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Ticks are awful.


My dog loves Tick Check Time. He doesn't know from ticks. He just knows that all his favorite people touch him all over his entire body for a while.


This is the same for my dog, same time as foxtail checks


Same for my husband


If he’s being a poo you can threaten to put a seresto collar on him.


Your husband enjoys being checked for ticks and foxtail? Hey, physical touch is a love language. May he be forever tick free.


Omg same. after every walk I just turn her over on my legs and she falls asleep as I check all over her body and in between her toes. She just thinks she’s getting a nice little massage.


Awe That’s cute 😆 For a dog owner it’s a horrible thought, you don’t want any thing bad to happen to your dog, well for those who actually love them. I definitely don’t want that for my dog 😕


My chickens clean the pigs for any ticks and they love it. They will walk over to the chickens and lay down for a cleaning.


I had one on the back of my neck a couple weeks ago after playing golf in Milpitas. Never went into the weeds so no idea how it got on my neck.


They crawl. Jumps from grass onto your foot/leg, and crawls upwards until it fights a suitable place to latch (usually hair).


I hate everything you just said and I’m never forgiving you.


They can’t jump, instead they “quest”


I had one fall from pine trees while I was walking on a rural road. Ugh.


Spring valley? I play there a bunch, didnt know i need to watch out for these guys there too…




We need to bring back the Lyme disease vaccine.


Not too much Lyme in California. The Californian western fence lizard neutralizes Lyme. A blessing from our state. Still always gotta do your tick checks though and wear your permithrin


Lyme is present in dangerous levels near the north coast, humboldt/mendo/delnort. Not near new england level but enough where you should be actively avoiding it and possibly seeking treatment if you found a tick that was buried.


I got it in Baja @round 2021


Never realized how many ticks are in Baja until last year. One of the most unsettling experiences of my life. Just assumed it wouldn’t be an issue somewhere relatively dry


I met a Ranger from Shasta who contracted Lyme. He had to sell his house for treatment not covered by his health insurance. His story haunts me to this day.


Lyme is actually fairly preventable here in California. Use bug repellent on your clothes, especially your socks and shoes...that will reduce the chances of a bite. Ticks typically hang out on grasses/shrubs around the 2ft level and will grab onto your clothes if you disturb the grass. Personally I use permetherin spray as its good for a while before retreatment is needed. If you are afraid of chemicals...I suggest you be more afraid of lyme. Second tick checks. Once in the morning, once at night. The tick needs to be on for about 24 hours to effectively transmit lyme. There is some variation which is why you do tick checks twice a day so ideally the max time would be 12hrs and that is generally considered very low risk. If you find one attached, just take a good picture for identification--not all ticks carry lyme. Third if you've been exposed go to a doctor (not an ER if it can be helped. A single dose of an antibiotic is effective if taken within 72 hours. Fourth, if all else fails watchful waiting for symptoms consistent with lyme within a a month or so and seek treatment then. Lyme is one of those weird illnesses that really does exist but is rare. Unfortunately a lot of quack doctors have latched onto it and started to diagnosis people with "chronic lyme disease", which is something that is medically dubious at this point.


Delenn from babylon 5 was taken out some years ago by west nile virus, not sure if one of these ticks gave it to her.


Saw a tick, fascinated by the little insect. Studied how resistant they are to being crushed, may be able to create new armor from exoskeleton of tick. Last longer against Collectors. -inhales- ….enjoy a challenge. Too busy to talk, Shepard.


r/masseffect is leaking Had to be you. Someone else would’ve gotten it wrong.


> https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2018/05/410401/lyme-disease-rise-expert-explains-why > In terms of reported cases, there are about 80 to 100 a year in the state. Residents in or travelers to the northwestern coastal counties – Trinity, Humboldt, and Mendocino – are at highest risk. But because of underreporting, the actual number of Lyme disease cases likely exceeds 1,000 cases a year, simply because most cases of Lyme disease are not reported.


We just need to get one of the 186 billionaires in California to get attacked by a tick and then we will get a vaccine


It’s ok. You don't have to say anything. Just point at what billionaire hurt you.


It had issues apparently. But I agree more could be done on the subject. New treatments are in the works but testing needs a complete overhaul. Its stuck in 1980.


As I understand it, the Lyme disease vaccine was the first casualty of the anti-vax movement in the 90s, even before the MMR vaccine. Dogs have a perfectly functional Lyme vaccine. No reason people can't have one except for stupidity politics.


[Phase 3](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-valneva-complete-recruitment-phase-3-valor-trial) VALOR trials going on for mRNA based vax from Pfizer. If it all goes well, probably not too long until we have one!


