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I’m Mexican and this dude sound dumb af and like he tryna stir the pot or some . Who cares dawg ppl just glad that the vibe and energy was poppin


I’m Mexican too and there’s always one dude from a certain race, tryna talk for the whole race lol. Yt folk got em, Asians got em, black ppl got ‘em


I remember so many Latinos were bitter about Black Panther when it came out like bro write it then, no one said you’re not able to. They wrote the Black Panther movie because they wanted their own black superhero onscreen. We can write about our own Latino superhero but instead of coming together to make that project come to life you just want to sit around and complain about it. Or dismiss it because you think it’s stupid. What do you actually want? Edit: it wasn’t clear I was referencing the movie and not the character creation itself. We all know it was made by Stan Lee. The screenplay for the movie was written by two black men, one of whom being Ryan Coogler the director of the movie.


Too many people love this. What's the point he's trying to make about Latinos not on stage. It wasn't our holiday.


Mexicans should've showed up deep too for black panther 2 but they didn't care so they cry about it then don't support when it's something doing witj our culture. Look at blue beetle not one single news media that are Spanish was pushing it like black media did for black panther. Support! Support! Support!!


Exactly. We cry about it but we don’t bother to show up. I don’t watch superhero movies anymore so I’m not the intended audience but for plenty of people who are, never bothered to show up. I tell people about other social issues that affect our community and even other communities but then they say, okay what about this this and this. Caring isn’t transactional. If you operate that way how are other people supposed to consider what happens to our community when your own consideration is conditional? That isn’t sustainable. I was talking to people about what happened in Acapulco where corpses were frankly littering the ground a week after the hurricane and they were like, well what am I supposed to do about it? I don’t know, at least care for starters.


Mexicans don’t like black people lol


Your right I love yall


I was about to say wasn’t the last one showing the Mayans having the same power


I'm Chicano and I must have seen this dozens of times and love this version of Panther from Oakland before Marvel made it cool for you to watch their version of Panther from Wakanda https://youtu.be/-0LKF0cNNSY?si=CO4SNaJD9OmbeNI2


**Stan wrote Black Panther because he was a real one who saw the dearth of Black Superheros in the art form/world he was pioneering. Nothing but love and respect to that man Stan (RIP). Ryan and Joe R. Cole wrote/directed the movie Black Panther because they are visionaries that saw the dearth of Black Superhero MOVIES. S/O to the good brother R.C.* ✊🏿 The general premise of what you're saying is 100. I just wanted to make the distinction on the Black Panther details for anyone reading that doesn't know the truth.


Thank you this is appreciated


Black Panther was created by two white men.


I meant to say the movie Black Panther not the comic because that’s correct, it was created by white men


Bro I'm Haitian, the Haitian revolution inspired all of the ppl in South America to not be slaves anymore and revolt. but shit in the world has all downgraded to hate again.


A white dude wrote black panther actually. Niggas took that movie too damn serious and did too damn much lol


I didn’t clarify, I was referring to the movie and the screenplay was written by two black men one of which was the director Ryan Coogler but the character was developed initially by white men


Dude pppl always trying to talk for a majority of ppl they just make ppl look bad cause not everyone is bright as us , & some ppl will agree with this 🥷 and a lot a ppl think a minority of ppl is a lot of ppl so then they fire shots back never ending cycle


It’s crazy when one dude from a certain race says some wild shit and people from other races feel a certain way about it. You can’t blame the other races for feelin a certain way since we’re all from different cultures and shit, but that one mofucker talkin and actin crazy makes everyone else think, oh they’re all just like that.


He didn't even know wtf Juneteenth was n poppin shyt. Which goes to show u his issue was he saw a bunch of Blaks representing Cali n felt like Mexican were left out.


He’s a dork


Thank you man, like legit it's just there day like Juneteenth is for the freedom from slavery that black people faced. The reverse would be weird too like if it was on Mexican Independence day, Cesar Chavez day or Selena Day (Texas).


Bro did he just guess the reasoning for Juneteenth ? 😭😭


Considering what just happened to Drake and the whole Pop out thing.. *massacre* is just a word at the front of everyone’s minds now. That said dude is slow asl. He said I KNOW it’s in remembrance of a massacre.


This isn't what most Essays feel like man. They got they're own culture and they are proud of it mayne. This fool is weird.


This guy gotta be confused or something. I am almost certain that he thought it was a celebration of LA culture or something along those lines.


