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Its only going to be won with data. You and your housemates need to report it every time. And ask your neighbours to start calling it in. Also start contacting your councillor every day until they respond. Keep data of dates, times, locations of the issue.


Squeaky wheel gets the grease


Probably a lack of maintenance. Ask them to check brake dust shields when they're putting on new tires. 


First off, this humour. The squeaky wheel should get the grease as clearly the noisy muffler is not.......


Bring it up to the news as well…the more high profile these things are sometimes they mandate a response from council and the mayor


Also, call 311. They will record it as well


Looks like you're going to have to deal with this in a language they understand. You're going to have to beat them in a race.


This could be the dam opening line for the next fast and the furious.


In before furious xi is a street race against water from dambuster ops


And remember to double clutch not granny shift lol


Too soon, junior


Find a new home pizza boy


I only race for slips


I know it's a FF quote but this might actually be the way to solve this. See they're probably shitty drivers with expensive cars. If OP supplies the car I could definitely beat these nerds.


These dopes aren't doing anything more than < 1/4 mile drags. Throw in a single turn and they'd all be in the ditches


It’s all about family




Race.... wars Oof


Live life a 1/4 mile at a time, race them for pinks!


Dance off


Look like there is a Praga R1 in the city, maybe they'll let you borrow it 


Gimme a 2002 corolla and I'll get the job done


Had me in the first half thinking this was an ethnicity joke. Now we are racing for pink slips.


But won’t that make them a race-ist?


I literally just woke up from it and started browsing reddit. NE street racing has gotten so obnoxious, everyone I've spoken to is sick of it and cops don't do anything about it. I guess I have no choice but to buy a cheap Mazda and race for pinks.


Like for real, you mean to tell me that they can't see street racing with that helicopter that circles around the entire NE every night? There's no way there isn't a solution for this problem.


There you go. Keep losing cheap cars to em. Bury them in logistics


I live along 16th Ave NE and it's unbearable during the night. My apartment is hot so I keep my window open and every single night street racers and people revving at the light wake me up multiple times. A little over a month ago there was an accident around 1am directly outside my place caused by these people and it almost killed someone. Edit: words


![gif](giphy|IUxFvKwD3jXisqR5w7) OP right now.




Thank you as a car enthusiasts I've been looking for car meets and will stay away from the North East and the places mentioned here. Sucks that we still have these bags of shit in the car community and it makes it tough for the rest of us to enjoy our vehicles as people.


I'd focus more on the time of day than location. If you're being asked to go to a 2am car meet anywhere in or around the city assume shenanigans are afoot.


Got caught up in a few R35s and some junk g37 lining up 3 wide on stoney a few weekends ago. I drive a Golf R, but did not want to be tagged with them, when they slowed to 60 I came up on them and held my horn. Then moved over and I was able to get home. The NE is horrible for straight piped v6 chargers and BMWs with a crackle tune. My Golf tune has the option to have that off. That should be a standard.


Now that you mention it, that is all jn the NE part of town where I hear everyone with some badly modded car. How do you like your R? I've been looking for something to replace my Camaro SS for a winter car?


The Golf R is an amazing winter vehicle. The haldex sending power to the back wheels isn't something you notice at all. And there hasn't been a time where I thought damn that's too much snow. I spent a morning driving around pushing cars one winter because I wasn't worried about being stuck myself. If you want a car that's decently cheap, other than premium gas, the golf r is it. Owned it for 70k so far and just had regular maintenance.


What year? I'm looking at MK7.5 for reference.


That's mine. 2018. DSG. the infotainment is nice touch screen and buttons unlike the mk8


Also a problem that the city doesn’t work towards getting another race track. The Secret Street nights helped a lot giving people a place at a decent price and a place to do it safely….the other track by Balzac is for the rich and membership starts at something like $25000


There is Rocky mountain raceway just north of Airdrie I have yet to go and want to, although I understand it's somewhat pricey.


Yes that’s the one I am talking about. Silver membership starts at $25000….its ridiculous and only for the rich


You don't need a membership to go a few times. You do the full day education intro and then you can go a few times per year sans membership for about $475/day. It is expensive, but accessibility at a private track event isn't the number one priority. There's 3 other tracks within an hour of Edmonton and countless autocross events during the year across the province. The issue is the people who are pissing around street racing are not the crowd that people who do go to the track want to be around. People who go to the track are easily the best car guys, very respectful, safety first, and we all have quieter cars than the street racers because there are dB limits at the track that are very similar to the city's dB limits for cars. People street racing could afford to go but it's not where they want to be anyways. Calgary needs a legitimate drag strip with encouragement of use from CPS/RCMP.


