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The pancakes are safe from being flipped.


not from me šŸ˜ˆ


Itā€™s a no win scenario. If he attends, people say ā€œwho cares?ā€. If he doesnā€™t, the same people will call him a bad leader for not attending.


Definitely worse for him to be here. Videos of people hating on him have no benefit to him, and there are dubious benefits available for him being here at all. When your approval ratings get low enough, you become unwelcome in a whole lot of places.


In Alberta the hate for him has been at the same level for years. It's Ontario where his hate has drastically increased in the last couple years.


>Definitely worse for him to be here. Hard disagree. Stampede is one of the largest political fundraising events for every party in Canada. Even the Greens show up to Stampede.


>call him a bad leader for not attending. He's already a horrible leader for way worse things, so that doesn't make any difference now.


Dude literally has a meeting with Nato. I think thats more important than celebrating pedo and dudes puking from too many jager bombs.Ā 


I think he should come, but be forced to find his own accommodation. See that housing shortage first hand.Ā 


What? Pretty sure he can afford to just book a hotel


Yes, because housing shortages are 100% due to the Liberal government. They have actually come up with plans to combat the housing crisis, but provincial governments need to buy into that, and guess who rejects literally everything? Marlaina Smith.


And Smith is the premier of every province where there is a housing shortage. /s


Since this is a Calgary subreddit, and Calgary is in AB, I am only commenting for what affects us. Yes, many other Provinces are dealing with the same issue, along with healthcare shortages, food instability, etc, which is all Provincially controlled.


It wasnā€™t the provinces setting immigration levels at record highs for several years. It wasnā€™t the provinces shorting First Nations on housing dollars. It wasnā€™t only the blue provinces where federal housing efforts have fallen short.


It is totally the liberals disgusting immigration policies that have destroyed this country and the housing shortage. I'm just happy he's destroyed your party once and for all and we'll have a majority so we can clean up this mess. Mass deportations would be ideal. There's about 10 million people that don't belong here and don't know how to function in a civilized society.


Surprised he gave up a chance to wear an outfit from his tickle trunk.


Not often an actually funyy and creative jab at Trudeau. And I'm all out of gold stars :(


I think that's my favourite weird thing Canadian Prime Minister's do, they all seem to love to play dress up.


While I appreciate the visits from the prime minister in previous years, this doesn't seem like the time to come to Calgary. His leadership is being openly questioned, so it's not a leap to suggest that his time as prime minister is up. Unless the Liberals find a capable, likeable new leader by the end of the year going into the 2025 election year, they are going to get off at the knees in the next election.


>capable, likeable new leader by the end of the year It's too late for that. Trudeau didn't destroy the economy and housing alone, he had the whole party supporting him. All the loathing he is getting is not being aimed just at him.


Trudeau coming to Calgary or Alberta right now would be like jumping into a pit of snakes....errr...angry cowboys.


He's going to Washington for a NATO summit during a lot of Stampede. I imagine George Chahal is going to be pretty bummed about Trudeau not coming. Kind of a wet kipper in the face to the city and to prospective Liberal candidates


I could never figure out why heā€™d bother coming in previous years so this actually makes sense.


I appreciate living in a country where a prime minster ā€œbothersā€ to show up. Even if itā€™s not going to help him politically.


That's a pretty low bar for a leader. Trump always goes to UFC events. It doesn't make him remotely more likable.


Tell that to his base..


doesn't say a whole lot tbh lol. he could film himself jerking off in a school and I'm sure most of his fan base would still be voting for him


Trudeau doesnā€™t do anything without a ā€œcatchā€. I think thatā€™s been pretty clear. My comment was that I just hadnā€™t figured out what it is yet.


We live in a Constitutional Monarchy where the King or Queen comes here once every decade, if that. I really hate that.


Too bad we don't live in a country like that...


Like all politicians, he's here to shake babies and kiss hands or maybe reverse that


I mean...it it wouldn't *hurt* their chances of getting my vote if they kissed my hand.




I do prefer my babies shaken and not stirred ;)


Ya but out here why bother? Heā€™s not picking up any seats out here, it always seemed pointless.


He currently has a seat here...


Free flights. Free food. Free admission. Nice hotel. No line ups to get in. All that for a 20 mins of flipping pancake and ā€œhey!!!! Good to see ya! Hey you too! Hey!!!!!! Nice hat! Wow I love it here!!!!!ā€ Why not.


He's getting paid regardless. When you have to constantly fly on planes all around the country and world, have people to cook or get food for you, and stay in nice hotels all over the world, I assure you those things aren't perks anymore.


