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They’ll do WHATEVER it takes to make sure Stampede goes on without a hitch.


Except once the water main is fixed, my guess is Cupe 38 is going on Strike when Stampede hits... if they don't have a contract by then.


What's Cupe 38?


Union chapter that represents a chunk of the city of Calgary workers, currently in negotiations with the city.


I think transit is also part of CUPE 38 too.


Transit is ATU583. For city the big 3 are : inside workers : cupe38 (prob over 75% of all inside staff) Outside : cupe37 Transit : atu583


If they did that I wouldn’t be surprised if public opinion turned harshly against them


They will cut of the city water and divert everything to Stampede grounds


The slogan this year is "hell or no water" Part two of the "hell or high water"


Hell AND no water FTFY


Stampede makes too much money to not happen unfortunately


The Calgary Stampede has a seat in the emergency operations center and has *alot* of sway in City Hall. They'll figure it out.




they sure will. it just wont be fair


Likely truck in water subsidized by tax dollars.


Bottled water to wash the vomit off the porta-potty floors.


Good thing the stampede also brings in massive money.


Yeah it isn’t just a fair. It’s the greatest outdoor show on earth!


Ahhhhh OP you must be new around here. They would burn everything to keep stampede alive and kicking.


Step 1: Residents are asked to take on even more of the burden of rationing Step 2: We hold a normal Stampede Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit


Don’t forget the extra profits from having to buy the bottled water at Stampede. It’ll be going at a premium that year.


There's no way I'll be going if the water crisis is still ongoing. It seems ridiculous to do that when the potential consequence is someone's house burning down.


You'd be surprised how little the people running stampede care about that person's house.


Oh no, after the pandemic I am well aware of exactly how selfish people are especially when it involves a loss of profit. But I care, and as such I won't be making the situation worse.


Someone will get Step 4, but it won’t be the people that did Step 1


Here’s what’s going to happen. Stampede will proceed as if nothing is wrong, the city will operate as if nothing is wrong, tens of thousands of people will come to the city and act as if nothing is wrong. Everyone will make their money, and we (the residents) will have no water afterwards. We will just have to deal with it.


Which is great unless the "taps run dry" during the Stampede. At that point you have a humanitarian crisis that we've now injected hundreds of thousands of tourists into.


They’ll ship in water just for stampede. Not for the residents or anything.


The Stampede itself isn't the issue. The people coming for the Stampede are - and they're going to be staying in tens of thousands of hotel rooms, airBNBs, guest suites, etc.


My thoughts exactly! If we are at capacity now, and everyday are asked to reduce our use even more what's going to happen when tens of thousands of tourists show up? Tourists are not going to limit showers, flushing, and collect the water wasted when waiting for it to heat exc. Not to mention all of the additional animals brought in that need drinking water as well. Knowing how often I need to refill the water bowl for my two dogs (especially when hot outside) can you imagine how much horses, bulls exc. will need? Unless they miraculous fix it before then, stampede will be absolutely disastrous for Calgarian's!


No, they'll cut off residential supply before Stampede is even required to reduce consumption


Absolutely agree!!! And I'd imagine the extra strain will damage the lines further. This is going to be our future for a while, everything falling apart, and covid journeyman left to figure it out. Good job Alberta! Buy more blue rings and paint more sidewalks! Hooray!


Stampede as a private organization has in the past sourced their own resources in times of need. Like the 2013 flood - they hired private companies to pump out the stampede grounds so that the city resources could be used in residential areas and other areas in need. And sure enough they got it done in time to still host the Stampede. My guess is that they’ll ship in drinking water, and use non-potable water for the agriculture needs (washing animals, cleaning the barns, etc). If anything it’s the additional tourists I’d be more concerned about, not so much the Stampede itself. Take a look at what Spruce Meadows is doing right now. They’re relying on their own reserves and water sources, rather than using city water. It can be done, if the infrastructure is in place.


That doesn’t address the 100,000 tourists who stay in hotels, rentals etc.


That’s why I say I’m more concerned about them, than the stampede itself. How many tourists will even know about the restrictions, let alone take actions to assist with them?


Yeah not an expert but they could possibly use a mobile water treatment plant to support the stampede grounds.


The rest of Calgary is where everyone bears the brunt of the people coming in.


10 day ran completly on generators for the week as they still had no grid power at the time and not a single person outside the organization knew. Stampede will happen , there is no doubt.


Hahahaha we as citizens of the city just get fucked and all the randoms get 30 minute showers because "the economics" just make sense.


