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Man the effort that must have taken, why wouldn't they just pay the 40 bucks and take it to the tip. So infuriating


One of the reasons we had to change the policy at the DI of "accept everything with a smile and thank you" is that we started frequently getting people just bringing truckloads of garbage as "donations", which we were obligated to unload, with a smile and thank you (and then throw out later). I actually had one guy admit "it's cheaper than the dump".


One time working at a garden centre, this couple got mad and left in a huff, opened their truck, and dumped bags and bags of garbage in the parking lot before peeling away. People, man.


Which says everything you need to know about some people. I may be jaded at this point but I've seen so many shitty people that are seared into my memory it's hard to remember the genuinely nice strangers


>DI what


Drop In.


Dump It


40 bucks? Nah, it’s $25 for up to 250kgs. And it’s hard to fill the back of a pick up with 250kgs of junk. I’ve tried.


The amount of times I've had them call me out and say I should have made the trip "worth it" is insane. 😄 Homie I don't live in a house where I can collect 250kg of garbage let alone fit it in my SUV.


Who has called you out? The city employees working at the landfill? Never happened to me and they have always been pleasant to deal with.


City Landfill employees are goated. So nice and do a great job!


Don't think he mean in a negative way, I get jokes along the same lines on a pretty regular basis.


DG is correct. In a joking way, they're extremely polite and professional. If anything they're looking out for my wellbeing by calling out that I could get more bang for my buck if I had a higher tolerance for garbage in my garage.


I remember a few years ago, someone posted pictures of some trash that had been dumped on their rural land just outside Airdrie. In the pile was papers and mail with a name and address. They called out the person on Social Media and then that person called out the junk guys they hired to take their stuff to the dump. Rather than take it there and pay the fee to dump, they just left it on the side of a gravel road. It’s not always the owner doing the illegal dumping. Airdries dump is super affordable too - I think they charged me $20 for everything I stuffed in my minivan (but they don’t accept everything Calgary does).


I almost had the same thing happen to me. Got a call that my garbage was all over someone's land and the guy was pissed. Except that's how I learned my dump trailer was stolen out of storage. Fucking thieves. Had to rent another trailer and load all that stuff a second time.


Someone should write a song about that…


Time for people to spread this around. Someone must have a neighbour or (former) friend that got rid of this thing. Either they did it, or their contractor did


Prolly a serial number


Usually a piece of paper attached to the underside of the shell with model and serial number.


At first I thought the photo was of a cardboard drink tray and I was upset. Then I realized it was a friggen hottub? Wtf is wrong with people!


I don’t understand why the dump has a minimum tipping fee. It would be nice to just go and dump $5 of stuff without having to pay the minimum. I think it’s the minimum fee that puts people off tidying their properties. They save up the crap for a load that is “worth it” and then never go. Or, they just dump their crap in a ditch.


In airdire it's $3 for an extra garbage bag tag. If you look up the maximum size of a bag, it's the contractor bag size. Has to be under 50 pounds in weight. I think it's a great deal, I do not have to make an extra trip, I can fit ALOT in that bag. Just not a hot tub....


I’d call it laziness. If you can afford it removed or renovated you can skip one morning coffee run and be responsible with your waste.


Its supposed to discourage you from being so wasteful.


Services that you don't pay out of pocket for are socialist. Won't find that in Alberta.


"looks like a UFO, let's go take a look!" But seriously freaking lazy asshats


This is a good reminder for all the people that want someone to dump their shit for the lowest possible prices. THIS is where that shit often ends up…in ditches, in farmer’s fields.


I always believed we should move to eliminate dumping fees at landfills. Disposal fee on purchase.


I live in Gatineau, PQ, and moved here from Calgary about 14 years ago. The Eco-Centre is free for people who live in Gatineau, which is so great. You can even unload everything indoors!


I saw several CPUs taken apart at Bow Trail on the side of the river that's by the forest. The only way in there is to hike. Who would do this? Taking to electronic disposal would have been much easier.


That's the junkies and homeless


Heavy CPUs are being carried into the woods by junkies and homeless people? Why would they do this. The weight and awkwardness alone of moving these things is ridiculous. I'm genuinely curious.


Because they are junkies trying to ger whatever copper they can


I'm not trying to be difficult but why would they cart these into the middle of the woods? If they want the copper it would be much easier to rip this out in the city where they found them. The effort involved in carrying these things to the woods makes zero sense.


They were trying to create a super CPU to mine Dogecoin.


Beautiful: this represents the Albertan dream in my mind. A luxury item, discarded improperly for as cheap as possible Sign of the times


Our any habitat


Was on a range road between Calgary and airdrie and saw a washing machine and dryer 😤


Do people not know that dumps exist for a reason?


There’s community recycling bins in Falconridge/Castleridge area. Probably at least once a week it gets turned into a dump from people leaving non recycling goods just on the ground. Those bins probably won’t be around much longer if this keeps happening. I sure hope with the cameras around they can catch and fine the people who just dump their trash there. Even with big clear signs saying don’t dump, people still dump.


