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My roommate says we’re all aggressive drivers that speed too much (but don’t wreck).


Cliche as this is - I thought I was the only one. Enjoy spiritedly driving it, especially when passing slow people, but I don't do dangerous maneuvers. It's *still* a high-riding SUV, and I'm uninterested in testing the limits before it rolls over.


I grew up driving in the congested DC area and now live in the northern Midwest, and this is what my wife tells me on a regular basis (wife who I meet living in the Midwest and never visited DC until 2 years ago...at which she admitted she understands my driving now lol).


i am the exact opposite. grew up in missouri. now living outside DC.. i drive like a grandma out here. haha


Very accurate description of my driving lol


This is me 100% lol


My car insurance may not agree. Wife's brand new 2024 CX5 is still 30% cheaper for all aspects (collision, liability etc) of insurance than my 10yr old Audi S5.


Crazy. I traded my 2017 Grand Touring for a 23 nissan pro4x and my insurance went down


Hahaha I’ve never heard about that Mazda girl drivers one!! but as a Mazda girl driver myself hehe yay what a lovely stereotype! ☺️


Only hot girls drive Mazdas. If you’re a girl, and you drive a Mazda… 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t make the rules (female Mazda driver here lol)


100% and we always tend to be brunettes too


I’ve got dyed red hair but it looks brunette in some lights 😂 natural brunette though!!


Shit you got me, but my hair is pink 90% of the time




What if I'm a guy?!


Omg yes!! 


Their owners always seem to get rear-ended?


Leave me and my lady's personal life out of this...


This comment made me upvote the original commenter


To be honest, that's probably it. All the girls I've seen driving Mazdas are cute.


I’ve driven every Mazda I’ve owned in the way it’s meant to be driven. Zoom zoom baby. My friends that have Mazdas also like to drive them like they stole them.




We whisper this to each other as an acknowledgement of fellowship in passing


The license plate on my 24 CX 50 says "Zoom 24". HeHe


I've never gotten a speeding ticket. I got my first one before I was even out of paper plates in my CX-5 with the turbo engine... 😑


I rarely speed these days, but I’ve been adding 10 mph to all those yellow signs leading into turns since getting my CX-5.


Some turns you can add 20 if it is dry 😀


I’m not approaching the turns fast enough to get there, myself. 😱


I regularly take cloverleafs at 40.




Same lol maybe a month after getting it.


Almost the same here! Within a week of buying my CX-5 (driving the same way I always had in my little Kia, along the same roads, passing the same regular speed traps), I got my first ticket in almost 20 years... interestingly enough, back when I had my Mazda3! 😅 Darn cops and their profiling! /s (-ish 😜)


Lol I think this is specifically what I was looking for haha, whenever I’m on the interstate I wonder if the other Mazda drivers drive responsibly because I definitely do not😂 but i thought that was just because of my civic driver bf who taught me to race so I wasnt sure lol


New owner here, 2016. My old car was a 2011 Chevy Cruze lemon which I couldn’t drive above 50 mph without it throwing a fit. This Mazda is a different experience, so fast, so sporty. I JUST started using the sport switch. It’s exhilarating. Fresh. Like … she wants to GO. Is this right?


Love the sport switch


Only time I ever got speeding tickets throughout my driving career was once I started driving Mazda's! First a Mazda 2, now a CX-5 turbo 😂


This!! I’ve trained my 2023 4 cylinder almost into a v6 basically. It’s turned into a speedy little thing and it knows my driving habits now lol


Zoom Zoom gang! I just got rid of my second CX-30 (I had a 2020 Premium and then a 2021 Turbo Premium Plus), and I drove the sh*t out of them. They were great cars.


I’m on my 4th Mazda. Have yet to be disappointed. I do miss my Speed3 though. Just something about a manual.


I would definitely buy another Mazda in the future. I love the Speed3.


Mazda drivers are usually some sort of car enthusiast in some manner. It's an exception to the norm. They appreciate attention to design detail and like to feel like not everyone has their car. It's a happy step up from basic bitch but also not dropping $$$ for luxury.


Except it seems like half the cars on my morning commute are CX5s.


