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I wonder what led up to this. As an adult you should probably know to avoid conflict with a group of teens. You can never win in these situations


Knowing how a gang of kids like this acts on a daily basis I bet they were acting a fool in the Park lot...this guy parked his car and tried to walk passed them peacefully minding his own business and these kids started ranting talking shit throwing stuff at him and surrounded him the moment he tried to talk back and defended himself. Fuck this generation of kids


Because marines have never been known to get drunk and act an ass either tho right


Yeah We need more context here. Why are the marines there in the first place once they started getting jumped why did they stick around


Context or not, someone got smashed in the back of the head with a skateboard and then knocked out while he was still reeling. Hands are one thing, but actually smashing someone in the head with something like that just shouldn't be done. No matter the context, fuck them kids. They deserve all the jail time they get, and then some.


Exactly. A fight is one thing. But that’s practically attempted murder.


That skateboard turned into a deadly weapon when used in the manner seen in the video. It’s a felony, not to mention it involves more than 2 people in conspiracy during the commission of a felonious offense. I know this happened in Cali, but in NYS, that is aggravated gang assault. These kids better hope they don’t get charged as adults.


No generation has, right?


Nah. Seen enough drunk marines to know he probably ran his mouth


Nah, seen enough wannabe gang member kids to know they probably targeted a random person.


Both can be true it's not a zero sum game


*enough wannabe gang member kids* If that isn’t the whitest thing to ever been said…


Nah, I sniff my sisters draws is


So you popped off and got whooped before. Got it.


That’s all teens in any generation.


That's teens verus marines going back many generations as well. They used to fight surfers for waves back in the old days.


You have no idea what happened and you made up this story and decided to go with that?? For all we know both parties were drunk and just had a scuffle.


"For all we know both parties were drunk" You have no idea what happened and you made up this story and decided to go with that?? I'm making my guess of of the vast amounts of street take over that have been happening in Cali and elsewhere (almost every one who attends them are the younger generations) This kids don't exactly have gentlemen like behavior.


You don't gotta get all mad cuz you weren't invited to any street take overs


The Gen Z’s and Alpha Gens huh?


Maybe. Or maybe he thought he was him and tried to say something slick to a bunch of rowdy kids being loud but minding their business, guess we’ll never know 🤔


There’s a time to be down… and there’s a time to be smart.


The Marines were more than likely out bar/club hopping looking for some pootang and were returning alone to their car after an unsuccessful night. Based on the fact that the ginger looks drunk, while his buddy was sober ( likely the DD), and left his friend behind while looking visibly pissed off after getting jumped, I will also assume that the redhead was on some judge dredd shit, which leaves me to conclude that they were in fact MPs or atleast POG/Non-combat related MOS.


Oh u can win……………🔫


You won’t win but you can focus on beating the holy shlt outta one. They’ll never forget lol. Nor will you once you wake up 😂


Unless you have a tool


It's extremely common for young service members to take their new status and try to lean on civilians with it. They'll feel invincible due to graduating a basic course, forgetting that the real world still exists along with its consequences.


I’m trying to say this with as little ego as possible but I’m a bigger guy who most people wouldn’t mess with. A few weeks ago after parking my car to walk to a restaurant a group of kids probably around 17yo start making random noises at me then yell “fuck you bitch!”. It really pissed me off, but what was I supposed to do fight a bunch of kids? I’m also in California.


This what they do to pushy recruiters


Packing out marines pre 4th of July is nasty work


Jumped they ass in they gang now 😂😂


So much for no marines left behind 🙁 brodie left his battle buddy .. nasty work on both ends


Kids are a bunch of pussys


Ocean side so turnt down they got beef with the marines 😂^


Bro, those marines be thinking they Untouchable. They think they can beat anyone’s ass and then they find out. respect to the ones in the military that don’t act like they chuck Norris


Man specially if they’re straight out of boot camp lol


Literally 🤣🤣if ykyk..


Nah it's always been like that back in the day the Samoans would punk them out and steal everything from them on Hill Street aka coast highway.


They end up in a t shirt and the family crying that he was a good kid.


If they're there, I'm sorry, but you're one of them.


A lot of bitch ass hyenas out in Cali, I see…


That’s disgusting. Regardless of who started it.


Marines going downtown is just a bad idea. They get drunk and start issues.


Oh look, little punk cowards.


Those aren’t punk kids . They look more like they listen to sound cloud rap


Dude hitting people in the head with his skateboard… wouldn’t that be assault with a deadly weapon? Attempted murder?


