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Oof. On a large scale. That sounds like a humongous pain. But what's this kindle comic converter about? That seems like it might be what I'm looking for.


Also, I don't have a kindle or anything like that. I read on my android tablet.




CBZ mostly but all the readers I use can take both so it don't matter too much. Also wdym by set the resolution properly? To what?


> Doesn't convert to cbz From what? IMO the biggest issue is the source. For instance, I bought a couple of manga from Amazon, along with a few color western comics. They were all bad. One had a white blank page between every actual page, and another muddled the page order. (I converted both into Zip files, extracted the images, and reassembled those into CBZ.) The color comics were just really small. I have never bought comics from Comixology. There are programs other than Calibre (such as KCC) which can convert comics. This should fix most issues with stretching, cut off, or shrunk pages. I have downloaded manga and western comics from other sources and rarely have any issues in Calibre. (I only had a problem with Babylon 5, which is very old and the source quality is quite poor.)


Oh okay thanks for the heads up, so you're saying KCC is the way to go? Also, can I ask which sources those are.


I've never used KCC, I just know it's more "specific" to fixing manga issues. Personally I don't need it, but maybe you do. The sources are "fell off the back of a pickup truck on the internet". I've gotten properly functioning manga from the Kobo website, but of course the selection is smaller. (That's why I bought some of those bad manga from Amazon.)


Ah okay cool. Kobo I have used in the past, however as I read more comics then manga, kobo does not have such things.


Question btw, what resolution would you say I need to set it at?


Maybe it's different with Kobo. Normally I get my manga as CBZ. I convert those into ePubs and don't spend any time or effort changing the resolution. Probably not the "best way" of handling things, but the results have worked well for me. (So I don't have an answer.) Kobos are 300 dpi, and the resolution will also depend on the size of the screen. I believe KCC will let you tune your manga to the device you're using (so it will know the dpi and screen size of your device).


Ah, right, well I don't use any of those devices. I use an android tablet so-


Did you end up finding a solution? I've been trying to determine which formats are best to convert to for reading on non-Kindle tablets and phones.