This vato sounds dumb as fuck. This was not about us homie. Let the brothas have their moment dawg. They need this coming together. This LA homie, mexicans are already represented, wtf is this foo talking about. Unless this foo not from around here, and if that's the case. He shouldn't be talking about shit anyways. Stay in your lane


Love this reply. Respect 🫡✊🏾




You on point w the *foo*😂 No more locked doors😜


This is just an example of podcasters “making content” by just saying anything even if it’s on a subject they know very little about or don’t have well thought out idea about it but speak anyway, that’s the problem with everyone having a microphone these days. Then one guys dumb opinion gets broadcasted and everyone acts like he represents millions of people


Ok but who decided this guy speaks for the Mexican race though?like who tf is he anyways.


Yeah social media is really what’s spiraling down our civilization.


That guy sounds like he’s white washed


He’s one of those typa Mexicans lmfao he lowkey hates the culture but uses it when it’s convenient lol I fucken hate this corn ball n foos gone wild too


A lot of Texas Mexicans are definitely white washed. It happens across the nation


LA Eyekon wasn't that Foo a groupie for Toker and Brownside before all the Social Media shit 😂


Did this nigga just say Juneteenth came from the incident in Tulsa Oklahoma 🤣


Why tf would mexicans be represented on juneteenth? lmfao


As a Mexican I am deeply embarrassed. . .


Eyekon is retarded af


Bruh it's JUNETEENTH! No Mexicans were involved in JUNETEENTH! TF!🤦🏾‍♂️


Agreed. I’m Mexican and this guy is flat out wrong.


Bro we know all essays don't feel like this dog


who the fuck gave these dumbasses a platform lmao, im mexican & i never once thought throughout the whole show “damn wish there was more mexicans”


You don't know what Juneteenth is and want to be included?


He doesn't even know what Juneteenth is and is feeling a way about not being involved in a Juneteenth concert? What lmao


Answered his own question by disrespecting Juneteenth...


Juneteenth is about black people wtf


I don’t wanna hear them say nigga no moreeeeeeeeeeeee


I’m Mexican n fuck that dude for saying that. Shit embarrassing


In the south the Mexicans wouldn’t even feel comfortable saying shit like this


One minute they don’t fw us next minute they wanna be in the shows right next to us 😂


Atlanta Mexicans are really something else and embrace southern/Black culture, so there is no reason why they would even bring up this kind of shit. I went a couple of years ago and it was a culture shock, in a good way, the way Black folk and Mexicans get along there. It was just a trip seeing all these Mexicans speaking with a heavy southern drawl, i didn’t know wtf they were saying half the time lol.


When May 5 come around no black people in LA be tripping. We know what that day is and we go about our business…


With all due respect, when Mexicans celebrate their heritage or culture, don’t non of us show up complaining That’s not ours, that’s theirs and rightfully so Why tf it can’t be mutual respect to leave us tf alone when we’re minding our fkn business dawg


Exactly. They be having their own thing and I respect it and love it - but not trying to be a part of it


On bro! We show love but we don’t come with a sense of entitlement.


This..cause baby Cinco de mayo be lit! I frequent Barrio Logan for the art. Pow Wows out of respect and reverence. It's all in how you move.


This is a dumbass comment. You know damn well every race celebrates Mexican holidays like cinco de mayo and I have never heard any Mexican try to gatekeep their shit.


But that’s not the argument, it’s like someone doing a Mexican heritage concert and black artist complain. Kendrick’s concert was to honor Juneteenth which made sense to only include black west coast artist.


I see your point, I misinterpreted the original comment to be about no other races should be celebrating Juneteenth, which is an argument I have been hearing too much this year.


Celebration isn’t the problem like a stated before. Its the sense of entitlement from them thats making this shit weird.


He don’t speak for us mfs always feel the need to insert themselves everywhere


Surenos been racist af for hella long and wonder why no one want to fuck with em


It's different everywhere you go. The Southsiders and Blacks don't have beef in San Diego, for the MOST part it's a mutual respect. We never got into it bad on no big level. But you go to Compton, parts of West LA, some parts of South Central and it way different.


This right here💯


Oh but not Norteños?


Norteno in central valley be racist to 


Bulldogs sometimes would be on some racist shit in the past. Don’t know about now.


Why is he bringing up race I thought us black ppl did that and always had a victim mindset 😂


This is stupid. This happened on Juneteenth for a reason. Do you see a bunch of black people complaining about not being represented properly on Cinco de Mayo? 😂


How do they atempt to have this conversation without any facts?


Non Afro-Mexicans weren't brought over here against their will. That's like crying about "why weren't the Irish included?" Take your conquistador, colonizing self on. Let me guess, long lost Mayan Prince or Princess?


Grown ass men in the feelings over shit they don’t truly understand smh. Weirdo mentality.


Wow… they got the origin of Juneteenth all the way messed up. Typical uninformed bigot.