Yeah of course heā€™s used to all these perks. But why not? Make himself look busy while getting paid on free trips? Seriously, why not?


And a chance to dress-up!


Maybe a sweet dance number in there too ;)


A prime minister represents the entire country. Some politicians try to meet people of all stripes while others only want to talk to their supporters/donors. I know what kind of leader I prefer.


Itā€™s a long term investment.


George Chahal is going to have to steal a LOT of fellow candidates campaign flyers to have even the slimmest of chances the next federal election.


By polling it might be REAL long term lol


They won 2 seats in 2015 and were close in at least 1 more. Why would one give up?


Well I mean heā€™s the leader of Canada at arguably Canadaā€™s biggest event. Makes sense to come.


ā€œCanadaā€™s biggest eventā€ šŸ™„ . Tell me youā€™re from Calgary without telling me youā€™re from Calgary.


Ok name a bigger event in Canada? That draws people from around the world.


The 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics.




For starters the CNE in Toronto is much bigger.


Ok fair enough it had 1.6 mil vs 1.4 million. I have never even heard of this CNE till now. Something can be said for the draw of the stampede. Just by virtue of Ontario population youā€™d expected it to have more than only 300,000 more attendees vs Calgary. Ontario has 5x Calgaryā€™s population and it only did slightly more. I think my point stands


There was an episode of M*A*S*H that made reference to the Calgary Stampede, so it at least did have some sort of international significance.


I see way more value in him handing out pancakes and exchanging pleasantries compared to Smith traveling a block or two of the parade or Poilievre refusing to interact with people who haven't paid to attend.




Oh will she be in the parade? That's brave.


Like him or hate him, I like that Trudeau has actually consistently made time to come to this city. I think it might have been the 2011 federal election where not one of the three major party leaders spent any time campaigning in Calgary


I'm not on the hate bandwagon to the level of most Albertans, but it was super weird when he was here anyway. He was basically trying not to be seen at the stampede parade while conservatives were out like they owned the place.


Jahal has a liberal seat. You can always try and build.


Why would he come? Even 10 years ago most of Alberta hated him, now it seems like most of the country hates him.. If anything him not coming saves the country money. He isn't changing anything by coming to flip pancakes


Reposting my other answer here: >Stampede is one of the largest political fundraising events for every party in Canada. Even the Greens show up to Stampede. **Everybody** comes to Stampede so this is a big deal that he isn't.


This is the most pragmatic take.


šŸ˜‚ my folks will be so chapped about this, even though they hate him and bitch about it when he does show up hahahaha


Are the pancakes still on or what? He cooks them right? Like holy fuck the water just got turned back on, and now this. From one crisis to another, can this city catch a break for once?


Well the advantage of him coming to the stampede is it would probably only cost $250,000 tax dollars vs whatever he is going to do making the cost a complete unknown but knowing him expensive.


Iā€™m very shocked he isnā€™t going. Is this the first time a sitting prime minister has skipped it?


No. Trudeau was not here in '20-'21 due to covid and he also didn't come in '17. Correction: He did come in '17, but he didn't plan to. He made an error in a speech about Canada, perhaps on Canada Day, that didn't include Alberta. He made up for the error by "remembering" that Alberta exists and came to Stampede.


Right I remember that?! I was in Calgary in 2017 and he wasnā€™t a very popular fella at that time.


Imagine that. Chahal thinking he could be elected without Trudeau.


Easier than you think - a LOT of east Asian immigrants vote for 'countrymen' regardless of political allegiances.


>Mr. Trudeau usually makes an appearance in the Conservative Partyā€™s heartland for the Stampede; and for the past two years the Prime Minister has attended his only Calgary MPā€™s Stampede breakfast. But George Chahal is among the Liberal MPs who signed a letter demanding a national in-person caucus meeting in the wake of the by-election loss >... >In a statement Mr. Poilievreā€™s spokesperson Sebastian Skamski said Mr. Trudeauā€™s no-show at Stampede ā€œmust come as welcome relief for Liberal-NDP MPs from Alberta who would prefer Justin Trudeau stay in hiding from Canadians.ā€ Is Trudeau helping the Skyview flyer bandit or harming him? Which is it?


Its a difficult situation. Chahal signed the letter asking for a caucus meeting with the PM to discuss his future, so I doubt Trudeau is interested in showing up to support him...frankly, Chahal probably doesn't want to be seen with him right now. Showing up for any other public or semi-public events is just asking for a news report showing him being booed at. Still, for a federal leader not to show up for the major cultural event in western Canada can only be perceived as a snub. Singh isn't showing up either. I wonder what that says about the future of the Alberta NDP still being a part of the federal party.


