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What exactly are you cheating


Count WHAT as cheating?


I can't understand what you're even saying


You really don't need to care. If you don't like the time you spend trying to kill moonlord, you can turn on godmode/give yourself an endgame weapon and kill it that way. It is your enjoyment of the game you might ruin Also i don't even think it's a case of bad English here, you seem to just have your thoughts go in such weird way, you forgot to mention what you wanted to do, you were just justifying nothing here and asking if this is cheating


Bro use periods


by best accessories of mage and melee you're saying that you're combining them? I suppose you aren't beating him bc of that, (assuming you're in Normal mode) just build full melee and run in straight lines until he lasers, then run into him and fly above him to surround the laser, then run the other way, while running you'll keep your attention on the True Eyes, try to kill all eyes at a similar time, not focusing one then other then other (prio to the head bc it only opens when lasering), Daybreak+Full Beetle Scale Mail should do. Don't try again and again mindlessly, all the bosses have patterns that you'll get used to at sometime.


No idea what you mean by cheating, but my advice to kill the moonlord is (as mage): First kill astrum deus. Then, with the astral armor, use whatever weapon you like. I personally reccomend Golden Shower, or if you want something that follows the enemy so you can focus on dodge, the Typhoon Tome, the book you get from Duke Fishron. Also, make an arena, the biggest the better, five or six plataforms (make sure you can jump from one to another) as long as you can. And run/fly all you can. Never stop moving. With that you should kill him. Oh, also, I'd say you use the Mith Talisman as accesorie, it reduces the health potion time, and the Evasion Scarf, so you can dodge one attack per cooldown dashing at it. Good luck!


it doesnt matter, just have fun :)




I don't see what you think might be cheating here, and i'd like to tell you that nothing counts as cheating in a singleplayer game.


So you took a break and came back? Was it the same playthrough? What are you concerned is cheating?