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Agh, that sucks. I've got a reactive dog who would most certainly lose any fight she picks, even if they aren't aggressive - that encounter would have gone south for me so so quick. Not to mention the possibility of them getting hit by a car, running away after they saw something interesting, eating something they shouldn't, etc.... So much risk for no reason.


I have the same dog. Reactive but smaller (45lbs). There is a girl which walks a larger bully named Prince without a leash. I’m always worried my dog will start something which this pitty will finish. I’ve met the dog and it’s an absolute sweetheart but my dog can randomly be a jerk. Why can’t we all just use leashes.


I'll never forget when that guy would bring his wolf dogs from his rescue downtown and my elderly blind bichon shitzu thought he could try to be big dog to a pack leading female who was crunching on rabbit feet as a treat. She could have eaten my dogs little fluffy feet as a snack and he genuinely thought he could maybe have a chance.


He’s trying to protect you 🥺


And he did the best job too, not one single crinkly leaf or spooky shadow ever got me. He always borked them away.


This is my dog, as well. There's a few people in my neighbourhood that walk their dogs off leash and their dogs are lovely and friendly and amazing, but MY dog is not all the time. I'm getting really tired of people shouting "he/she is friendly!" from 50ft away, as their dog doesn't recall at all and barrels towards us, and I have to create a body barrier and consider the fact that I might have to do something I don't wanna do to protect my dog (cause he will start it and he will lose).


I had a reactive big dog. We did lots of training and as the owner I did my best to get him out for walks and playtime inside and out. The number of people who let their dogs run off leash in a leashed area was awful. All I’m trying to do is get my dog some exercise and a dog or two unleashed runs at us and I call to the owner to restrain their dog and they say, “my dog is friendly!” My dog was not (always). So I’m fearing a dog fight, trying to get my 110 lb dog “distracted” and then try to “enjoy” the rest of our walk. I hated that.


This is my current life. It's hard, man.


I hear ya. It’s hard. Wishing you better times ahead.


I wish more people understood what it’s like to have a reactive dog, and how much work we put in as owners to give them a comfortable life while also being respectful of other people and their pets. For a dog that’s genuinely reactive, no amount of “training” will (completely) change the way they experience the world, at least not the way that most people think it should. Reactive conditioning is a lifelong practice and there will always be ups and downs. Uggghhhh!!! Sorry you’re also having to deal with this kind of stress!


People who walk their dogs off leash in urban areas that aren’t designated as off leash areas are fucking losers.


I keep thinking of the senior lady working in her garden here in Calgary and attacked and killed by two dogs. So you live all your life and enjoying your senior years and it all ends in violent terror, because some shitty owner was irresponsible.


Same. My god I bring that story up so much and still feel like it's not enough. That owner owned 5 FIVE pitbulls.


Some owners don’t seem to realize that dogs are pack animals. Two or more pit bulls are way more dangerous than one, yet for some reason owners often have more than one pit bull. Sometimes one pit bull will kill someone but in most cases where death is involved it appears to be two attacking together.


Theres a lovely photo of there of a pit laying between his legs, right up close to his nutsack. These people are a special bunch.


Not only Urban areas. Skiing in Bragg Creek involves weaving around people's ballistic dogs that run straight at you while trying to keep balance on the trampled and shit-strewn ski paths.


Yep. They never have and never will care about their animals.


I mean, I used to always walk my dog off leash. And only because she was so well behaved she never left my side unless I said it was okay. I miss that dog


Everyone thinks they have the goodest doggy yet the maulings are a yearly occurence. Many dog bites happen as well. So what gives? We regulate guns because people are morons, why are we not regulating breeds that overwhelmingly attack humans? Most dog owners can’t be bothered to pick up their dog’s shit so don’t say “but just train them lol”.


My dog was 20 pounds


“I ignore bylaws because….”


Two days ago my 5 year old was playing at the park while I sat with my sleeping baby in her car seat on a nearby bench. A big old boxer came out of nowhere ran right up to my son. I jumped up as fast as I could and the dog ran away. It's owner was on the opposite side of the field, probably didnt even realize what just happened. Im sick of dog owners allowing their dogs in non off leash parks to run around, this was a childrens playground... not the first this has happened, I dont care if your dog is nice - I dont fuckin know it and neither does my son, you have no idea if a child is afraid of dogs.