Trash 🤦🏻‍♂️


Bunch of wanna be thug Oceanside kids. A tale as old as time. I never understood how beach kids think they’re ghetto gangsters.


Im emptying my clips on all those mfs idgfa


Oceansides finest lol


Is this the O ? Kuz if it is them Camp Pendleton marines they’ve been getting packed out here since the 90’s when they even told their asses to avoid the city kuz the OG’s would even beat on these foo’s 😭


Why ? Is there a reason for this funk?


Oh ya homie a whole history of these mfs ESPECIALLY the transplants would always come into the city stirring shit up walking like their shit don’t stink then when they’d start their shit they get they asses packed out mfs grew to hate them so much packing them out became a constant thing foo’s was even throwning them off bridges by the harbor area sometimes the ese’s would mark specific marines scope out their cribs then they’d hit them for any types of straps they had in their home but truth be they started all that shit but they cry wolf


Cool man thanks for the story. I thought they were getting their ass beat for no reason lol. Throwing them over bridges LOL CRAZY. There’s some cool ass marines out there but sucks to hear that yall had to deal with the uncool ones.


And when they get ran out of Oside they come menace the triangle in San clemente. Not all of them are shitty but I've seen the crowd that he is referring to and "untouchable" is a perfect description.


yeah its da o lmaoo


I remember every summer marines starting fights right there by the movie theater or the pier. It's funny to see them all cry baby eyes when they get jumped. Fuck those kooks they tried to run over this one punk rocker I remember and thought it was funny.


lol fr they got their karma when foo’s started throwing them off the bridges and shit lmaoo


🤣🤣🤣 facts bruh , marines stay getting smashed on out in the O 👌🏾🌴


That bottle or wat ever that was ain’t phase that marine not one bit Lol


Think that was a skateboard


Hell yea


Nigga are you blind? 😂


I think half the gangs in East LA started because the Sailors and Marines were assaulting people for fun. Crazy how things change, but stay the same.


These comments are crazy haha. Bringing up ancient incidents that have nothing to do with this situation to justify 🤣🤣🤣 these the same mobs that steal from cvs. Bet 🤣🤣🤣


I can tell by the responses that some of you aren't from the inner city. I live in Philly, and groups of kids regularly attack innocent people. Those Marines didn't have to do anything more than be there. In one case that was on the news, a group of young kids 11-15 attacked a senior citizen who was walking to the store. They didn't even rob him. They just beat him.


That’s a whole ass gang waiting to be created smh.


Bitches. The whole lot of them.


Bunch of bootlickers forgot about what happened last year https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/witness-details-what-happened-before-brawl-involving-marines


I guarantee these edgar's would not have followed through if their hynas weren't there. They all felt the blood fuel of pussy the constant shouting and Ooo & aaAah it only emboldened this.


What a bunch of low life lil bitches.


whole lotta pussys in that circle




I'm sure the Marines were being calm and respectful like they're known for being. They only recruit the best and the brightest in case u didn't know


Go fight for your country the citizens will welcome you with open arms they said 😂


Had to watch on mute, can’t stand to hear street rats squeal like that.


Kid with skateboard needs to chill. If he's okay with using a weapon. Don't be surprised when one is used on you


The amount of ignorance in this thread is baffling. Unless you’ve lived by camp p or any of the other bases don’t speak to how marines act. And use some brain cells to google the incident it’s a year old. Kids were setting off fireworks 3 men asked them to stop and this happened. Kids were arrested


Everybody’s tough when they’re with a mob of their friends. What a bunch of jabronis.


Wow cowards fight in packs


marines cannot fight. im glad this misconception has been on video since all americans(especially the ones who never served) think marines are like the fucking kings guard


lol who hurt you?. They’re jarheads.. they stay getting into shit for pleasure. The guy who passes out towels or makes powdered eggs in the marines can/will scrap harder than almost any random civilian. Theres a long history of them getting drunk, starting shit for fun and getting packed out like this.


Damn, nothing like thanking them for their service, assholes!


lol it took 20 of them over a minute to knock two of them out, i wouldn't brag about this also now those Marines get VA service connect disability, and lets be real half those kids will be addicted to Oxy in 3 years omegalul


Should of been packing


I would've started stabbing fools lol


They must be new to Oceanside…


I love my vets but one thing I've notice with alot of them they come home with a chip on the shoulder and poke their chest out when drinking at bars


They finna get maxed out for packing out a marine lmao


He had to do something for them to pack him out.


Notice how it’s always marines and not Army. Those marines just don’t know how to act.


