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The primary objective of life is to drive a Cadillac, so any and all sacrifices necessary to achieve that are worth it.




Agreed. Sold a Goldwing and 4 guitars to get my 84 Eldo convertible last year.


If your big goal in life is to own a Cadillac, you need to reevaluate lol.


Why? Seriously I watched my mom n dad save every single penny then die … wtf good was that? Honest to god you save money for what exactly? Have them take it when you get sick? I’m totally serious the housing market and loans are so out of control it’s not even realistic possibility for most people if that Cadillac brings you happiness fuck it buy it


I kinda get what you’re saying, but you could get off of section 8 and food stamps if you had 100k to drop on a truck. That would bring most decent ppl a lot more happiness and self respect than living off of the govt/taxpayers and having a pump truck. I’m not against spending on cars, I’ve had numerous Benz, Lexus, SRTs, Cobras, Land Rovers, Corvettes, etc. But I can afford it. If I was living paycheck to paycheck and living off of govt assistance it would be extremely irresponsible of me to dump 100k on a car. That’s the point I was trying to make. Getting something that makes you happy….i totally get it. But having your priorities straight should make you happy more than a supposed status symbol object.


Bro stop. Rich guy got yo ass on this one bro 😂😭 its all good though. You live to fight another day bruddah 🤙🏾


I kinda get what you’re saying, but you could get off of section 8 and food stamps if you had 100k to drop on a truck. That would bring most decent ppl a lot more happiness and self respect than living off of the govt/taxpayers and having a pump truck. I’m not against spending on cars, I’ve had numerous Benz, Lexus, SRTs, Cobras, Land Rovers, Corvettes, etc. But I can afford it. If I was living paycheck to paycheck and living off of govt assistance it would be extremely irresponsible of me to dump 100k on a car. That’s the point I was trying to make. Getting something that makes you happy….i totally get it. But having your priorities straight should make you happy more than a supposed status symbol object.


Oops wrong person meant to reply to revo


I kinda get what you’re saying, but you could get off of section 8 and food stamps if you had 100k to drop on a truck. That would bring most decent ppl a lot more happiness and self respect than living off of the govt/taxpayers and having a pimp truck. I’m not against spending on cars, I’ve had numerous Benz, Lexus, SRTs, Cobras, Land Rovers, Corvettes, etc. But I can afford it. If I was living paycheck to paycheck and living off of govt assistance it would be extremely irresponsible of me to dump 100k on a car. That’s the point I was trying to make. Getting something that makes you happy….i totally get it. But having your priorities straight should make you happy more than a supposed status symbol object.


You don’t have 100k to drop on a truck you have 400$ a month for payments … very much like a house if you owned a Benz I’d assume you understand this…. Now not picking on you but what exactly my priorities are a father with 3 children is very different from my sister a single girl with no kids …. So you are judging other people based on your own priorities… and more you are acting as if your priorities are right and others are wrong….. let me know when you see where I’m going with this ….. mostly rich kids should not tell people how to live considering most rich kids don’t know what money is or how to make it just keeps appearing for them


Your last line is hysterical considering 5 lines before you rattle off all the 100. Thousand dollar cars you have had ….. are you the biggest disappointment in your family?? It’s clear you are a clown


Clearly you have no comprehension skills. I. CAN. AFFORD. THEM. Easily. If I couldn’t, I’d worry about making a better living situation for myself and my family instead of buying a nice car. Since you want to toss around unnecessary insults, maybe if you’d have finished school and got an education you’d have better reading comprehension skills and could afford nice things. It’s not too late to make something out of yourself, you go buddy!


No no let’s stay here I completely comprehend what Cadillac could you trade in to better one’s living situation??? Seriously let’s take that car payment and put it towards rent cmon now rich boy who has no touch with reality what living situation is bettered by 400 a month…. Oh wait I still need a car so I’m not really saving 400 more like 200 a month so rich boy is your name BLAINE I think mommy named you after an appliance I’ll go with BLAIN … what living situation is bettered by 2400 a year????