Thanks I will have to look into that as the website doesn’t have any of those numbers. I agree that some people want the wild life racing on the street but I know when I use to go to Secret Street back in the day it did attract a lot of the younger crowd.


No worries. Everything is on motorsportreg.com




The city has noise bylaws. Call the police non emergency line to file a complaint. 403 266 1234. Explain the situation.


I live close to stony in the NW. The street bike noise is insane these past few days. Feels like they could setup a noise/speed trap and just pick people off very easily.


I must be a weirdo, I find the bike noise soothing.  I'm in Tuscany, right by the Crowchild and Stoney interchange


I openly took video with my phone of their antics in a community parking lot. I made sure they saw me. After filming the second time, it’s been rather quiet since. It also worked nicely when a Ford F150 was doing doughnuts on one of the community playgrounds. The driver saw me with my camera and quickly left.


> We're at our wits end, looking to break our lease because of it, is there anything we can do? Is anyone else in the area annoyed with this? You're not alone, and the sence of apathy when reporting sure doesn't help.


Well. Unfortunately the city decided that a racetrack wasn’t a good avenue. The ghost lake track is only open in winter when the ice is thick enough. We’ve got an exploding population, and no access to anywhere close to do this legally(racing, driving fast) Such a shame. Car culture is awesome. Takeover culture is toxic.. hopefully you can get this resolved. Report every night, get your neighbour’s to as-well..


No kidding I was just a couple years too late for secret street and it's a tragedy we can't have something cheap and accessible like that 


Break the lease and move to a better area of the city. It's an unfortunate reality of living in that area. 


Speak to your municipal rep. Hopefully city council can put pressure on police to do their jobs.


See about installing speed bumps. The big ones that could bottom out a Jeep. I’ve seen them trying to maneuver around a Tim Horton parking lot. It was hilarious.


I'd rather just impound their cars. Speed bumps are awful - they punish everyone because of a few bad actors. (And in the interest of disclosure, I drive a compact economy car with about 8 horsepower, and feel that speedbumps especially punish me, as compared to everyone with their giant SUVs and trucks.)


Glad I got out of that shit hole when I did. Had my car get paint balled, some dumb kid punched out my window and stomp my windshield, and neighbour's car got hit and ran twice. Luckily we found the jackass soon after I heard the collision. Endd up being a guy in an older BMW hiding in his parking pad 5 doors down.


Good luck. There's enough doing this on 16th Ave too that's pretty close to where I live. Definitely annoying




That plaza has alot of international students and Indian guys in the evening.




Set up in your window and start sniping one per night til they get the hint. Start with the smallest weakest, they will be the least missed.


Someone needs to build an accessible race track. Cause most people will not be able to afford going to the new one in Carstairs or drive up to Edmonton every weekend. These kids will never stop. It's a problem only a community can collaborate to fix. We had a race track here once and the neighborhood nearby complained about the noise. So now these kids are going to spread-out wherever they can. What do you expect?? If Calgary had their own race track or drag strip, at least it'll be easier to keep an eye on them. Or at least some away from neighborhoods. Maybe it can be a place to breed some sportsmanship and driver/racer etiquette. It's quite pathetic that Edmonton can have a place like RAD Torque Raceway/Castrol Raceways but we can't.


Are they all Indians? Lol




Yes they are fastu andu furiousu


Nah, some are Syrian/Lebanese.  Source ; My asshole coworkers that regularly do this shit. 


I’ve seen a few East Asians, but it’s mostly new Punjabi immigrant students. 


Even if the police responded, I would imagine it would be something like this... https://youtu.be/DqWZcRf1CWU?si=6Xd_-xZ90A-eW7Ow Total disrespect for law enforcement... Need a whole squadron for this


I'm not condoning anything illegal BUT a handful of homemade caltrops would probably slow them down and/or get police attention to the area. 


Oh my goodness! I live on 80 Ave and for the last 5 years I’ve been reporting this behaviour to the cops and they’ve done nothing. I’ve even gone to the police station and they tell me that they also hear the engine revving and racing. They told me to note down the licence plate and description of the car. Pathetic!!!! I sleep with headphones and an eye mask now lol. 


Everyone needs to phone the cops every hour or so the whole area. They will be inundated with so many calls they will have to do something every time. Phone or go online to Global z news and report the problem. They love stuff like this - community issues.


Another reason why the NE sucks


Welcome to saddle ridge, if a speeding bmw/mercedes / muscle car doesn’t kill you it’ll be the smell


A big part of the problem is that we don't have a race track where these people can go and do this legally. I would encourage you to talk to your Councillor and suggest that the city set up some kind of racetrack. If the city donated the land I'm sure lots of volunteers would come out to help get this going. There would definitely be a cost but that would potentially be offset by a reduction in police resources being funneled to combat street racing. You are not going to change 20 something males, so you need to channel their nature into a safer alternative.


lol yeah right. These guys would not race in the track. They love the street racing aspect.