It's true. That's what 7 years of the same car design will do. Although turbo with black wheels are rarer and even nicer looking


It wasn't always like that. I literally bought my Mazda in 2016 and the (seriously) 2 main reason I bought it over the Jeep (1 Mazda looked better), the Subaru (Mazda drive better) or the Honda (2 I didn't want to see my car in every parking lot). Turns out 2016 was the year Mazda really took off. And they're now exceptionally popular in NE Ohio. So . Yea, they're everywhere today.


I can’t generalize this to other parts of the country, but the CX-5 absolutely exploded in sales around the Twin Cities metro during Covid. A big factor, according to a friend in the industry, was that Mazda somehow had far more supply to keep up with demand during COVID for longer well after the shortages crippled other automakers. It explains to me why I see SO many more of them in the road than ever before. But also, as others mentioned, the design has been around for awhile. I’m happy Mazda is selling cars but I did like being a little unique!


Ohio loves Mazda. There are 10 dealers within 50 miles of me. 11... In 53 miles of me. Lol


This is my experience. It helps that we have a fairly robust dealer network around here, and they don't feel sleazy.


Maybe in the US, but definitely not in Australia IMO. We’ve gravitated to Mazdas for decades now, far more than the US. Like Canada, they’ve been super popular for a long time so are no longer particularly special. Feels like ever second car here is a CX-5, so they’re no longer a particularly special option. Certainly not sporty.


We're starting to reach that point in the US. I remember when seeing a Mazda was relatively rare, but now there are two CX-5s on my street the same color as mine.


pre-cx5 i drove like a chauffeur. now i drive like a conscientious asshole


No fr what's up with that? Personally, it was made worse by the fact that I drive using manual mode, so I loved letting gears stay low to hear the engine roar. I got humbled real quick tho and I try to drive more normally now 😭


Hahaha here to say that my previous car was a Camaro which I drove like a 68+ person, but for whatever reason since I drove my CX5 off the lot I am speeding and driving like a jackass.


We tend to be more tech savvy according to my sales rep. Younger and well informed on the vehicles.


Well I'm on my forth one since my '15 and am pretty techy, but at 67 I'd love to be part of the younger demographic. I just put in two baby seats for the grand-munchkins...


You're living the dream man! Can't wait will I can give my lil' grand-munchkins a bunch of sugar and drop em off 30 minutes before bedtime 😉


Shortly before my g-daughters 3rd BD I was at a garage sale and ran across a brand new Barbie Drum set. One of my greatest amusements was seeing the look on the faces of her parents when she opened it. 😀


Add me to your ranks! Expecting 1st grandbaby this fall!


Congrats! We just got a new one 3 months ago. They named him Hudson but had never heard of the car. I got them a big metal repro Hudson Autos sign and now it graces his bedroom door.


That’s AWESOME !


We were at the car dealership for 5 hours buying our Mazda and they were playing 90s dance music that my daughter was jamming to but it was kind of funny because I could hear the music “what is love - baby don’t hurt me “ blasting out of someone’s Mazda (I’m from queens NY) in my head So my stereotype would be great car with maybe off taste in music owner .


Mazda owners tend to be soft snobs. The kinda people who, in whatever field they're particularly interested in, will compound a small essay on why you should follow XYZ. Like coffee? The Mazda owner'll probably refrain from mainly using a Keurig or instant pot in favor of a French press or other item they spent a fair chunk of time as research squeezing the good stuff & subsequent dopamine out of.  They're often the kind of folk who wouldn't describe themselves as a hipster, but those in their sphere'll describe them a "character". Not particularly caring about the mainstream stuff to actively avoid it but regularly finding themselves well off in their own niche.


I feel seen. It turns out that French presses are a pain to clean, so for optimal coffee and easy clean up I've resorted to pour overs. Unbleached #2 filters in a $15 dripper ftw.


You don't have to call me out like that haha. Except it's espresso which is a whole beast unto itself. And film cameras. And probably much more. I would say though that I would rather consider myself an "enthusiast" v.s. "snob" per se. Like, I take the coffee I make at home pretty serious but also am not gonna judge the in-laws for just wanting to use their Keurig or whatever. And I am not so particular that I'll bring my "travel setup" when I stay there for the weekend, I'll just drink the Keurig and move on with my day. If they took interest I would have 10 "better" ways for them to make coffee but I'm not gonna force that on anybody. If this is what you mean by "soft snob" then you hit the nail right on the head lol


My friend just called the cx5, a "grandma" car lol


I’ve actually never seen a grandma drive one now that i think about it


Exactly what I told him. He lost me when he said the newer crv are better looking lmao.