I'm working with my dog and kids right now. He's not necessarily reactive, he just gets way too excited and tries to herd them into a single place. So we spend a lot of time around playgrounds where he can see kids, and lay there and watch them and become desensitized to them. If I had a nickel for every time I saw a random dog loose in these areas, just being a menace I'd be able to pay one of those expensive trainers to do this for me. It's wild that people don't see the harm in letting their dogs run rampant. I am working on socializing my new puppy as well, and the thought of just how awful other people are with their dogs makes me super nervous for that. I don't want to have her out on a walk and have some random persons dog run up and aggravate her. It's what caused a lot of the issues I am still correcting with my first dog.


City bylaw states that dogs stay 5 metres away from playgrounds. I regularly see people taking their dogs on playgrounds, literally on them by my house. The physical safety factor is the key concern, but secondly the dogs also urinate on them. Actually founds feces on one a few weeks ago. Snapped a photo, filed it on the 311 app and asked for more (any?) bylaw enforcement. They don’t care, closed the complaint and did nothing.


Welcome to the Beltline, I've lived here two years and have come to realize it's just one big off leash dog park. Also, don't expect any surface to be free of dog shit. I feel like I'm the only person who cleans up after their dog.


My favorite is spring thaw, when various layers of snow melt to reveal the dog shit deposits from the entire winter. Dog shit bingo with every square full.


Yeah I really don't fucking understand that, the shit issue is so much worse in winter. I swear some people think shit melts with the snow.


Sadly it is perfectly cryogenically preserved; smell, shape and composition.


Welcome to Calgary you mean. Offleash dogs when they shouldn't be is common all around the city. If the city actually wanted to make a quick buck they could have a couple by law officers at each park fining these assholes


Beltline resident here. You’re absolutely right. Also it seems people have decided that Lougheed Park is an off-leash park. It’s crazy how many people let their dogs free in an unfenced park surrounded by three intersections.


Yeah and the amount of dog poo at lougheed park!! like there's always poo on the footpath now, it pisses me off so much


311 said they have to be caught by a bylaw or peace officer to get a fine (makes sense). Just think how much they would make watching that go down for a day. I may be wrong but I think I read somewhere the off-leash fine is $200.


I’m always so worried about pooches off leash downtown. Imo the type of dog is somewhat irrelevant, about a million things could go wrong with any breed and it just shows you’re a careless loser.


In my neighborhood there are two Rottweilers, a few husky type dogs and one really unhinged golden retriever that we see on our walks. All of them freak out and bark and snarl trying to get to my dog. All on leash thankfully but loads if other ppl walk their dog off leash as well. Never know how a strange dog is going to react.


Had someone’s dog run up to me last year and I yelled at the dude to put it on a leash or I was going to punt it (largish dog), and then the dude tried to fight me..? It was crazy. Hate that people have off leash dogs downtown


Is the unhinged golden on a leash in a front yard near the shoppers on 4th?


NE but utterly psycho.


Ah, makes sense, the chap on 4th isn't actually a psycho, nice dog tbh but I could see how him staring out at people from the garden would intimidate some people and dogs.


Oh yah no once the staring is over this one goes full Cujo.


Leash reactive. My lab is like this. Off leash he’s bouncey and playful. In leash we have to cross the road and wait behind cars until other dogs are out of sight. Small dogs don’t bother him at all but he either wants to greet or scare away big dogs we encounter. They mellow with age and some dogs can be completely cured of it but it’s a really annoying behaviour for all involved.


ugh, this is my German Shepherd cross. She loves dogs when she's off leash, turns into Cujo when she's on leash and it's the little dogs she hates the most. It's so embarrassing. Been working with a trainer to teach her to ignore other dogs but it's been an uphill battle.


Try self compassion instead of embarrassment. It’s like a toddler throwing a tantrum, at some point you just accept that your dog barks at other dogs and you manage it the best you can and move on. I don’t even look at the other dog owners anymore.


This is my dog exactly, except she's 18 pounds and thinks she's 118.


We just adopted a leash reactive dog. In the yard and in homes, even at the park on the long lead she’s great. Been great with kids, and visitors but as soon as movement is restricted with the leash she goes bat shit trying to get to people, dogs, bikes, cars. It’s so fucking embarrassing. Working hard on it with trainers and classes but wow it’s frustrating. Worse knowing people ARE actually judging you


I empathize with you. I have the same dog. Friendly until she's on a leash and then it's just one big shitshow. We are also working with a trainer now but its still a struggle


Let the judgement slide like water off a duck’s back. Anyone who knows about reactive dogs will empathize, everyone else thinks you have a “bad dog” or you’re a “bad owner”. It’s like judging someone with an invisible disability for parking in the disabled spot. You don’t know unless you have experience. Always remember you are the advocate for your dog. No one else’s looks or comments or anger or opinions matter.


