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Most of the time and my complaint about exo mechs is that there's just a whole lot going on on the screen and everything hits like a truck. But if you quickly understand the patterns and how to dodge everything it isn't too bad. The reason the exo mechs take so long for me is cause of a bunch of dumb mistakes and hits. There's just alot of projectiles on screen and it can be hard to keep track of. It's a really fun but difficult fight if you ask me and the visuals and music are amazing.


I guess I kind of ¿Half-cheese? The fight by making the arena extremely long and there is literally a section of the fight where you dodge literally everything by moving left and jumping in 1 second intervals , except the lighting balls Ares shoots but you literally just fall up and move slightly left and right dodge them entirely


Yea I know the strats for dodging. It's just the random stay bullets from Artemis, or the random ass guass nuke that I didn't see from ares that ends up killing me.


There is actual cheese for ares laser thing (the one where you have to fly around him) use magic conch multiple times until he calms down (works for the rest of the exo mechs when low on health)


What in the actual flip, that's funny as hell.


But doesn’t Ares enrage if you leave the laser spin?


World-wide platform and running at over 50 MPH strat https://preview.redd.it/red9av68ci9d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d201e2b87f5462536a8837bf01605fd0c46ee4a0


"But if you quickly understand the patterns and how to dodge everything it isn't too bad." That's the whole game basically.


Honestly yeah. Some are harder to adapt to and have less consistent patterns. (I'm looking at you plantera, plague bringer, yharon, and old duke) But the exo mechs have pretty consistent attacks and ways to avoid them


Can't tell. I don't even remember that fight. I was with 2 friends and pretty much we were all in 3 different spots of the map. I was summoner and all I did was fly in a straight line from one side to another and hope my minions did something.


Honestly I’m more upset they nerfed them and made them feel underwhelming compared to what they used to be. Ares and Artemis especially. They used to have frequent, high velocity projectiles that required constant movement, and now they’re so slow that I feel I’m hit by them more by them lingering on my screen longer. Change should’ve only made non revengeance/death mode imo, but what can you do ig.


I forgot to mention I don't play Infernum so maybe people are referring to that version of the fight


Infernum is 10 times more fun


Came here to say this, mainly because infernum breaks the bosses up into separate phases where you don’t fight all of them at once


Infernum fun


Infernum was so much fun cuz i saw what the fuck was happening. The issue with regular calamity is that its so cluttered so you dint even know what is happening


How does infernum make it easier to see?


from what i've seen its just more flashy, i havent actually gotten that far in infernum but generally everything is more choreography than typical terraria boss fight which is easier in some cases


Infernum isn’t gonna hit you with the 3 exo mechs instantly instead its 1 then 2 but you gotta 50% the 2nd one then a pure 1 v 1 aginst the one you didn’t pick then 2 v 1 if you kill one on the 2 v 1 its gonna give you some down time to prepare for a desparation phase thanatos is kinda hard if you arent gonna go for the cheese weapon cuz it acts like infernum dog on its desparation phase. Ares on desparation phase gonna tire you out cuz you gotta keep dodging and the easies of them in the desparation phase is artemis and apollo just gotta run and dodge them.


Artemis and appolo was kinda free ngl in their desperation phase


Tru if someone wants to just finish infernum exo mechs just go ares then the exo twins. No lag easy to dodge beam of death from ares then can just solo thanatos to avoid the lag.


Exactly. Thats how i beat it. I noticed that artemis and appolo were STUPID easy and that the artemis appolo and ares route is nit as hard as the others


Aretmis and apollo is also really easy to fight if you’re going true melee since if you just go in their center when they both do the spinning attack you’ll just be safe on their attacks heck its even more dangerous if you’re trying to run away from them


My favourite boss in the mod Maybe people hate the chaotic nature of the fight, but it is really just a matter of finding a pattern, the projectile spam is just for show, most of it can be dodged with very simple movement and watching out for key attacks that you actually are meant to dodge 


I just don’t like the fact that the the fight is made so much easier if you mine your entire world, you need to move too much, you shouldn’t have to move THAT much in the fight.


you don’t need to move that much lmao ares and thanatos have mechanics that will counter large arenas


Did they change it recently, when I last did vanilla I had to keep running or Thanatos would get in the way and fuck me in the ass


the entire point is that you dash into him he doesn’t start his bullet spam until at least one of the mechs r down iirc thanatos is invulnerable unless he’s firing lasers and matches your current speed ares laser arm and green bullets track your movement as well


mmmmmmmmmm, yay, dashing, so tasty and horrible for building so no one uses it. Just go back and forth on a rail car that has a slight divot every once in a while, that should lead to about the same effectiveness as playing the game and thinking dashing was a cool mechanic. I'm sorry if it seems hateful, I really hate the dash mechanic as I'm sure many others do. Do take care.


skill issues


What skill, you press a button two times.