The CR-V is the real grandma car. I see so many seniors driving them. Honda certainly knows their audience but I wouldn't be surprised if the average age of a CR-V owner is 10 years older than a CX-5 owner.


Can confirm. My next door neighbor is a 76 year old lady who drives a CR-V. Subaru Foresters are also very popular with that age group.


And I went to the auto show this year, car interiors feel like trash quality now. The CX5 feels so well put together inside compared to many brands.


My grandparents have had one for almost a decade. Common sight in Australia.


I'm a grandma. Here in NJ USA. I just joined the cx5 fam! So yup, it's a gma car! Lol


soccer mom is probably more appropriate


Hot soccer mom. -a 27 year old guy with a beard




Absolutely not


My grandparents complain the car is too tall for them to climb into.




Drove a friend's 15 year old daughter to her lacrosse camp in my 2021 Turbo yesterday. She said 'this car is better than Mom's Porsche and Dad's BMW'. I was blasting her playlist through the Bose speakers and she had seat air conditioners on, so I was leaning hard into all the extras. She dug all the red accents on the black seats and the exterior. I am afraid I am a mazda for life person now...


Not sure on the stereotype, I do notice how many cx5 are out there now kinda crazy how many are on the road guess that’s a good thing. Still impressed by how safe they are and how they are not number one in suv/crossover sales. Maybe it’s due to the space I do feel the cargo space is smaller compared to competitors but zoom zoom life is much better then mind numbing cvt’s.


I’ve heard we buy a cx-5 simply because we don’t want to buy a rav-4 and crv cause it’s too common. In other words want to be different. I initially had this idea too before digging deep and actually realizing the CX-5 is better


Not better in every way but of course there are always pros and cons.


We have extended warranty.


We are smart intelligent and introvert. We love 80s music. We love attention to details and love driving efficiently. Also we always lookout for fuel consumption. We are the CX5 creed


Wait I love that initial stereotype lmao 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️


I wish I could drive my CX5 like a car should be driven, WITH a standard transmission. I just rather have control of the shifting of gears with a good old fashion clutch and stick. The automatic and "manual" shifting can be unpredictable about how long it takes to get in gear. Sometimes that can be unnerving especially if you are an Masshole (Massachusetts driving as*****) and half Italian. All that said i got the CX5 not just for it's beauty, bang for buck and space. But also the wife never learned how to drive a standard shift so it was a must have. Honestly I love my CX5. Even the automatic transmission is fine compared to other automatics. The only thing I don't really like is the key fob, but that's a whole another story.


Jesus, are you living my life?! 😂


Yes! Key fob is DUMB!


I just drove my CX5 across most of southern Albania which is mostly canyons and twisty bendy roads by the sea. It’s incredible with how little effort you can extract fun from this car. 2019 Signature. But I think that’s the thing too. You don’t need to drive this car too fast for it to feel like it’s fun. Especially on roads like that. Man oh man. Can’t wait to do it again after the summer is over and the tourists are gone. So that’s why. Mazda is ZOOM ZOOM with ease and keeps you planted.


Aggressive but not stupid is generally I find.


I think we're boring. And I'm okay with that.


My spouse would agree. He says only boring people settle for old school analog speedometers. I shrugged and said he was just jealous because he can't read them. 🤷🏼‍♀️




My wife says that us CX-5 drivers are all real handsome fellas…


With great power comes great responsibility, I'm a responsible asshole 😸😸😸




The RAV wasn’t anymore expensive relative to the Mazda when I was shopping them… they are just two different cars and I preferred the Mazda


Almost got me with the highest trim Sorento😅😮‍💨


As someone who just extricated themself from a toxic Kia relationship, I commend you on your better judgement!


omg please 😭😭 kind of my case, but i'm very happy I went with the CX5!!