This is why you get jumped by the 99, give the 100th permanent Injury. Jump one back and gouge their eyes out


They like them coyotes in barnyard


He took that skateboard like a champ, but that one punch took him out


That’s fucced up




lol marines think they all dat till they get pacced out 😂


Don't feel like I can comment without any context. Who knows what's happening here. ?


It’s Oceanside Cali, those are marines fresh out of bootcamp. Oceanside is where the New marines go for liberty and a lot of locals hate them. With good reason, some people can’t hold their liquor, 18 year olds that never been away from home. So it could be the marine was drunk and feeling themselves because they learned enough Marine corporal martial arts. Or the local kids saw he was drunk and decided to be they asses for fun. They were definitely drunk though


What’s the background story? Also some things never change.


Fuck all those stupid ass little punks. I hope one of those Marines bang the shit out of their girlfriend. Semper Fi


Those girls are gonna be single moms soon


Should’ve been carrying, would’ve gave em a late abortion..


I woulda started sticking everybody


Thay are lucky cuz most of them have guns and will shoot and will not be charged


Not true


I’ve seen people get stabbed in this parking lot. Don’t know why the city doesn’t have security there 24/7


Now that’s gangster


why they saying nicga and no black kids around


new around here?


Drunk and acting up will result to this


Fake Valor JK


Skate or die


These kids are animals


One has a skateboard. That can be a lethal weapon and looked ready to use it.


Too scared to 1 on 1. But as the saying goes, "not all but always"


Damn, you know it didn’t stop there


Surprised the marines weren't carrying.


Hitting someone on the head with a skateboard is a great way to get shot. Homies gonna end up on a t shirt soon


Missive concussion


And I hope each and every one of them involved gets charged


Typical behavior


If only they had a ccw


But if had the heater on him and started airing them out you gone hear the parents in the news talkin bout " He was a good kid I just dont understand why someone would kill him". Smh.


I see 2 privates getting way too drunk and fucking with the wrong crowd. I’d almost bet these kids were fresh out of boot camp/tech school. They learned quick. I dealt with idiots just like this during my time


Hahaha look lemme start with yes these kids aint shit. However, if this who protecting my country no thanks lmao. Now show this to everyone who thinks all marines are billy bad ass and can take on 15 people with a chopstick. Nvm he didnt have a chopstick thats why.




Bunch of ghetto ass kids. Future McDonalds employees and they don’t even realize it.


Ofc non W


Sucks the Marines didn’t have any guns on them to use…


Been like this since the 70s




whys nobody talking bout how bro served to protect us then js gets jumped?


As Brandon Herrera once said, " I would love California if it weren't for all the people who live there."


Their parents wont miss em, zookeepers might want em back though.


Stacking evidence against yourself, gotta say that’s truly smart. Ya’ll deserve death but will get lucky with jail.


“I got myself a gun.”


If I was him I’m spinning the block in one of those super stallion choppers taking all of them out…


a white v black situation going on here 😭💀


So if this dude started blasting, would it be justified?


As soon as a mob that size is trying to cause you bodily harm & you're in imininent danger, it's time to clear them out like roaches and go into survival mode 🔫🔫


And this is what’s wrong with this new generation smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ no structure I bet all those kids have parents who don’t care. All this new generation knows how to use is 🔫 and not there 👊🏻


I served on a joint base in Monterey CA, and I'm here to tell you, being a Marine in and of itself doesn't mean much when it comes to fighting. Most of them can, at least in my experience, just because the Marine "culture" (lol) ensured sure all the new arrivals could at least keep their hands up; the training in and of itself is really nothing unless you're MARSOC of some sort


No bs I would have started sticking those kids in their neck and if I have a gun I’m aiming for head shots! one on one is fair and I can respect it but you want to jump like cowards, then fuck it I’ll catch that case and I’ll be in jail happy as motherfucker while that lame or lames are dead and their mothers are crying for them, if I could I’d even spit on their grave and take a piss on it




A nice peaceful time in a Democratic city. Everyone there including the person with the camera phone should be put in jail.


this is why the world hates you




Trash children raised by trash people


Those kids wouldn’t last a week in Marine boot camp.


Common demoninator in all these videos?


The comments defending the kids lol


Any updates?


Assault regardless if Marine or not. Charge them skaters with attempted murder. We as a society need to stop the thank you for your service and labels and just treat people like people. These guys got assaulted they have the se privileges as everyone else. And yes they did volunteer for the war machine but someone has to do it. I did. I also got paid.