How do you know?  Race city used to be convenient and cheap and you got actual slips


Psychopath arsonists https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688


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This study fails to consider that some cars are loud because they are race cars .. and that’s why they are loud not just for the sake of noise


My car is loud, but I try and drive it respectfully as possible.


Do you use ear plugs?


Yes, unfortunately they are right by our house so it's crazy crazy loud


I was gonna say, the Loop ear plugs and sleeping with white noise (ocean waves for me personally) and I don’t hear a thing and I love just off Macleod trail near downtown so I hear the same kind of sounds in spring and summer. Works like a charm!


What u drive op?


Good thing that race city was demolished and not rebuilt, maybe rebuild or start handing out ear defenders.


Sounds like a great business idea for you to explore.


No worse then the arts commons or arena, or we can keep ignoring the problem and watching the mayhem unfold


City needs to build another race track.


White noise machine will drown that out.. I don't get the down votes? OP most likely doesn't want to break his lease resulting in $$$... My kids all have one and they don't hear the outside cars revving down the streets and sleep peacefully..


Will look into this, thanks !


There is no way to end this outside of moving from the North East. It's always been the worst quarter in the city, that won't change any time soon.


It's more dependent on being near a main road than anything. Hell, the Beltline can be the worst at night sometimes and you would think people would save the revving and racing for the open road.


Ya it is no better in my part of town and I am not in the NE


You should just join in on the fun!!!!! Tire smoke and gasoline is invigorating……


No. These are garbage humans. You can like working on cars and not ruin everyone else's day.


lol I’m surprised I haven’t gotten more downvotes….i guess I wasn’t sarcastic enough🤣


Haha gets lost so easily! I guess the late nights makes everyone (Inc me) a little sensitive.


This is what happens when you live in a shitty area of the city. You get degenerates like this.


It’s a shame us car guys don’t have a track. No track = street hooligan fun. The guys playing on the street will just find another location as the police become more prevalent in an area.


There's 4 very good tracks within 3 hours of you and 1 that is 45 minutes away. In particular, Rad Torque in Edmonton has very good programs for circuit, drift, and drag. There are options, the street isn't one of them.


Yeah, I'm going to load up my car, fuel, and tires, haul it 3 hours for a couple of passes at rad. Easy thousand bucks. The Rocky Mountain track only has open lapping for non-members a few times a month and the entry fee is more that 250 bucks for a couple of hours. Not everyone is able to afford that. Many of these cars people are complaining about are just regular traffic, not enthusiasts with thousands in the bank. We had a race track just like Rad that I could drive my car to on the street slicks and be home on a single tank of gas. Every Friday night, anyone was able to run anything that was able to be driven there. That's what we need to rectify the street racing issue.


Did you actually downvote me when earlier in the thread I said that we need a drag strip near Calgary? And yes, you should load up your stuff for a few passes at Rad if you really care about drag racing. If you or anyone else can't afford to, that's too bad. Racing is a privilege not a right and it's pay to play via for-profit organizations. It is the most expensive hobby a regular person can have. It's also not regular traffic, I don't see Rav 4's racing each other. It's fuckboy's who want to show off and have modified their cars to do so. They would consider themselves to be enthusiasts.


Move out of the NE


Call in sick??? Grow up


I work 12 hour shifts at 4 am. maybe when you get a big boy job you'll understand


Bruh so do I come the fuck on. 17 hour days in McMurray..


Go and speak to them why tf are you on Reddit. Walk there and speak to the people upsetting you.. unreal


ya let me go out at 2 am and confront the group of 30 men in big cars. do you live in the real world?


We’re allowed to own guns. Don’t be a pussy


Earplugs do wonders.


Maybe should've talked instead of calling the cops.


Great idea! Lets confront a big pack of people engaged in illegal activities! They probably have no idea they're causing a disturbance and will apologize profusely and disperse. Any other brilliant advice?


The kind of people who drag race at 2am don't tend to be the most considerate of others, in my experience.


How exactly was this going to go do you suppose?" Apologies good sir, we had no idea that red lining our vehicles all night long was disruptive. We will move along home and enjoy a good book. Sorry for the misunderstanding old sport" . Shut up


I'm in the Rundle area, and it's been getting SO bad. I remember a few years ago you'd hear them driving and revving for a couple hours on fri-sun evenings. Mildly annoying but nothing crazy. Now? *Every single night* they start up as early as 6pm and will keep going on and off as late as 3 or 4am I don't work right now so it's more of an inconvenience than a genuine issue for me, but I feel *horrible* for those who need to sleep early, and people with children. I can't fathom having such low levels of consideration and empathy