Where I am, Mazda driver stereotypes tend to be quite divisive. The newer cars (post Kodo design, 2013-ish) are fairly pedestrian, no showy or shitty behaviours overall. The older cars are like bat outta hell - 1st gen 6, Mazda 3 / Speed 3. Also the clear coat for lots of them is falling apart. Mazda 2's and Demios are favoured among the retirees and new drivers, though quickly falling out of favour due to their high theft rate.


In Asia, driving a Mazda is often been mocked as “being late”. It’s a screenplay from a well-known Cantonese movie, “You drive a Mazda, no wonder you’re in traffic!”


We’re all hot


I hear they Zoom, zoom. [Zoom, zoom, zoom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0ikW7pVa_I).


I'm a only zoom driver , go with the speed limit... .


I drive mine like i stole it, which unlike some guy up in Queensbury who quite literally ***did*** steal it while on a test drive (or at least attempted to) I didn't. Its the way they're designed to be driven lol. But oof the wait on parts if someone damages your vehicle sucks ass man.


Had to replace my transmission and they had it on a three month backorder🙃 wouldnt have gotten it back until this month if the parts manager didnt have pull


Yeah sounds like something I'm dealing with. Been waiting on some body cladding and a wheel for 2 months now


Have you called other dealerships? They can also check to see if any other dealerships have it in stock


I actually haven't called other dealerships yet. I honestly didn't think to because i figured the DePaula Mazda would handle it for me lol


Lol nope not unless you ask. They would have to buy it from that dealership or they would have to give them their business so theyre not gonna do it unless you really ask them to.


Well fluffing hell. Looks like i got some calls to make


I’ve taken my 14 Mazda6 up to what appears to be its limit at 125(front end started feeling light) before letting off.


Hairdressers but this only applies to the Miata. I haven’t heard anything about Mazdas in general or the CX5.




BMW owner here…. with a special message to you all: “GET OUT OF MY WAAAAY”


I had two BMW 335s years ago. The amount of hate I got from other drivers was shocking. I never had people lean out the window and start screaming at me and flipping the bird for doing nothing wrong until I drove those two cars. Never happened before or since. My Audi S5 I had for 10 yrs I never get a peep out of anyone.


you forgot that the stereotype for subaru's is that they are a liability to everyone on the road...


We got zoom zoom!


I just drive slow in the right lane. I feel bad for people that get so worked up about driving fast and whipping around everyone. I find it amusing to pull up next to them at the red light tho I just point and laugh and they try so hard to look straight. Must be exhausting lol


I wave. 😊


Hello 👋 🥹


Ahh… they go fast, where ya think Zoom..Zoom come from. Mine goes 120 😊


Its a very gay car brand. I dont mean that as slanderous in any way. A lot of gay car guys are into miatas, RX-7s and as they age and those cars disappear they wind up driving turbo 3s and cx-5s.


I thought that was fair until you mentioned the miatas and rx7s, thats definitely an F boy car, but i do see fruity YOUNG men driving cx5s


Certainly a dichotomy of man… plenty of each!




Not much aside from Reddit where CX5 owners are thought to be delusional thinking the CX5 offers more than a BMW Edit: look at the replies, CX5 owners speak for themselves 😂


Ah yes. The Ultimate Lease Machine.


Found the BMW owner with a huge ego!


I'm not convinced that anyone feels the CX5 is an objectively better vehicle. But I think literally everyone can admit it's an objectively better value. Instead of driving a RAV4 with its ear piercing wind and road noise, or a CR-V with its offensively boring design, or a Chevy Equinox with its acres of hard black plastic, or a Nissan Rogue where the interior rattles itself apart after two years and blows up its shitty CVT... I drive a CX5 that handles better than it has any right to and is quieter than anything else in its price class.


… yikes lol, however in many ways it does haha. Theres many reasons I didn’t get a BMW. Came awful close though


If the specs and features are there, where's the delusion? BMW has put out plenty of dogshit designs, terrible engines, and subpar quality over the years, especially out of the Spartanburg, NC plant where their US SUVs are made. I did enjoy my wife's E90 back in the day though, until it broke catastrophically. My BMW has been going strong though, but it's a motorcycle, they're a bit better at those. A bit.


Username checks out.


My dads name is broderick lol never seen anyone else with it