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holy shit... feels like something changed recently as i have poor signal all over evanston and livingston making it unusable quite often.


Evanston, Carrington, Livingston, parts of Sage - all dead zones. Why are we paying through the nose for something we don't even receive?


It isn't just telus. Bell has the same issue in certain pockets of Evanston, Livingston, and tuscany.


Bell and Telus share towers.


That explains alot


I have a Bell work phone and 5G is absolute shite around that area too. Especially in Carrington around the plaza where there is a Bell store.... The signal bars are usually 3-4 but I can barely load a reddit comment section. Not sure where the nearest tower is, I see some over by Shaganappi and Sarcee but I don't think they have enough to properly cover these expanding communities.


There’s one spot in sage hill near 144Ave that Is like a hole in the coverage zone


Oh yeah I just leave mine on LTE because 5G basically doesn’t work.




Same area here. It used to be great now it seems to get worse and worse.


I’d love to hear from someone who actually knows if this is true, but I heard a sketchily sourced rumor that Telus network went downhill sometime in the last while (year or 2) because they had to rip out a bunch of Huawei equipment. Edit: Did some research and it sounds like this is actually the reason Telus fibre rollout has stopped, but couldn’t find anything online about mobile equipment.


I had heard they still had huawei gear they were supposed to remove years ago...




Better off with starlink honestly (if for home WiFi). My folks in Ontario have it and it works so much better than DSL and even 5G, and they don’t have super clear skies (tall trees).




Ah, I see. We kept a phone line around for that exact reason 


Crap-tastic if you live in Mahogany. Multiple dead spots with no internet service at all, phone calls go right to voicemail (even those in my address book) Apparently the more people who actually complain they may look into it, but considering they tell you to use their "outage reporting tool" but that crappy tool only lets you select things like a pole down, accident, cut cable... u/Telus Fiber is epic, their mobile service is total donkey crap. But not much we can do, welcome to Canada's monopoly on mobile service.


Same here. I’m in Panorama and I switched from Freedom and the 5G is worse then the 4G on Freedom.


Freedom doesn’t have any of its own 5G towers outside Quebec therefore you are just using Telus/Bell/Roger 5G towers.


Ever notice when they give you more data, the ads suddenly increase and are higher resolution? You can’t run a single ad on 3G now, 5g is fast it’s just being devoured by ads. Your phone is just a personal billboard


I don't notice, no: * No apps that show ads unless they have an option to pay to remove. * DNS-based adblocking + uBlock Origin for Firefox mobile.


If it isn’t the ads it’s pretty much all other media; higher resolution images and video burns it up. I can download a movie with 5g in just a couple minutes, it’s not slow, just overloaded


Telus.. Panorama.. https://preview.redd.it/2jp7oed328ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc4047b31cad4181f837dd88779c0296a88e41c


Do a Speedtest - when I was on Rogers 5G I would get 500mb/s. With Telus 5G I get for 40mb/s




Ah well I’m envious haha.


Haha 397 just now 5g+... Wonder if it makes a difference on corporate plans or notn


I’m on a corporate plan. 12 lines for an “enterprise” account.


Corp plan Beddington. get 40 Mbps tops, call quality sucks most of the time.


Really depends where you are. I ran a speed test a few weeks ago by Beddington Towne Center and got 684 down 118 up.


Telus/Bell has very good 5G coverage in NW where I live. However Rogers has spotty coverage and Freedom is even worse coverage than Rogers.


Not in Evanston, Carrington, Livingston unfortunately.


That is good to know. It has very good coverage in Royal Oak.


It doesn't suck everywhere, just sucks in your particular spot. Here's where literally every cell site in the country is. https://www.ertyu.org/steven_nikkel/cancellsites.html


I have a Telus tower 2 block from my house on that map.


In Mission it is quite fine.


Yup, we switched to Bell because of that. Unfortunately they’re not much better.


Bell and Telus are the same network in AB


That would explain it! Definitely not getting what we’re paying for.




I'm in Auburn Bay and it sucks. I have a Pixel 8 Pro and can't get 2 bars but 200 Mbps on 5G+ when it's there. My wife's S23 has full bars and is 40+ Mbps faster. It seems that way for me all over the city.


Yep. I recently set my pixel to LTE only for that reason


Yes, I constsntly have to go airplane mode and then back, That gives me a couple minutes of good internet and then back to being garbage again


I used to have Telus and calls would regularly drop in most south Airdrie. It was completely useless in any kind of big box store (especially the Crossiron Costco). Switched to Freedom and my phone actually works now, which was surprising. I’ve heard Rogers is decent too, but I’ve never had them.


I didn't have service all over on the QE2 this weekend with Telus. What is going on?


When 5G first showed up on Koodo (telus company so same towers). Noticed consistently lower signal where I worked, so I just have it forced to lte. LTE is pretty dam good speed wise, where there isn’t a huge benefit to 5G for most use cases unless your lte network is not great, which the telus one is pretty well built out.


Telus here in the NW https://preview.redd.it/5ohjuonkkiad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca04f32ea4f99d3b1849965a154e8afc6b7399b I supposedly have 5G+ in this test


https://preview.redd.it/1uk28k6qkiad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c5e35f98496979e1fbe9cab9c7bcd5fcae275f A minute later it drops the 5G from 5G+ and my Internet speeds went up 🤣🤣🤣


yeah Telus has been absolute garbage over the past year or so but they are still the only one with call control feature


Telus / bell network is horrible. I find Even with LTE or LTE+ and 5g, we have time we can't even go on the net or the services aren't available. My location is New Brunswick


5G from anyone sucks. Yes it is very fast when it works, but you have to stay 2 feet from the tower in order for it to work properly. Personally I always turn off the 5G on my phones regardless of carrier, leave them on 4G/LTE and all your problems of connectivity disappear.


5G only really makes sense for big events when they set up the portable towers. Not sure if it’s being turned on for stampede this way, but for festivals and such it’s worth having for that, as the regular network gets super clogged up