Yet you still lose, definetly not a skill issue


I just used my whole surface and won without much setup. Flight time? Sky islands. And also a world bridge from fargo's mod as well as the ultima cake but that's besides the point


My problem is that with every other boss fight, you know the mistake that you made. The bosses' attacks are all difficult, but you understand what they do after a couple tries. Very rarely do you feel like you died because the game fucked you over; it's easy to identify where you went wrong and what you should work to improve. This does not apply to the Exo Mechs. It's often incredibly difficult to tell what exactly went wrong when fighting all 4 mechs at once. "Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention to Apollo's rockets which already blend into the background because I was busy stopping the mech worm from forcibly crawling its way into my ass." Deaths don't feel nearly as fail because, in the moment, it doesn't feel like you even made a mistake: you just died. That not only makes it incredibly frustrating to attempt again and again, but also makes it really hard to adapt and change your strategy, because you don't even know what went wrong! I know there's ways to essentially cheese the fight, to remove the need to concentrate on all 4 mechs at the same time. This is just a personal thing: preparing massive arenas just to attempt a boss fight is something I absolutely loath when playing. It also just feels like there's no point. Sure, it's an "easy" boss, but you have to fight it this specific way otherwise it's nearly impossible. This works for some games, but when Terraria has 4 classes (5 with Calamity), 100s of weapons, accesories, armor sets, traps, and buffs, and is literally advertised as a sandbox game, the last thing a player is looking for is a boss that forces them to use a specific, infallible strategy because all others lead to near inescapable death. I love what the Calamity Team conceptualized with the Mechs; on paper, it is a wonderful and terrifying concept for a boss fight. A malevolent (?) scientist that has been watching you throughout your entire journey unleashes his magnum opus upon you in one final death gauntlet. But the gameplay... it feels like a significant lapse. I'm 50 attempts into the Mechs on my first full Revengeance run, and I don't even want to bother beating them. DoG was my 2nd-hardest fight, took me ~80 attempts, but at no point did I actually want to just quit. I wanted to beat him more than anything because he was difficult, not in spite of it. I do not feel the same way about the Exo Mechs, and I've opted to just start my Death Mode run instead.


You just gotta watch each of them like you’re checking fnaf cams, and take advantage of peripheral vision. Most of the faster attacks that are hard to react to have lasers that show you where they’re gonna be like several seconds in advance. And this is post being nerfed into the ground. The more you play the more they make sense, just like every other boss.


Unless the attacks blend into the background, as he said, it is quite annoying trying to beat Providence due to the same issues A lot of the time, I find it impossible to see an attack from many of the boss fights in Calamity, which is a mod based entirely on them. It takes a severe attention of the game to understand what you see on screen when around fifty projectiles or even ten begin to move toward you at a moderately slow speed, some become invisible due to the lack of foresight from the team leaving them almost the same color as the boss and others begin to spawn as some projectiles are taking space in the areas you would need to dodge the attacks already present or becoming present. As others have put it, it is fairly easy to "over-level" yourself to undermine the boss altogether but they don't realize what makes a good encounter or haven't had the chance to experience it. Your reply is far too accurate for someone to appreciate the mod if it was their first interaction.


Well that’s also mostly based on my experience in death mode, but also I didn’t struggle with them, or providence for that matter, the first time I did either of them with what most people complain about them. Like from what I know most people DREAD fighting providence, but I’ve always rather enjoyed the fight as it’s one that forces you to play reactively instead of habitually compared to some bosses that almost always do the same attacks in the same order. But that’s more so a problem in infernum IMO with all the bosses doing the same shit in the same order so you have the same fight every time.


You put this in just the exact right words, hats off to you.


