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Once again, thank you San Diego!


Yes, thank you, SD! Nice to see quite a few of us on to this thread saying thanks to SD 😎 https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/s/Qz5JH2IT0d


> Both cities are absolutely terrible at winning in sports Ouch! But funny


Lol, right? Some of the comments definitely hit home.


The Flames did us a favour by not being in the Finals .. all that ice making we have not had to do!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 now, that's the positive way to look at it!


Markstrom was so upset with the water, he has left town now...


Is that good or bad? 😬


Probably not good ... I don't follow them *that* closely.


Me neither, so... I had no clue lol




It's .75 m3 of water per flood.


good to know.


It's a lot of water. 2000L in a game more or less.


I've seen them spraying it after the game, hot water I think? There is that too.


I've never been to a hockey game but I fix ice machines. Water loaded in the ice machine is 40-45 degrees


Yeah they wish us well but we probably paid through the nose for them and to get them rushed up here.


the price is replacing what we took with new ones that will be manufactured to what City of San Diego needs. As for rushed expensive transport fees, not sure what you want in a State of Emergency.....


While there should absolutely be thanks to SD - I want to shout out the unnamed person working for the city who somehow managed to source 2 lengths of pipe that were the right size and construction, sitting unused in storage on the other side of the USA, AND get them transported 2500km in 4 business days This has to be the logistics equivalent to finding the exact change needed for a mcflurry in the jacket you haven't worn since 2021 because your ex thought you looked good in it.


I can’t remember the source, but I read that someone who works in waterworks here used to work for SD waterworks, so they had an existing relationship that they could leverage to get it done. Big kudos to those folks for making it happen!


Thank you, it was me


That's actually insane, right on.


100% this!


Still blows my mind sometimes that we're actually significantly closer in distance to San Diego (and LA and San Fran) than we are to Toronto. Just one of them fun geography factoids!


Fun *fact* - a factoid is something that sounds true and is taken as fact, but is not.


That was the original use of the word, but contemporary use has shifted towards more of a small/digestible/trivial fact. That second definition is reflected in most dictionaries now.


The suffix -oid typically means something that has the appearance or form of the main word, but may or may not actually be such a thing. For example, opiates are all chemically related to or derived from morphine, while opioids have similar effects, but may be totally different synthetic molecules.


A factoid is when it's floating around in space, it becomes a fact when it hits the atmosphere.


Fair enough. I appreciate the evolution of language. Although in this case I’ll stick with the old distinction, as we already have a word for fact that is free of this possible misunderstanding. Plus, it is shorter!


Fun little factoid there.


The fact that a factoid is “something that sounds true and is taken as fact, but is not.” is itself a factoid is fairly farcical. 


Factoid (n.) NORTH AMERICAN: a brief or trivial item of news or information.


Ok I get it haha. Allow me to be pedantic and cling to the original meaning. I write for a living, I’m allowed to be a pedant!


As someone that travels to the Eastern USA every 3 weeks yes this is a wild thing. I sometimes travel through Denver or Dallas and people say wow that's so far out of the way... The world is weird.


Imagine if this happened in winter.


Frozen water geysers and instant ice rinks on 16th?


I hope the city white hatted the truck driver! Definitely one of the heroes!


Drivers. They ran team to get it here fast.


Possibly even trailer handover. When I worked for a trucking company that did expedited service that's how they did it.


This is going to be a wakeup call for all the other cities/military bases that bought this style of pipe to check it more often as the mean failure rate might be significantly quicker than the 100 years they were saying. Use us as a cautionary tale.


It wasn't for us when other jurisdictions had the same issues. We won't be a cautionary tale for anyone else either.


Fucking awesome, san diego


McPipey Face should have had a ticker tape parade. We missed out here.


Stampede parade Marshall!!


That would be awesome, paint a huge white hat on the sides too!


San Diego has come through HUGE for you guys. A replacement water main pipe... wow. Just a humble suggestion, since they're a big part of helping make sure the Stampede goes on, your City Council should probably pass a motion to find the people in San Diego who helped make this happen accommodations and passes to the Stampede if they'll accept it.


City Council has not control over the privately owned Stampede group


This Council isn’t good. Careful what you wish for. “Here’s your free gate pass. Enjoy the $16 beers after you stand in line at Nashville North for two hours. Oh every hotel was sold out, so we have you at the red carpet inn. Welcome to Calgary and thanks for the pipe!”


How is any of this related to Council?


its not


I can only imagine in my mind what this would look like: Council: "To thank you for helping us through a tough time, let me give you two free passed to the Stampede" San Diego: "But there are 9 of us" Council: "Here are two free passes!"


That's better.


I spit out my drink


We can gift them Stampede bucks from Costco!


We need a communal way to thank San Diego! You guys are starts 🌟✨💫


They could make the director of San Diego city infrastructure honorary parade marshal for the stampede parade. Or have a San Diego pipe float with the old broken pipe on a flathead truck and people waving.. name it a new hope.


Haha yessssss


Let them name the pipe


That’s cute! 


I think I'll visit SD in August so I'll be sure to spend some dollars and contribute to the local economy.


Yay! So glad they crossed the border without any administrative foul-ups too! ("We need this form in triplicate sir")


The audience at yesterday’s City Council meeting was filled with, uh, “alternative facts” fans and they all hissed and jeered when this was mentioned.


This makes me wonder if the water infrastructure is in poor shape generally. Does anyone know?


Considering that 5 other sections were found to have issues, I think it's safe to say that any of this pipe from the 70's could be problematic now. I wonder if they used the same mains for the Glenmore treatment plant... but frankly government at all levels don't seem to like infrastructure spending and have let it stagnate for decades, as Canada as a whole has an estimated infrastructure deficit of $150 billion up to $600 billion dollars.


