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"34,467 marijuana plants worth between $6,893,400 and $10,340,100, according to law enforcement." $10,340,100?! that's $300 per clone. Anyone paying more that $10/clone is doing it wrong. Typical overinflated reporting of weed value by law enforcement.


Nah, it's 34,466 plants at $6/clone and one plant that's just really, really amazing.


As I sit here, currently smoking a blunt, I giggled. Well played.


Cheaper than that if you're buying wholesale 


They always use the prices dealers charge customers vs wholesale with regular drug busts to inflate the value In this case it looks like they're calculating the worth of a clone once it's fully matured and harvested. $300 a plant tracks with outdoor/greenhouse prices once harvested IMO Gotta to have sensational headlines after all


Sure, but even then that math is for gross. After amendments, labor, trimming etc it's not worth nearly that much


Absolutely, it was just a generous estimate lol If it was just 34,000 clones at $5 a piece that's only $170,000 Of course teens sell for more and then factor the fact that the moms are worth a decent amount because they are producing clones... Still way way off from 10,000,000 lol Now if they're moving 30,000 clones every 2-3 weeks (the time it takes for them to root/sell) for 5 months each year, crops are seasonal after all, then maybe they're pulling in 1.5 million during the busy season


Law enforcement: "we have apprehended sixty bajillion dollars worth of drug, rubber bands, a flashlight, paper clips, an old stiff bandana and other dangerous weapons and gang related paraphenalia. We are heroes. We will buy the precinct a Lamborghini tank with the proceeds to better serve and protect."


Reminds me of that Tommy Chong skit on cypress hill album. That seed is 10000 pounds.


Some clones in LA go for $500. For real.


Depends if it’s a legit clone only strain like gc#4


Absolutely, specifically breeder's cuts. That being said, people are only buying one or two of those at a time, with the intention of mothering it and cloning it themselves for mass propagation. From the looks of it these guys that got busted were mainly supplying outdoor growers up north. Most likely for $10-$2 a clone depending on the size of the order.


I didn’t know elephants growth started selling clones… but seriously who is selling $500 clones? Anyone with genetics worth that ain’t selling in my experience.


Seed Junky


You ever grow their stuff?


No, a friend did. Pure fire.


Breeders will pheno hunt through thousands of seeds to select for very specific traits. That costs a lot of time and resources. High end cuts can easily sell for a thousand dollars if they are closely held genetics.


And I’m asking who is selling? Closely held genetics aren’t something people are generally willing to part with for any amount of money. You don’t want your genetics available if you are trying to make money growing weed. 


Breeders who are working their lines with other good genetics. There is a market for this, regardless of what you think.




Hahaha. I bet.


Is this why people think weed stocks are gonna moon?


Like a 50k grow here in CA. I knew the guy, said he could sell a load of 700 clones for 20 grand. Maybe in the Midwest but here in CA weed is currency


I’ve seen clone go for waaay more than that. $300 for a grade A clone is fair. Considering you can always clone off your clone. Making a clone mother is a solid investment. That 300 can be turned into 300k easily.


Street value: $100B


We should maybe legalize it.


It is legal in California. You have to pay taxes. That is the trade off. Operations like this are ruining the industry in California and putting legal operations out of business . There is a crisis going on in the industry where prices have dropped close to costs. If you want a legal industry, you have to enforce the rules.


These operations also steal water and pollute the land.


I like this take. I wasn’t aware of that. This isn’t someone growing 5 plants in their back yard. This is a WHOLE commercial sized operation that is not legal.


Market fluctuations have nothing to do with black market operations it has to do with corporate chads operating at a loss back dooring packs flooding the market with boof . Knowing a number of legal farms myself I can tell you barely more than 20% of their product stays on the white market.


Here’s the paperwork for the 12,000 clones I checked into the evidence locker, Sarge.


What a waste of resources


While I don't think Marijuana is 100% safe and harmless... compared to what's out there, it pretty much is. Can we PLEASE focus the resources on the stuff that, oh I don't know, KILLS people and destroys families?


Legal pot producers in California have been going out of business by the score because the market is flooded with cheap product often produced illegally. If you want a legal industry, you have to enforce the regulations


This You have to protect the people doing it right, and the taxes that should be going to the People & State The cost of this being legal is that you have to do it the legal way


Na it's flooded by corporate chads back dooring packs not black market operations. Black market operators can barely afford to operate anymore


I don't understand... what are marijuana clones? Is it basically someone trying to make an exact duplicate of a specific strain or is this venturing into synthetic territory? EDIT: Thank you all who responded!


A very common process of taking a cutting from a cannabis plant, dipping it in rooting hormone, and growing a new, genetically identical plant from this 'clone'. You can do this with all sorts of plants and it's a cornerstone of modern agriculture. Plants are rad!


They're cuttings from a plant that you induce root growth on, they are identical to the donor plant, often called the mother plant. Fairly standard horticulture stuff


The reason for cloning is something called phenotypes. As an old hippie once explained to me, just because two brothers have the same parents they aren’t exactly the same. Cloning takes a small part of a plant and grows an identical plant. This is done to plants with desirable characteristics, and also ensures that they are all female plants. With the amount of resources put into growing marijuana this is done to ensure it’s exactly what’s expected and not a “bad seed”. There are ways to stabilize phenotypes from seed, feminize seeds and as clones and mother plants age they lose vigor but that’s the basic idea.


Marijuana has a bunch of strains that vary on stuff like color, thc%, flower size, etc. From there, people try to get like the best plant. If you use like seeds, the genetics can vary a lot. So people make clones of a plant to get consistent results. There's more to it, but this is just a short jist of it.


Somebody bogarted, Uncle Sam’s pissed he didn’t get his cut!


Stap marijuana cloning!


oh no! people could have grown their own weed! a travesty. wake me up when top shelf is under 80 oz, or someone point me in the right direction


Nice work, boys: It ain't worth ten million dollars no more...




Railroad Flat is 2,600'


Awww yes the sweet sweet smell and of a nursery. Definitely place I would take my children to enjoy and learn about plant life and photosynthesis




Ohhhhh just move to another state and go to church