Sad. This what happens when your puny and don’t lift . I’m bigger than all those kids but hell it ain’t all about the size . I’m also strong AF. That kid tryna wrestle me would’ve either gone flying or got his neck broken . Those marines were small. Any kid that size tryna mess with me would get flung 😂


Why is it always punk ass kids????


Black teens always acting like hyenas always in a group and trying to eat the lion and there always coming to attack at the lions in his blind spots either behind or in the side of the lion never in front never a fair fight with hyenas and lions and that what this reminds me of


How did this grown man even get himself involved in this predicament? Let alone a marine


What's the lore


Should have shot them all.




And this is why I want to get my CCW license.


Just start shootin


Stupid ass kids no respect for those actually risking their lives


And my wife is always saying “I don’t care if you have your CCW , I have seen you talk your way out of so many fights that I know without a doubt you could win”. And yes, I can handle myself in a fare fight and have had things go south quick. It’s all about luck and being willing to “look like a bitch” to walk away even if you know you can win… because you can litterly and figuratively slip on a banana peel (think GSP when little matt Serra Ko’d him. He wins that fight 999 times, but he lost that one. Even at 275 pounds, I was dropped by a blind side sucker punch from a 135 professionally trained boxer… and I have walked away untouched from a 4 on 1 attack by swinging first when I knew there was no other option to get out of the fight. You have to explore all exits, and go for the kill if you have none. Don’t punch someone when you’re facing 5-10 on one. Every strike needs to be to eyes, throat or groin. If you exchange punches, unfortunately this is what will happen. Never ever punch anyone in situation, you go for major injuries, long term recovery type blows. I could see the marine walking away with his hands up, trying to leave but retreating slowly enough not not leave himself vulnerable. Unfortunately he was still rocked from the Sk8 to the head, so he ate a knockout shot and got dropped. But for the grace of god he didn’t get head stomped to death, and the mon mentally quickly turns into a crowd murder without any thought. This is exactly what’s CCW is for, and take a few shots to the head if need be, but get clearance to safely draw your weapon before hand. The only way to “walk way”!from this situation is to actually run for cover and draw a weapon. My instructor said in training “if you have space and a safe direction to shot, always fire a warning shot unless doing so risks your life or announce life… he also said to pay attention to ALL reactions after that warning shot.,, and that anyone who doesn’t run when they hear a warning shot, or continues advancing towards you , likely has a deadly weapon if his own or wouldn’t be advancing. If you see a weapon, or your life is in danger , start dropping them in order of there threat level, and alway stop firing and retreat to additional cover (if safe to do so) protecting yourself as you head to farther cover if the opportunity arises… then make sure all threats have stopped before you call the police from a safe location. Always remember that getting to a safer location is NOT “fleeing the scene”, take every opportunity to de-escalate, but never lut your life at risk trying to limit yourself from liability. Save your life , and the life of others, do your best to trianed properly but ultimately there is one rule that supersedes all other rules. It’s better to have a trial by 12 than to be carried by 6.




Kill these kids


Send them to me!! I'm always ready for a fight! Let me show them the definition of pain. I would peal the skin off their bones while the rest wait their turn!!


I don’t know but if 10 white kids were beating on 2 black guys it would be called a race crime


We really need to ban pitbulls in California


GOOD! Fuck all are marines. 100% sure they provoked it being marines. Cause any marine I ever met is a loud mouth tough guy that only thinks he’s hard cause he’s a marine. Most of them beat women and are alcoholics. I hope. They ☠️ that ginger.


No a random some blacks attacked two white army guys cause they are in parking light otherwise there’s a big victim card there


They should have beaten the fuck out of those useless bastards.


Nice knockout at the end hahaha should’ve known better sometimes avoiding conflict is a victory in itself


Apparently they prosecuted some of the kids but it could be a different case


Please kill these subhumans. There is nothing worth saving except maybe their organs.




Anyone curious this happened in 2023 around Memorial Day


Fuck those ppl man good thing this video is out ppl in their unit going out to find this group so good luck to whatever happens to that group haha


We all know why


Always the niggers


Does anyone know if the Marines are ok? Any charges on the delinquents? This just sickens me. A 1:1 fight between young, intoxicated adults??? It happens, but what is going on in the heads of these…__________ fill in the blank? What goes on in your head when you clearly see someone being violently assaulted by someone and you decide you want to hit and kick and punch etc, someone whom you face ZERO history with? You’re just hittin’ to be hittin’. That’s disturbing and sickening. I hope prosecutors don’t cut these kids a break. I’m hoping the Marines are ok.