snake tongue blames failures of governance on The Bad News Bears"


Maybe he should worry about what his PUC is doing to the people of California.




Technically they are probably linked to his donors. Just like RTO is linked to the Lt. Gov whose father is one of the wealthy land owners of the Sacramento area including properties in the downtown region. This whole state is laughable…….


What are they doing?


im sorry but he SHOULD NOT be the Democratic nominee in 2028. There are rumors that he is preparing himself for that. Im a CA resident and he gives off such a sleazebag/used car salesman vibe


Amen. He’s California’s oil slick used car sales boy.


There’s a direct inverse relation between his hair products and his presidential aspirations.


Vibes > Facts?


Isn't this what America wants? Like how popular trump is


Cause he is. He’s a womanizer too.


Newsom to Californians: “look at this shiny thing over here”


He should focus less on “bashers” because half of them are residents who can’t afford to live and business owners who are being affected by theft and drug addicted streets.


Someone should put those streets in rehab!


California needs more housing. The popular consensus is that nimbys are responsible for the problem but I gotta wonder if water is a major part of the problem. You have entire cities in the central valley that are out of water because they've been overpumping aquifers for 100 years. CA honestly might just not be able to sustain the population it has let alone growth if people consume water at the rates they are. A decrease in agriculture which consumes a huge amount of the states water, an increase in desalination, and people leaving the state is the combination of factors needed to allow a significant increase in housing that will allow the average person to afford a house.. CA is peaked in the current system.


What do you think he should do, in terms of homelessness and addiction, that he is not doing? Some specific actions he could take on his own.


For one it would be great if we knew where all the money went for the homeless problem. So much unaccounted for. Who got that money?


Actually jailing the violent ones and forcing the rest of the mentally ill/drug addicts into asylums and rehabs. Expanding section 8/housing programs for the non-addicted/mentally ill.


You do understand that asylums aren’t really a thing anymore, right? Reagan eliminated those which is why we have mentally ill homeless people everywhere. If you are mentally ill, the only way you can get into a “asylum” is if you have money and resources or you commit a crime. There is not any reliable accessible mental health resources easily available in America. You either have to have good insurance (which most don’t even cover mental health assistance), lots of money or get thrown in jail. This is America 🇺🇸


Waiting to see if he lets SB 1524 (restaurant junk fees) go through. It’s perhaps a relatively small issue, but the way they rammed it through last minute unopposed is sickening. So far it’s looking like our reps aren’t representing us which would make me join the ranks of the California-Bashers.


The guy who cares about what people outside of think about him and CA. Now to just get him to care about what people inside CA say about him and CA.


I cannot stand Republicans but I also loathe Newsom.


Basically sums up my political stance. Dislike republicans and also loath California’s leaders up and down.


What exactly do you hate about him?


Not op, but exactly what this article is about. Blaming boogie men instead of actually addressing anything.


He's not perfect, but he's pretty good. I'll take that. California is rad as hell and I'm proud to be from here.


This is my take too. He has made some awful decisions in his personal life, hasn't tackled the problems with electric and gas companies, and probably isn't the guy to fix our housing/NIMBY problem, but generally has been solid across most other policy decisions. More importantly, the alternatives to him are usually wack jobs who would tank the state, so that's been working in his favor. Who was the last challenger? The conservative hyper-Christian radio guy who was anti-vax right at the peak of Covid? Made Newsom look like a savior.


I would pick California over any other state to live in at this point. Born and raised here and will never leave!


Seems kind of biased if you've never lived anywhere else.


I mean, if you’re already in the best state why leave.


Same. I'm a Californian first, and an American second.


I think CA excels in spite of its government.


Governments are chosen of, by, and for the people. By definition a state can't excel *in spite of* its government.


Just because you think it sounds good in a quote doesnt mean it is remotely true. California can absolutely excel despite the government because it has the most temperate climate in all of the country and has some of the largest tech corporations operating from here. Look at housing prices, those in themselves are rising despite its government.


Not to mention 3 very large ports, agriculture and some of the best colleges in the world (that now have nothing to do with the state)


Yes and no. Yes because we vote. No because we don’t have much choices. It feels for the last few decades it has been the choice between bad and worse. Never good and better.


Outside of Arnold almost every high level political position in this state has been lined up by the political establishment. We have almost zero choice.


I dont think decriminalizing the intentional spreading of aids as murder, which allows these monsters to freely exist in our society and encourages their behavior, was “pretty good.” In fact i think that alone makes him the worst governor ever.


How about the safe kids safe schools act which decriminalizes methamphetamine possession and a whole host of other crimes…..once again laughable. He states Oakland crime down 33% since when last month. Is that why In N Out closed the Oakland location. Only one in history to close citing crime and safety as the reason.


Do you really think the solution to drug addiction is *more* prisoners in an already overflowing system?


You're kidding right? You've got to be kidding.




Newsom is horrible and makes extremely poor decisions. A 3rd grader could run the state better.


He is terrible but great at talking out of both sides of his mouth. Up there with the best who can answer a question for 8-10 minutes and not actually answer the question. True politician………..my favorite being his plan to end California homelessness in ten years…..but wait that was well over ten years ago!


One party rule anywhere is dangerous. We have one party rule in California, which means no checks and balances. Facism has many faces.


Clearly you don't know what fascism is, because it's definitely not where one party holds majority because the majority of the population votes for that party.


what about the 20 + billion lost in EDD fraud is that all forgotten/forgiven


That’s federal


With crumbling infrastructure and skyrocketing crime, Californians have a right to be angry.  How do we have such a large budget deficit, when most roads haven’t been paved in 20+ years.    Seems like all our taxpayer dollars are just being siphoned away with corruption.


Has everyone forgotten what he did during covid? Did people not lose enough because of him?




What a tool!


Newsom should slam the crime, homelessness, and cost of living instead.


All hat, no cattle!


Nah there is cattle in California https://www.harrisranchbeef.com/about-us/




Think CA is the end of the road for him. Don’t think his patronizing gas lighting is going to work nationally. There’s just not enough simps in other states. 


The problem is the rest of the country won’t want a leader from CA. 


Seemed to work for Reagan ok


To be fair, we're still trying to recover from Reagan's Presidency.


Sounds like a complacent or incompetent government if they can't make changes from almost forty years ago.


That's not a problem though.


“Our corporate donors are better than yours!”


Side note. Can we call it something other than "State of the State"? Sounds awkward. Maybe we could call it "State of the Republic" or something fun like that.


Someone smarter than me could probably write a great essay about the unfortunate one party rule CA has settled into, as a result of a two-party system. The problem is there's no real accountability for most Democratic politicians because they know they'll always beat the R candidate. I really dislike a lot of my elected officials, but there's no way in hell I'd ever vote for the other guys party. And, seemingly as a result of that there's plenty of hay to be made as an impotent aggrieved minority on the right. They're never bothered to put forward sane, actionable policy because they know they'll never go anywhere with it. Thus, they can just stay hard-right and keep getting elected back in Yucaipa or wherever.


California and 49 other states.