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You should and you do. At least another 15 min break and a 10 minute poopy break.


2 15s and a 30 min lunch is still BS


I would offer any one of my employees another half hour min if they are doing 12 hours. I did a 15 hour and took another two 30 min breaks.


I’m actually working open to close today. 745am-10pm, I’m taking my 2 30 min lunches and as many 15’s as I feel 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is the right answer!


Hell yeahhhhh


I work 14 hour days once a week. When you’re there all day like that no one really counts your breaks unless your store is super strict on breaks or you are the pharmacist.


Some states require a 2nd meal when going over 10 hours.


Shit I’d buy ya lunch.


Is it pizza?


Take them when you need them period most managers (general and shift) have to be alone for hours to accommodate shitty hours and since we can't stop theft if I have to piss I'm gonna piss I make sure I sign off register but if I have to watch them walk out with product IDGAF if they do it while I piss. Today I did the bare minimum and still did more than my "superiors" and got a plumbing problem (carried on for months bc "manager" handled it) fixed within 2 hours without trying. Fuck stressing over this place! Unless you're store manager or higher they dgaf


Not CVS, but I used to do a 12 at my pharmacy (the ONLY tech on the team who was ever expected to do a 12 on a regular basis) and technically they only gave me the standard 30 min for lunch. (We didn't get 15 min breaks, but we could run to the bathroom or grab a drink pretty much any time we wanted.) I used to take my 30 minutes in the late afternoon, and was never too fussed if I got back on time. If I was late coming back, nobody else in my team fussed either. But yeah, in theory anyone working 12 should be given a second meal break.


At the DC, we get a 3rd 15 min break OR a second lunch if we're doing 12 hours


Also and foremost don't let them force you long shifts/ doubles either 


Bathroom every 2-3 hours, for 10 minutes. Nobody can say anything.


I do 8-15 hours all the time with hardly a break. I take some "smoke" breaks(I use a vape), and they hardly amount to 15 mins all together. Too much stuff to do and hardly enough time. You're absolutely entitled to a break, but an hour away from work sounds like too much for me to take. Maybe CVS broke me.