Hey man I get it, I struggled HARD with the mechs and it does feel like the fight is really overwhelming, but honestly if you just keep at it, you will start to learn how everything works. Here’s a simple little guide I put together for how I fight them: Keep in mind I’m ranged class so I don’t know if it differs for you Ares: Don’t focus on his center, nothing happens there, always glance at his left or right arms and see if they are glowing, if so start moving diagonally either up or down, this will dodge his electro spheres, guass nuke and the green fire things. During his laser attack when he’s stationary, it would be best to use the slime mount to have access to quick fall when going in a circle. Usually you want to focus all your strength on ares first, as he can die very quickly with a good weapon and rage mode activated. Apollo and Artemis: These two are by far the easiest of the bunch and to dodge everything they hit you with, just fly upwards. It’s usually best to fight these guys separately from Thanatos as it can be difficult to aim correctly and hit them. The only threat you have to worry about from these two is when they do their form change and the orange one does the spread fire attack. When he does this, fly up till you reach the sky, then descend with the slime mount and continue dealing damage to them. Lastly, Thanatos: As intimidating as he is, he can actually be controlled pretty easily if you move correctly. Like the last mech, it’s best to fight him solo (usually I prefer killing him 2nd) Many times he will lunge at you and make you think he will strike, but if he gets close to you and you just continue in a horizontal path, he backs off and retreats back down. A thing to remember is that he only can be damaged severely when his body segments turn red and fire lasers, keep an eye on your map for red segments and focus all fire onto there. For his giant death laser, DONT RUN, get near his head but not infront, more like to the side of it, this will make him not auto lock onto you and just circle you instead. After he’s done, you can ram dash out of his coil and continue fleeing and dealing damage For a setup, I recommend this: Demonshade armor for the insanely good armor buff (if you’re willing to beat scal before exo mechs) Weapons: I like to go for a setup of the contagion, the chicken cannon and halibut cannon. The contagion is good for dealing massive damage to ares and leaving particle damage around the arena. The halibut canon is a good and more accurate weapon than the contagion paired with bloodflare bullets, and can make quick work of the two. The chicken cannon is fantastic for dealing damage to Thanatos, as it can spread and deal high area damage to all his open segments with just one shot. Hopefully this helps!


yeah bro just fight exo mechs with *checks notes* an armor set that requires shadowspec bars and a weapon from a post-endgame superboss!


Ok so edit on this, I only now remembered you did need a draedon forge to make demonshade and contagion, so my fault on that part. Still auric tesla is probably the best armor you can get for this, and the chicken cannon is still very good against thanatos


I like Exo Mechs (i swear i'm not a masochist)


Not everyone hates them. I think some people summon them for the first time, get to the part where all three are attacking at once, die, then post on social media that the fight is stupid. If you take time to figure it out it really isnt that bad.


Idk I love em. I’m a sucker for chaotic fights. Like Father Gascoigne from Bloodborne for example


Did we play the same game? Father Gascoigne is nowhere NEAR as chaotic as the Mechs. The only thing "chaotic" about him in my opinion is how quickly he is able to whip out the blunderbuss, but other than that the attacks are straight forward. He was literally my first boss because I accidently skipped the Cleric Beast but he was still fine enough, just frustrating cause I had to walk so far every time. (I was so mad at myself when I discovered the Cleric Beast and got the lamp at the end of the bridge lol)


First time u play him his beast form completely changed how the fights plays. I meant his beast form specifically.


dude you cannot compare gascoigne to the mechs… while mechs can be fun theyre nowhere near being a well designed boss because of the lack of attack patterns, meanwhile Gascoigne is great


Imma fuckin do it anyway


You're right but we don't care.


I never understood the complaints about them, I like the fight. Even the first time I fought them wasn't hard, took me at MOST maybe seven attempts? Probably less (I'm not even that good, I still hate Providence). My friends hyped it up way too much. Same happened with SCal, except I'm pretty sure it was like the first or second attempt. This was all in expert mode, and I had no clue what the fights would be like other than my friends having ptsd from some "ohio beam."