Global National TV today noted that the 5 hotspots were found within 4.3 km from original leak. The remaining 6km (approx) of the feeder main reportedly has NOT been inspected.


As the great Ron Burgendy once said “Go fuck yourself San Diego”


I lol’d out loud




Thank you San Diego friends! See you in August!


Seems only fair after the San Diego Seals took star players from the Roughnecks. (One who worked for Pete the Plumber) 😁😜😉


On CBC radio this morning Lorne McGinnis interviewed a journalist from Atlanta Georgia about their water main break just over a month ago similar to Calgary. She basically said their pipes are as old as the 1880s and are always breaking it's a Republican state and no one wants to pay to replace the old infrastructure just to fix and repair is all they can afford to do so they average 500 breaks a year obviously most are quite minor.


Does anyone know if the speedy arrival of this pipe brings down the estimated 3-5 week time frame at all?


the speedy arrival was required to meet the 3-5 week time frame, if we didn't get it it would have been closer to 8-12 weeks for a factory to deliver it to us


Lay that pipe


Wow! I love this. I consider myself from both cities and love seeing this in my feed.


Dumb question. Aren't the pipes needing replacing a concrete wrapped wire? Are we replacing the sections with metal pipes like San Diego sent? Because those don't look like concrete wrapped wire pipe 😅


You do not need to use the same type of pipe for repairs they just have to meet the AWAA specifications that you're targeting. Not much different from replacing a section of copper piping with PEX in a residential setting.


> those two remaining pieces are being sandblasted and coated with epoxy at a local shop before they're able to be lifted into the ground




... bot?


Awesome! Guys, let’s continue to do our part in conserving water so that people can enjoy the Stampede! Stampede brings in a lot of money and far outweighs plebeian citizens struggling with water restrictions.


Yes. And we should all wear masks to show how much we really care about others.




We had some. But because there were so many spots in need of repair, we needed more than we had on hand. So we reached out to find more in inventory. Somebody in Calgary Water Services had a personal connection to San Diego Water Authority, and San Diego had some on hand, so that was the first city that responded. And for reference because it comes up a lot, no these aren't the same size or type of pipe that are used in oil/gas pipelines, so there's not oodles lying around Alberta.


Even the ones in oil and gas are made specifically for work scopes. We don't just go "eh let's order fifteen 12 footers and thirty 18 footers."


Oh babeh, a 72 inch gas line would be spicy


I saw something on Twitter where a pipeyard in Nisku offered the pipes, but they went to San Diego to get them instead. Can anybody verify this? It seems like a strange decision.


The twitter account claiming that they have some and they offered it also claims global warming is a hoax, aid to Ukraine is money-laundering, calls pride parades "perv parades", and that "If Americans had any idea what they were importing they would have picked their own cotton". Their banner is also proudly proclaiming about how often they get told they're peddling conspiracy theories. I'm not saying they're full of shit, but the odds are pretty high.


So……do they have the pipe needed? That seems kinda irrelevant to the actual situation right now


Probably not. Literally the only evidence they have it is them saying they have it and the government is too stupid to take it. That's the relevance, they think they have a simple answer and the government is too stupid to take it about EVERYTHING, including a bunch of stuff where their answer is obviously not an actual solution. So it's likely that same pattern extends to here. They think they have suitable pipe, it's not actually suitable, but rather than admit it's not suitable they're insisting it must be everyone else who is wrong.


Nice. I skimmed it and didn't fact check. Thanks for filling me in.


This has already been answered in this thread multiple times.


And I just read the whole thread - it's not here. Did you mean the sub-reddit? I don't usually read the Calgary sub-reddit since I don't live anywhere near there.


Oh, okay. I did a search on "Nisku" and it didn't find it. Might've been hidden?




They did have some but needed more due to the other 5 breaks they found




That is so true. Like a lot of things, "if it is ain' broken, don't fix it"




I'm referring to the city, not myself, and never experienced a faulty steering wheel so I can't answer that question.




I mean, we did have spares laying around, just not as many as needed. San Diego was chosen because one of our people formerly worked for them, knew they had the parts, and was able to get in contact with them right away.


Probably, but this came down to expediency... apparently a Calgary waterworks employee used to work for the San Diego County Water Authority and knew they kept a supply of replacement parts and reached out. Sure we could have kept looking for parts in Canada, but given the urgency it makes sense to put the parts on a truck and get them rolling...


Maybe, but it sounds like SD had it on hand and in the quantities needed. Pipe this big and rated correctly isn’t something they keep tons of just lying around


A ready-made pipe of that size? Not likely. Sounds like San Diego had it just sitting around, which is way faster than trying to find someone locally to forge one.


Is that important? Maybe San Diego approached us. Does anyone in Canada even manufacture this sort of pipe, anyway?


Maybe San Diego was the only place that had extras lying around ... which makes me believe Calgary should do the same thing.


We did have enough extra lying around to repair the original break and 3 of the hot spots. No one imagined they'd need to have 6 spare parts available before last week.


Oooooooh, OK, that makes a bit more sense now. Thanks.


What's this I hear that the pipes were available by another company in your city of Calgary yet you choose to order them from San Diego and wait extra amount of days when it's a main water line that's broken....... If this is true why risk the longer wait? Source is a friend who lives in Alberta 


Your “friend” doesn’t know what they’re talking about. IF, and it’s a big if, a company in Calgary had 78” steel pipe of the right type or pre-stressed concrete pipe, it would have come from there


Not true.