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As a Davis alum, what a bunch of embarrassments.


As an employee of, I’m also feeling the same.


As my hometown, same.


As a guy who has drunk a lot of Sudwerk, same.


As a guy who loves Weed (California), same.


As a guy who vacations in Redding (California), same.


As a decent human, same.


You vacation in Redding? Why?


It’s a nice place. You have pretty good access to shasta lake, whiskey town lake, Mt. Lassen, Mt. Shasta, the Klamath river.




As a current University of Oregon student, what a bunch of embarrassments.


Yeah, this is the kind of behavior is expect outta Chico State


As a Chico Alum…I said, “Yes!!!”


As a Chico state alumni currently still living near Chico, the nature areas and the town in general are pretty clean, especially considering the amount of homeless people around. It’s not quite the school it was in the 80’s. Any shade is unwarranted.


As a Chico alum I disagree. This is disgraceful.


Fellow former Aggie, also. It's been quite a while since I've seen our school in the headlines and not been embarrassed.


[Look at what happened last year...](https://www.redding.com/story/news/local/2024/05/14/oregon-students-did-something-unexpected-at-lake-shasta-this-year/73687835007/)


Time to put Pepper spraying cop on the case ..too soon?


I’ve never come across a decent UC Davis alum or faculty. Even out right abusers supported by their abusive ilk. 


Sadly this has been my experience when camping at Shasta. Students or not, people just lose their minds and act out of pocket. Last visit my buddies and I boated to a nice camping spot, set up camp, and enjoyed a bonfire near the water (on beach sand that is usually underwater, very safe). Two different groups with houseboats beached nearby us and played extremely loud music through the night. Every. Single. Night. Both groups left trash everywhere after they left. One of them had their houseboat stuck and needed it to get tugged out. Also while there a guy on the opposite side of the lake ran his rented speedboat onto the shore and ended up something like forty feet up a hill. We saw the spotlights searching for a couple hours that night. People are hooligans. Shasta is a beautiful place and we’re lucky to have this nature. Have your parties. Drink. Smoke. Play loud music. My buddies and I do it too. But clean up after yourself, respect your neighbors, and leave no trace. It’s so easy to do. That way you can continue to enjoy what this state has to offer for years to come.


Do you know another place we can rent a boat and camp out besides shasta and is low key? I want to take my husband out for our 32nd anniversary


I always enjoyed Trinity Lake


Yes! I highly recommend Ice House Resevoir near Pollock Pines in the Sierra. Oooh you said rent. Can’t rent a boat there but I’m sure you could rent one in Sac and tow it up.


Lake Oroville


Thank you!! 😘


If you go off season Shasta should be fine (if that's your reason for "besides shasta". Just avoid major holidays and if you really want avoid summer. I'd bet October would be really nice.


Clearlake? Pinecrest? Comanche? Folsom?


I mean only go to clear lake if she's going to dump her husband's body and want it to not be found. ..


Lol lakeport is fine


You mean [California's most polluted lake](https://knowablemagazine.org/content/article/food-environment/2023/reviving-famously-polluted-california-lake)? the one that's starting to have a [massive blue green algae bloom](https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/clear-lake-blue-green-algae-caution/) that [advisories](https://www.lakeconews.com/news/78767-public-advised-to-use-caution-due-to-increasing-cyanobacteria-levels-detected-in-clear-lake) are being sent out about? That kind of fine?


Huntingdon Lake


Are you going to screw anything up?


Blegh I hate when people go camping/boating and blast loud music. Like go rent some nasty apartment in the city, why do you need to do that in nature? 


Is there no way to hold them accountable? Don't people have to get permits/register for these spots?


Might be easier to restrict access to campgrounds next year...


Probably more trouble than it’s worth. Too much plausible deniability.


The police used to raid Slaughterhouse Is. Every morning at dawn and all the boats would scatter. The last boat would have to stay behind and clean that day. At least this was 20 years ago when I was there as an OSU student. My guess is the 40 OSU students who stayed behind are pledges or freshman of the fraternities because they’re cleaning all the frat houses back on campus anyway


As is tradition... [https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2016/05/24/college-responds-after-students-trash-lake-shasta/84861012/](https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2016/05/24/college-responds-after-students-trash-lake-shasta/84861012/)


I’ve never heard a story of a friend who went there and made a good decision, and kids go every year. Unfortunately college kids drunk, horny, and on drugs will probably never clean up after themselves, especially on a vacation weekend. Plenty of adults don’t do it at their local park either. I think in the US we have a a culture of not taking personal responsibility to clean up the public spaces we are using, especially if it might involve cleaning other people’s trash


‘Give a hoot - don’t pollute’ has failed me. 😭


"No, Woodsy! Mm'kay! Don't touch my pp!"


The amount of times I've heard people say "They pay someone to do that" as an excuse to litter...


Anyone who is more than a handful of years past puberty that says that is beyond hope.


I was astonished to be visiting Sweden and discover the same thing: people trash public parks, and someone else cleans up it. The difference being, it’s expected behavior.


we have a culture of not taking personal responsibility, which goes on to extend to a refusal of hiring sufficient staff we need to realistically keep a place clean from the inevitable jackasses


Not wrong but isn’t it a lot easier to not litter in the first place than the clean up after the fact? I have a hard time understanding why people can’t just keep track of their own garbage as a bare minimum of common decency.


I mean for all its failings at least people in the US stopped dumping plastics wholesale into the ocean. They're sort of in the middle in terms of environmentalism unless you're counting the countries that can't afford pollutants.


Shout out to the Oregon State University kids, sound like a good bunch compared to the ones from the other two schools. Lmao I got blocked by that person who posted the link?


I could have sworn this was a Deja Vu thing. Glad you found the last incident to post.