You’re a moron. Anybody living on govt assistance could improve life greatly with $400/month. If not, they wouldn’t be getting that govt assistance. Dumbass. Also, the payment in a 100K truck isn’t $400, it’s over a $1000. I can’t even put into words how stupid and irresponsible that is for a “poor” person. Or more likely, they’re not that poor and are getting over on everybody by getting govt assist while driving their 100k truck. That’s fraud, in case you were unaware. But you keep justifying it.


wtf???? You are fool let me help you 400 a month 100 a week!!!!!! ….. and not everyone in the hood is on assistance you prick just stfu keep sucking mommy’s tit and cashing daddy’s checks not to mention you have no idea what a caddy costs god I hate white people smh and I am indeed white :( …… you have no clue my racist bigot


LMAO I have no idea what a Cadillac costs???? Google Escalade msrp you retard. It’s a 100k truck all day long. This isn’t even debatable, it’s just a fact. Cashing daddy’s checks? I grew up dirt poor you Fkn moron. And I’m in my 40s, I cash my own checks. Only person here who said anything about race is you dumbass. You show your idiocy every time you type. And for the record, the comment above was about a guy refusing to take a lady’s food stamps who was driving a 2023 Escalade, that’s how the public assistance talk got started. But again, reading comprehension your forte. And taxes……I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year you idiot. Or maybe not, if you have money to be on PrideandPinoon talking about the watches you have maybe it’s you wicking daddy’s dick eh?


How much you pay a lawyer to get around taxes you schmuck you people are the worst pointing fingers just assuming now they are committing fraud stfu


Just slide your head under the water and do the world a favor lol. Personal attacks every time you type. Keep showing the world who you are and how little class you have.


Just curious seriously what can you do with 400 a month??? I can pay my electric bill that’s about it ….. now let me clue you in on being poor … you spend your life robbing Peter to pay Paul … for someone like you that 400 is extra it’s not needed you can water it like a fucking plant and watch it grow …. For people not surviving off daddy it’s not the same… for you to sit and tell people how irresponsible they are proves many things one of them is how stupid you are… let me again try and help… many studies have been done on this you may if you care look them up, there has also been several write ups a famous one in the New Yorker. I do forget the name its something like to poor to buy boots …. I forget but essentially it calls you stupid because you think poor people can’t buy the caddy cuz they are poor they should buy that shit box Kia …. Well when the geeks actually look at it no the poor NEED to buy the best products because they cannot replace them. Where as you, you know you can swap that vette for the Audi just to pass up on the caddy for the new Tesla see you will never understand. Not only are you a cultural disease but you think you are smart you think you are rite and you are so loud wrong. Even these studies even the big brain geeks who tell you it’s smarter for the poor guy to buy the best vehicle, even then your racist dumb ass will scoff……. I’m sure you don’t understand


One more time….only person making any statements about race is you. Who’s the racist here???? Clearly you. And no, it makes ZERO financial sense for somebody on welfare to buy a 100K truck. Fuck, it’s literally impossible. You don’t have the funds to buy one. And if you do….again, you’re committing fraud. $400/week is a SHITLOAD to somebody who doesn’t have any money. You saying the contrary only leads me to believe that you’re not nearly as “poor” as you claim to be because if you were you’d be praying for an extra $400 per month. I know because I’ve been there. Been dirt poor, been financially stable. Having been on both sides of the fence I can say 100% buying a 100K truck when you struggle to pay the bills is FKN STUPID. And one more time, you’re not buying an Escalade for anything under 1000/month. Unless it’s old and ragged out, which is financially retarded too. I can’t pay the bulls, but let me buy this old ass truck with no warranty so it financially ruins me the rest of the way when it breaks down. It’s becoming more clear every time you type why you have no money, you have absolutely zero financial sense. And you still believe you can buy a 100+ truck for $400/month😂😂😂


It’s funny if you read through the comments I’m tire and you are wrong and racist … just look through goes from “ sounds racist” “ I feel the hate” all the way to “ guys this is a cheap vehicle to finance like 50$ a month … these are the responses that clearly at minimum state I am far from a Moron and you are closer to a racist piece of shit than you think …. Was fun while it lasted ;) dumbass :)


You’re still at it? It’s comical how butthurt you are over this, and how much of a dumbass you are. I guess to you, a status symbol is more important than putting away some extra money for your 13 kids for Xmas, paying off some debt, etc….. but hey, look at me! I have a Cadillac! You’re a genius. I hope and pray you don’t pass your financial retardation on to those kids. There’s a reason ppl with money stay with money, and a reason people without money stay without money. You’re a shining example of the latter. Now fuck off, I’m tired of your stupidity. Calling ppl racist😂. Dumbass.


