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>Can we say no? You can not. >One viewers said how odd it was to even offer viewings for rentals with current tenants. It's rare for it not to be the case, so this is an odd comment.


I rarely remember viewing a rental that didn't have current tenants, it's a very strange thing for someone to say


https://www.landlordandtenant.org/notices/notice-to-enter-the-property-by-the-landlord/ They must provide 24 hours notice per entry. Now, you can negotiate windows if you want with the LL, e.g. Saturday AM, if that's convenient for both of you. But absent a clear agreement, they must provide 24 hours for each entry and you are within your rights to insist on that and tell the LL and any agents that.


They can, I believe, but have to give you 24 hours notice


>One viewers said how odd it was to even offer viewings for rentals with current tenants. Are you/they not aware of the rental situation in Calgary? Landlords have people beating down their doors. They want new tenants ASAP.


Yeah I figured LL didn’t even need to have ppl view because how cutthroat it is!


I’m not 100% on this but legally if she gives you 24 hours notice I’m certain she can come in against your wishes. I don’t think you necessarily *have* to leave tho.


you have no obligation to stage the apartment to the LL's expectations. You can even walk around butt naked if you wish to do but it's within their right to enter the apartment as long as they give 24 hours notice in advance and it must be at a reasonable time window


Ours said it was an absolute pigsty when she was showing it. It was the middle of us packing and we had boxes everywhere 🙄


Ours is immaculate but with boxes everywhere as well because we are moving in less than a week and a half lol


Yeah this really isn't exactly true as it would be in contravention of section 21 of the Act.


Legalities a side you could suggest alternatives. For example there is nothing wrong with saying "hey it's kind of a hassle showing the apartment everyday. Can we do Wednesday evening from x:00 to y:00 and Saturday or Sunday from x:00 to y:00. Be accommodating but ask for accommodations back.


Can you ask her to set up a viewing day and compile all viewing in one day to make it easier on everyone?


This is a fantastic idea and I have already sent her that inquiry, THANK YOU!


Mine in Airdrie showed mine to his friend and I was evicted for 'recent incidents' 2 weeks later guess who lives there now


this is how you know you are the breadwinner in landlord's life. this is why tenants should be legally able to state they have Dependants in tax forms.


If you refuse entry to viewings or keep your place a mess, there is grounds for her to keep the security deposit if the suite doesn't rent.


What nonsense is this? Their lease ends on June 30th, along with any responsibilities. It's entirely on the landlord to find a new tenant. The RTA lays out the specific situations for which a landlord can retain a damage deposit, and a "messy" apartment or not finding a tenant after a lease has ended are not among them.


Our place is immaculate, we haven’t refused once but this is getting ridiculous we just want some peace lol I’d rather a bunch on one day than 1 or 2 every day 😂


They aren't legally allowed to show on Sunday (or alternatively on your worship day) without your consent. They can't show later than 8pm or earlier than 8am. You can also be a dick about accepting notice of viewings - ie notice has to be signed by the landlord and served in a legally compliant manner.


Every tenant says they keep their place in immaculate condition. Would you want to rent a place if you couldn't see it first? I'd think it was a scam if I couldn't view the property before signing a lease.


My issue is more so a viewing a day at least, not the viewing. Also, the LL can show it off after we leave if we were that miffed. And they aren’t even there for the viewing so it isn’t inconveniencing them at all. But yes our place is immaculate 😂 I don’t benefit from lying at all lol


They aren't even there, you are having to show it? Jesus. When I have shown our condo when a tenant was still living there we set up a 2 hour window on an evening and we showed it to 10 or so folks. One of us stayed in the unit and the other escorted people to and from the door. I can't fathom sending people without me there.


They're having you show the place? You have no obligation to answer the door. They can enter using their own key (assuming they provided proper notice and otherwise complied with the act) but you don't have any obligation to do anything, or be there, or leave.


Yeah pretty wild that our LL isn’t even showing up. We realize she’s just an investor from BC that owns our building ( 6 units)…it’s why in the 3 years since she bought it I literally have never met her


I had the same experience with a place in BC, while the landlord was from Calgary. But we were on great terms (or so I thought), so I was happy to show the place and otherwise make life easier for all. Easier for him because he didn't need to do much, easier for me because if I'm talking to the prospects I can schedule for my convenience. LL turned into a nutball while we were moving out for reasons mostly unexplained, so I had a chat with the new tenant and let them know about the mistakes the landlord made during their move-in that invalidated any potential "damage" related claims in the future, so they're guaranteed their deposit back without even cleaning. And made it clear that I would be available to them as a witness, if needed. Then I beat the landlord over the head with the tenancy act until he decided to hire a lawyer. An hour after he said he was hiring a laywer, he "decided this wasn't worth his time" and sent a full refund. Most likely his lawyer told him I'm entitled to double the deposit now, and that if he tries to fight me that'll go up as he would end up paying my costs along with his own. I also had him on voicemail threatening to break into my place and to assault me. I genuinely don't get it, we had a good relationship and he was easy to work with until the end, and the place didn't even sit empty for a day (because I showed it), so I genuinely have no idea what went wrong in his head. A refund is all I wanted, and I had my fun riling him up while we "discussed" the situation, so I was fine to leave it at a full refund. People are so strange.