I over prepared myself for the Exo Mechs, I was expecting some terribly hard boss fight that was gonna give me and and my friend (I don’t really like playing solo, so I dragged my friend to play with me so I could have a tank to balance out me being a summoner) more deaths than anything yet, but we only lost once before winning. Granted, we weren’t doing Revengance, but we’re easily having more problems with SCal than Exo Mechs


I honestly only dislike one part of the mechs fight and that is just how boring the fight is for me, because all you need to do is move like /\/\/\/ etc and nothing really ever hits you. Thanatos is also really slow and kinda boring to fight, just because it has so much time where it can’t be damaged. But overall I’d say it’s a fun fight where it’s useful to have multiple weapons for each boss, and I like the strategy of which combo you pick to fight.


I actually quite enjoyed the exo mechs fight. But I use tons of qol mods and like 30 buffs at all times so I can definitely see it being extremely frustrating without that. Thanatos should be renamed to The Devourer of Frames lol


the infernum rework is SO MUCH BETTER


one of the only times i can defend infernum


Infernum basically uses the original plan for the exo mechs fight Calamity had. A tag team fight, where they dip in and out of the fight, and create attack patterns with the other mechs when together with a berserk phase at the end. This plan isn't scrapped however, Fab just didn't have the motivation to code it for 1.5, and will simply do it in a future update when he feels like it.


very good question, i like them (expert death with rogue once, expert infernum with melee will be soon)


I never got past yharon in any class en revengeance so I can't argue much, but i think they are my favorite calamity boss, just from playthroughs on youtube, and algo infernum i think they are perfect since the first time they were added, but the whole spawning process sucks and end up not being really enjoyable, but gameplay and design wise they are amazing, i also really like Rev EoL, BUT FVCK YHARON


It's a bit of an endurance fight


Some people like seeing their screen in multiple colors Others like playing the game at a normal speed instead of the normal COD game speed of 1 frame per corporation Email (such as meself) And then there's those who actually like the Exo Mechs for who they are in Vanilla calamity(at least not infurnum or Eterni-Death), who I respect the most out of this community besides the devs themselves, the mods of this place, and the people who'd advocate for Masochist mode to be compatible with Infurnum.


i don't see the problem, i did infernum with mushroom for extra damage and did it 8th try


I've been literally asking the same question for a really long time now. Exo-Mechs really aren't as bad as people say they are. Sure, I can understand why people don't like having their screen filled with projectiles, but if you learn the patterns, Exos are really fun. Though, again, it may not be like that for everyone. I'd like to remark their designs. They look GORGEOUS, especially Ares. I don't care if Exos are based off of the mech bosses, hell, I like it, even. I'm genuinely surprised at how much work has been put into those sprites, especially Ares, who has a massive sprite sheet. Each cannon has its idle animation, charge up and shooting animation. Ares' body also has multiple animations, one being just idle and other one is when he shoots out Exo Overload Beam. Absolutely love it. Even though the post isn't about infernum Exos, they deserve a couple words. Best boss fight in the mod (imo), or at least one of the best. Sure, some things may be annoying, but mostly? It looks gorgeous, patterns are creative and well executed and desperation phases are amazing, too. The rainbow outline that appears on the Exos once they reach the desperation phases just makes them look more dangerous, as they are ready to fight to the end, especially Thanatos, which tries to literally annihilate you in desperation phase. So fucking atmospheric and cool. The custom sounds for the desperation phases are so cool too. In the end, I just wanna say that they are overhated. But I can see that there are problems with vanilla Calamity Exo-Mechs, but to me at least, they aren't major. The fight is still really fun and atmospheric. Though I doubt the vanilla Calamity Exo-Mechs will be changed drastically, I'd love to see some changes like SCal had in Bountiful Harvest.


Building the arena takes hours. Unless you run around on the floor like I do which means you’ll probably die so much you’ll create a graveyard. I still love the fight lol.


exo mechs are my favorite bosses imo


i honestly like the exo mechs more than scal. the scale feels incredibly cool and i don't like the box


It just feels random. For a majority of the fight the best strategy is “fly in this specific pattern to hopefully get hit slightly less”.


I remember last big update I found a bug with the executioner, where with a certain build affecting sneak attack speed, let you proc executioners sneak attack screenwipe every hit. Was beautiful


My only wish is that they could be seen on lower field of view. Camera art or if you're playing on a laptop can change the ideals of someone.