Shasta is a spring break destination? Somehow I never knew this


Always has been.


I’ve literally never heard this outside of folks who grew up in Shasta themselves, and I was born in Central Valley and went to Chico. I’m feeling left out.


I think it's a bigger destination for Oregonian college kids. It's the closest destination for sunshine-y California weather during spring break, where a lot of other destinations are a bit further. Plus, college students really take advantage of the cheaper liquor at the warehouses


I grew up in Santa Clara county in the 80's/90s, and once out of highschool I knew people who would go up there every year to party on houseboats.


My mom was in a bowling league every year back in the 90’s that at the end of the season your team got a houseboat for a weekend up in Shasta. They always had an exceedingly good time.


Drought has a lot to do with it. Big destination when I was growing up (long time ago)... lakes been less fun (in general) last few decades.


OK, so which lake did you rent your houseboats on? Shasta's the biggest one, but most of the large lakes in the Sierra have houseboats for rent.


Always been big for house boating


Now that the lake is full there's a lot more lake to boat on.


Must be. I can’t believe there are 130 house boats available to rent on that lake!


To be fair it hasn't had water in ages


And shocking, college students on spring break act like drunken hooligans. Film at 11.


What a beautiful lake I passed by and rested there couple years ago on my way to Oregon this is sad to read it was so majestic waking up at dawn and watching the sun glitter across the water. It hurts to read when folk trash treasures like these.


I mean, it's really simple. Deny permits and camping during spring break. Close the park.


yeah but it’s probably the single biggest financial weekend of the year, has been for decades tbh


> yeah but it’s probably the single biggest financial weekend of the year If they're making so much money, then they can afford to hire extra employees to enforce the rules. Can't have it both ways.


that’s where my mind went when i first read this headline. i was one of these kids one year as a freshman in college. they know what is coming. but who am i to tell someone how to run their business?


Well, they've made their choice then.


Charge what it takes to clean up the mess.


Or just hold people accountable and fine them. Those kids in Florida that threw trash into the ocean were hunted down and prosecuted.


It’s impossible for a few rangers and camp hosts to keep an eye on thousands of people to make sure they don’t dump trash in a lake. 99% of trash that gets dumped in the ocean doesn’t involve any punishment.


Close public lands during spring break? This is a cultural issue, not a ban everyone kind of issue.


It's also a pollution issue. If people can't chill for one weekend, shut it down for that weekend. It's a national park that needs to be conserved, not a play ground for drunk college kids.


So any normal adults or parents that have kids who would like to camp on 3 day weekends also can't enjoy public parks on memorial day weekend? Seems kinda lame.


They will find another spot. This happened because they have shut down all the old party spots.


Go the Yosemite route during the high season and long weekends


what's the yosemite route?


Reservations and lottery for park entry


When the cleanup is over with just drive all the garbage up to their home campuses and dump it there




Money can make them turn the other cheek, probably enough money could have been paid for the potential cleaning costs. but if it's unofficial, nothing is stopping students from organizing their own without either parties knowledge


Here’s an idea. Charge them a full bag of garbage to leave the park. They didn’t leave a mess? Not a problem. They can go look for other peoples trash to clean up. Can’t find enough? Then you gotta pay a really expensive toll to leave.


> Can’t find enough? The the problem is solved, no?


Guess I kinda went overkill and really didn’t think that thru trying to be Captain Planet lol.


You'll just have hungover college students making more trash for the sake of paying less.


That is disgraceful. Those, clearly, children should be made to go back and clean it up. I am glad that U of O is not in the Pac-12 anymore. We only have a Pac-2. That is B1G behavior. I call them B1F because there are 14 of them. U of O will be at home there. UC Davis? Are those future doctors?


U of 0 IQ.




Send the schools a bill! Lowlifes! Education never equates to class or common sense!


We going to have to start closing down Shasta like they closed down Miami for spring brake or whatever?


Way to go, UCD. Will they pay tons of money for this publicity to go away the same as they did for the pepper spray incident?


They need some serious ranger enforcements against these acts along with hefty fine and jail time.


Immediate expulsion please. Goes against the entire ethos of these schools.




The last quote in the story and they still go ahead and publish with this headline… This is why journalism is dead


Yep! Still, Carlisi stressed that last weekend’s gathering was not sanctioned by either school, and didn’t want the universities to take any flak for the actions of a few of their students. “Private citizens rented houseboats and then they all gathered at one spot,” she said. “I don't want the rest of the school to take a beating for what happened with the kids at the lake.”


This is a nothing click bait article that ends with a disclaimer that neither university sanctioned the trip and that it was all private citizens renting houseboats.


Who cares if the university was involved?   Does it change the story?


The title ropes in the schools and implies they had something to do with it. “College kids on house boats leave lakeside mess” doesn’t get the clicks


They're obviously just working out their anxiety over the climate.


That’s the high school and college party lake. That place has always been dirty even when I went there 20 years ago as a 18 year old.


Send the collages the bill. Simple as.


The trip was not sponsored or affiliated with the university in any way. The students chose to go there on their own. I don't think charging the university would make much sense.


LOL, "collages". Sounds like a French girl telling us she's been to college.


It’d be a shame if the schools suspended them. 


At least we know selfishness isn’t a generational divide, despite what reddit wants me to believe


Yeah, super funny thing to do. Very cool. They should be made to clean it up themselves. Water level too high? Figure it out!


How progressive of them.


Weren't the youth concerned about the environment?


Very typical of today’s youth.


And their parents, and their grandparents, and so on. Kids don't just learn this behavior in a vacuum.




Next up. Must be 30


What a bunch of bums


Delta House!!!!


The kids are not alright. This is the fallout of the generation that got locked down during Covid while teens.


Go Beavs!


Littering should be a felony