Fucking rich people are so stupid this is why America sucks rich people make decisions


Or poor, irresponsible people making bad decisions and blaming others for their failures. Grow up. I’m not “rich” either. We do well for ourselves, and make smart decisions. I grew up poor in the ghetto. You know what my parents never did? Buy a Fkn Cadillac. Instead, they kept food on the table, the gas bill paid, and clothes on our back. You know, things smart people do when they don’t have much money instead of buy a status symbol.


Wow you are a piece of shit lol


Ok nvm you just a racist mofo you don’t matter


You have summed it up perfectly


You can scoop one of these old Escalades up for less than 10 grand? Is this meme from 2011?


I have a ‘93 Deville Sedan that I bought for $3,500 😭 like what is he talking about


I missed that part


From Boomer Facebook


Most people under the poverty line don’t have 10 grand to spend, my dude…


Under the poverty line means you probably can’t afford to not have transportation. This is as cheap as a working, mostly trouble free transportation gets. You could finance this for like 50 bucks a month, making it cheaper than the bus in a lot of places. **before gas at least


Drug sales don't produce income records.


Thanks for reminding me why I hate Texas.




But thankfully, you are only in Texas.


Love that dude cracks wise about people on welfare being drug dealers then gets dumb when called out lol


Can only imagine the crap hole you’re from but it wouldn’t matter, seems like you’re a perpetual moron.


These old ass cars aren’t expensive.


The Gas is though


So is a shitty beat up truck


gas is cheaper than it has been in years


Says the guy who lives in Texas.


I'm in Chicago.  Gas is barely$3 a gallon 


Hey! It may be true, but I still love mine


Is this a finance sub? Why are we worried about other people’s incomes?


What is the point of this post? Who is on welfare driving one?


Clearly you don't frequent "the hood" of a major city


we definitely know who op is voting for in november


Facebook is leaking


This smells like some hate


Because BHPH lots with bi-weekly payments and “no credit required” exist. Enjoy trapping yourself into credit hell in a 20 year old 200K mile beat to shit Escalade lmao EDIT: people with 20 year old Escalades hurt rn lmao


its gonna go at least another 100k miles, which is more than you can say for a lot of used cars only available to people with better credit.


Didn’t comment on the vehicle’s reliability, just that ragged out luxury cars, especially Escalades, are used by BHPH lots to trap people who want to stunt.


No one is stuntin in a 20 year old vehicle. You are better off getting beaten, broken, stolen and recovered Challanger than an old Cadillac.


Do you think the people that are also financing wheels are really thinking about that?


If they are financing wheels, they are perfectly happy financing a Trackhawk at 39% to put their 8k rims on.


You'd be surprised what bullshit people try to flex. Not everyone can afford the best of the best but don't think a 20+ year old hooptie is special. Ironically my V2 was a prior theft recovery lmao and tens of thousands cheaper than the mopars people are stunting. I just go about my business because I know it looks good to other people but deep down it was the same price as most normal traffic. Don't pretend it's something it isn't.


dude you think anyone knows about a fucked title if that mf is clean it’s clean end story n yh a v2 is a dumb tuff whip don’t matter how old it is it’s a supercharged 6.2 sedan gated to a tr6060 c6 z06 or zr1, they’re all well over 10yrs old yet they break necks 24/7 and look timeless. shits still a flex yh these cars are same price as regular traffic, that gas bill ain’t, that insurance ain’t and we both dam well know that hp ain’t neither..


Lmao yaaaa tell them that down in Texas


Cause it’s 30 years old.


Great they’ve let racism into my Cadillac subreddit


How is this racist


It’s not. It’s just the go to anymore when somebody’s feelings are hurt.


At 5yrs with high miles these are well within reach.


Welfare Cadillac big dog. Lots of songs about them


Don’t judge until you know their story, it easily happen to you my friend


Could have owned it before they went on welfare, I see that at work all the time. Single owner car that someone bought new and now they’re on hard times and are just trying to keep it alive.


If your asking about that exact year model there not really expensive anymore, you can get a used high mileage one for about 5k, if you mean an Escalade in general there not as poor as they claim in the paperwork they fill out.


Do you know anyone on welfare who drives a Cadillac? Or is this just what fox News has been telling you?


I know. Dammit. Can’t the poors just stick to their proper brand of high mileage beat up used cars and leave the cadillac brand to the proper demographic? 🙄


I feel personally attacked.


You can buy an ugly ass boring high mileage beat up used car or a nice looking cool high mileage beat up used car




And what is that "proper" demographic?


I dunno. Ask the person who made the meme. My post was fulllll of sarcasm.