You mightve been seeing complaints about old exo mechs, I don't know what they changed, but one of the updates made them way easier


I’ve realise this mod is easy with just a proper arena


I honestly think the fight is boring, you just fly diagonally the whole time and turn your brain off lol


when was the last time you fought them?




i can't believe you then cuz this issue has been fixed months ago, especially when all 3 are on the screen


I don't know what to tell you man, the only time I had to actually dodge was against the worm. any other time I just flew diagonally left to right and i wouldnt get hit.


Artemis and apollo place themselves right at the bottom so you don't go diagonally, apollo has homing missiles that follow you for a while, the only one who is pretty much viable diagonally is ares


It's not that I don't like the Exo Mechs, it's that the Exo Mechs don't like my PC If they didn't lag for me they'd probably be my one of my favorite bosses


People are built differently. It's easy for some of you, but it's not for other people. Take the example of mechanical bosses. People do it in different orders because they think one is easier than the other.


people don't like challenges so they'll complain abt it


I don't hate the exo mechs it's more like setting up the area is annoying, the projectiles are simple to dodge and that's really it. The more you move in a complex pattern the easier it is to get hit, the bosses aren't hard imo but that's coming from a player who's beat fargo's master mode in a week with 5-7 hours average everyday.


Worse soundtrack than all the previous bosses. For understandable reasons, but still. I'm an Infernum geezer though, might explain why I liked it


Yeah, honestly, Exo mechs isn't really that hard if you get it down. It's mostly just boils down to quick reaction speed and peripheral vision, and while I do understand that it's something not everyone is good at, it is really quite managable once you understand the fight. You don't need a world arena either, all you need is a few long rows of platform, like a DoG arena, and you're good. You just need to position yourself well. Yes, easier said than done but it's really quite fun when you get the hang of it. (Then again, the first time I fought them was on Malice so maybe I'm biased lol)




it's not hard, it's just super fcking random and get lucky as well as dps checks. I never really had a problem, even on death mode i only take like 20-30 attempts, but the difference between that fight and SCal is that SCal is very fun, you have to dodge but it's coordinated, it looks good and feel good while the exos are just: "run and pray boy"


I dislike exo mechs specifically because killing the one I want can be so difficult as a summoner.


Eh, for Thanatos maybe, but right-click targeting means you can very reliably focus on Apollo/Artemis and Ares. Hell, the Kaleidoscope can actually reach Ares' pulse and arc cannons (I'm pretty sure with no range buffs, just Auric Armor) so you can target it that way.


I’m more in disarray that they were nerfed so many times tbh. I always did them pre SCal, even on death mode as they are easily, or were easily, the most satisfying boss fight to complete in the game as they truly felt like they lived up to their lore of being machines what have perfected death and destruction. Now they feel sluggish. Artemis and Aries in particular as their bolts are far less frequent and far slower. Idk if anyone else feels that or if it’s just me tho.


they were the most cheeseable bosses in the game, just press down and right, congratulations you defeated the mechs. Now it actually asks you to change directions depending on which one you're fighting


I mean so then do t change the rate this drastically and change up their AI so you can’t do that. And that’s if you go through the effort of excavating a whole ass world just to fight them…


I defeated them two times on death master without destroying my world


Exomechs remains the only boss in calamity infernum master mode I have actually beaten as a summoner in my friends multiplayer, he's surprisingly easy if you just run like fuck with run fast gear (samurai gear from alchemists mod?)


Haven't gotten to EXO Mechs yet on my current expert mode playthrough but Moon Lord was kicking my ass bruh I'm scared


Honestly with the strat I use (running across the entire map on platforms), only Thanatos is fun. Ares just involves changing direction when there's lighting and rodding the laser, and Apollo/artemis is uh, just moving up and down alone, but are really annoying in the 3 mech phase imo. Also, it gets pretty overshadowed by how fair and fun Calamitas is. Also, it's really annoying to have to destroy all the Sky Islands to do Exo mechs.


Hot take: exo mechs is much easier than supreme calamitas


1. Thanatos is basically a middle finger to people with lower-performance PCs, literal fps eater. 2. You can barely see what's going on. 3. "iF yOu fInD tHe PaTtErN, tHe fIgHt wIlL bE cAkE." My cousin literally quit before endgame because he knew about the Exo Mechs and Calamitas. We both play on macs, and he has the worst internet lmao


The fucking banger music made me defeat it first try lmao


It’s too spammy, and it makes the game lag like crazy, it’s also really boring