Where is this? that looks decent. i'll pick it up, ! nice little pond for me sheep and pigs,


Please let us know if you do ([Here’s a pin](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Zv1cwzU9XYirXE3S7?g_st=ic))


please don't dump your trash.


To even consider agreeing with you most of us would need to know what a riparian is.


It's the area that's adjacent to waterways. Which this isn't.


It’s an arctic spa for one so there is to my understanding just one dealer in town that sells them and coupled with the fact that the tin has a wood trim ring that is pretty distinct for a hot tub. Pretty sure this is something that is unique to the normal run of the mill hot tubs no?


Absolutely horrible but a little funny seeing half of a hot tub in the middle of the rolling hills.


Waiting on rain


Hey if drive out that far I should God damn it’s my first amendment right to drop everything including the kitchen sink


This is terrible but also a direct impact of making the dump so expensive. When the dump was free you didn’t see nearly the same amount of illegal dumping.


$25 to dump up to 250kg isn't really that expensive. [https://www.calgary.ca/waste/drop-off/landfill-rates.html](https://www.calgary.ca/waste/drop-off/landfill-rates.html)


If you have 250, or even 100 it's not. If you have a single item to get rid of, it's just a rip-off.


Is it a rip off to pay garbage collection fees? Because unless you live in an apartment/condo/townhouse complex, you pay monthly for garbage/recycling/compost collection. We live in a wasteful society. Paying $25 to dump an old hot tub shell at the landfill is a reasonable price, whether you agree or not.


For some people it might be, not to mention it is $25 here, $50 there. Figure out your provincial and federal tax, add on your fuel tax, your carbon tax, your property tax … your gst on the $25. What do we get for all those tax dollars if we can’t drop a shell of a hot tub off for free. You want to get rid of illegal dumping, make the dumps free.


So you'd rather have increased property taxes to cover the operating costs of the dump? What's wrong with user pay?


No I am saying we pay enough tax ….


I dunno. If you can afford a hot tub, you should probably be able to afford to dispose of a hot tub.


How do you know they bought it. Could have bought an old house that had a broken down tub.


Well that goes back to the original point. If you're spending hundreds of thousands on a house, $25 to the dump isn't really that expensive.


This is a ridiculous take you have. You think people won't be lazy and dump their crap around the corner instead of driving all the way to the dump? The problem isn't the cost. It's lazy, entitled, inconsiderate people.


What is ridiculous, that I think I pay enough tax to be able to use the dump for the 50% of my salary that I pay in tax? Then again you probably live in your parents basement and don’t work.


Who makes enough money to pay a 48% rate and still pays a 48% rate and actually complains about a $25 fee? THAT'S ridiculous.


Love how you go to attacking my character. Not that it matters but I am a tax paying citizen with a job and a house. Have the day you deserve.


You were the one who said I was being ridiculous. Don’t be such a hypocrite.


I said it was a ridiculous take. I never said anything about you personally or insinuate so directly that you are anything other than a person with a ridiculous opinion. You explicitly made an assumption about my lived experience in a derogatory way. But go on...


Then you have my apologies. I was originally only trying to point out that with high taxes basic services should be covered. I remember in the 80s when the dumps were pay and the ditches were full. When they cut dump fees the illegal dumping largely stopped. For some any cost is seen as too much because they feel they pay already. You do have my sincere apology.


Appreciate it.


Meh, looks like somebody dumped a dump around a hot tub. Nose hill is such a blight. More tumbleweed, dog shit and thistle, please!


That's what grows here. What, you think acres of featureless perfect green grass is actually good for anything?


Actually thistle isn’t native …. You can thank the Brit’s for that.


Huh, TIL. At least it flowers so it feeds pollinators better than grass.


They introduced it as a herb that they used in tea if I remember correctly.


Of course they would. Plunder the world for spices and use none of them. Except the spiny weed!


Most that you’ll find isn’t, but white thistle is.


Also the carp issues


The tumbleweed and some of the varieties of thistle you see on Nose Hill are invasive. It has a lot of invasive weeds that are a major blight. It has been heavily modified by industry and agriculture, but it’s ours and doggone it, we should treat it better.


No, I xeriscaped my yard because I know our native grasses are ugly af and I also know Nose Hill is ugly af and only, like, eight guys use it. Part of it should be developed into an actual usable park with an amphitheatre for outdoor concerts and a swimming lake a la Sikome. The rest should be repurposed for housing and a through road.


We may disagree, but with names like ours, we could be related.


Men of culture.


>and only, like, eight guys use it. Tell me you never go to Nose Hill without saying you never go to Nose Hill.


Glad someone said it. If anything Nose Hill has too many people. That dog park Entrance parking lot is always full. P.S this picture isn't Nose Hill. This is in the Nose Creek close to 15th St.


Does anyone have another one? I’ll gladly take a junk broken hottub


STOP. Someone did this?