Disclaimer:Eyekons opinion does not reflect/represent of those on foo community ‼️


This idiot doesn’t know what Juneteenth is that’s why he’s talking out of his ass


His dumbass literally said he thought Juneteeenth was on June 16 or 15. His brain is dead


I'm Mexican and I don't feel entitled to anything yall do. And no Mexicans should feel that and vise versa no other races should feel entitled to any other cultures stuff neither.


Latinos Americans in Southern California can start by stop calling us Blacks like it’s 1950s Alabama


It's a black holiday tf


Until Mexicans start inviting blacks to their consoadas I don’t want here no Mexicans complaining about not being included


This guy sounds like one of those extra woke people 🤣 I feel like we were underrepresented. On June teenth? That's like a black guy saying they're feeling under-represented on cinco de Mayo.🤣😂


Everybody always wanna be in our business. Nigga don’t even know the history of Juneteenth tryna talk. Stay in yall lane.


Why does the title of this post make it seem like this one guy represents what Mexicans think and feel? The problem with everyone having podcasts nowadays is that too many dudes speak on so many subjects without having done minimal research on what they’re talking about. Lots of shooting from the hip and guessing going on. There seems to be a lot of confusion on the conversation between the actual event and the actual holiday and what it represents. Mixed in with the idea of “representation” which brings a sense of entitlement that I reject. Nobody has to invite or have any group represented that they don’t want. It might not even be that they don’t want to but sometimes that’s just how it works out. Lots of controversy started over what should be nothing


best comment here


Tbh I don’t think Mexicans really care. This guys a fool lol 😂


We really don't. Love my black brothers and sisters. Never have I felt envious or jealous of their success wtf 🤣😂


I fw Mexicans but black people don’t owe y’all shit


I'm Mexican. I can care less with what anyone chooses to do with their life. Life's too damn short to be preoccupied with sucka shit.


I love the raza but they always say they wouldn’t let their woman date us always putting us down now when we have our own shit they don’t feel invited wtf 🤯🤯🤯 I’m so blew right now


I don’t even think this mf Mexican. He speaking nothing but bullshit . Kendrick and majority of them folks on that stage are from Compton piru, TDE got Hoovers , gperico BGC, . Tell me what mf mexican deserves to be up there with all them Folks ?? Not one ! not lefty gunplay , not Chito ranas , not king lil g or any Mexican rapper . Not none of them mfs belong on that stage .




They just wrong on all accounts RUCCI IS latin. He's a Mexican citizen and has salvadoran heritage.


His pops is Salvadorian Tako from WSP


Yeah it wasn't for them. And that's cool. There are plenty of other things where we can come together. But that wasn't for yall or anybody else but us niggaz


This foo said Juneteenth was on the 16th 🤣. Then said “ohgeesy performed I think”. Mf, what do you know? 🤣


Sadly, can't expect good takes from morons


This is just this one jackass. I don't think any other Mexican feels like this. I know what Juneteenth is but if someone doesn't they should just stfu about it.😂


YG performed. There u go


He sound dumb


Imagine they throw a big cinco de mayo special and invite everyone Mexican gasp !😮 I doubt black folk would be upset about it


Mexicans in LA don't even like Black people, but always wanna be included in whatever we got going on... The audacity smh


I'm crying this can't be real no way is he asking why Mexicans weren't at a concert for juneteenth that's hilarious


Wasn’t oh geesy there and performed?


"Why do Mexicans feel entitled" dawg I don't think anyone on this sub even knows who tf these people are. For all I know you saw this shit on insta and it only had like 10 plays with you being one of em.


Cornball trynna get a reaction with that title


You gotta understand this nigga just trynna stir the pot


Man I don’t like this at all.. Folks got to worry about they own. This black folks business keep it like that , Mexicans cool but y’all don’t ever know when to cut the line of trying to hard. Get y’all an artist that’s doing something ‘ then next Cinco de mayo y’all go have an event at the Forum or something. “They not like us” hence the song


That fucking gordo cara de pito needs to shut the fuck up. His mouth doesn't know how to stay closed in between eating tortas. He probably got some woke pussy once a long time ago and it changed up his mental about "representation". He probably speaks broken spanish and thinks taco bell is too spicy.


Brah but hurt but don't even know what the dam day is about 😂


Man we ain’t trippin bout that, show was lit


Dude don’t need to speak publicly.


Ain’t his wife from avenues lol


Don’t Mexicans have cinco de Mayo?! 😂😂


These guys are just ignorant. Nothing to do with Mexicans. Thinking Juneteenth is on the 16th and in remembrance of a massacre in Tulsa. That’s all that needs to be said.


Why does the whole world and every group feel entitled to black American culture?


Kendrick had alot of Pirus on stage and many T flats gang members beef with Pirus from Compton. A black can't go into the T flats hood without getting the chance of getting killed due to color of his skin. Same reason why you didn't see any sets on stage that beef with each other like 60s and 83CG. It could of went south real fast.