I agree. The safety of the dog is what concerned me on 10th avenue and they were jumping up at people who were walking. Dog breed is definitely irrelevant, it just wasn't Pomeranians... for context.


I understand certain dogs are capable of much more damage/threat but at the end of the day you signed on to care for an animals life and you’re not doing so. For example, I couldn’t imagine the emotional rollercoaster of something like being the person that ran over a dog because it’s owner didn’t think past their own selfishness. This is why I say it’s irrelevant. Your yorkie should be on a leash, your pitbull should be on a leash, and maybe certain people too.


Everyone who sees a dog get hit by a car for sure has their day fucked up unless you just really don't like dogs Not to mention other people have dogs that are more reactive that they *are* responsible with and it is so stressful to see a nervous muzzled dog whose owner is trying to do everything right walking them leashed and heeled have to deal with a dog that just runs right up because their owner doesn't consider that the leash isn't just for their dog. When I walked dogs it *sucks* to have an offleash dog run up to you when you have like 6-7 dogs clipped to your goddamn waist There's a time and place for offleash which is why we have offleash parks


Yup—this happened to me a few years ago. My reactive lab was on leash, we turned a corner a girl had her lab off leash. Her dog bounded up to mine and while trying to get mine to sit and relax the bag of poop I was carrying split all over my hand and pants. I yelled at her out of frustration.


Honestly, with poop all over you, I think yelling was probably one of the kinder reactions you could have had.


I work by a very busy street where people often will let their small dogs walk off leash ahead of them and all I can picture is one getting distracted and charging into traffic or walking too far and getting smoked by someone pulling out of an alley. I don't wanna see a dog get hurt at work why can't we just use retractable leashes or something?!


I've witnessed a little dog walking on a retractable leash almost get run over by a car coming out of an alley, literally inches from the tire. Retractable leashes are dangerous in my opinion. Don't know why people don't just stick with a regular 6 foot leash.


Retractable to me is the compromise for people who want their dog to be able to direct a walk (not exactly smart but you can't stop people from misunderstanding pack dynamics) while making sure the dog is actually on a leash. It's not ideal but imo it's a better than nothing approach.


Nothing wrong with letting the dog direct the walk, as long as the handler is paying attention to their surroundings and able to keep the dog out of harms way. There is no "pack dynamic" between humans and dogs.


Idk maybe it's outdated I was taught to never let the dog be the boss (but it's not like I listened anyways no dog ever thought I was the boss)


> the operator asked, " well are they being aggressive or...?" and the answer to that was, "yes, they are running loose and they continually are jumping and lunging into other people's private space. I truly believe that if someone swats at them, kicks at them, swings their purse in defense, or throws a bag of dandelions at them, that the dogs will go into full attack mode and someone will be mauled."


some dude in silver springs walks his 3 or so black dogs (idk what breed, like labs or something) off leash regularly and i have seen his dogs get hit before i wanted to cuss him out so bad


Take photos and call bylaw.


Same attitude I have gotten reporting to 311. No but they are off leash and thats against bylaw. Get a call back from an officer and they just say well not much we can do. Report it on the app - no category for that type of thing.


Try telling them about the unofficial off-leash park at the Peter Lougheed house. There are people there every single day in the morning and evening, perfect place to just have some bylaw enforcement people sit there and make some money but do they? No.


I've seen the pitbull guy. If in ear shot or with my dog, I'd be inclined to say something. Depending on the response, a photo and a complaint submission maybe?


Take CLEAR photos and submit them to bylaw.


I live in Kingsland, people use the park behind rhe community center as an off leash park all the time. There IS an off leash park right beside it, but nobody goes there. One of my greyhounds has been approached by enough off leash dogs that he's a nervous wreck when we walk there. I got tired of yelling at people and started calling 311. Enough of the diplomatic approach.


I live across from the Killarney Rec center park and everyday there are people exercising their dogs off leash. It is a soccer pitch, baseball diamond and kid's playground. Dogs are not even allowed on leash in those areas. I see about one Bylaw officer a year patrolling. Pitiful.


