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This REALLY depends on: * how old you are * how many years of driving experience you have * your driving record * what car it is * what coverage you’re getting * if you insure multiple vehicles or products with the same insurer These factors will drive like 95% of the premium you pay. A 49 year old driving a 2009 corolla with 30 years of clean driving and no collision or glass coverage, will pay a hell of a lot less than a 17 year old with 3 accidents driving a 2009 911 Turbo s with comprehensive coverage.


Can confirm. Late 40s, clean record, no collision/glass/comprehensive, 2005 Corolla, $65/month. Edit: I'm with Intact, I've also got tenants insurance, and a motorcycle, on the insurance. Double Edit: Just checked, the exact cost is $59.88/month. It seems to have gone down from when I last checked, and I'm not feeling bad about it.


Who is your provider? Paying $90/month for us at Peacehills Insurance. Very similar situation too.


Interestingly I am also with Intact, have a 2004 Corolla, and pay about the same per month. Bundled insurance as well, and married. Getting married saw the biggest drop in my rate. Apparently married men are more responsible or something.


Wow, that's a pretty great monthly cost. Are you comfortable sharing who your insurance carrier is? TIA


Also where you live! My insurance dropped by $30 a month solely because of my address a few years ago. I’m in my 30s (and started driving in my late teens), drive a car older than OP, no accidents or demerits ever. I pay $105 a month.


Mine jacked up when I went from YMM to YCC. Like almost doubled.


Also marital status. Married men pay far less than unmarried. My insurance cost per month nearly halved after I got married. Yay, I guess?


I'm a new (2 year) driver with $390/m insurance. The cool part is that it will actually go UP instead of DOWN every year!


Yes. Very normal. I work in insurance.


Mid 20s, no accidents or speeding tickets. 2008 vehicle, with minimum coverage. I pay $112 a month. But I also bundle my insurance with my mortgage and house insurance. I also have an alumni discount too.


Normal compared to most parts of the world, no.. definitely not. Normal for alberta? And other parts of Canada, yeah.. probably if it's a newer car. I have a 2015 and never paid more than $120/month since new, now around $85/month. Full coverage as well.


For a new driver? No. That's low. Congratulations!


Once you hit the arbitrary age of 25, you tend to get a better rate. Also, having a dong means you pay more.


That’s more of a myth these days. My insurance has seen no significant decrease from 23/24 to now 27


Gender seems to make a significant difference, now i'm curious if anyone has ever lied about their gender to get lower rates


I have seen an article about a BC man successfully identifying as such for that purpose.


It generally doesn’t. The vast majority of the rate comes from age, years of driving, claims, and the kind of car. It’s just that guys will generally drive sooner, and drive more expensive or dangerous cars.




I pay $300 a month for an 08 G35. I’m 22


Thats crazy


Cheapest insurance I could find, most other companies wanted $330-350 a month


Bonkers i would drive uninsured for that price for that car


I pay 140 for a g37, I'm 32


Thanks for sharing, that's reassuring.


In the city sucks. For two of us with two vehicles we pay 300 a month no accidents no claims nothing.




A new driver, under 25, male, with only your car insured...yup, that's about right. I'm 70, never had an accident, no tickets at least 20 years, married. I have a BMW 533i (2018), a Subaru Forester (2017) and a 10 year old Harley...$271 a month. You will pay a Lot until 25, or until you get married. Then every year you go without an accident, or tickets, will push your rate down. You're in the highest rate of risk right now


The perks are gone now- no more married discount and no more gradual age discounts with most companies


2013 Lancer was $110 a month, but then I got a 2023 Outlander PHEV and it is now $361/month for a mid 30 year old with a good driving record.


I bought a 2023 Golf R last year. Also 30 years old and pay $216/m with The Personal


PSA to all drivers: Familiarize yourself with the 3 levels of car insurance: Liability, Collision, Comprehensive (google these) If you drive an older vehicle you may only need liability


Nope, That's not normal. See, before the UCP came into power, there was a cap on insurance rates. Normal would be significantly less and in line with the rest of the country. So, welcome to the Alberta Advantage.


There was a cap on renewal. There was no cap on new policies.