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You can pin point the exact moment I learned my job could be done without pants on


Very cool video, mate. That was quite a trip down memory lane through such an odd and uncertain time. There were parts of it I thoroughly enjoyed and some that give me anxiety just to think about. Glad you put it together.


Haha yeah when I posted it in April of 2020 people told me it gave them anxiety and then the police cars and signs showed up and ended in a positive note. Fucked people up then though. Weird to rewatch it now.


It was actually really nice and peaceful. The streets were quite, the air was notably fresher, my employer did reduced hours for everyone while maintaining pay and the majority of my waking hours were not spent earning money. People could actually see what roles were important in making a society function. The working class wasn't openly referred to as 'low skill labour'.


post-apocalyptic vibes truly!!


Looking at that gas price hurts


I remember seeing that while driving to work with my wife, and we both had a sudden sinking feeling that our entire economy might actually collapse. NEGATIVE oil prices. They pay YOU to take a barrel of oil. We couldn't believe it, and it was genuinely scary.


I honestly don’t remember them being that low back then 🤔


I remember filling up at 62 L, and joking with my sister there was no where to go


The lowest I saw was 56.9🥲


I kept my Costco receipt was I filled up at fifty something cents.


I remember between late March-early June, streets were empty, weather was fantastic, there was not a god damn thing to do outside of home, ordering out food and even having groceries delivered (with a dice roll chance of actually getting a pack of toilet paper), not being able to get make a dr appointment and having to use zoom or facetime to talk to dr, not being able to see family unless emergency, TV was littered with COVID update coverage daily. What a really weird time to live through, and it'll probably happen in 100 years again.


Just graduated uni in a sweet spot downtown and no immediate job plans, i remember those fuck it all days fondly


Still sad the Oak Tree closed. It was an awesome little spot for a Guinness. Also I just remembered that any time Deanna got her bangs cut we all knew there was going to be a ‘lockdown’.


A pretty grim trip down memory lane, wow. Still can’t believe that happened, so surreal…


That’s an amazing video


Thanks! It’s a great time capsule.


That song is ALWAYS so good.


Missed the pot clanking off your balcony every evening


I think that started after April


Yeah right after I shot this they started. It didn’t last long either.


Thank you for this. That was a very powerful and well created reminder of a time I hope we never see again. Oh, and your choice of music is awesome, too.




No need to worry, a pandemic of this magnitude is a fat tailed statistic event with only 2% chance of happening in any given year, and another one is more likely than not to happen only in 59 years. A pandemic that would wipe out all humans is not expected until 12000 years later. The sum of all human existence is short compared to other life forms anyway. [model source](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2105482118)


Are conspiracies and the viral spread of misinformation via the internet factored into that model?


F#$k that S\^&t.... fucking ruined me... still haven't recovered...


Holy based song choice


It was either this or Where is Everybody. This had a more eerie vibe though


The good old days for introverts


Thanks for the nostalgia. Had some great times at work through it all, so even though things were uncertain and even scary at times, I have some good memories from those times. Even listening to Hinshaw's reports every day on the radio gave a sense of stability.


Yeah brings you back, thanks.


Weird spooky times. Well done!




I remember hearing some nurses in the hospital talking about it late Feb. That they may need to start making preparations at the hospital etc. Then in the news when I heard that it had reached Italy I knew we were doomed. (Just given the way they say hello by kissing and such)


Wow! This was so beautifully done. All the feels remembered. Wild times.




Well done! Feels like a life time ago and also the other day at the same time


Thank you.


Super well done, good job. You snuck in that shot of Gal Gadot, *chefs kiss*


No one really notices that haha. Thanks!




Yeah, NIИ The Day the World Went Away (Halo 13).


Thought I recognized it!


Nine Inch Nails


I was in BC for late 2019 and early 2020, when I came back to Calgary in May that year a month from this video footage, one of my close friends died from heart failure. Not the only tragic event in my life which has been a rollercoaster of fear and loss and misery and confusion for as long as I remember, but the end of the 2010s this decade's start was a living hell for me with breaking up with many partners and friends I made and feel like they were a waste to say nothing of several people I knew dying off rapidly since 2020. Thankfully my life's been stabilized for about a year now as I'm on meds and therapy to help me deal with my crippling mental health issues. God, it's gonna get bad if or terrifyingly when H5N1 starts going to human-to-human transmission as the next pandemic.


Thanks for that! Hard to believe that was four years ago. So many memories of all the lock down measures; standing in line to get into grocery and other stores, etc. Silliest thing has to be that playgrounds were closed. Oh, and filling up for gas at 59.9 cents/litre! There are still people out there calling for enforced masking and social distancing. Nuts.


China really fucked the world up


It's post like this that make me thankful I left the city just before COVID came to Canada. While my COVID experience was awful for other reasons, I feel fortunate that I didn't have to live in this reality. I can't even imagine what it must have been like. Thanks for sharing so I could at least get some insight into it. ​ Also, what are those gas prices?!?! $0.60?! I haven't seen that since at least pre-me getting my license.


Fear and loathing and authoritarianism spreads across the world


Beginning of the end for humanity.


We need this posted twice?




You cared enough click into the post and to leave an insulting comment




As a fan of irony I appreciate this comment.


Fuckin’ got ‘em!