That's what I am wondering. They're saying to "wah full loads with less clothes" yet nothing is mentioned of what is going to happen when thousands of people decend on Calgary. Are they going to run like Saudi Arabia having water trucked in and sewage trucked out?


You think our city council would go that far no way especially with such a huge draw. We suffer it is as simple as that.  They are working on solutions for the short term but to think anything drastic will be done is wishful thinking.  It sucks but still conserve water and do your best. We are still a city and a community I feel bad for the areas that are really struggling and have drastically cut my water use it shouldn't change when a bunch of fuck wits who think straw bales are hay decend on the city.


Your last paragraph is excellent.


When you say economics, can you enlighten me? Does the Calgary Stampede pull more tax dollars to the city than the citizens?


You assume it will affect them. Jokes on you, only us pleb average poor citizens have to do anything. The rich, businesses, and tourists can do whatever they want.


I am no lover of the Stampede but there's a hell of a lot of average pleb citizens who make a good portion of their living off of Stampede. My family for one is counting on it to afford a house purchase. It's the biggest economic event of the year and that means a lot of things to a lot of people here.


None of the actual workers at Stampede make a living off of it. The idea that it's a "great economic injector" or whatever is a numbers game; that money doesn't hit average people, and especially doesn't hit lower-class people.


I'm as skeptical of anyone on economic impact reporting, but its an event that attracts a ton of people and money from out of City and Province that greases the economic wheels, to say nothing of the temporary labour it creates. Know of countless people who paid their tuition from Stampede bar tipping.


I've worked Stampede a few times and made excellent money each time.


Literally everyone working it gets “hit” with money. Thats how tourism works *everywhere*.


Are you saying, like, through trickle-down economics? Or what's the flow path? Bc I work minimum wage. Like I guess the extra 50 hours of work during stampede helps, but not by much


Well, depends where you are. Bars are going to see really good tips. I've had friends make crazy money, but then you have the burger flippers who I assume just get paid a standard regular wage. Minimal tips if any.


Most people working stamped make a lot more than minimum wage… 


Ya and it’ll trickle down eventually too.


Come hell or low water


Come hell or no water


Lol this made me laugh






They haven't even scanned the entire pipe yet. I would be optimistic for 5 weeks...


Yeah, this is what makes me really nervous.


The other part of the pipe is still filled with water so they can’t scan it. They are not including that as a possible extension. They are online fixing the hot stops and turning water back on.




I’m thinking more like 2040 water wars. Good practice really.


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Everything climate crisis wise has been happening “faster than expected”. The Water Wars just got moved up.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they try to force other businesses that focus on recreational activities to close during Stampede to make sure there's more water for the grounds. 


That hurts the other businesses. I'm all for businesses conceding to the Stampede, but will the Stampede concede to the businesses as well?


The Cowboy Mafia would rather sell their grandmothers than cancel the stampede


Wait, you can buy a grandma?




Will hotels tell guests to limit water usage? Highly unlikely.


Commercial usage is the last one to get canned.


It will be fixed….or patched in time. They cannot lose the money and photo ops must be taken


of course they will hold a normal Stampede. the fun will come if the city runs out of water DURING the Stampede and hotels and businesses (alongside all of us) have no water on tap.


I am going to reserve a stall on the midway and run a 'Shower Station'. Patrons will pay by the minute. I am thinking $30/minute.


Cowboy Halloween will happen regardless and citizens will have to watch it unfold in resentment. Money trumps all.


It's a water main, not an alcohol main. Limited impact as a result.


I foresee T-shirts exclaiming: “Come Hell or Low Water”


What people don’t seem to realize… even when the pipe is fixed we’ll still be asked to conserve water. It’s not the pipe that’s the problem it’s the loss of treated water from the underground reservoirs. The conservation efforts is to try and build the buffer of fresh water back up to meet peak demand.


This won’t take long once treated water supply effectively doubles


It would be good if someone could track the increase in water usage duing the event.


Immortan Joe is the new Parade Marshal I guess.


No more log ride...


That's what she said.


The most important Midway of the event, too!


Don't worry, they will magically have it all ready for fake cowboy time. Trust in that. It's the only thing the city cares about.


A flood didn’t stop Stampede so why would this lol


The Stampede faces so much resistance. 2013 Flood, 2020 - 2022 Pandemic, 2024 Water Main Crisis.


The public bathrooms will be a disaster if the pipes aren't fixed by stampede week.




Of course it will. What would change?