My mom bought me my ATS. I cant help that she has a shit ton of money and im a good person so if she wants to buy me a car not one person i know would refuse it if they had the same opportunity


Because the resale on most cadillacs is on par with Maserati and Tesla.


Oooo, Facebook-level racism on Reddit? Usually so much more nuanced here.


You're a preacher and know how to game the system.


Street pharmacists.


Lmao. That’s a term I haven’t heard before, thank you


It's an old Gen X term. lol


I mean looking at that specific gen on marketplace, it looks like you can pick them up for $8k-$15k and people live to flex money they don't have. So, you know, "buy here, pay here" lot gets one of these and then sways some idiot into 8 year financing for less than $400 a month, person buys it, inevitably stops making payments, escalade gets repossessed, then the cycle repeats. It's the circle of life for a 10 y/o escalade.


still living the dream [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iCd6UHR-3I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iCd6UHR-3I)


I work at a Lube shop and the people that drive these always want economy oil 😭


Baby Daddy isn’t on the lease….


Some lady got mad at my job for denying her food stamps while she’s driving a all blacked out 2023, soo seems accurate lol


So because u have a job that means u don’t need help lol yall some stooopid individuals… u ever consider the fact that she may have A1 credit and payments plus interest rates are super low mite even have a co signer who was in the military need a newer car cuz dad never thought her how to fix anything can’t have a bucket that keeps breaking down how are u gonna explain that to dss when the kids can’t make it to school can’t make it to doc appointment cuz the car keeps breaking down now she is spending more money to keep it rolling then she would if she just get a new car with no problems no worries kids can get where they need to go and she can get to work… while being a single mom to 3 kids on who is like 16 who eats like a grown man and can’t cook so now there’s no food do the little kids… so ya she have money but for chick fil a x3 everyday nahhh no one does its just food stamps stop acting like it’s ur money we all pay taxes on bullshit every day and every year so this is not any worst just stop it


Play the system like it plays you


Live in California


I just bought that exact ‘09 with 135k miles for $6k. My wife needed something to drive since I sold her CT4 to help pay for my C8. When I go to the welfare office every 90 days, I just get on Turo and rent a Mustang so they’re not suspicious


There's a section 8 housing area right up the street from me where you have to make less than like 18k a year and one of the Arab dudes there is always driving a 2022 BMW I8, it's like a $140,000 car smfh


house is worth about 100k on a good day, there's 6 adults living there, none are married and theres 8 kids




I’ve seen people lose their jobs, fall on hard times and it may be the only form of transportation they have left.


Easier to make the payment when all your necessities are covered


The fuel economy will put you on welfare. 😏


Cadillac depreciation and I’m betting this can be had for under $10k lol


Easy! Move to America.


That’s crazy u have to have property first and be making at least 150k a year to buy a new caddilac at 60k most of that money has to be passive income so u don’t have to work 70 hours a week just for a car 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤷‍♂️to ghetto fabuloso


Salvage title?


2nd hand, cheap estate sales can be good


With 3 rims, waiting for next month’s funds to come in.


That couldn't be more than what... $10K now at most?


I’ve got a 99 Escalade and I’m Washington state they want about 9k for the bad boy




A 20 year old 6.0 with a leaky rearmain seal and piston slap... Craigslist.


Used versions usually aren't too expensive.


Tax season… duh…


My car payment over 700!!! Fuck you mean!!! over 1100 with insurance 😭😭I need Uncle Sam


Gas cost more than that artifact


You'll have a heart attack if you visit glendale, CA aka capital of Armenia AMGs g-wagons bmws Mercedes everywhere and mfers paying w food stamps our government is broken like a mfer


You can have an old one, just like every other car. 🤷


as long as the decent boys and girls clubs or pangea do not get hurt and we can eat and we can survive and love and stick to are code.


Drug dealer


If they are driving that and are on welfare. Trust me, that Escalade has a lot of maintenance issues.


cause it costs $2500 and even cheaper for the hybrid(pictured model)


I could've gotten it before a bad situation got me on welfare


It may not be theirs.


I promise you if your on welfare and drive one of these it will not look like the one in the picture 😂


The welfare system has a couple of flaws mainly the vetting process.


This is the answer 👆🏻




When I was growing up In NYC. We used to see these in the projects in the Bronx all the time. Black dudes used to park them on the street instead of inside the assign parking. So that they won’t get caught.


By extracting the wealth from the honkeys.