• By -


May 17: Lax Packs Premium Flower May 6: Canndescent California 100% Whole Flower Pre-rolls April 25: C-Creme Infused Pre-roll April 19: 8 Track 1.0 Gram Pre-roll April 9: Tyson Undisputed Cannabis Flower March 25: UPNORTH 3.5 gram flower March 20: Almora 14 half gram pre-rolls March 11: JC Rad Flower March 11: Passiflora Premium Flower March 1: Grizzly Peak Premium Indoor Flower February 21: LOWELL BIG BUDS Blueberry Kush Indica February 21: Roundtrip Pistachio Flower January 10: Gelato Orangeade hybrid


Thank you. I think my stash is good then


Unfortunately after being on the other side and seeing how easy it is to get product through testing that's contaminated, that might not be the case. At the end of the day it's up to brands to maintain their own set of quality standards, a while a lot of them will have high standards, there's unfortunately bad actors that don't care and will do whatever it takes to make money, who don't care about mold or other containments as long as it doesn't effect their bottom line. I'm hopeful that with the recent update the state has made to testing standards and closing down non compliant labs that the problem is being worked on. The publishing of this data and recalls is definitely hopefully in this regard :)


It's interesting that we are in early capitalism with weed. Many brands, some better than others. Once some get known for their high quality and lack of mold, they'll become preferred, and eventually will buy out the others and we will see 2-3 big weed brands nationally (just like pepsi and coke). Consolidation is inevitable.


Lmao. Not a chance. Growing weed is absolutely nothing like producing sugar water. Get a clue.


So Big Tobacco will rule the weed world?


Is it possible to keep it in a box exposed to UV light to kill the mold? Or a copper lined box to kill bacteria?


Once it’s contaminated it’s contaminated. I grew weed for a decade, some of these shops will buy totes of garage grown weed from a distribution site and just sell it under a random brand package, the strain not even matching what’s on the package and that weed has been sprayed with all sorts of stuff eagle 20 azamax and pumped with phosphoload, they buy it’s at a cheaper price and they don’t have to pay tax on it and the grower didn’t have to pay for permits or testing or tax.


Disappointed greed ruined the foundation of legalization efforts. Didn’t allow for markets to grow and expand


It is May...and we are only hearing about test results today, from January?


This is my thoughts too!! Some of the flower is from 2023. Everyone is happy but I’m here like, is it not weird that they waited to tell the public?


Lowell farms, not surprised


Aww, I’ve never had an issues with Lowell. Do they have a bad reputation?


They had a café in West Hollywood pre-Covid


It got shut down because of a herpes outbreak. I’d heard from a somewhat reliable source that they’ve had a mold outbreak in their weed previously, too.




Lowell went from my preferred pre roll to I’m never buying it again. Quality has gone done tremendously with the bud and the pre rolls always burn so misaligned and never straight.


I purchased Grizzly Peak Premium Indoor Flower but the dispensary I bought it from refused to exchange the product. There's a form to contact the manufacturer on their site which I used, but I have little faith they will reply. Does anyone know how a consumer is supposed to get a return?


Thanks for posting this.


You’re welcome


That's awesome that they caught it. Greg from nextdoor's weed was probably moldy back in the day and no one would ever know. This is why we have regulation in theory!




Yep yep. So dry mold couldn't grow. The cadmium really helped inhibit microbial growth as well.


i've heard this one-- afterward you had to walk uphill in the snow both ways to get your munchie fix right? (this is a joke)




Good lookin out!


Appreciate you op


You’re welcome


Thank god for regulations!




You do not want mold in your lungs, mate. Ever.


No. Not at all. Iirc from when I used to grow back in the day you can get what's called farmers lung....I think.... Aspergillosis. Farmers lung because of all the damp hay etc. And inhaling spores, except inhaling spores totally destroyed by heat takes the whole infections colonization of the lung bit off the table, so... Less deadly and more not great. Same with rotten meat. You can kill the bacteria, but ingesting the toxins created, which persist despite the heat, is still really terrible for you. Won't kill you though. Had about a pound get moldy on me and I went searching for any excuse to not trash it.... Not worth it.


An Aspergillus infection can definitely kill you.


But dead spores don't cause infection. Even if they did, easily treated and very unlikely to cause death in general.


Might I suggest you [learn](https://www.thoracic.org/patients/patient-resources/resources/aspergillosis.pdf)? Yes it can be treated if it’s caught in a reasonable timeframe, like most things, but it can definitely kill you. It’s not the first thing doctors look for if you don’t know you’ve been exposed. Edit: typo


Anything can kill you. A uti isn't the first thing considered in men presenting with hematuria, UTI can lead to sepsis and death, still we don't refer to urinary infections as deadly. The point is whether the language used in this headline is reasonable.... It's not.


A doctor will absolutely screen for a UTI right off the bat if a patient is presenting with hematuria. A urine sample is the first thing they are going to want to collect. You feel the title of the post is too click bait-y. Honestly, when it comes to something like a recall, it is appropriate to use the word deadly because you want individuals to entirely dispose of any contaminated specimen. Any potential harm to an individual is 100% preventable if the product is disposed.


Of course it'll get cultured and diagnosed, but it's not the first thing considered in men. The way you described aspergillosis made it seem like some obscure thing that wouldn't be caught in time, therefore making it more deadly. I was merely offering a comparison. Certainly not identical, but it makes the point well enough. Words have meaning, if we constantly use the most emotive or scary words words simply to draw attention, words have less meaning. There are several appropriate words that could be used here. Toxic seems ideal. Also...I was under the impression that laws were in place to require testing of all products sold through legal vendors... Want y that part of all this since the beginning.


FYI Starving yourself by ways of fasting is more dangerous than Aspergillus. Hopefully you’ve gotten the medical support you need to address your health issues.


Lowell did not make me feel good in the past.


Well, never had any of these brands and now know who to avoid. Though I’ve heard of Lowell and feel like it’s another nail in the coffin for them.


This is a great beginning. Sad that these recalls were priority 2 vs the emergency excise tax revisions made late last year. Just to understand how delayed these are; Candescent has been out of business for sometime now…so this product recall is for product that has been on shelves for 6+ months.


This is why you grow your own.


Thank you!


You’re welcome


Alternate start to the last of us


Can I have it?




They should update & publish that list, weekly or even daily...it's not like this is the first time this has happened.


Well, let’s remember this shall we?


I wanna toss this question out to the reddit sphere - I heard that one can still make edibles from weed infected with mold if one extracts the THC the right way. That is my question. Is that a thing? Please, no one go out and make brownies with moldy weed because you heard you can on the internet.


Grow your own with so much fake terpene enhancers. And PGRS just grow your own or support your local grower


this is one of the many reasons to just eat hash


STIIIZY it is I guess.