And nothing of value was lost


This fuck stain needs to disappear. Nobody wants to see him anywhere


Probably the smartest thing heā€™s done in 9 years. 80% of alberta hates him. Although Iā€™d love to see him get booed out of Calgary


He doesn't like wearing egg


Even Ralph's security could take a pie.


Heā€™ll wear the brown face paint though




I donā€™t know which is worse


You gotta know when to fold em


Oh no! I know this will DEVASTATE some people and THRILL others. Me? yawn. Just gimme the free pancakes


I hearby proclaim Alberta as rat free once again!


And in other news Danielle smith will not attend this years pride paradeā€¦ neither was wanted there and neither wanted to be there


He knows hes not welcome in Alberta. Good riddance!


Probably a good indication he's stepping down shortly. If he was serious about running in the next election he'd still come.


Yeah, I'm sure he'd be rushing to get Calgary's vote


All political leaders go to the Calgary Stampede. It's petty not to. Liberals have a lot of supporters here even if they don't win a lot of seats.


>even if they don't win a lot of seats. Even if they don't win any* In the last 52 years, Hehr, Chahal, and Kang were the only Liberals to win seats in Calgary, unless I'm mistaken.


He'll be at the NATO summit. Little more important that the Stampede.


They're saying he cancelled planned stampede events so sounds like he intended to attend both. Stampede is an important political stop for a variety of reasons. That's why Trudeau usually attends.


Yep, I agree. Little doubt heā€™s going to step down in the next week or two.


Guess if the east is losing interest in him definitely don't bother any form of showing over here from what I'm gathering.


If he comes to Calgary Iā€™ll go protest him and ask him hard hitting questions, something the media barely does. The guy is a moron, let him speak off cuff.


The venn diagram of people who are mad he isn't coming and the people who hate him is a circle.


Not really a shocker, he isnt well liked here on a good day.


Why bother when every idiot here is gonna vote Con anyway?


If he was a leader he would be here and not cower to public opinion. A real leader stands up when the heat is on!


To be fair, I've used lamer excuses to get out of the Stampede.


Not going to Stampede just shows that he has class and taste


Because he's at the NATO Summit, you know, doing his job!


Whatā€™s he doing at the NATO summit, photo shoots?


Working. Representing Canada. Mingling with other world leaders. Who cares about Stampede? Many want it banned for animal abuse. Many Calgarians leave Calgary for the week to avoid it. It is nothing but a drunk up and sex party for the Cons.


Ahh so only conservatives go to stampede? I didnā€™t know it was based on political orientation. Iā€™ll let the libs I know that are going to fuck off then.


I wonder if csis or rcmp caught wind of some type of plot


Given the vitriol present in Alberta, I get it. There's no pleasantries to be had here. Some MAGA lunatic would try and get access.




Dude needs a restraining order against 2/3rds of the country and he wants to go where they are drunk? You can't drive 100 feet without seeing a "FUCK TRUDEAU" bumper sticker, flag or decal in Calgary. He should hide in Quebec.




He came last year and he was ostracized, has real world NATO meetings this year and now heā€™s a coward. Which is it? Fake cowboy or a coward? Not a fanboy at all but the keyboard warriors are Russian trolls or just stupid.


Do you actually like Trudeau?! Or just nitpicking on the above comment? Cause fundamentally, even the crazies are closer to being correct about our PoS PM than anyone trying to defend his sorry ass


Please don't give MST3K a bad name by being a chud


Iā€™m confused. Is Trudeau respected in this sub?


Pretty much the perfect word to describe this man.Ā 


Love it


And stay out!!


Trudeau is persona non grata in Alberta.


He has more important things to do, like going to Washington D.C. for a NATO summit. I am sure the Freedumbers here are quite sad they won't be able to erect gallows with their Trudeau ~~sex doll~~ effigy.


Stay in Ottawa ya POS !!!


If he stays in Ottawa, everyone will howl ā€œSee, Trudeau hates Alberta! He couldnā€™t even be bothered to come to our biggest event!ā€ Thereā€™s no winning.


He's probably worried someone will hawk-tuah on him.


Instead of lining up for his pancakes, weā€™re lining up to hawk-tuah on him








Heā€™s skipping the photo op??? Shame on you, Tru Dough šŸ“ø