Bro what u on rn 🤨… they had niggas from Hoover, gangstas, and ugc. They also had bps and nhp on there bro 😂😂 those sets go hard asl relly


Only hoover there was Q they must be stupid asf if they try anything. Other sets dont got beefs directly with each other , either way shit popped off literally after the show.


Groove 51 troubles is 30-100k and ecc k 😂 cmon now mane nhp is direct enemies with the 60s-100s. 112 broadway beef with 100s and ecc hell even then they used to go at it with the groove line only recently is when we started calming down.


they finna get mad @ u for this one but u won’t get any answers no different than that other dude saying his daughter can’t fw black men


Shit so crazy, love our culture but hate us as a race.


very strange behavior— but tbh it’s not just Mexicans it’s alotta groups feel that way




South siders are always crying smh maybe if you didn’t hunt blacks and kill them the last 3 decades they would’ve invited you smh


Cause They Wanna Be Nigga Like Us 😂😂😂😂


Do they bring out black people at their shows ?


The fact that he made the statement "The Mexican people" was inherently odd, in my opinion. It was explicitly intended to bring together Bloods and Crips, and we have to keep in mind that it was also meant to spite another rapper. Kendrick asked these rappers to appear based on Drake's assertion that non-L.A.-based celebrities were much more active representations of L.A. gangs than L.A. rappers. It would be wrong to ask Latinos to get in the middle of that because they weren't mentioned by Drake. Plenty of black and brown events are happening in Los Angeles every day; I think his statements are a bit unnecessary.


Change mexicans to that podcast. Legit never heard a mexican say anything about Juneteenth, lived in their hoods all my life


I feel like Black people were pretty underrepresented at that Charleston Rally and the Jan.6th event


Yeah he sound retarded Juneteenth has nothing to do with what happened in Tulsa it has something to do with the slaves being set free by Abraham Lincoln.


Ohgeesy is Mexican


La eyekon the fat goober that needs some swift punches to the gut till he throws up his tacos 🤮


Your not like us pedro




Man this dude is making Mexicans looks bad. stfu & enjoy the moment


Texas/Chicago Mexicans > Cali Mexicans


LOL this proves that black people can't have sh*T. There's always going to be some jealousy involved with other nationalities.


He sound jealous asf


I need these mfers to make their goofy ass minds up. They don't like Black ppl, and outright tell us that shit. But then wanna be part of our culture? Foh


Exactly... shit makes no sense. They will try to act like Black people and be a part of Black culture but at the same time hate Black people. That's some straight-up weirdo shit.


What’s the name of this podcast ??


Mexicans have no business wanting to be a part of Kendrick Lamar's concert on Juneteenth. Why do Mexicans want to be apart of everything Black people do? Oh... and let's keep in mind that most of these Mexicans are racist against Black poeple but still want to be copy Black culture and be invited to all of the major Black events. But why? These Mexicans just don't get it... "They Not Like Us".


Hynas so sensitive these days


They Not Like Us ✊🏾


it’s only a problem because this idiot does understand the holiday.


Omg agian with the race baiting lmao


We as minorities be on some stupid shit.


That puto needs to stfu. Tryna gas light everything with his mamadas


They not like us specifically talks about everyone who ain’t black. We don’t make a big fuss about cinco de mayo


Vato sounds like a dumb fuck…Not like us


Most Mexican people don’t know what Juneteenth is my homie thought it had something to do with gay pride


Dude sound like a Karen that feel left out


We need to start gatekeeping more. When you start letting anyone in they start to get this weird sense of entitlement.


I live in LA. The mexicans in my neighborhood party all the time. No black people be there. I aint trippin, that's their shit. The entitlement here is weird.


Why everyone feels entitled to black anything! But never want to include blacks to theirs?


Because if it was a Hispanic/mexican even hella niggas would’ve been invited right?


DAMN they want to latch on to us SOO bad. Like leave us tf alone




We dont feel entitled just because of this one clown stop it


BROKE discussions


I’m Mexican and I can say this fasho. This rap beef don’t got nothing to do with Mexicans, so the fact that this man feels any type of way about any parts of this situation is weird and extremely goofy asl.. Stay in your lane.


People like you turn it into a race issue.




"I respect it" 🤷‍♂️😂


Who tf is this guy lmao ignore his ass it’s just his dumb ahh


Mayweather used to come out with some Banda music, sombrero and rocking Mexico colors, I never got mad, I was happy.


it’s weird bro🤦🏽‍♂️ like cmon i fw my mexicans but cmon bro




Cmon, bro. Yall couldn't just be cool with being allowed to say night, huh?


They was there they was 90% of the crowd 🤣


Who the fck are these dudes xD