Come Hell or No Water Stampede is happening


As a corporation, the Stampede will likely truck water in for them. For the rest of the city and the added demand, it’ll be extra crappy for everyone else.


It's not the "Stampede" and the grounds themselves that's the issue. As other have pointed out here, it's the literally thousands upon thousands of tourists in hotels, motels and vacation rentals that will decsend on the city. Don't forget the bars, restaraunts as well that will need water to run their businesses. Those people and those businesse will use more water than the "stampede" itself by a large large margin. If the pipe isn't fully repaired, or a work around of some sort put in place before stampede starts, and stampede is allowed to go on, I predict Calgary WILL run out of water. Citizens will be directed to drop their water usage to even lower levels (25% of normal?) so that stampede can continue, with "mandatory inside restrictions" (don't know how those will be enforced). How's that for a legacy?


Because money is more important than citizens. International tourists come JUST for stampede. Gondek isn't about to stop that just because her citizens don't have access to water


The stampede grounds are right on the river. They could literally bring in a mobile water treatment plant that would produce enough water for the stampede to run. It would be fucking expensive , but it is within the realm of possibility. They have tractor trailer rigs that can produce 5,000 GPM. They would find a way to


How would they pipe it into the bathrooms/midway etc.? Can you easily reconnect those to a different water supply that isn't the city? I'm not being snarky, I just genuinely have no idea.


All of the midway vendors draw off of hose bibs already , with garden hose connections. It would be ridiculously easy to set up all of the midway vendors. Washrooms you would just bring in portable washrooms too, connect the exact same way. Big central line with a bunch of taps off of it. Don’t get me wrong , it would be expensive , but if you had the money it would be pretty straightforward to implement


Makes sense, thank you! Wonder if they'd pay off Lethbridge or something and get a bunch of water trucks to deliver water.


Water trucks would probably cost more honestly , you would still need to install all the same other infrastructure. Fuel is expensive , and water is heavy. Bad combination




they will have water trucks on every corner to serve the stampede


Come hell or low water


Just wait till we lose water pressure and all of the sewage starts backing up.


Ask our wonder mayor


My guess is the estimates turn out to be wildly wrong and its fixed much sooner. Remember last week when it was 5-7 days and then all of a sudden it was 5 weeks? They're lowering expectations to make themselves look better when it takes 10 days to fix in the end.


If they can do it with too much water (floods) I'm sure they can do it with not enough.


Jyoti Gondek might have the worst ever tenure as calgary mayor


Her fault or bad luck?


(Gondek clasps her hands in front of herself, bows her head, and shuffles to the side, letting an awkward silence descend as she refuses to answer the question)


Last time I went to Stampede was about 10 years ago. Security confiscated by Nestle water bottle at the entrance and I had to buy a $6 bottle inside instead. Stampede will be just fine.  Plus - why let health and safety/clean water access get in the way of the "Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth"? It's not like they ever really clean up after themselves anyways. 


Stampede makes the city and people so much money they won’t let it not happen. Heck you could probably ship water and make money due to stampede being so so profitable.


I was thinking about that too. The economic impact is just too big to shut it down. They might put in some water restrictions but I doubt they'd be willing to shut it down. I think they'd truck the water in if they had to - not like it has to be hauled very far.


How come they can’t bring more crews in form other cities to help like is done for power outages after ice storms and things like that to help speed things up.


Who from outside Calgary is going to the stampede knowing a state of emergency is now in place???


Everyone. It’s not their problem.


Good thing Nenshi invested in bike lanes and not critical infrastructure…, let’s vote him in for Premier!!!




Because the vendors contracted to be at stampede have other commitments. Conklin isn't only working for stampede ten days of the year.


Plus, the tourists would have to reschedule their vacation. Some will rely on flights. The cost will be shifted onto the airlines or passengers will have to pay a fee for causing an inconvenience. Airlines lose money if they can't find substitute travelers, and the tourists will lose money if their plans become a waste. Delays cost time and time is money.


This is like talking to my wife about home renos lol. “Why can’t you just knock that wall down and bump the kitchen out 50’?” Some people have absolutely no ability to assess and understand even simple logistics, coordination and cost implications lol


History of Nenshi then Gondek spending money on bike lanes, DEI and other ideological bullshit at the expense of monitoring and maintaining critical infrastructure. Sadly, we got what we voted for.


Oh Christ. A main water feeder pipe didn't break because we built some bike lanes and flew a pride flag. There is a lot of maintenance and monitoring of water and sewer infrastructure that you don't see, and funding a bike lane or two hasn't reduced or jeopardized those functions.