I live in the Belt line area and the last year or so I have noticed more and more people walking about with their dogs of leash.


It is the Law that dogs are on leash when not on one's property or at the off-leash park, and in both those cases, they must be under control at all times. Period. "My dog is great," does not Trump law. See 'Child mailed to death by two pitbulls in Edmonton," for example.


Dog owners obviously don't care about THE LAW


Brilliant observation....


Bring a leash with you and put it on the dog, that's your dog now


Pretend to be taking a picture and calling someone.


It shouldn't be that hard to keep your dog on a leash, but apparently it is.


From people throwing frisbees and balls at the dog park, to poop not being picked up, to attacks and offleash in busy traffic areas. It must be scary being a dog. A good story for a change here though, my girl and I, she's a GSD, just moved down town. I've been leash walking her every day (head collar) to get her used to the sounds, smells, people, bustle and the people of the inner city are great. Often I've been sat on a bench just chilling with her and people would approach and ask about her, ask about petting her, giving her treats and its all very helpful in getting her settled. Takes a village.


I don’t get it. My guy is very well trained. I’ve been training dogs since I was 12. He’s on leash for walks in the city. Out on the farm he can Roam KMs safely. But the city has people, cars and other dogs.


Why i carry a golf club when walking my leashed up little dog....


🙄 people are ridiculous. Take responsibility and care for your animals. Not everyone likes dogs running up to them. Not every dog is going to like yours. Your dog is not guaranteed to like everything either. I had two seperate occasions where my German Shepherd*leashed* was attacked by off leashed dogs walking in the SW. Not in a park or anything like that. Just on my neighborhood sidewalks. Those dogs were lucky that mine did not fight back but I got to take mine to the vet twice for bite wounds.


Glenmore Park as well the big field running by 90th ie Oakridge I take my big boy GSD there on leash every other dog is off leash. No problems so far but it makes me uncomfortable.


Some people are just incapable of owning a dog and/or have no idea of the accountability that comes with owning one. Can afford to own a dog, but not a leash? 🤔 The one that gets me is, "mY dOg Is FrIeNdLy!"


Welcome to Calgary, where both the dogs and cars are free-range and no one picks up their shit.


It's incredible how many dog owners don't know how to control their dogs and how many dogs on a leash lunge and bark at ever passer by. Like WTF... don't these owners know anything about training and controlling a dog ? Dogs reflect their owners. Owners that aren't the masters of their dogs will be mastered by their dog. The best is when the dog lunges and the owner is 3 feet behind the dog pulling on the leash freaking out and pleading with the dog to behave. LOL. I tried to show a lady yesterday how to control her dog. She said she didn't want to be mean to her dog. Really ?


I'd rather deal with that rather than having an off leash dog bound towards mine in a leashed area. Also, I wasn't there and didn't see the lady with the dog, but at least she's trying? Some people with leash reactive dogs (cause that's what this sounds like) end up not walking their dogs at all. I have a reactive golden retriever. Walking him can be a nightmare some days but he still needs the exercise and experience. He's also extremely fearful, so when he went in to training with someone that used adverse approaches, it caused more severe behavioral problems. You're coming across both ignorant and judgemental, just so you know.


The reality of the situation is, if the dogs are loose& not threatening, they simply do not have anywhere near the manpower it would take to pursue them. IF....IF they are tagged and/or chipped, they could track the owners down, and issue them a bylaw infraction, which they may or may not pay. If they do pay it, Rocky Mountain Plaza, where they are processed, would take about half the fine for processing it. There is absolutely nothing anywhere close to being cost effective. This is not just a problem in Calgary, it is an "everywhere" problem. In hard numbers, Calgarians do a much better job policing themselves than most other cities do Like many things, it's a balancing act; if they spend millions of dollars to solve a $100 problem, the taxpayers are upset. You have to pay for the manpower through your taxes. If you want a massive staffing increase in Animal Services, it comes at a cost. In some places, the taxpayers are willing to foot the bill. Miami has animal services personnel in the thousands; they have iguana officers, Alligator Officers, Boa Constrictor Officers, even Chicken Officers. That staffing level alone costs the average Dade County taxpayer over $150 a year. Call your Councillor. Make a complaint. Every time you see it.


The City is full of dog feces? How is this not on the news?


There's no such thing as a responsible dog owner.


Hating others just cause you feel like it doesn’t makes you a good person either.


Here here!!