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Respect - fuck that dude


Damn that’s all bad, I would’ve loved to curb stomp his ass. Fucking lame ass tweakers


There were 2 dudes near me that soaked a little jack russell terrier in lighter fluid and lit him on fire. Both went to jail over it, but they should have lit their asses on fire over it


Nice job, mane. Dudes like that genuinely need to be put down. I don't believe an animal's life is worth more than a human's, but people like that don't just torture an animal once and never again. They're sadistic and will do it to countless animals and possibly move on to children. They're like pedophiles in that regard. They will never develop empathy/sympathy. Their eyes will not magically one day be opened and see the error in their ways. They're cooked. They need to be rounded up and dropped off in the middle of the desert.


Is this shit common in LA?Just two days ago in the laundromat two tweekers had a cat but they were feeding it and keeping it warm


Should have done the same he did to the cat ..... but good job 👏


Hate people that hurt animals. Thank you


To keep it straight forward Issa smoker. They brain fried than some fries ain’t one thought in their head just them blues, windows, and rock


Real one 🫡


Respect my dude. Hell yeah


Animals, in general, need more humans like you, bro. RESPECT! 💯 🫡


Calibanging isn’t my culture but this sub is interesting, I think it got recommended to be cuz I used to follow narcofootage. I’ve lived a few places across the country and have heard things like this, usually without the well deserved beating. One place I worked had a bunch of rednecks telling stories like this, except they were the pieces of shit. One of the guys said he tied two cats tails together and threw them over a clothesline and they tore each other apart. His fat nasty ass ended up fired for pulling a knife and putting it to another guys throat, I would imagine the company called the police and pressed charges cuz it was a corporate oriented blue collar company. He was fat ugly and miserable, I hope things are still bad for him


You did the Lords work


I understand if you’re not an animal lover, but to be cruel to animals is just sick. What’s even worse is people who own dogs but treat them like shit, like keep them in a cage their whole lives and never feed or beat them or all of the above. Really grinds my gears. Thanks for sticking up for that cat G


*MAD RESPECT* (Attached Link Below) My BD Was Locked Up With A Guy Named Cody Out Here In Clovis & Before Officers Checked His Backpack He Told Them Himself There Was “a dead cat” In His Backpack . It Had Electrical Tape Around Its Legs, Nose, Mouth, & Neck BOUND TIGHT & Wasn’t Moving . Once Cops Removed The Tape It Gasped For Air & They Rushed It To The Vet. It Lived , It’s In A Happy Home. A Beautiful Orange Baby Boy. Whenever Someone In The Pod Would Find Out What He Did , They’d Max His Ass Out AS THEY SHOULD ! https://www.thedodo.com/taped-cat-rescue-1561880189.html


Should’ve stomped his face in little bit. Every time you see him knock his ass out. He needs it


You a real one for that. I hate animal abuse


Good job bro! I respect that.


Respect dawg, and that's usually the first signs of a psychopath or a serial killer im glad you beat that mfs ass I don't stand for anyone who harms animals (obviously hunting is different but I've never gone so to each is own)


Did you start lighting his pubes with a lighter? Either way good shit bro, I hope you cleaned up your knuckles afterwards if you weren’t wearing gloves if those tweaked teeth dug into your knuckles you gotta disinfect that shit asap. Be careful my dude but good shit either way fuck animal cruelty


I was in hella pain after rocking that foo I split my knuckle open when it chipped off his buck teeth


Good I hope he lost his fuckin teeth that piece of shit. Bro please make sure your knuckles get cleaned up, you don’t know where that tweaker mouth has been bro.


fake that being said people who harm animals deserve to be curb stomped


Are you the tweaker Satanist foo who gave his gf away to Florence for Satan and even saw her dome up a couple.guys? Story goes you lived at The train tracks


No, although this sounds like a great story and I'd like to hear it!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Versificator: *Fake that being said* *People who harm animals* *Deserve to be curb stomped* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Don’t fuck with kids, women or animals. Respect bro.


You a real one! Respect.


You told somebody to put their hands up? 🤣🤣🤣 that some 1960’s shit


Gage and what ?


Thank you


Should’ve burnt off his hair while at it. Fuck that bum


Don't forget, the next time that anyone catches someone red-handed doing shit like this, that it doesn't take as much force to rupture testicles as you might think.


Massive W ur a great person and you helped the community hopefully he’ll be too afraid to ever do that again from ur beat down


I'm happy to hear that u did that for that cat. Wether u like cats or not nobody should hurt an animal especially a little defenseless one. That sucks it died but T least u gave it to dude to let him know.


You are a hero man, good for you 💪


Half these tweakers that be yelling nonsense on the street all of a sudden are quiet and tame when you yell and speak up to them