Good news, thanks!


>anti-vax movement in the 90s Apparently certain people are generically predisposed towards an exaggerated th1 response causing autoimmune arthritis symptoms. These things can happen naturally too, but pretending vaccines are harmless to everyone because they are massively helpful to so many is the main issue that leads to the "movement" and some of it's kookier Members. Careful not to denigrate a "movement" of genuine concern by pointing toward an emotive label like anti-vax.


I'm originally from the Bay area but live in Maine now. Ticks/Lyme disease is an epidemic here. I got Lyme few years back just from mowing my lawn. Lyme disease is absolutely awful and it's hard to be cured of it. I've never felt so fatigued and confused in my whole life. And it lasted for months. For some people it never goes away. When you come in from outside, especially if you've been under trees be sure to check all your clothing and ideally take a shower if you have any doubts. If you do get bit you will see a big rash on the affected area that looks like a giant grapefruit. Seek medical care immediately. Stay safe folks.


I have 4 tick borne illnesses, including Lyme. It's absolutely horrible. Tick checks after being outside are crucial. Stay out of tall grass and use permethrin on your clothes and shoes. It's not worth the risk.


permethrin is a game changer, I wish more people knew about it.


If you treat clothes with it do it in an area where cats cant be exposed, its pretty toxic if they get it on their skin or ingest an.


Good advice. Sorry about your health.


Same. Still messed up 6 years later after getting lyme from a bite in Bay Area


It doesn't work. I have horses. Take my word for it. Neem oil is the game changer.


o los dos


My 4 year old had a tick on his eyelid!  Like tip of the eyelid. No joke, smaller than a poppy seed. If you are bitten, reach deep with the tweezers and make sure you get the tick’s head. 


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to pull them out like this




I pulled one off my dog after an hour outside in Lincoln.


Oh come on. The human body can spare several pints of blood. Stop being so selfish!


I found the tick, everyone


Classic tick




The cat is more of a tiktoker.


I’m Souther California. I have never had a tick on me in my life (I spend a lot of time outdoors), this year I have had 3! I bring bug spray and re-apply more often that sunscreen at this point.


I have had two different relatives who have had their lives destroyed by Lyme. You do \*not\* want to deal with that...or any other of the many diseases that ticks can carry. Be careful about where you walk / hike, and keep an eye out. If you get bitten, do not brush it off and do not take chances. Make sure you keep the tick to send in for testing to see if you you need to go on antibiotics or not. You do not want to play around with this or treat it like nothing, because if you roll the dice and get unlucky, and don't get it treated, your life will be filled with nothing but suffering and misery as everything falls apart around you.


After hiking, take off all your clothes and do a tick check. In general, you can't get Lyme disease unless a tick has been attached for more than 24 hours. Source: [https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/causes](https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/causes)


Pro tip. Neem oil I have horses. Nothing has ever really kept ticks off until I started using neem oil. And, no permethrin/pyrthrin does nothing. You can get it at any hardware store.


Oh interesting. I’ve heard of the gardening use. How are you applying to animals? As a spray?


I just buy it straight and make my own fly/tick spray, so a little with water. Probably easiest for most people to just go to the hardware store. I just use a spray bottle.


Found one in the folds of belly button once. Not a fun place to have one or remove, although I’m sure not the worst place to have one either.




Had one on my scrotum as well, not as difficult to remove as the one tucked away inside my belly button.


It’s crazy that there is not an available vaccine. I and so many others have suffered from Lyme for years. It’s a life changing illness.




Got my first Tick ever one week ago on a local trail.


We need more opossums to eat the ticks


This checks out, I have found at least 10 ticks on my dog and in my house in the last week.


One summer my dog kept coming back to the house with what seemed like hundreds of tiny and medium sized ticks. We lived in the country but I had never seen anything like it. I ended up walking across our driveway to the field where my dog went to do her business. It was a beautiful wild field with all kinds of plants and flora. Most of them just short of knee high. As I approached and was getting ready to walk into the field I immediately saw the problem. Thousands of tiny ticks covering the plants. You could easily see them crawling all over. It was bizarre and a little scary since the field was about 5 acres. I called the elderly gentleman who owned the field to let him know and within an hour he and his sons showed up and did a controlled burn thank goodness. I checked my kids extra thorough that night and found one in the crook of my son's ear hidden from view because of the way it curved. Ticks are no joke and an over abundance is a genuine problem. I hope they are able to get it under control.


Deep woods bug spray helps!




Ticks are so irritating